
Walking Funnies!

The Importance of walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at  £4,000 per month.

My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old and we have no idea where the hell he is.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing...

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A Summer,s Odyssey

I have just re-read A Summer,s Odyssey by Jennifer Sue.It is a real feel good story with plots and sub plots to keep the readers attention.Give it a try you shouldnt be dissapointed.Thank you Jennifer Sue for keeping me enthralled for the last few evenings.

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Why am I smiling like a little girl? ^_^ There's nothing new about that, but I thought I'd share the reason.

I realised this morning... On one of my routes to work, I pass a house with a title. The title has "dyke" in it. ^_^
Despite my hardline MegaTomboyness, I am a Lipstick Lesbian at heart. The mere THOUGHT of being embraced by a "dyke" makes me feel all squishy inside. ^_^

Don't worry gentlemen, I am not 100% lesbian. It's just that "Lipstick Almost-Lesbian" can be a bit odd sounding at times.

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one small victory

Well one problem solved. Leaving mall with new smart phone. The old one was dying and the battery was swelling in the center. So now I need to wait for next unemployment check to get antenna for computer. But. Will be writing till then and may move. Computer to modem and post thatway

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Enlightened Speech on Equality

This video has gone viral; so, many of you may have seen it already, but if you haven't, it's something to see. This is Washington State (Republican) Representative Maureen Walsh's heartfelt remarks on ESSB 6239 (same sex marriage in Washington State) during the recent pre-vote debate.!

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Finding acceptance in my own skin

I recently was dragged to the local pool by my mother. Now a little background. I'm TS. I've been non-op for over 15 years due to being massively overweight. I am FAT, balding, bad skin (psoriasis) don't do the makeup thing but do do nail varnish and I usually dress casually... stretch pants and a simple t-shirt. In spite of all this I 'pass' easily in the women's change room.

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Some story ideas

This is an idea I had a while back, but I don't have the skill to write it the way I want to. It always sounds bad when I try to write it, and I don't know how the middle bits should fit together. So if anyone likes the idea and wants to write it, feel free to change any of it. The main points are that he makes a wish to be a girl without meaning it, and when his wish comes true, he tries to pretend like it never happened, presenting himself as male. When people realise he is a girl they think he has always been female and is crossdressing.


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Negative Comments and their effects on Authors

I am a new member here, but have been a reader for some time. I recently wrote PRIVATELY to an author here. She alerted me to the number of negative comments she had received for one particular story and we discussed the pain such negativity can cause in the mind of the writer. Can I make a suggestion? There is a management tool called the 'Praise Sandwich' in which the first paragraph is something positive or praise-worthy; the second and third (if necessary) can be something negative or critical, and the final paragraph again something positive.

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A thought I had several decades ago, and has been reiterated more than once here is the idea of wearing a mask. Nothing physical, just the emotional face you show people under different circumstances. We always have one on. Sometimes they are thinner than other times, but we always wear it. I think couples occasionally drop them, but even then it is rare.

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Who I am, and why my avatar name.

This is my first entry. There is a lot about using BCTS I don't know, I will try to learn over time.

Allow me to introduce myself. Over time I will talk about me, then branch out. I will try my hand at fictional writing eventually, I already do a lot of writing of a different nature, text books and electronics. I am in my mid 50's.

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Update on "The Dream"

Hey everyone,

Sorry it has been quite some time since I have posted anything.

My muse seems to have taken a vacation (without my approval), I have some written but as soon as I can find the right thought process I will continue.

Thank you all for being patient and I will continue Terri's events

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It's Bitch & Whine Time Again!

I HATE it that, when I click on the "Great Story" button, to make room for "Thank you for the kudo" (or whatever it says), everything below drops a line. So, when I try to click on "++Bookmark", I end up clicking on something else.

It seems to me that there is plenty of blank space to the right of the GS button so why does the 'kudo' acknowledgement have to go UNDER it in space that has to be created forcing the blue links out of position?

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Small steps - the next one: Waiting for some numbers

Today I visited the "officially sanctioned vampires".

I had an appointment with the endocrinologist to find out if there are any medical influences to my transsexuality.
They took only about eight or nine vials of blood to analyze my current hormone status and look for potential chromosomal irregularities.

Now I have to wait a few days for some numbers ;)

Realistically I expect unremarkable values inside the normal range, but surprises are possible.

After that I will start to think about the next steps. (or rather plan the next steps I'm thinking about for years...)

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the "Procedure" ?

Hello every body.
In several stories, there is a mention of a procedure to pass as a woman before having the go to have THE surgery.
It goes something like this:
-1- Testicles back up into abdomen.
-2- Empty scrotal sacks pulled around penis to simulate labial lips.
-3- Penis straight back.
-4- Surgical glue holding the penis against the perineum.
Is there any reality to it?
Is there any name for it?
Any way to search it on the web without so many other stuff that are no related in any way ?

Thanks for your time.
Have a good night T.M.F.

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Holiday Reading

I just had a weeks holiday in sunny Spain ,average temp 20o,luverly jubbly as England is 10o.I took my kindle ready loaded with two Tanya Allans and one Susanne Brown,and when we were not sightseeing or marketing I had a thoroughly good read and lost myself in London and Penmarris.Many thanks to the two authors for some good reading.

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May be losing more sites

A few weeks back I went to look over a site named Vicki Irene's. I'm sure many of you have checked it over. She had posted that she never asked for help paying for the site, but stated she was open to any donations someone wanted to give. The site name expired and she apparently never re-newed it. It has been gone for many weeks now. We lost the old geocities sites....many are on reo-cities I guess. Haven't checked yet. Today I went to open Sapphire's site, and the name has expired there also.

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LGBT Center In NYC

I was reading my AARP newspaper (organization for retired people)and found a article about the opening of a LGBT center in NYC that will help with the following, Caregiving-Financial Planning-Employment Assistance-accessing Healthcare and for those that have HIV. The center will serve about 300 people, now if other cities would do the same thing what a beautiful world it would be.

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a change

So after reading and commenting on DAW's alias blog it got me thinking. It has been a few years sence I started using Shadowstarr85 and Im almost completly diffrent person.So Ive decided to change my username. Being a unabashed DnD geek I am still using a former character's name

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it's another looking for a story blog

I don't recall much about the story, but the title page had a picture of a young child either falling into a puddle or already in it. I think the story was about the boy,getting wet, putting on clothes that belong to a friend of his

I there's problems between his parents, but I could be mixing to stories there.

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Looking for stories

Two of them, actually. The first one is fairly recent. Guy turns into a girl, and because mom made him play dolls with his little sister, (s)he has an addiction to pink.

Second one is much older. Guy tells best friend he is going to a different college than the two of them had planned, and the friend gets all upset and feels betrayed. Second part is from an outside viewpoint, and it seems everybody else thinks he is actually a girl. One calls his pack a "hobo bag" which is a style of purse. Oh, first guy is a transfer student, small build, long hair, kinda fem-looking face.


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Here's the news from Scotland with Lostflower

Hi I'm Lostflower or possibly Hannah
I'm also still cowering in the closet in western Scotland and my doctors fought tooth and nail against giving me hormones prior to the dreaded Real Life Test.....and they wondered why I wanted to make my rather vaguely planned (read making it up as I go) transition easier and less traumatic.
It might be because of things like this


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Happy New Year

Hi everyone

After all the fuss of the festive season its back to the normal drudgery. Firstly Lulu have got a stunning offer until the end of the month, 25% off! So now's a great chance to get your Gaby calendar or catch up on the books! Click here to go straight there!

25% off any of my books
Coupon Code: LULUBOOKUK305
Coupon expires 31 January 2012
 £50 Max Savings

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Authors Please

To all you wonderful AUTHORS first THANK YOU for taking the time to write and post these GREAT stories. I have a small request - can you please put TBC or FINIS-THE END or let us know the story has ended sometimes you can't tell because you leave it open for a sequel.Karen Bishop has got me spoiled with putting down 1 of ? how ever many chapters the story has . I know that some stories grow as you write them so FINISH would be kind of nice
THANK YOU ALL for the enjoyment I get from reading these FREE stories -- LOVE YOU ALL -- RICHIE2

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Tigger and Acting Dominant

I thought I might take a chance and hope that Tigger reads this, here. I just re-read one of his stories titled Acting Dominant. It was first posted to the tg fiction list and later at FM, for those that might have missed it. I just wanted to let him know it is an awesome piece of work, and encourage anyone that missed it, to check it out.

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Richard Alf, Comic Con Cofounder dies at 59, from cancer

On, report that Richard Alf who co-founded comic-con in 1970 has passed to the large comic book in the sky. He died from pancreatic cancer. I know that there are a lot of folks on here that like comic book hero types, so I thought this might be of interest.


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So much hate

Tomorrow at a local church there will be a funeral for a fallen soldier, and a certain group whom we all know, will be there to protest and promote their hate.

The good news is that a radio station’s morning show has asked there fans to be there and line the street to create a wall to bloke these idiots. Believe me I will be there.

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