
Beautiful Girl

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Beautiful Girl

You’re a beautiful girl, Beautiful girl,
So more than anything I’ve ever seen before
So I’m thinking of you right now
Thinkin’ of you even tho your fallin’

Beautiful girl, beautiful girl
So more than anything I’ve ever seen before
So I’m thinkin’ of you right now
Thinkin’ of you even tho I shouldn’t be

Have a friend is a grace,
keep a friend, is a virtue
be your friend is an honor


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USA - Mega Lotto

Well if those of us here in the USA keep Buying Mega-Lotto Tickets as they have the last two days the Jackpot could be over $600 Million by Fridays Draw Time. WOW! Well gotta go get some more HA!HA!

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Sometimes you get LUCKY

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Sometimes it works out for the good . My Garage door took an electrical surge and not knowing who to call I called the original installer, they found a circuit board was fried and said it was under warranty a week later (TODAY)they came to install new parts and pulled a NEW motor from the box all for $20.00 labor charge and 65.00 service call WOO-HOO.That made my dayand the door now goes up & down without me pulling it.I just neede to share this with my BCTS friends ---HUGS RICHIE2

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New story.

Hi all, I've decided upon dropping the entire sci-fi and magical transformation in my latest series of stories I've been writing. I've re-worked several characters and, of course, the plot into a new story. This new story, still untitled as of yet, will be a real world transgender and coming of age story in the style of Becoming Robin and Sarah Carerra (two of my favorite series' on this site), yet this story will be told from a third person perspective (unlike Robin and Sarah).

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Germany: Transgendered kid will be send to mental institute, please help

Hi everyone.
In Berlin a transphobic court has admited the transgendered girl Alex into a mental institute. Apparently there was a custody battle between father and mother and the father used the youth office to seperate the transgendered kid from her mother, since the mother "induced" transsexuality. A youth worker decided that the transsexuality had been "induced", after talking to the kid for about an hour. In the process neither the child, nor her doctors nor independend experts were heard.

Cats and their house slaves

I just saw this webcomic and thought I should share it with all of you who are tolerated by your cats ;)

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High school PE

It's been a *lot* of years since high school, and I find myself needing a better idea of what sorts of things they have the kids doing in PE these days. Especially at the start of the year, and at the start of the second semester. Both boys and girls PE.

Heck, I'm not even sure what sports practices would be going on those times of year (Sept/Oct, and Jan/Feb)

So if you have recent experience (either yourself or your kids, let me know. It's for some of the story plotting I'm doing.

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Writers Block

Hi everyone,

I'm kind of stuck with my writing. I'm currently writing four stories at once, two others abandoned somewhere in the middle and one more or less finished, but I'm kind of unsatisfied with it.

I have to write a sex-scenes for my new werewomen story and totally no motivation for it... then I need to write another sex-scene for my "Tomgirl Revolution" story which explores a world where sex reassignment surgeries are available for everyone, but most people just switch the sexual organs and keep everything else the same.

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trying to find or use tag's

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hello there everyone I hope you have as nice weather as I have been getting here. I have a question I am trying to find some stories not buy any-one author but with a type of topic .((((Good boy's who are turned into bad girl's)))) I tryed to type this into search and lot's of hits for bad boy into good girl any ideas ? or where I can look or narrow my search I am not too good using computers thank you kitty purrs hello (anyone need some fur? )


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Gaby - The Anime Days

Can you believe that Gaby first appeared over 9 years ago and that the first printed editions came out in 2005? Me neither.

Over the years, many people have contacted me about inconsistences, bad spelling and so on and finally I've done something about it! From today you can get Gaby - The Anime Days 2nd edition which has been reformatted, re-edited (with help from Angharad, thanks again A)and a new cover treatment produced. I hope that overall its a bit slicker and this version will become the definitive one.

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Serious Question


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Please don't take this the wrong way. I am seriously interested in the subject and would like some insight form those members who read this.

A background first. I am a bi male who enjoys the hell out of sex with men yet loves the hell out of sex with women. Given a choice between the two, it would depend on which I'd had the most recent satisfying sex with as to which I would desire more at the moment. I'd probably like to share both more than have to pick one and only one.


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Ok, so this is little old me with my brand new butch haircut :) which, according to some guys I know, makes me look cute. This way you peepz know who you are talking with ;p mtc.jpg

PS Why is it always guys that call me cute???? Have never been able to figure that one out .... go figure

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addy 2

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When I was bringing my mom to the trainstation (ok with 2 stop in between, getting petfood for the cats and one very long one in the café :d) I had a GP passing by from the external health service of my employer. Checking up on me. Ok that's twice in not even a week that I had a check-up. What are they going to do??? Contradict their own firm/collegues??? >first one confirmed my leave from work till the summer which is officially sick leave while I'm NOT sick)< Grmbl so here I am.

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C’est ècrit

C’est á¨crit

Elle te fera changer
La course des nuages
Balayer tes projets
Vieillir bien avant l’á¢ge
Tu la perdras cent fois
Dans les vapeurs des ports
C’est écrit…..

Elle n'en sort plus
De ta mémoire
Ni la nuit, ni le jour
Elle danse derriá¨re
Les brouillards
Et toi, tu cherches, et tu cours

Et tu ráªves, tu ráªves….
Qu'est-ce qu'elle aime
Qu’est-ce qu’elle veut
T’en passeras des nuits
ဠregarder dehors
C'est écrit....

Et ses ombres qu'elle te
Dessine autour des yeux
Et ces ombres qu’elle te
Dessine autour des yeux

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Want to Write but What to Write

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I should write more, but for some reason I'm finding it hard to actually do it. I want to improve my writing skill, do something creative and constructive instead of just consuming the stories here, but I've always put it off because I've felt that I can't live up to my own expectations or that I can't match the intricate and clever plots of the authors here or other silly excuses. Maybe I should just write from the heart.

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Research: Makeup tutorial

Hi everyone,
I'm writing the next story of my werewomen series and as it goes my main character feels the need to learn to do her own makeup. Since she's going to fight with it, I need at least a basic knowledge of how that works, but alas I know about as much about makeup as I know about hyperspace travel.

Can you help me and my character with our lack of knowledge? It would be nice if someone could link a video or text and pictures tutorial that explains how to do one's makeup.

thank you,

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jobs i cant do

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So my roommate Tanya asked me to help her out while she does a girl scout cookie booth. Well my job is less glamorous. I'm watching the 6 month old child she babysits. It's been an hour and I'vs changed a diaper that caused the dog to run in terror. Now the little ball of joy won't stop crying. I am not a child person. I will be glad when she is done, of course that's four hours from now.

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She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting

Beautifully shot ... a clip that's worth seeing over and over again ... have a good day !!!

Mother Nature She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,, and hurting ....>>>>

This is an awesome video with great music. Please share. --

I thought you all may find this interesting.


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C'est de la poésie

Puisqu’on ne vivra
Jamais tous les deux
Puisqu’on est fou
Puisqu’ils sont
Si nombreux
Mem᪠la morale
Parle pour eux
J’aimerais quand
Mem᪠te dire
Tout ce que j’ai
Pu á¨crire
Je l'ai puisᨠá 
I’ en cre de tes yeux


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Last evenings appointement was replaced with an appointement this morning at the main office. After a, not even, 2 minute chat the GP endorsed the demand from my employer to retire me :(:(:(:(. So I'll be waiting for the summons of the retirment commission now.

Still weirded out 'cause the want to retire me for medical reason while I'm >insert curse words< not even sick. Okay maybe I have the start of a cold at the moment (freezing at night and in the 18 °C in te afternoon)

Not feeling to swell

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All male/female societies and their implications

Hi everyone,

there was a discussion at a blog of Angharard's yesterday, I sparked with a not so thought through comment... Someone made an interesting statement though... The fact that an all female society would be vastly different from the society we have today. I think that's quite an interesting topic, considering all those gender war stories that tend to crop up and expanding anti-male/female chauvinism.

looking for a story

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Ok can't recall the title, but the story is about a boy who moves to his half sisters place who has two children. There is an aunt and uncle who try to get the now girl back bevcause they want her money from a fund set up by her dead father and the aunt and uncle are absusive

Also a trans male named Sam becomes a boyfriend

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Transformations (second draft)

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OK, I'm going to be talking about ways that sex changes can/could happen in a story. I'm not saying that this is how you have to do things, but my goal is to look at the actual biology/genetics and try to keep things compatible with reality to the greatest extent possible.

This is what's called a "hard" science fiction approach. You take the way reality works (to the best of our knowledge) and make the minimum changes required to achieve your story's goals.

So, since the first thing you need to know when writing about anything is how things are in the real world. This prevents you from making errors like giving Switzerland a seacoast.

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For my Princess - the road ahead

When I saw the stats on the most recent chapter I began to wonder if I had done something wrong with the story so I asked a few people for their opinions, the feedback I got was very useful and enlightening.

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proof my roommate Tanya hates me

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As mentioned before, my roommate Tanya is a girlscout troop leader. She got the call that the cookies are in and now in the living room is thirty cases of cookies. This is cruel and mean of her because o am a chocoltarian. Yes, my religion is based around the many forms of chocolate. Now there about 40 boxes of somoas in the living room and I have been threatened with bodily harm if a single cookies somehow manages to disappear.

This is torture. She was smart enough to leave the thin mints in the trunk of her car

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once again regarding through the years

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I'm sorry for those who are waiting for the next chapter. I am still having internet issues with computer and can't seem to get the phone to teather to the puter. I also have had several other ideas pop into my head and wanted to get the stuff out of my head. I do have a couple of Tracy chapters almost ready but working on something and need to get it looked at twice for the contact, must make sure I don't mess up bible wise

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About comments

Hi everyone...

I'm registered on this site since about a year and I commented quite a few stories. The problem I encountered was that people really prefer the comments on their stories differently.
I actually avoided registering on this site since I was used a rougher climate from another fiction site and didn't want to melt people in the rain. In the end I did it anyway because someone started to complain she got too few comments.

What happened to the retro classic commentary?


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I just tried to look for a story at the retro classics commentary and the link lead to a dead page. What happened to that awesome function?
I really liked checking older stories someone else bothered to write a comment about.

It would be cool if that function would return,

CNN article: Kids who veer from gender norms at higher risk

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CNN has an article posted on their web site about the problems of children who do not conform to gender norms.

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Writing again

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Ok, I managed to add a bit more to Morgan earlier today, and will hopefully get more done tonightr.

No promises though.

I *did* figure out how to use that outfit I came up with. Minor alterations make it a sports bra and and a pair of *tight* spandex bike shorts. So Morgan can wear it while biking. Maybe over to Chris's house. :-)

And for anybody who cares, Morgan's bike:

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work again

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It official euhmz in a non-official way. My HRM is getting the paperwork ready for an apperance by yours truly before the retirement commission (civil sevice -> always with commissions >shakes head<) and will normally file them friday, just before the weekend. This means I should get my copy of the filing letter somewhere around monday or tuesday next week. If al goes to procedure I should have an advisory from the outsource health/sick service in the 2 weeks following (which can be only a letter or a doctor visit, the later followed by a letter).

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Walking Funnies!

The Importance of walking

Walking can add minutes to your life.
This enables you at 85 years old to spend an additional 5 months in a nursing
home at  £4,000 per month.

My grandpa started walking five miles a day when he was 60.
Now he's 97 years old and we have no idea where the hell he is.

I like long walks, especially when they are taken by people who annoy me.

The only reason I would take up walking is so that I could hear heavy breathing again.

I have to walk early in the morning, before my brain figures out what I'm doing...

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If it weren't for bad luck I'd have none at all

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Today started off with my doctor measuring my weight and telling me I'd lost another 13lbs in 8days. This after I'd lost 13lbs all month prior to that. I was dancing off the walls!!!

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