

It is a repeat of the post. I tried to post, got tripple post, and while deleting, deleted it all. I feel blond.

I tried to write an introduction, but got too angry remembering parts of my life (or was that frustrated? It was a whole lot of different emotions). So I just stopped midpost.
May be I'll write it next time.

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Religious Bras, FYI!

Religious Bra
Do you need a laugh?? What Religion is Your Bra?

A man walked into the ladies department and shyly walked up to the woman behind the counter and said, 'I'd like to buy a bra for my wife. '

' What type of bra?' asked the clerk.

'Type?' inquires the man, 'There's more than one type?'

'Look around,' said the saleslady, as she showed a sea of bras in every shape, size, colour and material imaginable.

'Actually, even with all of this variety, there are really only four types of bras to choose from.'

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Lady Fairburn's moles

Lady Fairburn’s moles

This is for all the readers of Susan Brown’s wonderful Penmarris stories who somehow believe that Lady Fairburn’s problems with moles are, how can I say this, somewhat exaggerated.

If the link below works, you can hear that Baroness Bety Boothroyd, former speaker of the House of Commons has a similar problem.

I hope it works, it is quite entertaining

Love to All

Anne G.

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Alternative story download format

Hello everyone,

I love reading the stories posted on this site, but unfortunately my E-reader does not really get along well with plain HTML format documents, and copying them into a RTF/plaintext manually would be a big pain in the butt and probably butcher the formatting. I was thinking of creating something for my personal use to convert stories (given their URL) to an epub document to make it easier to view on portable devices.


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Sorry to clog up the blog with this question.

Hi there. I was enjoying a story about a hebrew sniper who transitions while still in the military. At one point she is on a protection detail on a boat (big big boat) with some important politico and his daugher. She kills all the bad guys and escapes with the daughter in an inflatable boat.

I was wondering what is the title/author of such a story. I'm curious if its been finished or abandoned.


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Green Fields of France

oh how do you do, young willy mcbride
do you mind if i sit here down by your graveside
and rest for a while in the warm summer sun
i've been walking all day, and im nearly done
and i see by your gravestone you were only nineteen
when you joined the great fallen in 1916
well i hope you died quick
and i hope you died clean
or willy mcbride, was is it slow and obscene

did they beat the drums slowly
did they play the fife lowly
did they sound the death march as they lowered you down
did the band play the last post and chorus
did the pipes play the flowers of the forest

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Frohe Weihnachten - or - A different Christmas Eve

Here in Germany Christmas Eve is the most important part of Christmas.
Most people go to church in the afternoon followed a big meal and the gift giving in the evening.

In my family we normaly celebrate Christmas Eve without other guests. When my siblings moved out to start their own families they continued that custom.

Christmas Eve is for each family on thier own and then on the two Christmas Days some of us get together at one of their places if it is possible.

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For the more patient or completist collectors

Yes, today you can now get the complete Book 9 - More Changes from the usual sources and as it has an ISBN - 978-1-4710-2194-7, it will soon be available at Amazon etc too!


and don't forget your Gaby calendar too

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Small steps

About four years ago I suddenly realized that I am female, even if my body disagrees.

The decades before I just thought I was a little different than the other boys, more sensitive, emotional, softer.
More empathetic, I was told that I'm a good listener.

I never got his competitiveness, "I'm better/stronger/more whatever than you" which was going on between the other boys.

Fortunately I grew up in a very caring and (positively) sheltered environment, in a loving family without any real conflicts. (At least I don't remember any.)

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Pvt. Manning defense team says he is GID

According to a local newscast, the defense team for Pvt. Bradley Manning, the soldier accused of leaking secret documents to Wikileaks, says Manning has Gender-Identity-Disorder. It was one of his alternate female personalities that leaked the documents. ???????

I have not been able to come up with a source for that last statement, but the APWire has this in it's story: "The defense has said that Manning, who is gay, was bullied by fellow soldiers. Manning's defense team says he told Adkins he suffered from gender-identity disorder - the belief that he was born the wrong sex."

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Lesbian Mom Responds to Troy, MI Mayor's Homophobic Comment

Some of you may have heard about the Troy, MI mayor's comment on her Facebook page that came out last week last week. Janice Daniels, the recently-elected mayor, posted this on her FB page back in June: “I think I am going to throw away my I Love New York carrying bag now that queers can get married there.”

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Kindle Update

Thanks to everyone who left help and support here.

I finally bit the bullet and went through Amazon's copyright process and was able (without using more than my nom-de-plume) demonstrate that it was my story, or at least, that it was not the purported author's story, and they removed it.

Although I did provide the same data for Karen Elizabeth L.'s story, evidently since I did not claim it, they did not remove it.

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Identical Twins, sorta, one is transsexual

This is a good article on a family in Maine that are dealing with a transgender kid who is part of a set of identical twins. One is a son, the other a daughter, but biologically/genetically should be about the same.

It would be interesting to see the results of a genetic study and fMRI scan on the two of them. I think it is studies of identical twoins that would be most useful to learn about the sources of being TS, eh?

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About My Hair

For those who said that I should let my hair grow out and straighten it, I can do that. I have tried to straighten it out and nothing keeps it straight at all. It just keeps curling up on me after dries out. Since I grew up in the military family, I have gotten use to having my hair short. I have a wig that is red and long, so I can wear that if I want to go out. I was thinking along that line right now.

Joshlyn Amanda

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Macy's worker fired for denying dressing room to transgender

SAN ANTONIO -- A local college student says she was fired from her job for refusing to allow a transgender woman into the women's dressing room. Now she's speaking out, saying her religion conflicts with the store's transgender policy.

Liberty Counsel, a religious advocacy group, is representing 27-year-old Natalie Johnson after she was fired over the Nov. 30 confrontation. Johnson said she was never aware of Macy's transgender policy, but now that she is, she doesn't agree with it.

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My Path

Yesterday I wrote that my mom was fine with my feelings. Well, from the way I understood from listening to her I am allow to explore my girl side as long I do not make a show of it. I like to be a girl alone, unless I find some who are like me here in Nashua, NH. I will go out in public, but first I need to get something’s under control. Then I am getting my body ready for both. I like to cut my hair short, for it grows curly and thick. So I am looking at getting all my hair remove from the face down. When I look think of myself as a girl I think red head.

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Talked To My Dad

Sisters and Brothers,

Yesterday I talked to Dad about how I was feeling. Well, he understood what I was going through. He asked me to look into other ways of relaxing.

That is when I really stress out. I feel more comfortable at times as a girl then I do as a boy, but most of the time it is a balance between both boy and girl. I going to try talking to my mom next. I’d like know what you all think.

Thanks for being supportive,


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OMG, the Beach Boys are opening a Resturant-Good Vibrations

The article seems uncertain about the nature of the food to be served, though concentrated more on the cutsey titles of songs for the dishes. I thought that given the association with the Beach Boys, all the desert around Vegas, that they would surely sell the Sand-Which-is there! And with the name of the resturant, they could do a good sideline in sex toys -- Good Vibrations ought to sell a lot of those, especially if monogramed!! LOL

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The girls of my life growing up

I was sitting here at the computer getting some things done for work, and while I was pondering things, some old memories hit me. Flashes from late toddlerhood, preschool, elementary, middle school, and I realized something I had not noticed before. I always had a girl my age that was a friend and role model for me. I had boys that I was friends with. At times I hung out with them a lot more, but growing up I always had that one girl that I looked to when I was unsure about how to act, or that I looked to when the boys I played with confused me or just got too rough.

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What I am feeling

I was reading some of the other blogs yesterday and I read one that seem to get how I feel. I can not remember who exactly it was anymore. I feel like I am a girl in a boy's body, but I do like to have the body I am in at times. So I am not confuse about somethings, but I am confuse on what I discovered about myself. That does not seem right at all. Is it just so I can relax or is it just in my mind. I just do not know at all.

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My mom's death

Just two days after Thanksgiving my main supporter in being transgender died at the age of 67. She had been suffering for fifteen years with work related Asthma and Fibromyalgia. My mother had even supported me when I lost my job by loaning me money to live on while I looked for a new job. My current job is about to run out in January and she had left me enough money to live on for the next couple of years and a house to live in.

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Did you know Rudolph the Red Nose Reindeer was a girl?

It is said:

In the Northern Hemisphere in winter, generally the male reindeer will shed their antlers, the female reindeer (being one of two female breeds who have antlers) will maintain their antlers to allow for clearing of snow for foraging so as to support their young.

Merry Christmas everyone at BC, thanks for all your great stories in 2011.


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I've never been made in boy mode before...

I had a very interesting conversation this morning. I am finishing up a graduate degree at a local university. This morning while waiting for a class to start, a girl I know pretty well from my program comes up to me and asked me "Listen, this might be a bit forward but can I ask you something kind of personal? You can say no of course, but I'm curious." Of course it's rarely good when someone opens a conversation like that, but not totally new to me. I have a very obvious physical disability, so I get curious people brave enough to come ask a few questions from time to time.

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For many many years now I have had similar dreams from time to time.

It always starts in familiar place which then turns more and more unknown till I'm complete lost and wake up.

In one version I'm in school or college with my classmates and after some time I don't recognice the rooms and floors any more and don't find my way back.

In another one I'm parking my car in my home town and visit some places with friends or family. Then towards the end I cannot find the street with my car or search all around the parking garage before waking up.

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Domo arigato gozaimasu >bow<

It makes almost 3 years since I decided to 'join up' here. (going at 2y and 45 weeks at the moment).

Still no solution to any of my problems (see previous blogs) Just wanted to thank you peepz for
cheering me up with your stories and the few mails I received. You peepz together with a few other
online friends are what keeps me hoping for better days and not just plain giving up and 'freezing'
everthing out. Okay my pets also helped with that :).


Lynne aka Kage no Inu

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a little about me

I am scared, scared of society, scared of judgment, scared of pain, scared of emotional hurt.

I have lived through my emotional pain, first when i was 12 and found i did not fit into society. Then at 21 when i was raped, and again when I lost my mother, the only person to ever accept me fully as nothing but her child with unconditional love, at 29.

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