So I took off her shirt.

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I funny text to begin a bright new day ^^

grtz & hugs,

Sarah xxx


Everything Old is New Again

Hope Eternal Reigns's picture

Hi Sarah,

All jokes (and other wisdom) are new when you haven't heard them before. Enjoy and laugh when you hear one that is new to you. Besides, recycling has been quite the rage for the last thirty years or so. As proof of the recycling thing, I offer as exibit 'A' Steve Martin. He has YET to make an original joke or movie. He has based his ENTIRE career on recycling older movie plots and jokes. Even most of his facial expressions were stolen from Jack Benny.

with love,


with love,


Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.

What a shame

Extravagance's picture

she didn't approve of it. = (

Here's a happier joke...

What did one MtF crossdresser say to the other MtF crossdresser?
"When I tell a girl I want to get into her panties, I mean it literally! ^_^"


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