
Don't be afraid.

The latest update of Wishful Thinking is not yet coloured, the artist has some school work she needs to do, so instead she has posted the rough pencil sketch, which actually looks awesome in my opinion.

here is a link to the latest comic.

Enjoy please.

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Looking for a story

I'm looking for a story, author unknown. It's about a boy who is very intelligent and disliked by his classmates & teachers--because of his smugness. In order to have his mom buy him a mountain bike he had to join a dance troupe. The troupe had a recital coming up & one of the female dancers left, so his Mom and the instructor for the troupe wanted him to replace her. So they dressed him up in the girls' outfit & have him dance the girls routine. They go to a store where they will pick up the outfits for the troupe.


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California - Prop 8

There saying on all the Net News spots thaT CALIFORNIA'S PROP 8 (SAME SEX MARRIAGE) IS HEADED TO THE FED SUPREME COURT IN WASH. DC. I just wonder if this will change the laws in both the states that voted for Same Sex Mar or voted against Same Sex Marriage like the voters just did in North Carolina reasonantly

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When I'm feeling weak
and my pain walks down a one way street
I look above
and I know I'll always be blessed with love
and as the feeling grows
She breathes flesh to my bones
and when love is dead
I'm loving angels instead

And through it all she offers me protection
a lot of love and affection
Whether I'm right or wrong
and down the waterfall
wherever it may take me
I know that life won't break me
When I come to call , she won't forsake me
I'm loving angels instead

Perhaps to the world you're just one more,
but you're all the world to me

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Janet Jackson to produce a documentary on Transgender

Janet Jackson to produce transgender documentary

June 4, 2012, 8:39 PM EST

LOS ANGELES (AP) -- Janet Jackson has signed on as an executive producer of a documentary on the lives of transgender people living around the world.

New York-based Brainchild Films announced Monday that Jackson was working on "Truth" and would do some of the on-camera interviews. The documentary begins production this summer and will focus on the lives and struggles of transgender persons.

Bing: Miss USA supports transgender contestants

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Congratulations to Her Majesty, Queen Elizabeth II and I

To all Her Majesty's subjects, and to all who honor her, I extend my feliciations on this joyous anniversary of her coronation.

To all Britons, Scots, Welsh, Irish, Angles, Saxons, Jutes, and even Normans, I wish you all a pleasant and well earned hangover.

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Confused and Greatful

I'm a bit confused right now about how to handle this news.

This past week I went to the doctor about my high blood pressure and mentioned the soreness around my right nipple. After examining me, he said I have gynecomastia. I guess I'm not really surprised as I am 55 yrs old, 5'8" and 245 lbs. I'm confused because I have feelings of both "not another problem" and "WOW".

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Is this the real skinny on the term transgender?

Cristan seems to have done a real research job in tracking the source of the word down. See what you think.

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Totally sick of this

So after reading the last episode of bike ( was bonkers as usual :)) I went on to read the comments.

3 out of the 4 comments where about men being just an extension of there genitalia or the likes ( and to make it clear it was far more racy then that). Now I want to ask you , how can a bunch of people who suffer from the wrong doings of society gender classification can be so sexist , so misandric and down right ignorant and offensive toward one gender?
This post will refer to "you" as those who wrote that comments or those who share the same mind state as them on this subject.

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I hope you dance

I hope you never lose
Your sense of wonder
You get your fill to eat
But always keep that hunger

May you never take one
Single breath for granted
God forbid love everLeave you empty handed

I hope you still feel
Small when you stand beside the ocean
Whenever one door closes
I hope one more opens

Promise me that you will give faith a fighting chance
And when you get the choice, to sit it out or dance
I hope you Dance

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Redwork/quilting (Image heavy)

Hi all.

Just thought I'd share my currant WIP's (Work in progress) from a predominantly female craft that seems to be not represented in the stories at all. Patchwork & Quilting.

Firstly, a redwork project that I would have started just after Shrub got elected, all the US presidents in Redwork!

Presidential redwork

(The strip of blocks in the left of the picture is something of C's called "á–h my gosh" Each 6 inch square block contains, on average, around 40 pieces!)

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Lorraine B. (Fictionmania author question)

I was rummaging around, re-reading older stories at FM, and ran across an unfinished story set from Lorraine B, called "The Alien Within or Holy Crap, There's An Alien In My Bed". Part 1 and 2 were posted in mid-2004, with the name given for part 3, but it appears that part 3 never emerged. I'd normally put it down to the author no longer writing, but she continued to post for another 2 years afterwards.

I figured I would ask if anyone knows about the author, or the story.

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Mr. Sun

Good Morning Mr. Sun

Early in the morning comes through my window Mr. Sun
I just thank God for another shiny day
today as another day I’ll keep on trying being better girl
and also I will add a small pinch of love

Good morning to life
good morning to love
good morning to joy
good morning Mr. Sun

I’ll keep on trying being the best everywhere
I’ll keep on trying doing my best anywhere
good morning to all

It is good to give thanks to God
and to make melody to His name.

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Interesting article at on children and gender

Interesting article on NPR "Can Children Know, At Age 2, They Were Born The 'Wrong Sex'?"

It refers to a longer article in the washington post on "Transgender at five". That one is a very intersting story that could just as easily show up here. Hope all goes well for the little kid.

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Book 10 in print

For those impatient readers out there - Book 10 of the Gaby saga, Wheels, see's the first 10 chapters available via Lulu from today!

paperback -

ebook -

I'm working on the next string so watch this space!


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KIDS -Got to love em

My wife and I are middle class and in 1999 we loaned are boys $5,000 to purchase a house(it got them out of our house LOL).Now 13 years later they are doing a short sell , when I said I was part of that short sell because we would not see our money back I thought we lost are connection do to the silence. YOU GOT TO LOVE EM -- RICHIE2

P.S. My older boy is a C P A at least he does my taxes for free

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Lost my rhythm

I have gotten nothing done, and I'm at my wit's end. >

I am half way done with half the chapters I set out to finish WEEKS ago. I can't get into the same mindset that I had before I got the flu, and when I try to write it doesn't flow correctly from the work I've done previously.

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KUDOS to all the Big Closet Authors!!

I just want to express my enjoyment of all the Big Closet Novels, short stories, and serials I have read in here. It takes a lot of time on the authors part, especially if they have several unrelated storylines going at the same time.

Thanks everyone, including all who leave kudos, and comment on most of the episodes!

Back to another story! Dont be afraid to leave comments!


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Fun with pigtails

Your ragtime gal can't help herself--I have what I call "little girl moods", though I'm...well, let's just say, way past the little-girl years. When I'm in a little girl mood, out come the Hello Kitty scrunchies and the barrettes with the little pink flowers on them. I never got to wear those things when I was little, so I go out of my way to make up for lost time.

If I'm lucky, my home-health aide--the person who drags me out of bed and gets me showered, dressed, and somewhat presentable--will be in a similar mood.

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Morpheus's stories

I am not sure how many people here follow the yahoo group TG Fiction, or even FM. But many stories appear first at the TG Fiction group before they are ever posted to a story site. There is another group I am writing about. Morpheus has his own yahoo group where he posts a lot of stories that never get posted to other sites. If you follow it, my apologies for taking your time. If you don't you may wish to look it over. He currently has one going titled The Changling Chronicles, it is an excellent read. You may wish to look it over. He also has a couple other going also that you may like.

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Take that, all you tea sippers!

Noticed a lot of tea-drinking in the stories lately. Well I'm gonna speak up for all us who are addicted to our cuppa joe. Found this on Gizmodo after hearing about it on the news.

Coffee Drinkers Live Longer

Millions of us start the morning with a coffee and think nothing of it. But new medical research suggests that it could be helping you live longer–if you drink enough of it.

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Those Damn Onions

Found this on

Today, after I watched my dog get run over by a car, I sat on the side of the road holding him and crying. And just before he died, he licked the tears off my face.

Today, someone else's tragedy provided the miracle my family had prayed for. Thanks to this stranger, my dad will have a heart. It's so odd to think that an accidental death just saved his life.

Much more can be found here:

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A scholar posts his take on homosexuality and the bible ble-really-says-about-homosexuality/?hpt=hp_c1

The fella in the post above seems to have a pretty good handle on the bible, and what it says and doesn't say. Not sure if it will make any difference in the current politcal bull crap though.

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Disability in TG fiction revisited....

Well dear readers, this ragtime gal goofed...I tried to post this earlier, but a glitch caused my entry to post twice (those troublesome Babbage engines will do that if not properly oiled....) In my attempt to delete one of the copies, I deleted both, so I had to repost. If you had commented before my abrupt deletion, I apologize...Rachel

Not long ago, while re-reading my introductory blog post about the need for more disabled TG characters, I was reminded of a book I read which was as far removed from the subject of TG fiction as one could be. Nonetheless, it provided what I consider to be a most intriguing idea.

The book was a series of profiles of influential disabled people--one of whom, a cerebral-palsied individual named Bernard Carabello, had spent his childhood in Willowbrook, a notorious institution for the developmentally disabled in upstate New York. His account of his years there was more chilling than the darkest Gothic horror--untended children sitting in their own filth; children restrained for torturously long periods; children poorly and hastily fed by an overworked staff, as well as poorly clothed. These unspeakably awful conditions were first brought to the public's attention in the early '70s by a young investigative reporter named Geraldo Rivera. His findings led to the eventual closing of said institution in 1973. (This turned out to be wrong. Incredibly, it stayed open until 1987.)

One particular passage of the chapter on Carabello and Willowbrook caught my attention immediately, and set the idea machinery in motion. The Willowbrook staff, it seemed, had an unusual method for distributing the clothing donated by charities to the institution--they would throw it into a pile, and the kids who could dress themselves would grab what items they could. Whatever they got they were stuck with, whether it fit or not, whether it was appropriate for the time of year or not.

You can, no doubt, already sense where this is going--it doesn't take much of a leap of the imagination to picture one child who happens to be fascinated with a pretty dress at the top of that pile. The child grabs it, puts it on, and proudly displays it to the staff.

The problem is, the child is a boy.

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Like the rain in the desert you watered
of faith my heart, drowned my fears
Like a sweet voice in the silence
So we got love, "True Love"

And so I was waiting to you daily
Without law, without a schedule
And so I went awakening
In every dream where were you?

And no one was looking for, and nobody planned it that way
It was the destiny, that you were for me
And no one will bet, that it would be so happy
But Cupid took pity on me

I love you because the person who am I when I am with you

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Off the deep end.

DR There are several side effects, you need to be aware of before you proceed with making your choice.

Dr 1] There is a good chance that this operation will not solve the pain problem you are having I have had several clients / patient's who only had a moderate decrease in the discomfort and pain. Some have gotten worse.

Me You have got to be kidding I have been walking around with a golf ball sized ball in my pants for 2 years now do you think think is not a pain you do not know pain.

Dr 2] You will likely not be able to effect an erection.

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requiem for a dream

I forgot who said this "without purpose there is no life". I would like to add 'and dreams'. Just 'buried' one in the past week. Not accepted it but lost hope in every getting it fulfilled due to several different reasons.

Made my head 'misfire' a few times this week and am extremely tired. >sigh<

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Transgender A.U. student leader finds acceptance

Sarah McBride says she loves politics and loves her home state of Delaware.

A native of Wilmington, McBride, 21, has been active in Delaware politics since the age of 13 and worked on the 2008 election campaign of Gov. Jack Markell (D). When Markell won the Democratic primary in September 2008, he and his wife Carla invited McBride to introduce the future governor on the stage where he delivered his victory speech.

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FBI grabs server, then returns, internet privacy violated?

This is plain weird and a bit scary too. The FBI siezed a server dedicated to helping create a safe, anonymous communication environment for folks in other countries seeking a better life, according to the owners of the server. See what you think? Are they right to suspect the returned server has been interferred with or are they paranoid? Should they be able to take the server through the claim of national security or terrorism?

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To The "family"

Life Hurts

I Hurt. My best friend Tracy died yesterday at her own hand. She was bullied by fellow TS's. She overdosed on pills. She was alone. Truly alone. Homeless and alone. Why? Why was she alone? wHY cOULD NOONE Help????

WE Must Help. We must care. Small wins mean nothing if we don't care.

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More Wishful Thinking

Well, in a few hours Wishful Thinking page 4 is going up, this marks the last time we will see male Riley, well sort of, I am delighted to see that this comic has become quite popular and I want to thank everyone of you for showing support for us, I believe a speak for CrystalAsh and Michelous in this also.

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President Obama Declares Support for Gay Marriage

Obama backs gay marriage
By: Jennifer Epstein
May 9, 2012 11:03 AM EDT

For President Barack Obama and his top political advisers, the decision to back gay marriage came down to a choice between two unpalatable alternatives: support it and brave the backlash in battleground states where the issue could be a liability – or keep silent and be accused by allies of gutlessness and putting politics over his principle.

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Our own worst enemies....

Yes, I know. Your ragtime gal has never been the best blog-keeper--the detritus of three different blogs on the net, begun but not maintained by yours truly, attests to that. I believe, however, that in this circumstance I have a passable excuse.

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Credit card recommendations?

Can anyone recommend a credit card company that will let you sign up with your legal (male) identity and billing address but issue that same person a (second) credit card with their female name? I'd like to be able to buy stuff while I'm out en femme without dealing solely in cash and without having awkward questions about the obviously male name on my current card. My current credit card's web site will let me request additional cards, but they want a social security number for each one, so I thought I'd ask here first in case anyone has advice.

Many thanks!

-- Michelle

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The end of days is coming!!!

Stay a while and listen...
So for those of you who don't know In round about a week from now ( 6 days and nine hours, but who's counting?) "Diablo 3" is being released.

Aside from the normal hell and the destruction of Tristem (Again) it would release the Doom days curse on the world ( and in Doom I mean the game not the "end of all life" and the likes): A drop in human productivity . In my group alone there are 6 people who hold prime jobs in major companies who took a week off for the sake of helping man-kind fight against the forces of hell.

so my questions to you are:

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Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python #2

Where Angels fear to tread or my life is a Monty Python skit.

To all who took the time to read my first blog Thanks, I have just decided to move from my old Novawoman99 ID to a newer more up dated one suggested by a dear friend and writer on this board so now I will Be Drum roll cymbals crash. Misha Nova. Its about time the Novawoman99 name was created to describe my self when I had just gained enough momentum to go Full time at work and therefor the world.

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