
The crazy will start tomorrow.

Ok folks the new Fruit Phone comes out tomorrow which means bell to bell days for us retail monkeys. So on behalf of all retail electronic employees everywhere, please be patient. I cant imagine any of you wonderful people here at BCTS being that person in line. If you know someone who is tell them we want you to have your new device as soon as possible. Initial releases never meet demand. You will get your new fangled uPhone in due time. Thank you we now return you to regularly scheduled Big Closet.

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gosh have you seen it I mean wow sorry but I’m so excited um yeah sorry to prelude Ditz Diary but normal proceedings will be resumed as soon as I tell you about this fantastic dress from London Fashion Week it’s in today’s i p21 laser cut lace daisies in sherbet yellow by Simone Rocha it’s just heaven in fabric sleeveless thigh length close bodice floaty skirt short of perfection only coz no-one’s offered to buy it for me yet ooooohhh

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Oklahoma, where the bigotry comes whistling from the bench...

Saw this news story go by, and was appalled! It's been years since I've seen judicial rulings this ignorantly anti-trans. And the coverage isn't particularly enlightened, eihter. I really hoped we were beyond this, now, but apparently not. And seriously, why is a civil judge citing the bible (badly) for his rationale? Remind me to stay far away from that part of the country.

Judge denies name changes to trans people


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A weird thing happened at the store yesterday O.o

A little back ground on me first, those of you that read my blog regularly know I am about 5'8" and about 230 pounds. I am working on the weight thing. I am Hispanic and since I was twelve have had facial hair and I mean ab lot like a five o'clock shadow at eleven in the morning, not a trait I am proud of and one I wish I didn't have. Nobody other than my friend FO knows about me and I present as very male, you could find a B2 bomber on radar before you figure me out. It comes from years of hiding in plain sight.

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Gender confused horse.

There was an interesting/comical bit in the Doctor Who episode tonight. The Doctor is in an American town in the late 1800s wild west. At one point he asks to borrow a horse. The horse's owner agrees and goes on to say that the horse's name is Joshua. The Doctor says no it isn't; I speak horse, it's Susan and he wants you to respect his life choises.

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I got a truck load of lemons this month.

Started of with getting a phonecall from my sister that my mom was heading to the ER with hartproblems. Gave us all quiet a scare but although she isn't up and ready to run a marathon, or just go to work,she's doing more or less OK. Only had to stay in the hospital over the weekend for observation and is already nagging again ;) >sad smile<. And I seem partially responsible for it due to the etra stress my workproblems are giving her :(

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Time to bitch about RL and day(ugh)job. Ignore if you want.

I know employment is a precious thing and I am lucky to even have a job in these trying times (not going in to politics here). In the last six months my employer seems to be doing their best to get rid of me.

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Intersex and A.I.S. / Hermaphrodite Story and Family support

I have just watched a story (11th September 2012)on our national ABC Australian network, called -

Orchids: My Intersex Adventure.

I believe this may be of interest to Top Shelf members who relate to A.I.S.

The link is:

It should be there for about a week.


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Working retail blows! But not this weekend.

Woohoo!!! I am off the whole weekend! We are now fully staffed no more 12 hour days. Woohoo!!! Did I say that already. The family will be gone during the day on both Saturday and Sunday. Woohoo!!! Blessed peace and quiet me time. I want to work on some story ideas to post and take lots of naps! Woohoo!!!

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What's up doc!

So I went in to see my GP for some allergy relief (yes your teenaged son is allergic to grass not just a type of grass, all grass.) and he said he needed to get an update on all my particulars. Break here for background info.

Most Hispanic males are short. I on the other hand tipped the chart at 5’10” upper scale of height for my ethnic group. Hello all you shorties down there. That was the height on my license at sixteen that was the height I had always been right, right. Back to the doctors office.

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Strange thing happened today. First time in over 20 years.

This morning I was going to my office and a lady... basically kind of street vendor... said near me "Miss, would you like to buy..." (it does not matter what she was trying to sell). I looked around, and yes, I was the only other person in 20 meter radius... Jeans, fleece jacket, not exactly cleanly shaven. In no way trying to look female.
Last time it happened more than 20 years ago, but then I was young, slim, blonde and beautiful ;-)

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I'm back.

Hey all Jenn here. Well I have been away for awhile, most of the time I access the BCTS site through a smart mobile device. It has more privacy than a computer and I can control who has access to my data. Smart phones have come a long way and other than a 4.3 inch screen I can do most of my mobile computing on one but they do go wonky occasionally. This is what happened to my last device so for awhile now I have been only able to read stories and post short comments with an older device I had until my new one came in. I am now back on the air and will be posting and messaging again whoop!

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Big Wind

We are going to get a hurricane in Florida in the next 2 days , they say it will go west of the stae till the northern panhandle. The Repulican convention is this week and this has been thier fear since they started to plan the event and the convention center is in the flood zone A as it is only about 200 feet or so from the water at 4ft elevation and they are exspecting a 5ft storm surge (how well can you swim). I will post after the storm passes and let you know how we make out, all depends on how far off shore it will stay

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This one is for the comic afficondos on the site

Maybe someone could be friendly enough to bring and old foagie up to date? Last I heard Wonder Woman was going to be coming out as a lesbian. Also that the original Flash was also going to be coming out as gay.

I just read in my Entertainment Weekly that Superman and Wonder Woman are going to be the new power couple. So I take it the lesbian stuff just got tossed?? What happens with Lois?

Any enlightenment would be appreciated..




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A NFL 49ers story-film of on TG and others

The 49ers became the first NFL team to film an “It Gets Better” video in support of lesbian, gay, bisexual, and transgender teens. Go to this address to see what they have to say:

Interesting! Richard

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That I must behave ???

That I must behave?

Why they want new generations behave well if when I was a child I saw this:
Tarzan always walked naked
Cinderella arrived at midnight
Pinocchio was a liar
Batman drove 320 km / hr
Sleeping Beauty slept all day
Candy Candy had two boyfriends
Top Cat had a gang
Popeye used herb to feel good
Snow White lived with 7 men
And all they lived happily ever after

Anyone have more role models like these to go on ?


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Gaby Book 8 Chapter *33* Boom Boom!


Chapter *8.33*

Hop Boom Boom!

Although my ankle was still a bit swollen and I've got a few colourful bruises, with the Mittelrhein on at the weekend I couldn't really afford to miss another days training. As a result of such thinking I was up with the sparrows and by six thirty I was honking up the climb into Altenahr. The Mittelrhein is at least not a premier series event, just a regional event on the other side of the river so we get to experience the intricacies of the Westerwald's climbs.

What's in a name

Yesterday a post was list with a link to a story about a young transgender and what's in a name.
A little fun post of did your parents have a girls name pick out if you where born a girl ? Not to long ago parents didn't know the sex of a baby till they made the grand entrance onto this world.
That being said I would have been ROMA SUE instaed of RICHARD STEVEN ,Don't ask where or how they got ROMA .
Write a responce with the name you would have had if you know it , just for fun

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A Chinese couple get married

Here in Switzerland, the big provider, state-run, is Swisscom, and their 'Net stuff is run out in the name Bluewin.
My eMail address is indeed a bluewin one.

But their home page publishes small news-item galleries.

This one is of interest to us here.... I will translate the German if you wish, but it doesn't add that much to the story, all of which is shown in the 7 photos.

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Script for WT Chapter one

I posted the script for Chapter one of Wishful Thinking on my DA page, hopefully this will tide people over until I can get Chapter 2 sorted out, I hope to have the next comic page up next week.
here is the link. Spoiler warning.

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A little venting about the job hunt...

So I graduated with my M.S.W. in December. Now going on eight months of the job hunt. I guess I'm in a better position then some. At least where I live there are jobs to apply for. It's just frustrating sometimes. Was in the final running for a job I would have loved. Came down to three of us, but the department manager ended up going with someone who had just a bit more direct service experience then I do. Now I'm back at square one putting my resume in, and trying to keep building contacts. Doesn't matter how high your degree is.

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Reading Material

Most of you don't know me except for a few blog comments and sorry to say even fewer story comments.

Erin's appeal for donations got me to thinking. The first paragraph (in part) "…annual server contract for four of the BC/SD/TGF servers is coming due. These servers run BC, Stardust, TGFiction.Net, CrystalHall, qnez, TGLibrary, StorySite and a dozen other TG and TG friendly websites…." got my attention.

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The coolest guy I know.

This post is about the closest friend I have in the world FO. I have known him for about seventeen years; we have been through a lot together and always stuck with each other. No one in my life knows about me but last night that changed. I don’t have to tell you folks that depression is a mighty powerful thing, the only outlet I have in my life to be me is this wonderful site and the friends I have made here. I had been getting less and less sleep because of nightmares and depression along with the day(ugh)job being a bitch. I have been debating telling FO for awhile.

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Jersey Boys

This is from OZ Land - Brisbane Queensland Australia: Just came back from a stage play based on the The Four Seasons-Frankie Vallie - The Jersey Boys.

What a great night!

Sherry, Big Girls Don't Cry, Walk Like a Man and lots more.

Did you know, that the BGees (from Brisbane) sent Frankie the music sound track for the movie 'Grease', and he (FV) wrote the words for the song!

If you want a great night out please consider if you like 1960's music, I know I do!

Rock & Roll, Twist, Jive, Limbo, Yes!


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Feminism Ally

Hi everyone,
today while I surfed around on the net I found this site:

It's about a guy who wants to be a feminism ally and has suggestions for other "dudes" who also want to be a feminism ally.
First I thought it was Satire, but apparently he was serious.

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Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing

Anyone Know if Lisa Grey is still around and writing. I just finished rereading her stories and was interested if there was more somewhere. One of my favorites was The Serendipity of Freedom. At the end of one version of the story she had a note "In the conclusion of The Serendipity of Freedom, Valerie and the task force go forth into enemy territory. Will Valerie once again defeat the odds and return home to Miri? Will the Terran Government overwhelm the dissidents, or will liberty and justice prevail? Find out as Valerie's story comes full circle. -- LCG"

just curious

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"Operation Rescue - The New Co-Ed" by Elrod W @ Fictionmania

Has anyone else here been following Operation Rescue - The New Co-Ed by Elrod W on the Fictionmania site? It is a fascinating and well written story. The first chapter was posted two years ago. Chapter twenty was posted today; and the story is not yet complete. I find myself going to the fictionmania site just to check for up dates to this one story.

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