
Suggested change to BCTS

It strikes me that I'm not the only one with this problem. I frequently get very busy an don't have time to do the reading that I would like to. When I do go back to the list, the stories that I had wanted to read are no longer on the front page and I have forgotten about them.

Would it be possible to have something like Amazon's wish list, so that one could tag stories to be read, and easily come back to them later? Could it even optionally pop up when one logged on?

Just a thought.


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Has anyone heard from Bobbie C.

Has anyone heard from from Bobbie C. as last time she said anything here was that she was back in the Philipines and they just went thru a bad Typhoon there and there are reports of many missing. I just want to know that she is Okay. Thanks!

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Possible new story universe....

Imagine if you will that the universe and everything in it, everything that has existed, everything that will exist, is all part of an impossibly huge computer program--like "The Matrix," but on a scale unimaginably vast.

We do not know the "programmer"--perhaps a member of a civilization that perished eons ago, perhaps what we know as God.

All programs can be corrupted, either by accident or design. The same holds true for the program known as our universe.

Now suppose a virus has done just that.


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Updates and stuff.

Heyo! Your friendly neighborhood Jenn here with some random stuff to talk about. Job is going well at the new store, already feel like a valued member of the team. The manager who I respect and know outside of work as a friend, made an effort in the store meeting to convey to the staff that I was to be treated as a resource due to my long experience working for the company. He said he expected the others to go to me if any questions need answering, and a member of management is not available. He has asked me to take on new duties to bring the new store up to speed.

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An Unreaction

Well yesterday (Sunday) I came out to my folks, their reaction ... Oh ok ... Are you sure? ... This is going to make your life even harder ... etc ... no screaming, no shouting just acceptance (with a large side order confusion)

So. Yaayness I'm out to my folks, I'm just waiting for the local NHS trust to put my referral through the Charring Cross GIC and so far all systems are go. Now if only I could have my Benefits run as smoothly :(

Happy Huggles
Sammi (who is one step closer to being one with herself :))

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So long, and thanks for all the fish!

I've been a member here for 6 years and 33 weeks, but only became active in July of last year after I retired. Between then and this July I made some wonderful friends who I hope will last a lifetime. For them I will always be grateful to BCTS. I'm sure in that time I annoyed some people too and for that I am truly repentant.

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The Christmas Ivy Bloomed--a Christmas Contest sample...

Though it might have been wiser to heighten the suspense and wait, I could not resist the temptation to post some of what I'd written so far for the upcoming One Winter's Eve contest. I think, however, that some explanation is necessary.

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Today is a good day.

Well today is the first day at the new store. Its a new (store) format that the company has rolled out. I'm really excited to begin this new phase of my employment. Having less stress about the job will mean more processing power that can be allocated to other issues. Overall feeling pretty good lately and I hope this an upward trend in my life. I'm going to be smiling all day today that's a fact and I hope everyone has a blessed day. Working smiles, Jenn.

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A sample...or no?

The story is well underway again, as I've managed about 1500 words in the last 24 hours--remarkable considering that I write and edit as I go. My way of working helps--if one plot thread isn't going well, I need to do more research at a later time, I move on to another scenes. Yes, I view stories in movie terms--I have a large mental storyboard in which every plot point is mapped out.

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The Christmas story...jingling to a stop

It may well be the magic of the Christmas season, or it may be that my depression has, for the moment, gone into remission. But the story I'm working on for the current contest promises to be not only the most ambitious and complex story I've ever done, but the most ambitious and complex story that stands a chance of being completed. (I even have a tentative title: The Christmas Ivy Bloomed--a title with a double meaning in this story).

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Oh my god. Update to the work situation.

Holy sh*t it happened. Some of you have been following the problems I have been having at work lately ( read about it here. And the updatehere )I vowed to not let it get me down and have been trying to move on.

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That darn apostrophe.

I'm fairly sure that when reading almost anything we can all find something that we don't like. One of the things I find annoying is the misuse of the apostrophe. I have come across an interesting (at least to me) site that I think authors might find useful. Although a UK site, it does apply to American usage of our language.

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A Black Friday LOL or more like a ROFL.

Ok folks this retail monkey needed a laugh today and got it. Read today's Skin Horse that last panel says it all. We are all hands on deck here at the store and smart phones are flying out the door. In most cases the devices are smarter than the purchasers. If any of you do Black Friday I hope you got some good deals to me this is just another day albeit a twelve hour one. Tired smiles, Jenn.

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What I am most thankful for.

What am I thankful for? Easy answers right, maybe not. The standard stuff applies here I have my family, my job, the roof over my head, but I am also very thankful for friends. I have two friends who know me now both have been my friends for many years and I was pretty sure they would be supportive. Talking to them has brought me to a better place, I can honestly say I was headed in a not so good direction and wasn't sure how it would have ended.

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The Christmas contest--which way do I go, George(tte)?

The upcoming One Winter's Eve holiday contest is intriguing, so intriguing I want to use it to make my writing debut here. But as is typical for me, I'm stuck.

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Physical Descriptions - Out of Favor?

In the earlier days of TG fiction on the Internet, most stories seemed to be keen to include the specific physical description of the main TG character. Presumably because authors often were enjoying writing a favorite fantasy, and most of us have a very specific idea of the physical specifics we prefer to think about having in our fantasies. For many (most?) authors, it was usually the same from story to story, and nobody seemed to mind.


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Odd e-Mails

If any of you got an e-mail in last day or two from my Yahoo acct I'm sorry I didnot send it. Someone or grp has gotten into my Yahoo acct address list and sent false e-mails thru my acct there and I'm sorry if you were effected by it as it might be infected e-mail donot open just delete it. Again Sorry as I even got some strange e-mails to myself from that intrusion. Sorry again if they were or are showing the following address and were sent in the last two days from this address [email protected] please delete donot open! Richard

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Life the Universe and Everything.

Ok, so yesterday I passed another year. I am now the age that Douglas Adams postulated as the answer to that very big question in the title of this here blog. This is significant because it has brought about an epiphany, usually folks wait for new years to make resolutions but as this is the first day of my new age it will be the first day of my new life.

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Well, on to my next insecurity--or, all about the voice...

In all my years of living full-time in my chosen gender, the biggest frustration was probably my voice. While not exactly basso profundo, it still gave off a definite "male" signal to others in the earliest years. Yet, paradoxically, I can remember being called "ma'am" on the phone on many occasions pre-transition. (The answer, I realized many years later, was that my telephone voice had a certain lilt that read as female to those on the other end, but I didn't know about modulation at the time. So it was a complete mystery to me).

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rain keeps faling

So I finally got a figure on what my pension would be. Due to my 'young' >so not laughing< age of 34 they are retiring me, I would have about 545 euros a month. It's a very good thing that I'm a civil servant so that up's to 1236 euro a month conditionally >aka can't work or they take the supplement away and if I go over 5000 euro I lose the entire pension<.

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A thank you to everyone, and some good news for once....

In my last blog entry, I broke my usual rigidly-imposed rule and told far more about myself than I would normally allow, especially to people who are relative strangers. That endless rush of fear, frustration, depression and anxiety is a bit embarrassing to me now, upon reflection.

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Stuff, updates?

Ok folks so I haven't been reading much or commenting and I'm sorry. Work is still the same, absolutely no changes. But that's not what this is about. What is it about you ask? Well gentle reader it is about, I got a vacation request approved and am off this whole week WOOHOO!!!. I have been writing like a madwoman I am collaborating with another author on the site and I am inspired.

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A thank you to BCTS Users

I just wanted to take this opportunity to say Thank You, to all the members here that have taken the time to read my first story, and have either left me Comments, or Kudos. It really does mean alot to me. It also helps in keeping motivated to continue writing.

So Thank you all again.


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Proof, proof, where's the proof?

A very curious thing happened this morning, which kind of has me in a panic. I looked at my breasts in the mirror, and for a moment, found myself hating them.

That very well could be a danger sign, a sign that deep down, I want to de-transition, which understandably has not had a very good effect on my mood. De-transitioning is the last thing in the world I want, especially after fourteen years of living as female. And the feeling is not constant, just on certain days. So what's going on?

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A quick question

OK so I had a quick question, first of all sorry if I should have asked this in the forums. I have just started to write a story having been inspired by all the great stories on the site, and am looking for some suggestions for character names. Ideally I would need one male and two female names.

Many thanks in advance

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Fortune cookie 2 (Electric Boogaloo!) and other stuff.

My grandfather taught me a valuable lesson when I was a kid this is back when black and white TVs sere common and cable didn't exist. I was running in the house and papo said don't run in the house me being a kid did not listen as all kids don't. He caught me again and said don't run in the house, I kept going. A third time he said don't run in the house. The fourth time I ran by him he stuck out his cane and tripped me I fell down and he said you see what happens when you run in the house.

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Did women wipe in stoneage?

I'm a bit curious about female wiping after peeing. I mean most TG stories display it as something utterly necessary, or really bad things happen. I kind of wonder what women did in stone age when they didn't have toilet paper. Did they use fur, or did they not wipe at all?
Is wiping really that important for genetic girls, or is it more a problem for t-girls?

Just curious,


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