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I wonder if someone could help me find a story on here about a young boy who was injured in a taxi wreck ,and his life afterwards I read it once but lost the thread,& being old & forgetful I cant remember the title nor the Authors name anyone??


That's mine

So cool. That would be "How Life Can Change" Most of it is here on this site, but the rest is on Big Closet Classic. I need to post the rest here but figured there was an easier way. On Classic, it's under Little Katie.

Katie Leone (

Writing is what you do when you put pen to paper, being an author is what you do when you bring words to life

WOW! Katie, seems that

your are a popular author! KUDOS to you!

May Your Light Forever Shine


If you haven't read this story then take my word for it, this is a well written, emotive, series of 21 chapters, and well worth the time to appreciate. Perhaps it should be reposted? Many thanks, Dave