
Technical question about Crossdressing

Hi everyone,

I need help for my most recent story. Well, technical help. My protagonist is essentially a she-male (I know many hate the term, but I don't know a better one) and I figure he'd have troubles wearing girls' jeans. I need to know if you can actually squeeze your nuts if you don't do it right and what you need to do to avoid it.

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"Pardon my French". Sorry, no non ASCII characters in title.

Просто вдруг захотелось понять, из России я один тут такой постоянный читатель? Ну или хоть из русско-говорящих кто есть?

С уважением,

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Brown University Provides Sex Reassignment Insurance

Brown University students now covered by Insurance by the University for sex reassignmen surgery costs. Students only, not staff according to the article.

I found the article talking to my cousin on facebook. One of my other friends posted it.


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And here comes Nemo!

Well folks, the snows here in the north east(usa) the're saying 12-20 inches for me here in the hudson valley and 2-3 feet for Boston and points north / east. So please any one here stay safe and home if you can! As for me, I must go do battle with the beast they call Nemo, wish me luck, it's going to be a long next 30 hours or so clearing roads. (Hugs) Taarpa

P.s. Please don't write to much, I'm already way behind in my reading! LOL!

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what an emotional two weeks

So I am about to leave California and the past two weeks have been hard. I actually found out from an aunt something that I had suspected for a few years, after hearing my mom talk to someone when she thought I was out of the house. I may have a sibling, other then my brother and sister who died at 3 days old. I guess mom got pregnant before she was 18 and the baby went to adoption. So now comes the fun of looking for a sibling.

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Trying to find a story

I was hoping someone could point me towards a story I read not to long ago, I remember that the main plot was these friends were playing this vr rpg and that the brothers were forced to play female characters, and as time went on characteristics from the game carried over to their real life.
I also remember that the in game GM was an older man who aproached them in real life once they finished the game...
Any help would be appreciated, it was a good story and I enjoyed it

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i just posted a comment at the end of changing seasons( jesssicas story) when i realized part of it should be on a blog instead. i want to say i appreciate all keep big closet up online, the writers who keep churning out stories so i can be entertained and informed. all i can say all of you keep the good work.

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My Scribbles.

Heyo, your friendly neighborhood Jenn here. I wanted to bend your ear a bit, if i could. I love my readers very much. I love every kudo (I'm addicted to checking) and every comment. I try to pm everyone who comments, if i missed you I'm very sorry. More than a few folks here at BCTS have pointed out I'm kind of a "Debbie downer" when I write. I am working on it, I really am. But on occasion my poison pen manages to produce something not so depressing.

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Trying to Remember a Story Title or Author

I'm trying to remember a story I read quite a while back. The main character is the apprentice to a wizard who gets sent off on his wanderjahr. The kicker (of course)is that his master turns him into a girl before putting him into the world.

The character ends up joining a circus as she works on how to return to her master.

Sound familiar to anyone?

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I was just reading through some of my old stories, and the comments on them, and it seems to me that some people have an idea of who I am that is quite a ways off of the real me. So this is me opening up myself for any questions any of you want to ask. Within reason, I'll answer any question posted as a reply to this blog.

Update, now that I'm not on my phone anymore:

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in California

Had the viewing today and that was hard. I have taken the keys from Dad and I am driving for him. The funeral is tomorrow. The train right was good and looking at setting the departure date. Was hard to hear my father, who has been so strong all my life, break down at the viewing.

Tomorrow I am going to be help as best as possible, so pray for the family, and thank you.

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Bob Arnold

So I have started to go to church again....My birthday is this saturday and I had a dream last night that my uncle was wishing me a happy birthday which was so nice also I got to wish him a late birthday and he told me to make sure I told everyone that he is doing ok up in heaven and that he is watching all us keeping his memory alive and that he is thrilled that everything is going as good as it is

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my trip

So I thought I would have some enjoyment in this sad trip and relate my travels. Got on the train and all was well, till we stopped in Battle Creek Michigan and they had to call the fire department for an electrical fire in one of the cars. Almost an hour later we left. Got to one station and they missed it by a block or two. Had to back up to get people.almost to Chicago and with the fact we are late, it shortens my wait in union station, that is good.

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Ok, I'll admit it I've been a bad girl.

Alright like the title says, I've been a bad girl. Before the end of the year, some of you might remember me posting about my walking. I was doing four miles a day and was getting close to a fifteen minute mile. I know, I know some of you more healthy people can run four miles in twenty minutes. But for me this is huge, I had it a stretch goal to be running by March I think.

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Jazz on 20/20

I watch 20/20 about Jazz ,what a brave and very beautiful young lady. She is smart beyond her years and OH so lucky to have parents who are open minded enough to allow her to live the way she should with love and support.She is on blockers at age 12 and has zero "T" so she will never get a deep voice or HAIR
We need more stories like Jaz
A link to 20/20 was posted yesterday(I don't know how to do a link)
Hugs & Kissses to all :-)

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a request

I would normally not do this, but I am asking a simple request. I just found out my mother is dying from cancer and there is a possiblility she may not make through the night. I understand if it is her time, The good Lord will take her, but what I am asking is for prayer. Not just for her but my father too.

Please and thank you

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Saturday's 20/20 episode

I just saw a commercial for tomorrow night's (Saturday's) episode of 20/20. They are doing a followup story of a young transgirl named Jazz that they featured in a previous episode, if anyone wants to check it out.


(ps. if you miss it, you can probably view it on their website)

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More on the Moore/Burchill controversy

The Guardian/Observer has, in a somewhat mealy-mouthed manner withdrawn Burchill's bigoted rant from their website. However, they haven't written a single word of criticism about Burchill, so expect her bigotry to shine forth in her future writings.

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Media viewpoints

We've had an interesting week in the UK news. On Thursday, the left-wing Guardian commentator Suzanne Moore demonstrated she didn't understand transsexuals. On Sunday, the even more left-wing Guardian commentator Julie Burchill demonstrated (yet again) she is a bigoted transphobe

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I've been a lurker on the site since just before the the migration to this new site, feels great to finally sign up, have finally decided im gonna transition this year. Anyone else from the south west, exeter area here. Anyway a little about me, was diagnosed with aspergers when i was younger 8/9 but was a big question mark with possible gid im 30 now, and this was when i was around 9/10 i think seems so long ago. But due to my parents splitting i burried myself within myself if that makes sense and have stuggled ever since.


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Couple of things to talk about.

Ok. Folks I've got some stuff to talk about, lend me you ear for a bit. I had a story idea and wrote it out, done right? Nope the idea came from my head but what comes out of my fingers barely resembles the language we call English. If you have been unfortunate to see my first drafts I apologize and hope your eyes recovered after a bit. Why am I telling you this, because I had that story go up today.

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Blending in While Blind (a.k.a My Introduction)

(that's an awful title, but I have no better ideas)

I've been lurking around BC for a while now, two years, sixteen weeks if my profile is to be believed, but I know I was around long before that. I'm finally delurking to say thank you to all the authors. You are all tallented, and I find lots of great material every time I start looking. I also figured this blog might be a good place to get some thoughts out of my head, and maybe find some answers.

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copyright ?'s

hi all i dont mean to be mean thats why im asking here rather then talk to a single person as im unsure if anything needs be said as i dont know the copyright laws and the issue has appeared before i think . well anyway i was surfing netflix the other day on my ps3 and i noticed a movie from 1975 and a story here share the same title but the 2 stories are diffrent as far as i can tell . and i will not say what the movie or story are unless required to do so as dont want anyone in trouble just trying protect site authors and the readers

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To all of you wonderful authors

I like to thank all of the authors here, for their amazing skill, and time. Some of you are simply brilliant and easily could be publishing non TG stories and making money for your effort. I am glad you have taken the time to write and publish here. You all have touch my life, good or bad. There are insights so close to my own life that I find in many stories, by many different authors. The entertainment is priceless, as are your wonderful characters and adventures.
Everyone who has written and publish here should be applauded. Bravo to all of you.

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More "Ivy?"

Whether I won the recent contest or not, my intention was to finish the story I started. I stopped because the demands of real life intruded, number one. Two, I came to a decision after talking to the person who kindly consented to edit for me, Rebecca Anderson. Although I already had the story plotted out from beginning to end, I decided I needed to rework and expand the middle section, so I could flesh out the characters and incorporate a "B" plotline.

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Word spacing and its importance.

One of the Facebook walls I often read posted something I thought people here might find interesting. If it has been mentioned before, I am sorry. It was about the logo off a company call Kids Exchange. It reads 'kidsexchange'. If you put it in your favourite search tool you will see for yourself. Just goes to show how important the spacing of words can be.

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