just seem to be multiplying!
I've finished writing the new Nena just about on schedule but now i can't do anything more as
- some of the stuff i need is on the desktop
- although i can open the files on my lappy they now can't be accessed from anywhere else
- i've given up the will to live!
So that means the release is completely up in the air until such time as i can get it sorted out.
On a more positive note i've now taken delivery of my new summer bike - all i need now is a summer!
Take your computer to a Computer Shop
and have someone in know take a look at repairing your computer and retrieving your files - maybe even reformat and rebuild the software if it is heavily infected with nasties.
Take the hard drive out of the old computer and mount it in a new computer, read only, and get the files off that way. but in any case a cheap desktop can't be that expensive these days, certain cheaper than a new bike.
there's not expensive
and my budget!
the new bike is on a government sponsored purchase scheme - I've not paid out a sov as yet and i'll be paying for it for a year! I don't have a car so my bikes are my main transport for work / visiting peeps / holidays etc.
I've not had a working fridge for over 2 years, my PC is nine years old, my lappy five.
For every nice thing i have there's missed meals etc. My last increase in pay was worth under 10p an hour, £3.80 a week and that was two years ago! (i actually earnt more back in the 80's!) I'm not looking for charity, i get by but when stuff goes mammary glands looking skyward i've nothing to fall back on and it takes time to fund new stuff.
I know what needs doing, i've even got a tame computer geek but it all takes money. Sigh.
I will start the new Gaby book shortly and i'll continue releasing chapters on here whilst i can.
Madeline Anafrid Bell
Sorry I did not know
... you take all these trips to Europe as well as generously donating your income from your book sales so I assume you have money for other things. I remember when I was in such straits and I know I never took any vacations so I just assumed. Sorry.
If you suggest a means to fund your IT needs then I am sure there are people here who would be more than glad to help out.
If you suspect the problem is entirely mal-ware infection then
go to the Emsisoft web site and download their FREE trial anti-malware program.
I've used the paid version for some five years now and it beats the tar out of the other four well-publicised versions here in the states.
The free trial used to be good for 30 days if you never used it before and wasn't a limited or scaled down version. It can't repair damage already done but it can clean up any lingering stuff that's still causing havoc.
It works on most of the Microsoft Windows but check the website for info.
You'd be surprised at all the stuff it can find and if you go to a site that's too heavily infected it won't even let you on the site (if you set the parameters for that level of protection). It even has a "paranoid" level, but I don't use that since it wouldn't let me onto my e-mail (google g) or this site in that mode. Hell, it wouldn't let me onto nearly three quarters of the sites I used for research. Paranoid means paranoid.
I'd help, and I'm cheap to free, but I live in the south of England and I suspect you live a lot farther north.
Can you run an anti-virus
program on the computer? Are there any free, or cheap programs? Avasti is n this computer. it has a free grace period of a month before you are asked to buy it.
May Your Light Forever Shine
Saving word files is an easy task. You should always keep and maintain a system of redundancy for all your important files in case of a disaster such as a hard drive failure, theft, fire or flood. Saving word files is an easy task. You should always keep and maintain a system of redundancy for all your important files in case of a disaster such as a hard drive failure, theft, fire or flood.Saving word files is an easy task. You should always keep and maintain a system of redundancy for all your important files in case of a disaster such as a hard drive failure, theft, fire or flood.
Ok, by now I should have made my main point. Just because a computer is brand new, doesn't mean that your hard drive can't fail. Take the time to save your important files to a flash drive, or cloud service, or even emailing yourself that way, regardless of your whereabouts, you will always have access to your files. I used to work for a hard drive manufacturer and you couldn't imagine the stories of people who lost all their work because they didn't have a back up.
People say, "You don't know what you had until it's gone." Very true, but also equally true is, "You don't know what you've been missing until is arrives."
Computer Blues
Install the free version of Malware Bytes. That German wonder cleans out all sorts of unwanted bad actors.
Another thing you can do is "boot" a "Live CD" of a Linux distro and selectively offload important data files to a "thumb drive".
be care carefull who you call tame ;P
We computer geeks don't like being called tame but alas some people still do.
a ten year old computer is not that bad if you had windows xp pro, instead of home, If I remember right that was right about the time that the dual core comptuers came out I may be off because I know they were out for a few years in desktops before they hit notebooks at the time.
I still have ancient athlon 64 x2 4400+ computers at my office that do everything the salesmen need them too internet and all, they are not the fastest things in the world but they get the job done. granted they still run windows XP Professional and have 4 GB of RAM each but they all do what the salesmen need them too. But if you are talking about a computer that dates back to the days of Pentium 4 I feel your pain. a nice little net-top would run circles around that and not cost much, but then the money issue again you mentioned.
"Cortana is watching you!"
with a bit of luck
i'll be at least part way to having a working system again by the weekend.
Madeline Anafrid Bell