
Looking for a Story

Hi guys. I'm looking for a story that I believe came from here. It's an autobiography and in one scene the main character in CD is being forced to sit in the back seat along with 2 other gentleman who doesn't know that he's a mean. He ends up sitting on another guys lap who starts groping and tickling his belly to keep him warm and grind against his crotch. There's a moment at the end of the scene where the driver hits a speedbump and the main characters hand ends up inside of the pants of the guy sitting next to him.


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Porous Memory - Lost Story

Since my main computer died awhile back I've been a bit lost, and my porous memory isn't helping. There was a multi-part story awhile back, by one of our top authors. Set in medieval time, it's about a boy who is so scrawny he can't find anyone to apprentice him except the local dressmaker. He goes to a tournament and the victor in a duel on horseback chooses him, thinking he is a girl. As the story goes on he actually turns into a young woman, and what a little hellcat she is!

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two years

Like the title says, its been two years since I first joined. I don't recall my first comment, but I came to this site through the stories "shoes" and the ones that followed it. I was going to try and have a bunch ready and post daily this week, but looking for work has cut into writing time. But I should have something later today or tomorrow
Thanks to everyone for keeping this site going and making people like me get our stories out there

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My web page is down.

Due to neglect on my part, my web page has been closed. Truth is, I forgot the password and the email they had for me hasn't been active in a number of years. So starting today, I'm going to be posting all my stories here. For all of you who may have been to my site and read them you'll be glad to know I'm editing them and they should be a lot better typo wise. ;o)

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After reading Digger's comments I realize that I should have mentioned ALL of the MEN AND WOMEN that served deserve the respect and thanks of those whose freedoms were protected and saved. To those who served and I overlooked I offer my sincerest apologies and greatest appreciation.


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I just finished watching Sally Potter's masterful retelling of Virginia Woolf's novel, Orlando. For those of you that don't know it, the plot concerns a man (Tilda Swinton), who is commanded by Queen Elizabeth I, played delightfully here by Quentin Crisp, to stay forever young, which he/she proceeds to do. I say he/she because halfway through the 400 year timeline of the plot, he wakes up female. She looks in the mirror and states "Same person, just a different sex". You can see why I thought that it might appeal to the habitues of this site.

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Story search Witches, transformation, telekenetic powers, Las Vegas..

So there is this old story that I believe was never finished that I am out searching for. What I remember is this guy who secretly has telekinetic powers transformed accidently by this pretty young woman. He is Physically flawless and a few times held captive because the family (witches) does not know what to do with her. I know she escapes, to Vegas, I know she has the ability to float high in the air but if she looses concentration falls.
As much as my feeble mind can remember. Gary


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Kind thoughts for the authors that are ill.

Some of Big closet's authors are and/or have been under the weather lately. This is a shout out to them from others in this family that they are being thought of and loved. Hope that you get well soon! Hugs!
Feel free to add your best wishes and names to this message!

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Looking for a distraction - LOTR

Trying to distract myself last night, my mind stopped on the clothing designs for Galadriel and Arwen's costumes that Paula described in her excellent story - Fashion Star. Now, I haven't seen the movies so I don't have a clue what was designed for them but I have read the novels and I just couldn't picture the need for crinolines with the sort of outfits Tolkien described. So like anybody these days, I turned to Google for the answer.

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Where oh where is Renae at...

I've just finished re-reading Renae's superb partial stories, 'After the Ashes' and 'First Among Fools' and thought I'd try to see if she's on BC these days. They are wonderful stories and I'm REALLY REALLY hoping that she will find the wherewithal to finish them one day!

If you have not read them I highly recommend them to you. I have to warn you that they ARE unfinished at present however and will probably leave you with withdrawal symptoms afterwards. lol


First Among Fools

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One way to look at the Girl Code

Some of the (reality)celebrities and real girls from on TV, have decided (got paid) to talk about the way women look at being a woman and what the issue woman have to do and deal with on a daily basis.

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Kudos & Random Solos

Don't know if they're connected, but I've noticed that the Kudos counts for stories are way down the RH column now, where they used be at the top above the author's story list. Whether this has anything to do with the unremovable Random Solos on the front page I don't know. I did notice one "Random Solo" that popped up on the home page for me earlier was Part 2 of a story, I don't remember which story it was, sorry. So I can't say if the story was classified wrong or if it might be a bug in the feature.

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Annoyed with my family

So I went to my mums for dinner tonight, it being Mother's Day and all. It was myself, mum, her boyfriend, my sister, her boyfriend and my 2yo nephew. We were sitting around the lounge room drinking coffee, and somehow they got onto the topic of teaching Hunter (my nephew) the difference between a boy and a girl, based on general appearance. All this time, I'm sitting there thinking "he's 2, he doesn't give a damn, and that's the way it should be" (I'm an equalist). But then the funniest thing happened, my sister has started going around, asking him what each person is, a boy or a girl.

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Book 11

Thought I'd give you all due warning - a new Gaby book will be published this week! It might be Wednesday or it might be next weekend but sure as eggs are eggs it will be available! There's all the angst, racing and general Gabyness you've come to expect so be prepared!

So look out for Gaby - Wunderkind part 1 coming to a screen near you - soon!

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Help finding a story

I need help finding an old story. As I remember: there is a mother with a son and daughter. They are rich with a large corporate company. The son is the best mind and talent to take over but the mother of males. Consequently she has the son transformed into a woman. His problem is that she didn't trust enough to ask. There is a young woman that was rescued by the mother and is working and living in the household. The son and woman eventually marry I think in Minn. There are a couple attacks on the home/mansion using ATV's to approach.

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TG Photographs

Hello, I saw this item on the Daily Mail website. I have a copy of Mariette Pathy Allen’s book ‘Transformations’ from years ago. The article is a positive one and the best rated comments are also positive.

Here’s the link:

Love to all

Anne G.

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Things are probably not stabilized, but I was wondering if "Search" functionality would be coming back? One of the first things that attracted me to Big Closet was that it was searchable, unlike some other story sites. Now, I can live without it, but it would be nice.


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