
PINK OUT in Louisville!!! Kentucy Oaks Day...

If you're coming to Louisville for the Derby Saturday, Please come a day early and attend "The Oaks" on Friday. It's a wonderful event billed as "Fillies, Lillies and More" to honor breast cancer survivors. Go here for pictures and information: . All attendees, both women and men, are encouraged to wear pink. Hey, no problem here!

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A trailer on Youtube

I happened upon this trailer on Youtube that reminded me of something I could find here. It was titled "Werewoman Teaser" It is almost as if one of our authors created the plot, a man turns into a woman for the week that his female room mates have their period. The women have lived together long enough that they all are synchronized. The trailer was well made and created as a fund raiser for the video. See what you think:

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Whately having problems?

Can someone explain why, when going to Crystal Hall's main page you are directed to a page claiming that this is an adult site and you are then given a number of links to various iterations of Big Closet? This is deeply odd, Whately Academy's own site appears to have died.

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Anonymous Plans Internet Blackout

"This video below with Hillary Clinton, encourages an internet ‘unplug’ tomorrow, Monday, April 22, 2013, in protest of CISPA. I’ll be turning off my laptop, in great anticipation, and will be curious to see, not only if the blackout occurs, but to see what I may or may not accomplish during a day without the internet."

Video and the entire blog can be found here:

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Seven years

Well, I've done seven, yes SEVEN years here at BC! Whoda thunk? I've penned a few decent stories, read a lot of damned fine ones, and made the odd enemy or a dozen or so. In that same time I've also had open heart surgery as well as a worsening of my Cystic Fibrosis and depression. On the bright side, I've made some wonderful friends, for which I have reason to be extremely grateful. Still got a lot of stuff at least half-finished that I'd love to get wrapped up before I make my final post.

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Boston Marathon

Monday had to be one of the worst days of my life. I live in Boston and attend the Marathon every year to support the runners. This year was special to me as my friend was to run in the race. My friend had called me at 2:20 telling me he just passed mile marker 19 and would call again when he was a mile out.

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I miss Robert ....

I was rereading Julie O, and saw that Robert Arnold edited/proofed many of her stories. I miss him so much, he touched my life is so many ways. That started me thinking of others who are not with us any more, and I realized I could have been one too. I still have my moments of doubt and suicidial thoughts, and wonder if I will always be haunted by that siren call.

I have so much to be thankful for ... my life is slowly getting back into order and my sunshine filled days far out weigh my demon plague nights.

Is it always like this? I need someone cuddle with.

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Useful writing website

A writer friend of mine pointed out to me earlier this week. It's a really basic website that just puts out a simple challenge to it's users: write 750 words a day about anything. It doesn't care if you just type "I can't think of anything" a hundred and fifty times, it just keeps a word count, lets you know when you've hit your mark, and gives you points for doing so (Yay, points!). The idea behind it is that once you've gotten yourself started writing, you can continue doing so.


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Are females better at doing repetitive stuff?

Sorry if this comes off somewhat provocative, but I need to know this for my latest plot-bunny. Are females better at doing boring stuff? I'm allways amazed how good my sister is at enduring hellishly boring/repetitive tasks. It's not only been in my family, but also elsewhere. Women actually seem to love to clean, manage to survive the most boring jobs. It actually seems like a hire praxis. If you want to have some repetitive low skilled work done then employ a woman. They're cheaper than robots...


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looking for story

I'm searching for a story, I can't remember the name of it. It is a mind control type story. In it, a woman transforms a prep school for wealthy boys into a girls school. The woman changes the boys into girls so that they can be married off and give up their inheritances. Each boy tries to resist the change but fails, and doesn't seem to have any memories of her past male existence. It might be the first story of a series, I'm not sure.

Does anybody know the title of this story? Thanks!


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A Birthday Post of Sorts

I'm supposed to be working on a paper for school about the evolution of RISC, pipelining, cache and virtual memory for my Computer Architecture course. Instead, I'm semi-crossposting the following from my main blog because I realize it's been a while since I wrote here, and the paper is boring; I'm a software girl, hardware gets in the way :P. Here's the post, and I'll go back to pretending to write this paper now. :)

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so i could use some advice

so im a bit neurotic and never had the courage to do so before but ive found a very supporting friend. Well she been helping push my comfort zone. Ive decided to try dressing in private and was wondering if there was a really good online store to find breast forms and the such.Tried amazon and they were like here ya go have double ds

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I did not realize ....

that I did 63 therapy sessions this last year. I met with my (wonderful and talented) therapist today and we had to submit more paperwork for my VA disability claim and was amazed at how much work I have done. She told me not to read the neurological report on me as it would likely upset me (great thing about being in the military is obeying directions/orders). If all goes well I will get my 70% disability raised to 100% in the next 3 months.

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Has anyone else noticed this?

Last night I cleared the history and cookies from my browser as I often do. Later I decided to check in here to see what was up -- except my feeble mind failed me and I couldn't remember the exact URL to the site. "No problem", I said, so I "just Googled it", as the kids say these days.

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