So, I have basically just COMPLETELY outed myself to my mum, by accident. How? You may ask. She had just come round to drop off a few things, unannounced. She then stated that she was dying to pee (to hide the fact that she wanted to inspect my flat, of which she has no right). So I let her past the door to go. The first thing she saw was my loungeroom's mess to which she said "oh my god" and I replied "ha, it's about to get much worse". She then delivered another "Oh My God" with a lot more.....honesty. She then said a few other thing, but I didn't hear them because I took a short walk around outside
See earlier today, I decided to put some of my femme clothes in the washing machine, but as I don't want them seen by the neighbours (and the fact it's been raining), I have them hung up in my bedroom on a clothing rack and on the outside of my wardrobe. I also had the femme-half of my wardrobe open, and my blonde wig on my dresser ( I actually got it for cosplaying at Supanova) there was also some of my adult baby stuff lying around.
To get to my bathroom, you have to go thru my bedroom. So she has now seen everything, including my purple tutu with attached skirt and my pink spreader diaper. I don't think she's in the dark about her "sweet little baby boy" anymore (yes, she has described me as such, to my face, in those exact words).
She hasn't exploded yet, and actually expects me round for dinner later this week, but I highly doubt that this is the last I'll hear about it.
I know I shouldn't complain, there are plenty of people who have come off a lot worse from such situations, but I can't let go of this feeling of impending doom.
The bright side
is that she didnt outright explode or reject you on the spot. I think she is trying to digest what she saw and will be a bit more open to talk with you about it. Give her a chance.
There is the fact she barged in under false pretenses, but I do understand she is your mom and moms have the 6 7 8 th sense that clues them into things we as grown kids do not think is any of there business. I know my mom did and I gave her a t shirt one time that was labeled on the front DANGER UXB on the back I AM A BOMB EXPERT if you see me running try to keep up. It was a month before PBS in Colorado aired the Danger Unexploded Bomb series. Then I heard from her friend how funny it was when every one twiged out my joke. This was pre 9/11
With those with open eyes the world reads like a book
Danger UXB
I watched that show on Masterpiece Theater with Alastair Cook back in the 70's when I was a teenager. I really enjoyed that series. Someday I am going to get a copy of it for myself.
I thought I was the only one
And somewhere I even have the paper book of the series...
Ellen, 22nd level Necromancer of Threads
The big question...
How open-minded is your mum? :)
Evidently, from the fact she didn't say anything or explode on the spot indicates that she's not too closed minded and she understands the value of discretion. She may even be of the opinion that what you do in your spare time is none of her business.
Besides which, it may soften the blow for if/when you go full time...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
You are missing the obvious.
She probably just thinks you have a girl. From your comment to your Mum, you seem like you are about 18 years old.
Thanks for the reply girls,
Thanks for the reply girls, I'm feeling a lot better about things now.
I had a chat with a friend who I know is a crossdresser, and she had much the same to say. I s'pose I just have to wait and see.
She expects you round for dinner.
Expecting you to come around for dinner means that at least she is remaining in touch. If this is to be 'that chat' you are going to have to come clean and let her know lot's of stuff (but not necessarily everything unless she pushes you for the details etc).
However you have every right to 'sound her out' and request some sort of contract of tolerance before you reveal stuff. After all, she burst in on you without an invitation and if she has realised that you have your own life,(and it's not your kinky girl-friend's stuff) she has got to come part way to meet you. After all most successful relationships are primarily agreements.
Good luck with the dinner; by the way is your dad around or will any other siblings be present at this dinner?