Rebekkah DeMere

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Has anyone any information on Rebekkah, is she still alive and if so is she still writing?



I have heard rumors both dead and alive, no one seems to know for sure.

Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be

Whichever it is...

As far as her living status goes, she's certainly not writing anymore... Which is a shame.

No one seems to be able to confirm her whereabouts at all, nor whether she's alive or not. But she's definitely not writing :(

Abigail Drew.

Rebekkah is back

I got an reply from Fiction Mania that Rebekkah has surfaced and has added some of her chapters from her 8 Dragons saga on Sapphires place and she has promised that she is going to finish the saga. For all those inquiring minds who wanted to know.

Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be


Wonderful news! Any idea if anyone can convince her to migrate and start mirroring here as well? I try to avoid FM...

Abigail Drew.

Rebekkah DeMere

She isn't posting on Fiction Mania but on Sapphire's site. That is where she originally posted this saga and a person answered my message board ? about her that he had actually spoke to her earlier this month. I am glad to hear she is alright and that she is going to post the rest of the story.


Men should be Men and the rest should be as feminine as they can be

Oh. Ok!

I suppose I can handle that. Kinda never really visit Sapphire's much anymore, doesn't see much activity and at least last I was there the layout was terrible.

Abigail Drew.