
T-Giving Tradition

If somebody has already posted this I apologize, but listening to this has become a Thanksgiving tradition for me. So without further adieu, follow this link to hear Alice's Restaurant Masacree by Arlo Guthrie, with the lyrics as video.

Alice's Restaurant

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The methodology of writing.

After years of being a lurker, and that was before I registered on the site, I'm finally taking a more active role. I'll be posting the first chapter of a new story later today. (Yes, if I say that here, then I've got a deadline I have to meet.)

That said, I want to get a discussion going on the writing process itself. I've noticed that the appropriate section of the forums is rather dead. Goes back over 2 years on the first page of threads. So, I'm posting here.

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17+ comments for the author who writes nothing but run-on sentences...

I'm not an author, so this isn't a case of jealousy, in which I begrudge their popularity because I have none. My social capital on this site is zilch. I've posted maybe twice, before. With that disclaimer out of the way, I want to know why so many readers flock to bad writers. Stories full of run-on sentences, poor grammar, misspellings, etc. The types of stories written so whimsically that they're sickening with their lack of focus. 17+ comments? This is some of the most popular stuff out there? I've found all sorts of gems on this site; stories which I'll never forget.


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Pure coincidence, I assure you

Whilst poor Penny has been prodded, poked, pincushioned and 'photographed' (ok - it starts with a 'p' !!!!), I myself have had some RL projects to deal with, so I have been adding to my air mile accounts.

Julina is not forgotten - it's just a wry happenstance that this one big day of her life has taken longer to post than the descriptions of the few weeks preceding!

I expect to have something for you early next week - as long as this sudden bout of cold/'flu disappears soon.

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With today being Veteran's Day for my American readers and Rememberance Day for the Canadians. I DO NOT know if this day is honored in other countries and I apologise for this. Please take the time to think about those that fought in in past wars, and thank these men and women. This includes those that made the Supreme Sacrifice. THANK YOU TO THOSE WHO SACRIFICED AND FOUGHT FOR MY FREEDOMS!

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2 for 1 Blog, But they are short reminders for mental health

First off the good news, got a new cat, a grey and dark brown calico kitten that is growing fast.
So, I should be more good natured for awhile, at least until her teething becomes an issues.

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Looking for character information for The Center universe

Hey everyone,

I've been on-and-off poking at a long-format Center story (35k words and climbing) for something like two years now, and was thinking that for National Novel Writing Month (AKA NaNoWriMo), I'd make a stab at actually finishing it and getting it posted. However, I've run into a bit of a snag...


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Sometimes it takes a generator to get the sparks flying....

Since I finally, after an untold number of weeks, have cleared the sleep deprivation-induced fuzz from my brain, I decided to make use of the writing generators this site links to.

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This week

you can read the usual updates both here and on my site but also if you weren't lucky enough(!) to attend Gabycon last month you can at least get a feel for it with the Gabycon guide! Its available on paper and ether and contains some exclusive Gaby scribblings!


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Happy Dance Time

I am overjoyed! Yesterday I had a Cardiac PET Scan Stress Test and they just called me to tell me that my cardiac arteries both large and small are in great shape and if you knew my heart history for the past 15 yrs you would be amazed too. No results on Echo-cardiogram or Carotid Ultrasound till 11/5 but that is good news in and of itself. If there were bad things she would have me in sooner.

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Is anyone interested in a Quest type forum-RPG?

Hi everyone,

surfing around the net I've found several interesting role playing games that are played in forums. One form, where the gamemaster essentially write the story, fascinated me very much. The players decide by vote what the character does and the game master rolls to decide wether that action succeeds and what the consequences are.

I thought that we could maybe do the same here and wanted to ask if some of you would be interested. That wouldn't mean commitment to anything, I just want to know if people would be willing to check in and vote for the next action once in a while.

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Wonder what is going on?

Usually, I actually am reasonably pleasant woman at peace with myself and life. Oh, I have my moments but they are few and far between. Today, every time I've encountered even mildly abusive stuff in my reading it has triggered my inner Mama Bear and trust me that is scary.
Something is going on but experience has taught me that attempting to "figure it out" is fruitless. Best I sit quietly with the feeling and allow it to become clear in its own time.

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People who orate

Normally I don't blog as I cant type worth a stink(ie very slow, 2 fingers)but after reading that Philbin's little rant about reaction to his news column, I gotta speak out. granted this butt head is a bigot and a pompous ass, I finally got his whole complaint. He just hates liberals, especially when he is shown for what he is, stupid, arrogant, self centered, & just really in love with himself.

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