There's a story that I want to bookmark so I've clicked on 'bookmark' but, when I call up my bookmarks, it isn't there! I've tried three times with the sake result. (Aaargh!). Is this part of the continuing saga of Erin's problems with her server?
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)
Which story was it?
Maybe you happened to hit bookmark just as the site did a reset to manage load. But maybe it's because there is something odd about the story in the database, I've been chasing those gremlins all day.
= Give everyone the benefit of the doubt because certainty is a fragile thing that can be shattered by one overlooked fact.
Let's all get behind the movement to make chasing gremlins an Olympic event. I don't have the hips for the stretch uniforms, but maybe they would allow costumes like the figure skaters. Watch out for the team from Canada. Their team is led by Captain Gizmo, who seemingly can read the Gremlin's minds and is one step ahead of them.
Angela Rasch (Jill M I)
The Gremlin Is Still There!
Erin, the story is "Somewhere Else Entirely" by Penny Lane. When I call up Episode 98 (of Book 6) it says it's bookmarked but it isn't. When I check my bookmarks, it doesn't appear. Just EAFOAB is there. I've solved the problem by adding it to "My Favourites".
Angela/Jill: What did you mean look out for the Canadians? Should I look in the mirror? [Giggle]
Erin: How do I change my signature? I want to get the little 'x' out of there since it's no longer needed (since a few years, now).
Yours from the Great White North,
Jenny Grier (Mrs.)