Physical Descriptions - Out of Favor?

In the earlier days of TG fiction on the Internet, most stories seemed to be keen to include the specific physical description of the main TG character. Presumably because authors often were enjoying writing a favorite fantasy, and most of us have a very specific idea of the physical specifics we prefer to think about having in our fantasies. For many (most?) authors, it was usually the same from story to story, and nobody seemed to mind.

In latter years, most (by no means all) stories seem to avoid any specific physical description of the main TG character. Presumably because this avoids preventing any potential reader from delving into the author's story. If a reader's preferred physical description conflicts with the one in the story they've begun reading. Lack of description maybe helps the reader visualize themself as the transformee, and appearing whatever way the reader wishes. Like visualizing what one wants in a Rohrshach blot.

Does anyone feel like they agree with my observation about this trend over the years?

Does anyone feel like they have a good insight or explanation of why this trend is?

Note that the number of stories being posted on the Internet were relatively few back in say the mid 1990s, whether posted to usenet or to AOL before it even connected to the Internet, or all other venues, combined. For a while, one literally could keep up with reading every new story, and even at times be impatiently waiting for someone to post something new. In the years since the Internet has become almost synonymous with WWW, one after another Web site has come into existence catering to many TG audiences, it would be pretty inconceivable to try to keep up with the huge number being posted all the time in various quarters.

Perhaps, in former times, readers were just delighted that there was a TG story, any TG story, to read, even if it meant putting up with characters with physical descriptions not to some readers' tastes? Perhaps they had seen so few TG stories previous to the new Internet that they had not yet developed super-specific preferences of their own in this matter and didn't give it a thought?

Also, perhaps in more recent times, a lot of writers feel they must compete on the Internet for the attention of an audience and therefore must not risk including a specific that would be a turn-off for some of their potential audience, if they can possibly avoid it?

Perhaps none of the above. Maybe it is simply changing tastes?

Two little things to follow on.

If you asked for my vote: I really prefer when the author uses a fairly specific physical description. Especially if they're going to write any physical love scenes or erotic scenes. That sort of thing just doesn't fly well when it is too 'generic'.

It is very easy to download/copy a story to one's computer and quickly edit the main character's physical descriptors wherever mentioned, changing them to the specifics the reader would more enjoy. Using a search-and-replace feature to change from "blonde" to "brunette", "petite" to "buxom", "blue eyes" to "eyes like Liz Taylor's", and so on isn't that tricky. I often do this to stories. Sometimes I'll read through the story as posted first, then change it and reread right away. Sometimes I'll stop midway through a read and change it all. Sometimes I might skim just barely far enough to find what words we're using ("tall", "five feet eight inches", "long legs", or whatever) and then start search-and-replacing. I might keep the altered version to reread months or years later -- as we sometimes do with stories.

Most of you have probably never read any kind of post from me before, because I've only ever posted some comments (usually positive) to some authors' stories. Life is strange, and my intention when I created this account years ago was to post short stories of different lengths and to start almost right away. But that strangeness of life has led to still no stories after quite a long time, and never before starting a forum thread until now. Shocking! Please be kind if this topic has already been done to death or some other netiquette mistake. I just can't keep up.

(I have been writing, just not completing, yet. It may really and truly be "real soon now" that Annemarie's first story is posted.)

Sugar and spice, and everything nice
That is what girls are made of