Polling 4 'Healing a Princess'?

I know that this, a TG site, is here for people in and out of the TG community to enjoy stories on the TG subject.

Having said all of that, I sought and received approval to post a NON-TG story that I have been working on. I know that it may not be popular to post such stories here, as there are other places to post. However, after the multitude of kind and encouraging comments sent to me about my first public TG story, I thought I would test the waters with 'Healing a Princcess'. As I thought, I have not been receiving the number of hits other stories could get.

My question to you is, shall I keep posting the chapters of 'Healing a Princess" or is there just not enough interest in it here? I will post the rest of CH.2 tomorrow, and then I'll judge whether to post any more based on the communities reaction.

Thanks for the support you have shown me.
