I promised myself--and all of you--that I wouldn't talk about my story or the contest again here, but as with most of my promises, it was a far easier thing to make than to keep.
But I do have a good reason for breaking my promise. I've been spending the last few days--in between medical appointments, Christmas parties, and personal responsibilities--trying to pull together some 17,000 words of story fragments into something coherent. I have enough material in a decent-enough state of completion for the first two installments. From the looks of things, my little story is going to be a novella before I'm through, if not a full-fledged novel.
Since I have pathetic judgement when it comes to judging what material is good and what is junk, it occurred to me I'm really going to need an editor, especially considering this is not only my first piece of writing in years, it's my longest and most complicated. When I jump in, I do so with both feet. An editor would ensure I'm not in over my head.
It would also be nice to have someone to discuss various aspects of the story with which I'm having problems. I can't do that here without giving away important parts of the story, but I can do that with an editor.
If there are any takers, let me know here in the comments, if you please.
I'm not the most time-rich person in the world, but send me what you got.
not as think as i smart i am
I'll send you a separate PM for each part.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,

Rachel, you ask 4 editor,
have you thought about a beta reader?
May Your Light Forever Shine
I'm so green, I'm unaware of the difference...
What exactly does a beta reader do, as opposed to an editor? I would be amenable to either, in any case.
Livin' A Ragtime Life,
