
Psychology of Gender

An interesting article about gender, with some explanations of hormone experiments on rats.

Keep in mind that some of the data is more than 30 years old; however, it's still interesting to read.

I ended up there when I was trying to find out some of the effects of prepubescent castration in humans - basically, whether or not it would be the same as total androgen insensitivity. (apparently not, at least, not without providing estrogen therapy to trigger puberty)

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unfinished serials

Hello first blog here but have a ? does any1 know where i can find the endings to the stories in serial section for A Glass Half-Full by Chaosdancer wich ended just before a fight with a demon holding a family member of 1 the herorine's group or for Who's That Girl by PattieBFine wich ended with the introduction of a male suitor creating a love triangle ?

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Worst job ever for a male


I'm writing another story and I'm thinking about a f2m punishment transformation. The reverse has been done way too often, and I want to give my characters something to think and maybe to regret.
Many evil guys tend to be transformed into whores, but what are the worst imaginable jobs for males? With what a life would you punish an evil female after she has been transformed into a guy?

I'd be greatful for any suggestions,


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Ye Olde Menu: Dormouse, Anyone?

Today's Wall Street Journal had an article with the headline "Ye Olde Menu: Dormouse, Anyone?" in the Personal Journal section. The article was about a "trend-in-the-making" of finding recipes from old to ancient sources to spice up menus. The article does state "One recipe he won't bother to explore: Stuffed Dormouse."

A subscription is required to read the article online.

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a question

i sit here reading the stories on bc and i wonder do transgender people mind that none transgender people are reading about about them. i have a friend i play games with on a game site and shes proud of her self. so the sex none sex whatever of people doesnt bother me at all. yall excuse me but my my mind wanders in strange paths sometimes.

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Storysite Malfunctioning Now

I do check regularly, and yesterday night and this morning noticed that the Storysite that Crystal seems to have abandonned has developed new malfunctions - you can get the home page byt if you click on Stories, nothing happens, it just goes blank. Same for Poetry Corner. So unless she notices and repairs it, I guess that is it. A sad loss, which many of us regret.

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i just found bob arnolds "zapped" story. what a great writer he was. just one one small point i dont know if he spoke from personal experience or not but i watched my daughter pass on with the removal of life support. it wasnt thirty minute a process. suffice to say its not something i ever want to go through again with anyone. if this offends please accept my apology.

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No YHIAW tonight

Sorry Everybody who's waiting for this weeks "You Have it all Wrong" by SaraUK this week, I'm afraid I'm had a thumping headache most of the day and I haven't got the HTML done for it. Hopefully I'll feel better after a nights kip and if so I'll do it first thing Sat morning.



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Web host for TG site.

A few weeks or months ago I posted this on another site and was directed to ask it here...

Now before I ask my question I feel I should state up from that the other site suggested I ask directly if this site would be able to host my site, but I do not honestly think this site would be able to do such so instead...

I am looking for a web site host that would be friendly to transgender fiction stories, as my site is a personal site I doubt it ever be that big or use that much bandwidth, but I do need functioning PHP.

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My first BCTSiversary.

1am (GMT) October 4th 2010. That's when I arrived here. You girls and guys and your stories (and your administrating, you know who you are) are so awesome, I decided to stay. ^_^ I have commented and blogged, but no stories of my own. Yet. I have started writing one, though I will not give a release date. After all, the future is clouded, uncertain, and possibly contains highly distracting shiny objects! = )
(Read More)

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New chapter and Gabycon guide


to start with theres a new chapter up on BC of book 7.

More important though is the release today of the Gabycon 2011 official guide which includes pictures from the weekend as well as an exclusive first peek at a new Angharad Gabfic and the first chapter of book 9!

follow the links



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100 million years old virus causes longer pregnancies

Posted: Fri Sep 30, 2011 5:14 pm Post subject: Was a 100 million year old virus the why of human pregnancy

The above article claims that about 100 million years ago, a virus infected the DNA and made it possible for placental mammals to exist. As the scientist claim, the virus was able to worm its way into mammal DNA as a place it would be able to replicate itself rapidly and relatively safely.

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Apologies to all

Apologies to all those that was hoping to read the next chapter of SaraUKs "You have it all wrong" tonight, I'm afraid I've had a blonde moment and I haven't done the HTML coding to this weeks chapter. It's to late to do it now as I've taken my nightly PKs and I like to be clear headed when I do it.

I'll have it posted Saturday morning.



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Looking for an Editor for my Halloween Story

Hi everyone,
I've just finished my halloween story and I'd be greatful if someone could edit it.

As you may or may not know, english is not my mother tongue and suggestions on how to improve the grammar and the text in general would be greatly appreciated ;)

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LGBT teen in Buffalo, NY takes his own life

Last May, Jamey Rodemeyer added his video to the "It Gets Better Project", the Internet video site where adults share hope with LGBT teens, a minority likely to be bullied by even the adults in their lives and suffer a disproportionately high suicide rate. On Monday, the 14-year-old teen from Buffalo, N.Y., was found dead outside his home, having apparently taken his own life.

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been a bit busy

Just thought i'd say that through the years may be a bit slow. Been busy cleaning around the house and we finally got our severance pay and unused sicktime pay from my old job....and I paid out a total of $1700. In taxes between those two checks.

So now I can pay bills and stuff. Plus been battleing bouts of depression because I don't know what I want to do now.

I've got two chapters almost ready to go, jus stuck on parts.

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Thanks to all!!! From Bob's sister

I just wanted to thank everyone again for all their kind thoughts and hard work during the recent passing of my brother Bob Arnold. To me he was my rock the person Who I could tell anything to and he would not judge but listen and maybe offer some piece of wisdom. He has been sorely missed these last few months.

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1 euro, 2 cent's, 15 euro,...

Not mtuch changed since my last blog. Passed the written part of drivers ed, made my mom, sisters, niece and the respectieve SO's eat sushi during my B)day dinner and, ..., I'm still officially on sickleave which is getting to be a real drag (understatement).

Looking for a car to buy for the hands on part of drivers ed (it seems to people outside Belgium that we have a weird drivers ed system or so I'm told). And that is making me count every cent. Especially with winter around the corner and the need for 'mazout' and gas.

PS starting to wonder who's been or lived in Belgium here

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Question obout genders

Hi, I'm writing a SF story at the moment and I have a character doing an explanation about genders...

Someone once mentioned here that there are five genders...

Male, Female, Non-Gendered, Bi-Gendered, is there some other stuff I forgot or are those the only ones?

Does anyone have an idea about the natural occurance of genders in the population?

Thank you for your help,



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The lack of comments by me on stories. I have been gone.

Hi to all. As you have most likely noticed, due to the lack of comments or e-mails, I have been gone for a few months. I see from checking on a few stories, that I have a LOT of reading to catch up on. I have been very busy these past few months taking care of my Mother (87) and assisting my Sister, as her husband was dealing with bladder cancer. Finally, after many treatments, he is considered at this moment in time free of cancer. Did you know, that bladder cancer is treated by injecting TB cells into the bladder?

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Uncovering New Chapters

There's probably a topic on this somewhere. But since last month, two writers have posted stories with the intention of delaying part of them so that they'll show up later.

Turns out they do show up when the author wanted. But the date they were originally posted is what appears at the top, not the date they're exposed. So one finds them way down the page or even a page or more.


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Insurance coverage

I work for Turner Broadcasting Systems in Atlanta, GA, USA. Turner offers 4 different insurance plans, a HSA, an HMO, a low cost plan through a major health insurance company and a higher cost plan through the same insurance company. As an aside, I've always chosen the higher cost option because my spouse has MS. Now included as part of that plan is coverage for "Transgender Care". Having read the plan, the coverage is for various surgeries that a F2M or M2F transsexual may seek. IMO, what it covers is WOW!

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Gabycon Over

Well I'm on the way home from Gabycon, where did the time go?

There will be a report midweek but it turned out to be a great weekend, those of you too shy to come missed some excellent food, great company, brilliant sightseeing and loads of brand new Gaby!

Put it in your diary for 2012 so you don't miss out next time!



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extra Gaby

Well we are all having a great time at Gabycon, Ang has already posted the Con special and there's another Book 7 chapter posted too!

Today we've got more readings for attendees and as the weather is looking good this morning we'll be hitting the beach later - well Chesil isn't exactlty Skegvegas but there's sea and er pebbles!

Bye for now


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