Hi I'm Lostflower or possibly Hannah
I'm also still cowering in the closet in western Scotland and my doctors fought tooth and nail against giving me hormones prior to the dreaded Real Life Test.....and they wondered why I wanted to make my rather vaguely planned (read making it up as I go) transition easier and less traumatic.
It might be because of things like this
Thanks for that,
' par for the course,but would those same teachers have thrown her out
if she wore a kilt! Wouldn't that be interesting.
Which way round?
I may be being very cynical here, but I wonder what the real reason for exclusion is.
Is the school using the excuse of poor attendance to get rid of a transgender student, or is the student using his status as an excuse for getting chucked out for being a useless slacker? It may just be the accent, but Keirny doesn't come across as the most academic of people.
At 17, I assume he must have finished his GCSE's and be in further education. The video doesn't say, but if he is doing NVQ's or A-levels, then these are entirely optional. There would therefore be the assumption that you want to be there, and poor attendance would be less tolerated than in compulsory education, where the is no choice in the matter.
Education, especially further education, is supposed to prepare you for getting and maintaining a job. Lack of attendance or commitment would not be tolerated by an employer, and would lead to being sacked. I don't see anything wrong with a school asking a student to leave if they are not pulling their weight.
I suspect the answer is somewhere in between. The unusual dress sense is probably the last straw on a number of reasons why the school wants to get rid of the student.
I think the lesson to be learned here is that if you are going to embark on behaviour seen outside the norm, you don't give anybody any excuses for excluding you, such as lack of motivation.
I went to the nastiest high school in my town.....
And never in my life did I meet anyone who had ever been expelled (no matter how bad what they did was) and I turned up to school on time no more than one day a month and still I was never expelled.
Lets see attendance , rarely handed homework in on time if at all, once transcribed a part of the comedy TV show Bottom as an short story for an imaginative writing exercise and got a good mark for it too, never did punishments ever, bunked off PE persistently to the point where they gave me an official exemption from it to save bother
.....yet one kid comes out and that twists there little brains out and gets banhammered from school
Wow it's been a while between work and loldrama of life I've been too tired to fire up the beasty (pet name for laptop) even for Warcrack yes I'm a nerd don't judge me for it.
But this it today I'm going shopping.
Going out as Hannah for the first time.
Wish me luck