
I Guess the Main Stream Media missed this

I have been listening to NPR ( National Public Radio ) lately and 3 days ago they did an artical on the New California law that requires the teaching of LGBT history in state schools.
They compaired a man named Harvey (I know when somebody smarter than reads this they will correct Mr. Milks first name) Milk, who was assinated for being an equal rights spokesman and also gay, to Dr. Martin Luther King.
To listen to the artical you can probally go to your local NPR station on the net.
I guess the mainstream media missed this or thought unnewsworthy


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Server Rescue

My understanding from Kristin Darken is that Bob was hosting sites for a lot more than just the TG community. The following is the post I made on the Crystal Hall, which may be pertinent to the BCTS/TG Server/Site Rescue Taskforce.

If the servers for the non-TG sites are on physically distinct machines from "our" sites, our (narrow vision) end of things would be relatively easy, just get "our" machine(s) moved elsewhere.

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Justice Department seeks to keep enforcing DADT

Found today online:

"Justice Department seeks to keep enforcing 'don't ask, don't tell' for now"

"The Obama administration wants to stick with the timetable set in last year's congressional action to repeal the controversial policy.The Obama administration asked a federal appeals court late Thursday to suspend its decision last week ordering an end to enforcement of the military's "don't ask, don't tell" policy, which bars gay people from serving openly in the armed forces."

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Thank you all from Bob's sister

I wanted to thank you all for giving me insight into how many friends Bob really did have. He seemed to live such a solitary life, but I now realize his life was much richer than any of us imagined. Please know that you will be with us in our thoughts as we go on with his memorial service and as we try to get his websites back up and running.

Your messages have brought me much comfort during this terribly difficult time.

Please feel free to keep in touch.

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Bob Arnold

I am Bob Arnold's Niece and I have been reading all of the comments and stuff about him and I have found his stories he has written and it is a totally different side of him that the family didnt know. I am happy that he touched so many of you in different ways and I hope whoever takes over his sites will keep them running as a memorial to him and will let the family know when they are up and going so we can actually see the side of him that you all saw on his website stardust thank you all for the kind words and many of them are being read at his memorial service on friday

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A fitting tribute

I have been fretting all day over the news of Bob's passing away. While I did not know him, I knew of him, how can you not ... story edited by, site maintained by and the list goes on. I wish I had the words to express the sorrow I feel within, but I am not that good with words. All I know is he will be missed terribly.

So, here is to Bob's memory, his work and legacy. God speed and may your rest be peaceful.


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ANOTHER GREAT LOSS for our community , just the aother day their was a question about BOB and has anyone heard from him and as I signed in today I saw the news about BOB and it hurts that he died alone at home and he was found X days later GOD BLESS YOU BOB and MAY YOU REST IN PEACE you will be missed WITH MY RESPECTS ---RICHIE2

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Happy Anniversary & Good News

Today my wife and I are celebrating our 38 th year together . We where married after only 5 months of knowing each other and everybody though she was pregnant but 3 1/2 years past before our first son was born WHO HAS JUST PASSED HIS CPA EXAMS . They have not all been happy but the happy ones far out weigh the bad ones TO MY BEST FRIEND "I LOVE HER (TRISSA)----HUGS TO ALL MY BCTS FRIENDS--RICHIE2

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Shaving Mishap

Hey BC, last week I had a go at shaving my legs for the first time. Turns out it was a bad idea as I was unprepared, though I managed not to cut myself at least. My advice if you have lots of hair have a bag full of disposable razors at the ready. I blunted mine before I got past my knees and whilst it could still handle the longer hairs it could no longer get the stubble; that was itchy for a while. I fixed it by buying some hair removal cream so I'm fine now. Probably should have asked for some advice before I tried but whats done is done.


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Character Names

Sorry to vent.

But what's with these names? We had Jackson Browne as a black manual laborer a few weeks ago, and now we're seeing James Worthy as a white business executive.

We're talking about Hall of Famers here, authors -- people are going to recognize the names and get distracted when they're inappropriate. I do, anyway.


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I need a good author

I am looking for a good author who is willing to help me tell my life story. I am a 32 year old man, I have lead an average life for the most part, except I am ADHD and I am sure I have some other mental issues, after all ADHD is a mental illness. I have had battled with myself and other and life has not been easy. You may want to know how my life will make a good story, well sex, drugs, and rock-n-roll are involved along with drama and love. I am trying to get treatment for my issues and get my life on track. I would like to get started on a Bio ASAP.

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Blown Away by Performance - Kelli O'Hara

Monday on the Capital 4th program on PBS, I was blown away by Kelli O'Hara's voice in a duet with Matthew Morrison singing Tonight from West Side Story. I was not previously familiar with Ms O'Hara. The performance is posted here: . The duet starts about 4:17. It's well worth watching if you haven't seen it.

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I'm Kristine Roland's Wife. And you're a great bunch!

First, thank you all for the offer of giving me a place in your home. I do appreciate it, I've now created an account, and I may drop in on occasion. Unfortunately, it doesn't really solve the problem.

The problem is this: because Kristy is a CD, because TGs are a (very short) step up from unacceptable in our world, the two of us have decided not to out hir. Which means that, publicly, I can't say anything about it. Which means, it all lives in a box and I can't integrate my whole life anywhere.

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Summer, Tesla Coils and Editing

Hey Everyone, college has broken up for the summer and I'm planning to spend a lot more time writing. I'm also, as a slightly random idea, going to build a tesla coil. I'm probably going to build the type that uses a spark gap but it would be awesome if I could build a solid state, which can be used to play music (if tuned right anyway).

I would also like to have a go a some editing so if anyone has a story/chapter that they want editing please send it my way. I wont feel insulted in any way if you send it in for a second opinion as I have never done this before

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Thank You

Hi everyone

I'd like to thank everyone who has supported my writing over the years and an extra big thank you to everyone who has purchased books, especially the resounding enthusiasm for Book 8.

I'm away for a while soon but rest assured that i will be writing Book 9 on my return, i hope to have it ready for the Gabycon in September - or at least well on its way.


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Gaby Tales

Hi peeps

Over the last few years Angharad and I have written a number of pretty much standalone Gabysodes for various competitions and events. Some of these have been widely seen on the internet, others have only limited distribution.

I thought it would be nice to bring a selection of these tales together in one single volume so if you have missed their previous appearances or simply like to see Gaby in print, this one’s for you.

So here it is, Gaby Tales, ten Gabysodes that sit outside of the main stream of either Angharad's or my own main Gaby storylines.

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Story Suggestion(s)?

I'm mainly posting this story suggestion request because I'm finding it harder and harder to find stories which I really like.

1. The kind of story that I'm looking for should preferably revolve around a main character that's around 12 to 25 years (or ends up around that age through age regression). The main thing is that the character ends up going to a school of some sort (high school, collage or university), this makes it easier to relate to and I just like the kind of environment it provides for the character (will she fit in or not and things like that)


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Ignore list

I've got a question about the ignore list function. I just ignored another author by accident again, and I wanted to ask if there is a possibillity to deactivate the ignore button, or have a pop-up-window that asks if I really want to ignore the user.

Yes I know how to remove an author from the list, it is just really annoying.


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Our son passed his 4th and final part of his testing for CPA this is a 4 part test that needs to be completed in 18 months or you need to start all over again. ( he had 10 days left till the deadline )I can not ell you how PROUD we are of him LOVE YOU ALL RICHIE and my wife TRISSA

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Nena Ebooks and more


As promised i've now converted the Nena series into ebooks on Lulu

You can also get my first book, Unexpectedly Mary in this format now

Not only that but anyone who wants a complete Changes in one volume should check out

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Life Is A Soap Opera

Life is just like a soap opera only we our living it each day (see Gwen Brown's blog)as you can tell by being a reader of the general blog each day(see Dorothycolleen's blog)I have had my share this past year starting with my friend BILL'S death and my scare with bleeding out (4 units of blood transfused)my wife's father dying and leaving all his kids out of the will worth millions of dollars (all to the second wife)and now her brother (that we don't talk to) Major A--hole that his is being diagnosed with pancreatic cancer SO as you can see life is very much a soap opera or maybe like these st

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Hi Peeps

I finally had time today to find out what the problem with my conversion software was and hopefully on Wednesday not only will i have some more fanfics posted but I will resume getting all the print stuff into ebook format.

So check out my website on Wednesday to see the latest news.

On another front, I've taken the plunge, exchanged beer tokens and ordered a new hd for my lappy, well actually an SSD. If i'm lucky i'll be back on line at home before i head for plastic block land in July!


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A 15 Yr Old Suspended

I Think this School District could have problems with this being what state this happen in! Richard

PORT ORCHARD, Wash. – A 15-year-old boy has been suspended from school after wearing high heels and a dress to school as a part of a challenge laid down by his mother.

Sam Saurs, a ninth grader at Sedgwick Junior High School in Port Orchard, said he told his mother that wearing high heels wouldn't be that hard. Saurs' mother challenged him to try it and he accepted. To take it even further, he decided to wear a dress, too.

Join the weird news fun on Facebook!

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Changes part 4 - links

Here is the link!

I'm still having trouble with lulu's upload interface, my files and embedding fonts in pdf's so once again we have a blue background.

The problem will be sorted out before i print the full book, once again though, thank you for your patience.


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