
I am blessed

I just wanted to share ...

... how blessed I am. About 3 weeks ago I met the most amazing person and he has accepted me with loving arms and a warm, spiritual, and special home for me. He has two dogs and a cat (who is more affectionate than any cat I have ever met) and has made his home open to me. He is wonderful!! Okay I know, anyone in love feels that way, and I am able to say ... I am in love with him. We complement each other and he lets me cuddle and more with him. It feels so special.

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sad because I got u r not authorized to post comments messages

Hi I just joined the real world no more dial-up I have high speed now but I saw an old friend who has the most wonderful stories listed as a new author and I wanted to leave a comment but I just keept getting you are not authorized to post comments messages and had problems staying logged on
or getting to see any of my info after a number of trys I got to most of my pages and now I had to say I am so happy to see Emmie Dee

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Soul mates

I have been married to a wonderful women for 20.5 years. She and I have always had a very deep connection. Today we finally really talked about divorce.
She has grown so much in the last few yaers, she is ready for her new life now, I will always be there for her when or if she needs it.
We will divorce when our 20 year old son is stabe in his life and our financial selves are seperated.

I must say that looking at my new future it seems frightning yet freeing. I can live as I wish yet who will that be?

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Reality check

So, the last two weeks the respiratory junk has slowly been overtaking me. The sum of it is, I have a bad cold on top of a dry hacking cough, and I'm pretty miserable.

As a result, my mate and I stayed inside yesterday, concentrating of making Christmas presents (quilts, decorative pillows, etc). She sews, I cut, and I do the machine embroidery. All day long I'd been smelling something hot but I just thought it was the steam iron, or the adhesive spray I use when doing embroidery.

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My mind is becomming a blank

As I get older (each week in fact)my mind remember less and less of the things I knew even a month before.

I can remember reading a story by an author whose name I can't remember about a man who is falsely arrested and tossed into a woman's prison. He slowly becomes a woman to fit in better and ends up being exonerated.

Then he becomes a counselor at the center and falls in love with one of the guards.

I don't remember if that story was ever actually finished and if not whether the author ever plans to do so.

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Here's Something that Could Happen to Any of You

The following is Bigatry of a State Worker but, this could happen in any State or even with a Federal Worker! Richard

Calif. transgender woman says DMV worker sent letter calling her gender change 'evil'
12-09-2010 03:28 PM PST |By LISA LEFF, Associated Press SAN FRANCISCO (Associated Press)

A transgender woman says a California Department of Motor Vehicles clerk used a state database to find her address and then mailed her a personal letter condemning her sex change.

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Canada, Dress rules established for transsexuals in military

Just read an article by Tom Blackwell, (National Post  · Wednesday, Dec. 8, 2010) about new guidelines for dealing with transsexual military personnel. Good article, and the closing comment by Cpl. Murray is perfect. "There shouldn't be any issue at all. We're just regular people doing a regular job, the same job as everybody else."

Read more:

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First Post

My first post here. I have been a lurker on this site for YEARS. I have really enjoyed reading the stories over the years, but for reasons unknown to me I never joined or posted. However, for some reasons I finally feel the winds of change blowing. I'm not sure where they are going to take me, I'm hoping for fair winds. But I finally decided that I needed to start saying how much I've enjoyed the stories over the years and how much joy they have brought me.



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It's COLD in Florida

If it make you northerners feel better I am west of Ocala or just south of Gainesville and we are having a high of 44 today and a hard freeze tonight below 32 for more than 8 hours we should bottom our around 25.It has been cold like this for about 2 weeks now but they say we are not having a cold winter you could fool me Hugs and Cuddles to keep warm RICHIE2


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Still alive. :)

Hi everyone. I am happy to say that I've begun doing some work on revising the Naruto story I've written. The original story started out with Naruto and I kept having problems because (as many fan fics do) I couldn't adequately explain who Naruto and Jiraiya were. It made some very big assumptions on the part of the reader that they were fanatical devotees to the Naruto manga or series. I've decided about a year ago to fix that so that anyone could pick up the story and read it without confusion...

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Merry - Santa's helper

I read a story several years ago, about a young man who has to help out at a department store filling in as a "Santa's Helper". As the days go by, he becomes increasingly feminine. She has a marvelous touch with the children, and receives the name 'Merry'. It was a touching Christmas story and I'd like to read it again.

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Enough! It's "Santa Claus", you hear!

I just read ONE MORE STORY with the same misspelling. No, it's not a typo, the authors are confused.

I just did a google search for

"santa clause"

and got 86 hits. This is bad.

The fat jolly man's name is "Santa Claus" (well, it's actually Kris Kringle, but you know what I mean).

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Just wanted to thank ya'll you the wonderful word of condolences for my loss of my friend Bill.He did things that is hard to forget and I shall always love him GOD BLESS YOU BILL , THANKS EVERYONE RICHIE


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Update on my FRIEND BILL

This is a email his wife set out,I know Bill and Rochelle 25 years I started to cry half was threw reading this THANK YOU all for letting me vent my broken & heavy heart HUGS RICHIE2 Hi All...again, thank you for the continual prayers and messages. Your reaching out does mean the world. Bill remains in ICU. I know many of you have asked if it was okay that you visit. We ask please not to. For many reasons: Bill is sedated, he does not know if you are there or not.


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Anything to do while stuck in a hospital?

Looking for ideas on something to do while stuck in the hospital. Armed with my trusty blackberry, I can do basic browsing and text editing. Hard to do with one hand though. Cat bites suck when you have no immune system :(
So, any suggestions on things to do? Vicodin is helping a little, but still have a nasty headache that won't go away
One armed hugs,

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For those of us who have a tough time during the holidays

The weeks from Thanksgiving through the end of the year gave me problems for years.

It is at this time we tend to spotlight our lives and examine how we truly relate to familiy and friends. It is one of the reasons many suffer Holiday Depression; we simply cannot live up to the Hollywood and Madison Avenue's stereotypes. Oft times, "It's a Wonderful Life" we ain't.

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Book promotion!

Lulu are doing a special promotion again, 25% off any order!

Simply select go to Scaramouch, choose your books/calendars and in the voucher box when you check out just put 'CYBERUK', the website will then automatically make the reduction.

Its for a limited period - until the 29th November, so take advantage now and get your reading matter before Christmas!


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Gaby 2011 Calendars

For anyone who's interested there are two 13 month Gaby Calendars available for 2011, the first is illustrated Manga style by Mizutamari and the second follows Gab's on her Spring trip to Germany and Autumn trip to the Gabycon in Dorset.

Price is  £15 each - the cheapest package i could do.


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My good friend William aka Bill or Billy O'Dennell is suffering with a very aggressive Lukemia. Bill had bone marrow transplant 3 years ago and was in remission since , late October he started to feel ill ( more than normal ) again they put him in the hospital on November 1 where he has been since trying to get strong enough for another marrow transplant as some of us know you get sick in the hospital because of all of the sick people they have there.


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Transgender Day of Remembrance

I've never posted a blog before but I found a good news article that I felt was worthy of posting here. I never see any Canadians posting our news so I thought it might be time, especially given todays significance.

Alright I fixed the link and went straight to the CBC. I just thought it was a good article on some basic recognition...

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TDOR In Dallas - One Woman's Story

From the Dallas Voice Weekly E-Blast - 11.19.10

As North Texans commemorate Trans Day of Remembrance, one trans woman remembers the attack she survived as a child

DAVID TAFFET | Staff Writer [email protected]

To many people, statistics on anti-transgender violence are just numbers. Astounding, perhaps frightening, but still just numbers.

Winter Mullenix is the face of one of those numbers. One of many.

Mullenix was attacked when she was 9 years old by someone who had apparently been stalking her for a while.

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First Commercial 3-D Bioprinter Fabricates Organs To Order

"An engineering firm has developed a 3D bio-printer that could one day be used to create organs on demand for organ replacement surgery. The device is already capable of growing arteries and its creators say that arteries "printed" by the device could be used in heart bypass surgery in as little as five years. Meanwhile, more complex organs such as hearts, and teeth and bone should be possible within ten years."


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no more Photo

As somebody (in good intention no doubt) changed my posting of Photo Opportunity to include everything available there is no point in me posting anything else.

Please, if you are on the organising commitee check what you are doing.

Instead you can read more of Mary


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Transgender Teens

Yesterday 11/15 on the Steve Wilkos Show there was a young 15 year old transgender MTF on the show talking about bullying she was prettier than many transgender girls with good clothes & makeup done very tastefully and may I say that it took bigger balls to go on the show that all the bullies put together


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feelin sexy

got dressed up tonight and videod myself. feeling sexy and posted the vid on youtube .
its november so i shaved my legs and i couldnt give a f@ck . dont have to show my skin for another 6 months at least so wearing sexy stockings and my legs look great .dont it make you feel so feminine
god bless

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Phone Sex

So my new perverted pleasure is getting away with being a girl on the phone and doing phone sex with guys via craigs list. I'm not sure if I should be surprised how many guys are interested in a father / daughter type of exchange. It's almost to the point that I am considering trying to make a few $ from it,

does anyone else do this or something like it or is it just me?


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'Tranny Thai' restaurant in Portland

Portland eatery is offering something different to patrons... and reports say people love it!

PORTLAND, Ore. -- A Thai restaurant in northwest Portland is hoping makeup, wigs and heels will put a new face on its business and its bottom line.

Oasisba, formerly known as Sweet Basil, is stirring up its business by having servers dressed as drag queens. At first glance, it may appear the new name is the only thing different at the restaurant on Glisan Street and 17th Avenue, but once you go inside, the change is clear.

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Tuck Season 13 is up

No I don't want to remember another password and log onto yet another forum. So I'll post here since it will probably share much the same readership.

Great to see Tuck in control as always, made even easier by Jane and crew being down with illness.
I am sure they are blind at the moment to what an asset they have on their hands. It will be fun to see what happens once honest and open communication starts between them.

I really feel Tucker would be such an asset to Hayfield Hall, don't you think?

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A Very Peculiar Engagement

A very peculiar engagement

Having read this story, it would be very easy for me to get carried away with commenting on how ridiculous ‘his’ views are. To say:
"People who think they are a woman trapped in a male body are, in my opinion, completely deluded. I certainly was."
Here is the link:

I will limit my comment to reiterate an old saying ‘he took the dressing up too far’ I am certain others will leave more pertinent comments
Love to all

Anne G

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Special offers - extended

I've decided to extend the special offers on Unexpectedly Mary and Jamie and the Peach books for a further week, you can still order and get stuff in time for Christmas!

Go to and have a look at the full range of Fiction, Travelogues and picture books available from Scaramouch.



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Spam Mail!

To everyone that I have your e-mail address. If you have gotten SPAM E-mail with my address as where it came from, I'm sorry as some how and it is not only my address but someone has gotten into MSN's web site and has stolen these addresses off their site as this info is on their site not my computer. I've had this address almost ten years now and I have complain to Microsoft several times about this but it seems to go nowhere with them. I know I've had several friends that have said they have had to drop their addresses and start new ones because of this! Richard

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Robber picks wrong Transvestite prostitute to rob

Sixteen-year-old Rufus Bowman was looking for an easy victim, but he picked the wrong one during a July 13 incident.

Bowman was in the 200 block of West McMicken Avenue in Over-the-Rhine when, Assistant Hamilton County Prosecutor Ryan Nelson said, he approached Joshua Bumpus.

"Mr. Bumpus is a transvestite prostitute," Nelson said. "He goes 6-(foot)-3, 280 (pounds) and was wearing a pink halter top and pumps."

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