Well, just over four weeks since my quadruple bypass surgery and I'm slowly getting better. I plan/hope to drive back home Tuesday. Then I will start a rehab therapy program at the local hospital. Joy-joy.
Sitting here watching World's Wildest Police Chases on truTV and they showed a video that could be a pretty good story idea. Norman, OK police were in pursuit of a prison escapee who has been on the run for a year. To make a long story short, after the car is stopped the police remove the suspect wearing a skirt and heels. HE has been evading the police for the last year by dressing as a woman the entire time. After a full year was it still a disguise?
I make no claims on this idea, I'm throwing it out there in case anybody wants to run with it.
Its good
to see you are doing better. Just wait until you learn to hate rehab staff. It's fun. I think I've seen a couple of stories based on a similar premise, but both were different, and there is a lot of wiggle room on using it in a story.
As a bit of encouragement...
Seeing my uncle six months or so after he had emergency quadruple bypass surgery, he said he felt better than he had in years.
Best of luck on your rehab.
Glad to hear that you're on
Glad to hear that you're on the road to recovery.
Yeah, but did he look good?
A year is a good run, but it's not now you flee, it's how
you look.
Karen, I'm so glad to see your name pop up. I do hope
you are feeling much better now.
Sarah Lynn
Dash cams
The quality of the typical dash cam really makes it difficult to say how he looked, but he DID escape detection for an entire year! Must have been reasonable passable.
Karen J.
“When a clown moves into a palace, he doesn’t become a king. The palace becomes a circus.” - Turkish Proverb
I'm glad to see you're feeling better!
And I like the story idea! Falsly accused, he goes into hiding. With a friend's help, and a stash of money that he had drawn out before he disappeared, he becomes a young woman. He gets a job, and starts to build a new life. All is going well, he has a few close calls, but it's okay, then he learns something that could prove his innocence. He takes a chance to get more evidence, but something happens and he has to run. The chase is close, and he gets caught and is exposed, but he has the evidence that could prove he did not commit the crime...if anyone listens. Hmmm. Would need some filling in, and some questions remain. If he's innocent, which life will he choose? And what if he IS guilty, just delusional? Oooh, that could be a twist. Hmmm some more...
So good to hear you are on the mend, Karen
I wonder, along with the bypasses did you also have the foresight to request the four-barrel carb, tuned exhaust, high-lift cam, sport suspension, wide profile rims and tires, maybe a little body work and detailing...
Sorry, sold auto parts for tooo long.
So did they ladder your cds?
Aaaaaah! Banking!
Hum, your premise is interesting. Karen. I could see it made as a TG version of The Fugitive. I think Sue Brown hit on a variation along that line recently. Lots of other ways as Wren and a few others hinted. IE is the person innocent, guilty or somewhere in between?
John in Wauwatosa
John in Wauwatosa