She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting
Beautifully shot ... a clip that's worth seeing over and over again ... have a good day !!!
Mother Nature She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,, and hurting ....>>>>
This is an awesome video with great music. Please share. --
I thought you all may find this interesting.
A popular SciFi writer once compared the human race to Gia's Gonads.
Pimples during adolescence is never pretty.
I am one of the folks arguing we do not need to burn every last drop of oil before we move on.
We do not need to kill off the human race, neither does the human race need to completely fill up the earth.
Use once then toss in the garbage
The human population is FAR beyond the point of Earth being able to support us all - in a way that our presence doesn't alter natural ecosystems. I read once that that point was at a world population of 400,000,000. That means 95 % or so of us would have to croak off.
I may be very pessimistic here, but I truly believe that Mom will soon have had enough of 'that pestilence' infecting her. At that point she will try, I mean REALLY TRY, to rid herself of us. It may be by simply allowing us to continue to poison ourselves with all the nasty things we are putting into our environment or it might be through some virus we will awaken through all of this. It might also be a global disaster, melting the polar ice-caps comes to mind, that would raise ocean levels by some 30 meters. (A VERY large percentage of humans live on coastal planes. How many cities would be under water then?) In a geological time scale we are a blip and Mom will, within a couple of hundred thousand years, completely erase our desecration of her. She WILL be beautiful again! Maybe the next "intellegent" species to dominate here will appreciate her and do better by her.
Just my thoughts.
with love,
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Use once then toss in the garbage?
The problem with using Mom (Mother Earth) that way is that - Duh! - we have nowhere else to go!
We haven't even developed sustainably habitable spacestations.
We are literally fouling the bed we HAVE to sleep in.
We pay lip-service to the "Three Rs" reduce, recycle, reuse, but we have barely slowed the increase in waste. More and more of our food comes in tiny, single serving, Pre-Packaged portions, that are then Re-Packaged into sale-able lots, which we then fill more packing bags with to take home. Where we have to get rid of all that packing material somehow in order to actually eat. Where is the reduction? Who reuses those "handipac" packages? Recycling? - MAYBE?
I'm NOT trying to say I'm any better than anyone else. BUT the choices available to me in grocery stores doesn't really help either. I do cook mainly from basics, which surprizingly cuts my garbage output to one kitchen bag every 2 to 3 weeks. That INCLUDES recyclables.(No I don't separate.)
Oh shut up already Hope, you've blathered long enough.
with love,
Once in a while I bare my soul, more often my soles bear me.
Like it or not,
We are part of the ecosystem. The earth has been leveled many times to simple lifeforms, then rebuilt from scratch from the survivors. To treat the human race as something separate is a mistake.
We are something new. We can control our own genetic destiny, and Gaia's too for that matter. Earth may not miss us if we disappear, but we could take Earth with us if we are stupid about it. We can custom design new lifeforms that never evolved, this is also new. They too are part of the ecosystem, whatever it changes into. In the long view, humans will likely create forms of life that are not carbon based, and they too will be part of ecosystem.
I disagree there are too many of us for Earth to support, but we are managing it badly. This is the real danger, mismanagement to the point of total destruction. Area like the European content and Asia are crowded, but there remains a lot of room in the America's.
Anything that will cull the human population will likely take Earth's ecosystem with it, perhaps permanently, humans are a cussed species, and we will not go quietly into the night.
If there is a next intelligent species, it will take a 100 million years or so after the recovery, and whoever will be dealing with what we did and what we left behind (such as the new life forms). They may be the next intelligent species.
Humans are adaptable though, mere melting of the polar ice caps or even a super volcano or two will only inconvenience the human race, thought the USA and civilization as we know it will not survive. Bad times for the individual are good times for the race, such disasters will only strengthen the human race, not diminish it. This is a concept put forth by Robert A Heinlein, if you haven't read him you missed out on some major concepts and good fiction.
Have you seen the disaster movie 2012? Something it missed, there would be survivors without the arcs. As I said, humans are adaptable. We exist on every part of this globe, unlike any other specie other than bacteria and some insects.
Trying to separate us from the rest of the total is a mistake, like it or not we are part of the whole. As I have said, it is likely we will be terraforming planets if we manage to survive long enough. Gaia will have children, and we are the sexual organs, the spreaders of life.
She's alive, beautiful, finite ,,,,,,, and hurting
May Your Light Forever Shine