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Download problems


I haven't been active here in a while, too busy with research. But I'm still reading the occasional story, and I'm having trouble downloading these so I can transfer them.

I tried both EpubPress and DotEpub. And, for example, if I take the Printer View of Solitude and Salvation, they each retrieve chapter 1, but drop chapter 2. (each ends at "boy," so they stop shortly before the chapter break symbol.) If I take the Printer View of Faster Than Life, they each retrieve chapter 33, but omit everything before and after.


A rough weekend

As is true every year, Memorial Day weekend was not easy for me. Those of us who have served, those of us who have lost friends and comrades, those of us who have known loss - we will never forget.

But there are certain times certain things that spur our memories. This weekend was one of those for me. It is not just a time for remembrance, but a time for caring. A time for me to think of those who I have lost, and to think of those they left behind.

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Need editor for upcoming book

As the title says, I’m looking for an editor for an upcoming book I’m writing. I have a decent bit done already but I need someone to go through and fix things like grammar, fix sentences that may not have come out right, and fix word choices that are not exactly fitting for the situation they are used in. If you’re interested, PM me on here and I’ll talk with you about the story and what it’s about.

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"Arrival" The Movie.

Just sitting here thinking about the impact that the movie "Arrival" has had on me. I've been seriously ill, but seem to have cheated death again, and then had a dream this afternoon that my now being a woman was a 'punishment' because I'd done such a pathetic job of being male. Yes, talk about demented, frightening dreams, yallah !!!

I'm going to try to eat, and if I do not feel better by morning perhaps go to the Hospital ED in the morning?

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religious beliefs

Answering a comment to my latest installment of Necessity is the Mother of invention, caused me to remember something a friend had said 40 years ago that I thought I would share.

The two of us were sitting in the mess hall, when a bible-thumper decided that the two of us needed to be re-educated by none other than himself. How this oracle of divinity knew that the two of us needed his guidance was beyond my knowledge, but alas he placed his holy book on the table in front of us as he unwelcomely sat down and proceeded to impart his great understanding of life to the two of us.

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Virtually Twisted - Family Ties

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After so much hardship Calista has found her way to some people who seem to be acquainted with her father, but what do they know that she doesn't?

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Miss me? =^.^= meow!

Hello everybody!

So... I’m back and WOO BOY, it’s been a long journey to get back here. The world is very different now. There’s a WOKE CAUTION tab on entries here that simply wasn’t a thing when I wrote my little stories back in those halcyon days of the mid 00s. As you can see by the pic below and my profile pic, A LOT has happened in the intervening years. The most obvious thing is... I’m a woman.

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Is This Real?

Or is this an Onion-type article? 56% of Americans think that Arabic numbers shouldn't be taught in school. 15% more are neutral. Unfortunately, I haven't actually found the poll at .

The scary thing is that I find it all too plausible.

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Yet another embarrassment, but I still love her.

Last weekend we went to watch Karl (my beloved) play soccer for our church team. I know, I know it's a British game you guys invented and it's called football not soccer lol. Anyway, it seems that I committed a cardinal sin by talking/signing to a young lady whose boyfriend played in the opposing team. She's not deaf but does sign as one of her friends is deaf it helped me as well as I'm adapting to BSL. I saw a disruption out of the corner of my eye involving hubby it seems he injured this lady's B/F. I saw him literally flying over Karl's head as he slide tackled him I think he said.

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The Center

Curiosity - what happened to The Center Universe of stories? I wasn't here at that point, but looking at the archives it had a solid buildup,a growing number of stories, and then everything just seems to stop.


I'm Calling B.S.

It has become a matter of personal pride to complete reading the Mueller Report.

I've put in about three long hours, so far, and have completed about 75 pages.

Now -- back in grade school, I scored off the charts in reading comprehension test and vocabulary. I scored in the 99th percentile on most of the main scholastic exams.

All those politicians who look in the camera and talk about what the Mueller Report says, have they actually read it? Did one of their aides read it and give them Cliff Notes?


Ladieeeeees and Gentlemen: Welcome Back GROVER!

After a tumultuous several months and moves and new jobs and health problems and financial problems, it is my privilege, my extreme pleasure to welcome back, my dear friend, my sister from another mister(?), one of my very favorite authors...... GROVER!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I have just had a skype conversation with Grover who has told me that they finally got connected to the internet and he would be posting new stories very soon! Grover tells me that, in the hiatus, he has been working feverishly on new stories and possible endings to a few unfinished ones!!!

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Non-Masks Anthology

I'm thinking about stories to include in a non-Masks anthology. So far, my own ideas include rewritten versions of several stories which have been posted here, including Unwanted Child. I have rewritten versions of stories which appeared in fanzines and on TSA and TG Stories. As well as some which have never appeared outside my computer and head.:-)

What do you folks suggest?

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Hello, and good morning to all.

I just joined BigCloset and I am learning my way around. Any help or pointers anyone may wish to offer will be gratefully received.

I am an older married guy who loves to slip into dresses and/or lingerie whenever I can. My wife is not intolerant but does not wish to be around when I do. I have no desire to lose her, so I confine my dressing up to those times when she is not here. I am happy with that arrangement.

I can, however, come to sites like this whenever I desire.

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Not Smart Enough For Amazon

I used to enjoy reading stories that Amazon sells on my Kindle for PC, because I also had a tablet, so I could read on my PC at home, and on the tablet when not. Then they came up with Amazon Prime and I inadvertently got roped into it. On one of their un warned renewals, their $90 fee drove me into overdraft.

I'd really like to read some of the books that are on the site now. Perhaps, I'll just have to learn to deal with Amazon? Though, I'd really rather just pay full price for what I get than put up with their flimflammery.



got a load of clothes from Sharon

if you had told me a few years ago my ex would be sending me a bag of women's clothes to use I would have called you delusional. But that happened today. I wish I could send out some of my good luck to everyone here.

So I took the clothes home, and tried them on, and I had a kitty "helping" me . She was very helpful sitting in the middle of the pile of clothes on my bed occasionally mewing commentary. the dog was at the foot of the bed to offer a dissenting opinion

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Virtually Twisted - Stranded (Also seeking input)

Before I get started I'm considering changing my posting schedule. Instead of doing regular postings after work on weekdays I'm considering switching to a regular Saturday morning posting as I am doing today. If you have a preference I sure would appreciate your thoughts and opinions.

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On her way to Spiral, Calista finds herself stranded. Will she make it into town or will she fall by the wayside?

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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"I've created a monster" or "The student exceeds the teacher"

So to give a bit of the backstory, I come from a family that was involved in Bluegrass music. My uncle was best friends with a legendary (within the bluegrass community) instrument maker and could play anything with strings on it. My uncle taught a lot of us kids how to play various instruments and every Sunday after church we would gather on his porch (or in his living room when it was cold) and play for several hours.

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Dem's da brakes

Well, I had intended to get stuff posted, but life got busy. But now I got a couple of months. I was riding a quad and had a deer run out in front of me. Ended up in a ditch and my feet, left one, got caught between my quad and the dirt. I ended up with a Trimalleolar fracture Both bones in leg and one in the foot. And yes, hurts like hell.

So while I'm sitting about the house, if people will stop expecting me to go places and do things, I'll try to post.

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Dementia here I come

Anybody else have a word go missing from their vocabulary? I'm talking a simple, everyday word, one you've read and said hundreds of times just drop out and leave you half angry and half terrified?

Its happened to me. In fact, recently, I was trying to relate a story about a time when this happened, and the SAME WORD hat had given me such distress the first time disappeared as I was trying to talk about it.

Sighs. Dementia here I come ...

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First (still) NOT dead. Second: deeply conflicted

I felt really guilty posting so sporadically, so I swore to myself (and maybe some readers in DMs) that I would keep my wrangling with personal demons to myself until I actually FINISHED my god-cursed stories and posted the rest up until the end.

....seemed like a good idea at the time....

but as I wrote... diversions/digressions developed and I felt like one of those characters in an old horror film (say, poltergeist) running down the hall as it just kept getting longer and she found herself losing ground!

So. My conundrum:

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Snapchat Gender Filter

How many of you are on snapchat? I have avoided it for a while now but the other day I saw an article about a new filter that can be used on your pictures. There is one for Men and one for Women. The filter basicly takes your picture and alters it by imposing traditionaly male or female characteristics on it. Here is the article that I found.

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One of those..??? moments.

This morning I was reading one of the stories on the site, written by someone in the uk...ish area.

During the read I saw O before estrogen. And for some reason this completely and totally pissed me off.

I didn't know why I was pissed off just that I was.

This is one of those words that I can only call a breakdown in the language. Is it due to some bigot that thinks "Oh well those bloody mericans call it this so we will call it this just to piss them off" thing?


So much Pain ...

I've been nursing a toothache for more than a Month and finally went to an Emergency Dentist uninsured. Thankfully I had enough money to pay for it but my budget will be off for a few months now. I had the tooth pulled on 5-5-2019, and it was like getting beat up by thugs. It was a rear molar and he had to cut the tooth in two to get it out and one half of the tooth broke into fragments and he had to dig that out. I am sure that he had his muddy boots in my mouth. This was all conscious with only a local.

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They were an ordinary couple

Ran across this again. The last time was several years ago. I'm sure some of you have seen it. This couples story, less the full time coming out and resulting full transition, could be mine. Makes me wonder just where my journey will end.

My husband became a woman

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Reality Can Be Disappointing at Times

Reality is a bitch. As many of you know, my Cynthia Chronicles series of stories take place in New England. Bridgeport, CT; Hartford, CT; Boston, MA are some of the main locations. Bridgeport is the home of Cynthia Lewis/Brewer, and it seems the town and area is frequently visited by the SRU Wizard. His Wisdom took a special liking to Cyndy, her friends and families.

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tough day

tough day today. tweeked my male bits while out shopping with Sharon, which set off my dysphoria so bad I could have broken down and cried right there but managed to hold it in. The pain and dysphoria then triggered my PTSD, so I was really having a tough time. So how can I recover from such difficulties? I watch something like this:

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Antagonistic comments

Listen... I’m sorry that I have to post this but a dear friend of mine who was much loved for their stories on this site has decided that due to a few antagonistic comments repeatedly criticizing their characters and how said FICTIONAL CHARACTERS responds to situations presented to them in a FICTIONAL STORY was not in line with how that they felt that the FICTIONAL CHARACTERS created by this author should have reacted. As a result of this the author has pulled the entire story down and is considering leaving the community.

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Odds and ends

Is anyone else seeing visited links intermittently showing properly or not when opening a new webpage on the site? I don't know whether it is my Safari browser or the site that is causing this issue.

I've lost track of another story I wanted to reread too. As I recall the protagonists are long time friends (male and female) that are out of college. He wants a romantic relationship with her and so does she, but she is a lesbian. She is also a brilliant scientist that works on computer VR and medicine that has implications for mind control and changing a person's sex.

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What I have family?

My fairly recent lack of vision has been determined to be a genetic eye defect. I went from having better than 20/20 to well a lot worse in a very short time span. The degenerative disorder might force me to get a cornea transplant sometime in the future.

Annoying to be sure but I can live with that. Except for hard contacts, it’s like walking around with something in your eye all day. Pass I'll stick to wearing glasses.

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Virtually Twisted - Tribulations

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Things are tense for Calista as she makes another fuel stop. What will become of her when she is met with fear and suspicion?

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

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Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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Patreon, bad experience.

I noticed a tag for Patrons on the front page. It may have been there a while.

I decided to be a Patron for a channel that I have followed for a long time, and then all these strange charges started. I committed to $10 a month and then I got two charges for $60 for Membership, which was out of the scope of what I had planned for. I tried to get in touch with them, repeatedly, and could not.


writing prompt

here is a little writing prompt: Two police entered the bus station. One seemed too young, an impression mostly given by the fact his uniform is too large for him. The other had grey hair and wrinkles, but carried himself with confidence and strength. The younger officer opens a locker, and strains to pull out a duffel bag. The older officer unzips the bag, revealing it is stuffed with cash. The younger man swallows, and says, "We're gonna get killed for this, arent we?" The older man replies, "Probably."

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What Are Facts?

Have you ever heard the story about how AARP got started?

Here's a recap.

One night, about a decade ago, I was having an enjoyable dinner out with another insurance executive. He was the founder of several large insurance organizations including two large reinsurance companies. He was a serious-minded person who had a solid reputation.

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Are you a woman or NOT !!!

It is sobering to finally understand that perhaps much of my hiding in the shield of extreme religion is that I did not have to address actually doing what a woman does. There have been a few men my age actually "hit" on me and I've effectively run screaming down the street. And, it is well known that when some men find out about you, even if you are Post Op and look the part, they can be very dangerous.

I've even repulsed the men that knew and not because I am so holy, but because I was frightened to death, yikes.

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Kink and T(g,v,s) / CD

It's been bugging me a bit for I years if I am being honest.

I know I am definitely into kink\(how I met my soon to be ex) and I've seen a lot of T(v,g,s) / CD around.

Now my question. Is there a relation to kink and us, or is are we generally more inclined to the kink scene?



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Apologies for no updates in a while

Sorry for the lack of updates to my latest story 'Necessity is the Mother of Invention' for the past few weeks. Many of you know that I live close the Mississippi River, normally about 100 yards from the water's edge, that distance has become much less over the past few weeks. So much less that I became the proud owner of an indoor pool in my basement, yes my water heater and furnace got a good washing after the water began seeping up through cracks in the basement floor to a depth of almost 3 feet.

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She married herself
If it fulfills her self esteem after two failed marriages and a five year boyfriend relationship which also failed..., why not? The funny part of this is I agree as this seemed to bring something into her life to help salvage her emotions. Wish I had been there. Might be another way to bring self respect to those who have lost it.
Too many lost to hate and suicide. Weighs on the soul.


Virtually Twisted - The Road

Cover Image

On the road, Calista makes her first stop for fuel. Will she find met with kindness or will she be driven off again?

Please click this link to read this week's part or this link will display all current and previous parts.

Please consider commenting. Not only will it help encourage me to continue, it might afford you the chance to influence future parts.

You may subscribe to my website via email using the 'Subscribe' dropdown in the nav bar. You may also make use of the RSS feed or follow me on social media:

Thank you and have delightfully demented day,

Daniel A. Wolfe

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not in a good place

I am facing a group of issues, any one of which would put serious strain on my spoon count.

The first is my bipolar cycle, which seems to be accelerating, somehow. I've had three crippling depressions inside of two weeks, each only lasting hours. This is far faster than anything I've dealt with before, and I dont know why its happening.

The second involves my PTSD. I seem to be in a state of hyper-awareness, the total opposite of my usual disassociation. And just like the bipolar cycle, i have no clue why.

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Bullies & Drugs [Drew Leighton #4] on Amazon

Released a few days ago. This is the fourth book in the Drew Leighton Series.

Drugs are being sold and used around small children or at schools across the US.

Reasonable people, adults or even youth feel betrayed when the business of drugs endangers children or safe places like schools.

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Little update.

Due to the soon, hopefully, ex still not having filled the divorce papers, I have been looking at OK divorce lawyers that are LGBT friendly. Girl are the expensive. 3000 dollars or there about just to redact the papers, get my an my soon to be ex autographs and file them.

No way in hell I can afford them till 2021 (going to take that long to get those 3000 dollars).

Sighs, never a good break in my life ....


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Jeremy Clarkson is leaving "The Grand Tour", there goes "The Grand Tour".

Well big news if you love car shows, Jeremy Clarkson is leaving "The Grand Tour" which means that show will end. Regardless of if you think he was an ass, to me the onscreen chemistry with his co-star's just worked and to me and many others was magic. I can't imagine who they could find that will be quite as obnoxious yet endearing even if he is a snob.

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a big thank you

just wanted to give a big public "thank you" to everyone who sent me revisions/corrections o my story. I'm working my way through them now, and I believe the story will be better for it.

Again, thanks, and huggles to commentator, Eric, Xtrim, and Patricia Marie Allen for their assistance, and Qmodo who also volunteered.

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Spring - A love/hate relationship!

I've always loved spring, when I no longer have to don a coat, scarf and gloves to go outside. No more scraping thick layers of ice off the windshield, car doors frozen shut (or the latch frozen so it will not shut after opening). Sitting outside on the front porch plucking away at notes on my guitar or banjo while sipping on a cold adult beverage. Although this spring the little one is determined that I should only practice the violin so we can practice together, but hey it's music and fun.

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Time again to open wallets and purses.

Well, I guess it's time for me to get back on my soapbox and pontificate a bit.

Erin is worrying herself into sickness or worse andit's up to US to alieviate her worries a bit. For those who regularly contribute thank you SO much. You are the backbone of the financial help for Erin and Top Shelf. Again, thank you, from my heart.

Now... for the rest of us. Folks, I live on a VERY limited budget and I KNOW how hard it is to try to pry an extra buck or two loose from a wallet or purse that seems welded shut... but consider this.

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Cheerleader 9: Now College Sophomores

I know many of you already have read this one, but I wanted to make sure everyone was aware.
I have been in the middle of some personal issues for the last few weeks and I apologize for not posting something earlier.
This is the 9th book in the Lee Corcoran series. There will be more.
Thank you everyone for your support.
Remember to click on the referral links so Doppler Press gets credit.
Don't forget to leave reviews on Amazon and Goodreads.

Word Count: 102,500+

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Finding Permission to Live.

Disclaimer: I am not suicidal.

Years ago, right after I came out, and went through all that happens to us, I was extremely depressed, and hospitalized several times. Such pain and depressive episodes is common amongst those in our community, so I am nothing special, and do not need anyone to call the Police. It was a very fortunate thing that I served in the Military 66-69, so am seen as a Vietnam Era Veteran, so the VA has been very caring of me in most ways. I sometimes feel like an interloper because I did not see combat.


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