Nine years ago I posted a very short story titled "No More Distance, No More Time".
For a while now the main character has been kicking at various neurons in my brain saying: "You gave me short shrift!"
I don't have a novel in me, nor a traditional serial (which I view as a serialized novel). I'm thinking more in terms of a series of short or short-short stories, which would start with the beginning (duh), but after a few chronologically arranged early-life stories would transition (no pun intended) to more a "slice of life" approach, dipping into the MCs life here and there.
Does that make any sense? Should I post, or just write to scratch the itch then file it away?
No one can tell you what or how to write a story.
It must come from your heart, from your life experiences. Several of my stories were drawn from my harsh upbringing and need to hide my true self. I did such a good job I now find it impossible to even consider transitioning. I live my trans life through my writings. I've learned to take comfort where I can find it and tend to laugh at reality. The main thing is to be true to your heart and soul!
Boys will be girls... if they're lucky!
Jennifer Sue
Just do it!
I say if you feel like writing do it! You don't have to post it.
I do 'slice of life' stuff so if you want a reader, help or anything just let me know!
Write for your own pleasure.
I do not write a lot any more. What I do write feels like a compulsion.
Write to scratch the itch
First, write to scratch the itch and then decide whether to post or not. In all likelihood, if it doesn't embarrass you, post it. If it seems like it's not quite good enough, then there are several here who would be happy to edit it for you and make suggestions as to how to improve it.
In the end, you're the author and you have to make your own decisions.
Happiness is being all dressed up and HAVING some place to go.
Semper in femineo gerunt
Ich bin ein femininer Mann