Its been a bit of a strange week, this time last week I was in Hamburg!
Getting back from my trip on Monday has really thrown my body clock off so its taken me a while to get a grip on days of the week! I've not been idle, I took @ 3500 photos during the trip and I've now got them backed up, rotated (as required) and sorted into location folders - trying to identify exactly where some were taken was a nightmare! (in theory my camera has a GPS function, in practice I've never had it working!) But anyhow, that's a huge job completed and I can now get on with other stuff.
I have had a couple of rides on the bike, not that I've got a lot of enthusiasm for it at the moment - a bad case of post trip blues I suppose.
Of course, 'other stuff' includes trying to sort out some better accommodation arrangements. Temporary accommodation is, of course temporary, I am literally living out of a suitcase with no space to call my own - even for the suitcase! I have come up with a sort of medium term plan but it needs okaying by others that are crucial to it happening so i'm not getting myself too excited yet. It's not the only option but it is the favoured option, giving me a solid 'home' that would allow a sort of normal life whilst giving me a base to take a longer view to sort out something more permanent.
In the meantime, i'll try to write some new Gaby this week, I've got a trip to see some archaeology on Tuesday and i'm looking forward to seeing my kids next weekend - I've not seen them for weeks!
That's enough about me, you want to know what Gaby is up to I suppose. Well here you go then, the tale of her Night in the Museum.
I think that's everything for now, more drivvle on Wednesday,
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