General Audience (pg)

good news/bad news

well, the ex apologized and that is good. Unfortunately, yesterday, i got hurt badly at work, and i an still recovering. I pulled muscles in my chest, and it was so bad i had trouble breathing. My supervisor had me lie down in the first aide room for a half hour, and i was on light duty the rest of the day. Today I am doing better, but it was still scary

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Been under the weather, but better now :-)

Hey all,

I just wanted to leave a little note here that this past week I've been pretty under the weather. It's not anything serious, but it's left me feeling drained, so that's why the big delay so far. Next chapter (or two, maybe) of Robin should be up by Sunday, if not sooner.

Sorry for the delay. I don't like to let my writing go this long normally, but when all your muse says is "Shut up and take some medicine!" it's kind of hard to get anything done. :-D


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HatBox Gateway Page

This is a gateway page for the HatBox, BigCloset's premium pages where stories given by authors can be viewed or downloaded by people who have contributed money to the maintenance of BigCloset. After one year in the Hatbox, contributed stories are made available elsewhere, either on BC or on the donors' own websites. Downloads are made available on the honor system, please do not distribute these files privately as that would be a violation of the copyright of the author.

If you want to go directly to the HatBox the link is: The HatBox. You will need your Hatbox user id and password (different from your BigCloset id and password) to access the HatBox stories.

If you want to join the HatBox, the link is: HatBox Membership. This is the same as the link with the kitty in the right column.

After the |Read More| is a list of the stories currently in the HatBox with links to the pages there offering the stories in various download formats.


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I was the pet in the zoo today.

So, what do I have to bitch about? I am living almost the perfect life now if you ignore the black hole in my heart at the loss of my whole family. Shit, that was over 5 years ago now, so I just need to buck up, pull up my skirt, keep my lipstick straight, and not fall off my heels, right?

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Contemplating Change

So, I am currently contemplating cutting down my various writing commitments. What does this mean practically for you the reader... not sure. I am going to stop other stories. I have two Kim Possible stories to finish and my Ranma 1/2 story to do. Once that is over I am hoping to focus on getting published professionally and doing Whateley stuff. That does mean that a number of fun side stories I have been working on are not going to go much farther.

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New Gabysode/Gabycon news

Maddy has posted a new episode and there is news of the 2010 Gabycon here in Dorchester.
There's still spaces for people to come - it should be fun, with new material from Maddy and myself, age is no barrier from 9-99years will be welcome, especially if they bring their bicycles.

See the link but hurry, it's nearly here.


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Chapter 16 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello again BC fans,

In this chapter we get to see the process how someone becomes a master wizard or master sorceress. Then we hear the suggestions and which island will do to solve the sickness problem. The idea of regional meetings greatly expanded quickly. I had to do some penciling and figuring out the time differentials to make it work for a long day.

I assure you, the action and drama will pick up in the next set of chapters.

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my ex has lost it

Well, i think my ex is losing it. I was helping her tonight like I always do, and she asked me to write a letter for my daughter's new teacher at school. I agreed, and I started writing it. She was dictating to me, and i tried to make a suggestion about some words, and she completely lost it. She starting swearing at me, and told me I have nothing to do with my daughter's future. I am hurt, angry, and ready to do something drastic.

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Story Hunting

Hi everybody. I'm looking for a story about a boy who is raped by a bunch of boys and is so tramatized by that he can't stand to be around any other men besides his dad. He goes to a girls school and begins to become more and more femine. Very suportive family and friends. Great story.

Any ideas on the name or author? I really want to read this story again.


Jessica Marie


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Posting schedule change

I've been working up to this for a while, and it's still kind of premature, but I've decided to go ahead and change my posting schedule from every 7 days (Fridays) to every 6 days. This means I'll be posting on Thursday this week. I'm going to SacAnime Friday-Sunday, so it seemed as good a time as any. ;)

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Bull Durham Script

I'm not going to lie to you and try to tell you that Bull Durham wasn't about baseball. That's mostly what it was about. But, it was also about people, and sex, and a bit of mysticism.

Not sure how or why, but I tripped over a link to the screenplay. It's richer, darker, possibly funnier, but definitely more touching than the movie was. I was particularly taken with its very open view of sexuality, sensuality and gender. If you do nothing else, just word-seach on "panties" and skip through it. Oh, and read the ending. It's nice.

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And that was fun

And I am back. Just in the door, kettle on and tent laid out to dry. I spent four and a half hours playing in a session last night, preceded by two hours at lunchtime, and similar times for Saturday and Sunday. Not only was the fiddler I largely based a character on there, but I heard that his old collaborator of years past has now come out as transgender, so all threads seemed to be drawn together. I played bodhran for a while with a woman who loved to syncopate, and we ended up having a duet of sorts which was huge fun; I then got asked by one of the audience for a lesson (blush)

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Helping out at Fictioneer

Hi folks.

To try and take some of the load off Erin with Fictioneer, I am now helping her out with some of the day-to-day administrative duties. This pretty much means I'll mainly be getting rid of spam, which over the last few weeks has been filtering through.

On top of that, I will also be helping out with some of the issues readers and authors may have that Erin doesn't have to make a decision on.

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Crossed Out!

Well that's done, at least. So far it seems the reaction to the story is good, and I'm grateful to everyone who has commented about it so far. I added a "Chapter Zero" that explains who's who, and where they come from, so hopefully that will help the story make more sense.

This is, without a doubt, the most ambitious project I've ever completed, and I'm feeling a little burned-out at the moment. But I'm also too wired to sleep; as usual, my Muse has stolen my sleep!

Good thing I have the day off, huh?

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Kelly's Journey-Book 2-Cast Of Characters-0

Kelly's Journey
Book 2

By Stanman63

Edited By Nora Adrienne with Special Thanks To JennaFl For Proofing
and to Heather Rose Brown for the Illustration!

Synopsis: Is a list of people in Kelly's Journey Book-1 And Book-2.


Little Pink Pills, Part 29

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Nine, by Michelle Wilder

Holding back the tears
Cause nothing here has grown

I've wasted all my tears
Wasted all those years
And nothing had the chance to be good
Nothing ever could yeah

I'll keep holding on
I'll keep holding on

(Holding Back the Years, by Mick Hucknall)

Story about a rich cross dresser seeing a shrink

Last night before bed I was reading a story about a rich cross dresser seeing an MD Shrink. The Shrink was being a real ass and as the story developed, it turned out the cross dresser was actually smarter than him.

The problem is that this morning I can't find the story to finish it. Does anyone have any ideas?


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Sarah Carerra - 2.05 - Wake Up!

sc2.jpg I was nervous. For the first time since before the concert, I was nervous.

"Please welcome Sarah Carerra!" I heard a male voice say. I knew that it was the voice of Matt Donaldson, one of the co-hosts of 'Wake Up!'.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.05 - Wake Up!
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: August 30, 2010

The Bailey Summers Character-kitchen 1

This is a pretty basic recipe really. The first thing you need is plain white bread dough, these are rolls and not cinnamon swirls which are made from a biscuit base.

I'm going to assume If you're cooking you can made bread dough. If you cannot you can find lots of recipes on the net. Or you can buy uncooked dough at any bakery. I have done this to cheat when I had to make 600 of these things.

Okay! You need a rolling pin.

A pizza cutter or a really good sharp knife.

Several baking sheet pans or any pan you wish to use.

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Home Alone

I have decided that as there doesn't appear to be overmuch interest in reading the 'new version' of the story, I will discontinue amending the story for now. I have therefore put the remainder of the original stories back up.

I might return to it later, but as I want to clear the decks as it were for Football Girl Book 2 and other future stories.

Many thanks for the people who did comment.


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My only complaint!

I get so disappointed when I read on BCTS sometimes. I just get into a story, and it is really getting interesting, when boom! It's done, and incomplete and I feel so disappointed! I know that Erin and the others here have no control over an author's commiment to a story, but could there be some kind of a notiification that the story is not updating after a certain time? I thought the writing for Becoming Christine was very good, but after chapter 5...nothing. So depressing, and this is just one of the stories like that. AAArgh!

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Fanfiction and Copyrights

When writing fanfiction, like the current Comics Retcon Universe stuff, it's polite and considerate to acknowledge the current copyright and/or trademark holders, when known. Especially if using artwork or logos.

Just a line near the top or bottom of a story, or on the Title page is enough. And it isn't required here, it's just a nice thing to do for the original owners of the stuff.

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Jamie and the Peach - 14


This is a new occasional series that takes its basis and some of its storyline from the cancelled Tokyopop Manga, Yubisaki Milk Tea by Tomochika Miyano. It’s a great series and well worth looking out, it’s a mystery why they cancelled it. For my version I’ve changed the setting from Japan to England and of course the names, then I’ve added some new characters and situations to produce Jamie and the Peach. The original series was cancelled before completion but I intend to take my version somewhat further!

Maddy Bell, June 2010

Jamie and the Peach

Chapter 14

by Maddy Bell
Copyright © 2010 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Another Sunday...

Okay... I am exhausted. I had to drive my daughter to college over 10 hours away, help her get her room set up, buy more stuff and deal with that as well as drive home. Granted it was over three days, but if I hadn't edited before the trip there was no way this weeks chapter would be ready. But it is, so please enjoy.

Things are getting more confusing for poor Geoff and the thot plickens.

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Little Pink Pills, Part 28

Little Pink Pills

Part Twenty-Eight, by Michelle Wilder

I could stay home every night,
Wait around for Mr. Right.
Take cold showers every day,
And throw my life away,
On a dream that won't come true.

(There are Worse Things I could Do, lyrics by Jim Jacobs and Warren Casey)

*sigh* Maybe I'm just crazy.

A few of you might have caught a glimpse of my earlier blog/rant/vent before I pulled it in regards to family issues.

I decided after posting it that it was just too heated and not within the general "friendly" of the site, so I pulled it though I have a hard-copy for myself because just writing it helped me quite a bit. :-)

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about "missing"

I think I should try and explain about my latest piece, "missing". Its actually not that recent, probably more than a year old. I have hesitated to share it because its not an easy piece, and I feared that it would be misunderstood. Its my rather faulting attempt to describe what might happen if the Rapture occurs in my lifetime. It is an attempt to describe both the sadness those who might miss me, with the joy I would know at that moment. Hugs to all who worried about me, I am not planning on leaving anytime soon, although God might have other plans.....

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A Reluctant Spirit: Inquisitive Spirit

By Ingrid Halb

Some questions should best be left unasked. Some doors are best left closed. What would happen if a man of science were to find the magical vessel? And how would he go about studying such an artifact? The only certainty, this will not end well.

The Sissy farm 26

Well that's chapter 26 posted. This story will soon be finished then I can get on with some more original stuff. I'm really getting quite stale with it now and not much in the way of comments.

Went to Wild Passions in South Wales, (Newport gwent) this friday. Fabulous venue.
Alan and Mandy perfect hosts to fifty plus trannies of asorted ages from 20 to 80.

Good time was had by all though.

I'll definitely be going again, - and again, and again.

Cheers all Beverly.

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New wonder drug!


The BNF has 20,000 different drugs to take - so Adam Kay and Suman Biswas thought "What could we produce to give you all a break?"

In a nutshell: Paracetamoxyfrusebendroneomycin is a cure-all, but has some rather unusual side-effects...

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why I've been Tanya Allan

To everyone who has contacted me recently, thanks so much for writing. The answer is, yes, I'm fine (apart from a bad back, which is an old friend), but soooo busy. My parents (both mid 80s and not at all well) found their rambling home in Scotland too much and have finally accepted the suggestion that they'd be better closer to me and in a retirement comunity (independent living but with care if and when they need/want it)

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