
My Transgender Childhood Comix #6

Believe it or not, there's a new addition to "My Transgender Childhood Comix"! To be honest, I can hardly believe it myself, but my muse seems to be full of surprises lately. Today's entry is about one of the things I always dreaded at school ... team sports. But sometimes, if you find someone special, things can turn out a lot better than you might expect. :)

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 19

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 19

By Katherine Day

(Julie looks like a woman and feels like a woman but finds that her transgendered status may stand in her way of finding love with a man. Edited by Eric. A sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.”) (Copyright 2014)

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 4

The Loves of Julie Pearson - 4

By Katherine Day

(As he gains skills as a teacher, Jason is becoming more and more a woman, creating a dilemma. Can he become both – a woman and a teacher? This is a Novel-length story with 20 chapters and a sequel to two short stories published in 2013, “Julie’s Odyssey” and “Gifts for Julie.” Story edited with great skill by Eric.) (Copyright 2014)

Bull Durham Script

I'm not going to lie to you and try to tell you that Bull Durham wasn't about baseball. That's mostly what it was about. But, it was also about people, and sex, and a bit of mysticism.

Not sure how or why, but I tripped over a link to the screenplay. It's richer, darker, possibly funnier, but definitely more touching than the movie was. I was particularly taken with its very open view of sexuality, sensuality and gender. If you do nothing else, just word-seach on "panties" and skip through it. Oh, and read the ending. It's nice.

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