*sigh* Maybe I'm just crazy.

A few of you might have caught a glimpse of my earlier blog/rant/vent before I pulled it in regards to family issues.

I decided after posting it that it was just too heated and not within the general "friendly" of the site, so I pulled it though I have a hard-copy for myself because just writing it helped me quite a bit. :-)

Anyway, more to the point of this blog, I talked with the folks earlier, and apparently, I'm the one in the wrong because their constant bickering and yelling is "normal", and "they have an understanding". I hold a grudge too long. Fine, whatever, but I'm tired of listening to it.

Or am I the crazy one who just doesn't get it? Do other married couples argue consecutively ruining every family vacation ever attempted, and then brush it off and pretend it never happened? If that's what love is, I'll take good friends who don't mind an occasional hug any day, thanks.

What I had typed before was raw, gut reaction that should never have been posted here, and for that I apologize. This, though, is just my genuine lack of understanding seeking some sort of insight.

To quote Jen from a recent chapter of Robin, "Friends argue." I realize that no two people will ever agree on everything, lovers quarrel, etc, but there's a limit. Or there should be.


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