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Chapter 12 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello BC fans again!

I have introduced the Wizard from the SRU universe here. You will see him again in the next chapter and in Book 2. I know this includes a lot of elements from his universe.

I have the Wizard and Anya (Bikini Beach) as the last true Master Wizard and Master Sorceress on Earth. They keep a vigilant eye on the events on Earth. They know there are bad people seeking the ancient magic to do evil with it. They make sure the magic doesn't get abused.

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Falling Off A Bike - the real thing.

I suppose using such a story title for so long was tempting providence - so today, I did just that, fell off my bike. I have two rather painful knees, but at least I've stopped the bleeding now.

As the time goes on I'm finding some new bruises and aches and pains, including my left wrist and thumb - both of which I've injured before.

The concern of motorists is breathtaking, they just drove past while I'm standing at the roadside dripping blood everywhere. Thankfully, I was out with friends, so managed to get home and do some first aid to myself.

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Tight Money

Tight Money


Patricia Marie Allen

I noticed Sean’s clothes a little near the end of our fifth grade year. On weekends he’d come over to my house wearing shirts I’d see his seventh grade sister wearing the year before and shorts; I know I had seen similar shorts on girls.

Organizer pages now have an Ongoing/Complete tag

This is in place of the Series/Solo tag that other types of story post have. The default is Ongoing.

For author pages, if you're still writing then Ongoing is correct. :) Complete would be that you don't intend to post more stories.

For title, section and series pages, Ongoing means the final chapter has not been posted and complete means that it has. A section can be complete while the overall title is not. Or a title can be complete while the series is not.


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My Upcoming Stories

Here's what I've got planned in as far as Becca goes:

Coming up next is a shorter story called Face of the Enemy.

After that is another new Center story I'm writing called Weight Problem. Becca and company will appear at some point in the story, including one of her friends that left with Gideon. That person is going to play a prominent role in this one.

Then I'll pump out another Becca, hopefully around the same length as the first.

I'm hoping that all of these stories will take place in the months between the end of my first story and the beginning of Off Center.

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Jerry Newington is having trouble fitting into his new school. No-one is in a rush to extend the hand of friendship, the school bully has him in his sights, and worst of all he has fallen for a girl in his year who doesn’t seem to know he exists.

When the school year ends badly, Jerry is offered the chance to go stay with his Aunt for a few weeks. On the train he meets a girl who’s pretty and fun to be with and they decide to spend some time together, but Jerry can’t forget the girl he left behind.

His new friend is disappointed but offers him a gift. It is unusual, special and has consequences neither of them could possibly expect. Whatever the outcome, this is a summer they will both remember.


Summerswitch by Maeryn Lamonte


If I've overstepped my bounds, then I ask that the admins unpublish this, no questions asked, no hard feelings. I feel like this needs to be stated, though.

I'll keep it simple. All I ever wanted from this community is mutual respect. That's it. You don't have to like what I write, or the style in which I write it. You don't have to comment or read it. But please, please be respectful of each other.

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Heroes Retcon And Center Help Wanted

Heroes Retcon And Center Help Wanted

By Stanman63
Thanks To Lilith Langtree for giving us two wonderful stories!

Reason For BlogI have a Center story: Enter The Enhsancer and a Heros Retcon story: Queen Thunder that I'd appreciate a bit of help with.

I want to thank Lilith Langtree for creating the Comic Retcon Universe. This story is a re visioning of Captain Marvel.

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Opening a old wound

My sister was up here a couple of weeks ago. While she was here she told me that she had contacted our father. This was a bit of a shock. She had not spoken to him since 1999 shortly after a big fight at her wedding. I my self have not spoken to him for a couple of years now. She urged me to give him a call and try to work things out. It's funny. Before I stopped taking to him it was me urging her to contact him and work things out. I want to speak with him but I'm worried that if I do that things will go back to the way that they were.

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Ok, so now it's time to try and see how this works in action:

Name: Doris Zeul (formerly Dr. Damon Zeul)
Codename: Giganta
Age: 29 (physically about 16)
Height: 5' 10 1/2"
Weight: 190
Stats: 34C-26-34
Power: Enhanced Strength, Size/Density Alteration
Talents: Doctorate in Genetics, Doctorate in Biochemistry & Molecular Biology*
Accessories: GL communications and costume ring

Shoe: 6
Dress: 8

*Acquired Doctorates at Thomas Jefferson University/Jefferson College of Graduate Studies

Strength: Class 3 (maximum press about 500 lbs.)
Agility: Class 3
Endurance: Class 3

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Galactic Marshal - Chapter 15

by Hilltopper


The pod door swinging open caused me to open my eyes. Linda was smiling down at me.

“Feeling better, Mary?”

I sat up and noticed that my injuries from that beating Karen gave me seemed to have pretty much healed. The pod was a good medical unit.

“Yes, much. Where are we?”

Linda laughed.

“You are not going to believe it. We just landed outside Basteria.”

My eyes opened wide.

Super Abilities!

The Great Abilities Chart!

Basically, this is a rankings system. There are finer degrees than this system allows for, but since most of the characters are metahumans, chances are they fall above human ranges more often than not. Until I get more data, most of the examples will include actual comics characters, as opposed to Retcon characters.

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Sweet Jesus. I just found my old camera 0.o

While going through some things, I stumbled across my old Canon Rebel. This old thing brings back a lot of memories. See, when I was a freshman in high school, I decided I wanted to try out photography, so I bought a cheap piece of crap single-reflex SLR camera and took Photojournalism.

There were maybe ten of us interested in the class that year so we were all incredibly close by the end of it (You try spending six to ten hours a week in a darkroom with someone and NOT learn their deepest darkest secrets after awhile *grin*)

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Yes it is my Birthday.

Yes, everyone it is another one of those for me. (Armond, it may not be today, or tomorrow, but remember -- revenge is a dish best served cold. Blabbermouth. :) )

A lot has happened this past year for and to me. As with everyone else, some of it good some of it bad. My health took a downward turn, but that is balanced by my learning to not only cope but to use other skills I've learned to not let that slow me down any more than necessary.

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Breaking News - Maggie Finson's Birthday!!!

Hot off the presses (okay, basically the presses aren't hot anymore, but you know what I mean)

Today is Maggie Finson's birthday!!

I won't give any numbers, that would be uncouth (hey, there's a good word - look up the definition of couth)

What I can tell you, is she is old enough to know better, but young enough to do it anyway.

Happy Birthday Maggie!!!!

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Something Feels Strange - 51

Feels Strange   My relationship with Laurie suddenly comes into sharp focus. It was what? Two months ago that I was having this same conversation with her? Only then I was the one feeling like a fool. If she felt half as bad then as I do now, I really feel sorry for her. I know how Andy must feel having been there myself. I need to try to make him understand that I really do love him, regardless of the motivation which began the relationship. That’s how Laurie got through to me.

I really, really hope this conversation has a similar ending to the one I had with Laurie. At least we won’t be fighting mosquitoes at the same time.

Chapter 51: It's OverOr Is It?

Well... I just lost completely lost hope of ever finding romance.

So I met this girl at church, right? Well, goddamn it... once again I thought was seeing favorable signs of romantic interest and once again I could not have been more wrong. It appears that I have no ability whatsoever to determine if a girl is interested in me or not.

Alas, this has happened to me one too many times. Now, even if a girl is interested in me, I don't think I'll be able to believe it. I don't know how to trust in that anymore. I don't know what means what.

I am completely clueless. And that's that. I give up, completely, totally and utterly. I give up.

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Good news for the Assassin

I just finished Part four of Assassin, Yahoo. My brain is fried. Now all I have to do is edit all forty thousand words of it so I can send it to Holly for the real edit. Hopefully it will be posted in about two weeks. I can hardly wait to start part five because that's where the story starts to be fun, at least for me, Arecee

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Catwalk Confidence Update

Ok all. I posted Part 24 of Catwalk Confidence just the other night.

I really can’t believe the response that I’ve gotten on this story to date. I am totally thrilled by it. I know I don’t respond well to all the comments but I’m trying to get better and do respond to all PM’s.

When I started this story I had no idea what writing would be like. My best analogy is any highly addictive drug. I just can ‘t seem to stop and I’m just as impatient to post as I absolutely love seeing that others are enjoying my tale.

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Big Closet Membership Benefits

Big Closet Membership Benefits

We've all heard about what happens when you join the Hatbox, the site continues, thousands of people are transported to various and sundry states of bliss — the exact nature of which is a matter of personal preference — all of which is a very good thing, but a little abstract for some people. They might reasonably ask themselves, "What's in it for ME!"

It's a perfectly rational economic question, so here's part of the answer:

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pity the father

I was thinking yesterday about the portrayal of fathers in stories here. It seems like for the most part, if they feature in the stories at all, they are a barrier, rather than an aide. I wonder if that matches reality? Do fathers struggle more with a child who feels like they are transgendered? If so, what could we as a community do to help them? Just a thought.

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Chapter 11 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello BC Fans,

Now the Inquiry is over with and Ruald is caught. That includes the others who are sick. Everyone has a great noon repast to celebrate it properly.

Now we are shifting focus to other events such as finding the sea dragons and finding a solution for the Maranelle Islands Kingdom. Along the way, some more discoveries are made. There is the still the encounter with Draknor and King Thranton to be resolved and the implications that are discovered there.

Have a great week everyone.

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Hit or Miss?

This is an old topic but it was brought back to mind today. I once wrote something called 'The Deception of Choice' which was posted in 17 episodes plus an Epilogue. I was pleased to see that today Episode 1 achieved 6,000 hits. Not all of the 6.000 read it of course but arrived at it either by curiosity, mischance, or poor typing skills. I even went there myself several times. Nearly 4,000 have to date dropped in on the Epilogue yet only 2,000 hit on Episode 17, whereas over 4,500 landed on the shores of Episode 14.

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The Green Fog~15 poll

As an experiment, I used a poll at the end of the chapter to see if people who didn't like to comment would at least leave some feedback via a poll.

I would like to thank those people who were kind enough to vote. It was an experiment and I would your opinion as to whether it is worth continuing with future stories.

Hugs and thanks


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Kira - Chapter 16 - Mother/Daughter Shopping Trip

Kira - Chapter XVI - Mother/daughter shopping trip.

PART I - Kira talks to her mother.

Mother showed us that she hadn't forgotten how to tell stories either. She told us of an exceptional child who had a heart of gold and only wanted what was best for others. Then she looked at me, gave me a hug, and told me how wonderful and precious I really was.

"You know what I am thinking? That maybe you and I, Kira, should go shopping, and let me buy my daughter a nice dress and some shoes. Would you like that, Kira?"

Any bright ideas?

How NOT to do Tech Support - over the phone, to a technophobe, half a day after the problem was encountered, when the remote user doesn't have the laptop in front of them.

Oh, and said user is my mother, 40 miles (an hour's drive) away, and the laptop is at my sister's house (she's currently on holiday so left mum in charge of feeding the cat and attempting to learn how to use the internet from scribbled messages on post-it notes), about a mile away from mum.

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