General Audience (pg)

Gay Marriage

The recent victory against in the California Superior Court shouldn't be taken for more than what it is, since it's only a regional court, but it's also not trivial. Judge Walker laid out the issues fairly carefully, and the conservative half of the US Supreme Court -- where the case is undoubtedly headed -- has a particular problem in that the case was framed very carefully to draw parallels with the laws prohibiting miscegenation (the mixing of races) that existed in many regions of the USA prior to 1967, when Loving vs.

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Phoenix Rising: A Ret-Con Story

Phoenix Rising

Astronaut John Grey, returning from a routine satellite repair mission, encountered something much more than a total systems malfunction.

John Grey swore, and punched a control panel. “Great” he said. “It’s dead, and so am I”

He was miles above the Earth, after having worked at repairing a satellite for a private company. He had always wanted to be an astronaut, and when NASA had turned him down, he went to the private sector.

Uh oh, I've done it again!

Here I am working on getting T&T caught up with VC (and I'm getting real close!), and now I've come up with another side story for VC! It's an idea I've had in the back of my mind for a while, though not necessarily as another side story. But much of what happens to this character will remain separate from the rest of the gang, so a side story really seems like the only way to go. So, Friday I'll be posting the first chapter of A Father's Rebirth.

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A Father's Rebirth


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A Father's Rebirth
A Venus Cursed! Story
by Saless
What's a father to do when he's lost everything that matters to him, including his gender? And if that weren't enough, it's all his own fault! Can he ever go back to being the man he was, and does he really want to? Some kind of change must be made, but what? And who will he be afterward?

trying to hold on

Well, I am struggling a bit, trying to not get discouraged with my job search. That, plus my mom and I are both fighting a cold, and we almost lost our dog yesterday. The little critter ate a mouse that had been poisoned, and my mom had to rush it to the vet. Fortunately, it looks like she is going to be ok, but still, its not fun.

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Point Of View : Gaby Verse


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TG Universes & Series: 

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When Drew Bond rode with his Mum, Jenny Bond in the first time, little did he know that it was the beginning of a series of misadventures as he found that more often than not, he was dressed as his alter ego, Gaby Bond.

Changes Book 2 - Chapter~5

Heather was in hospital for a week and, with the resilience of youth, soon bounced back to her normal noisy self.

We had gone through hell and back worrying about her illness and although we knew that she would have to be monitored for residual problems, Marcia was hopeful that she would be okay’…


Changes–Book Two

A Penmarris Story
Chapter 5

Pet Names

Have recently been thinking back to a time as a child when I had a pet cat and came up with a name that was out of the ordinary.

My mother had bought me a Burmese Brown kitten when I was 13, I remember mum asking what name I wanted to name my him - with perfect clarity and some pride - I named him SPLINTERS !

Well this got me thinking ( all 99.99 per cent ) about another very obvious cat name .... PUSSY ! - Well can you imagine calling out at the top of your voice in a crowded neighbourhood .... Come hear Pussy or worse Pussy Pussy where are you !

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Posting Lilim Tales


I'll be posting Lilim Tales 1-3 over the next few days, with the new part 4 toward the end of the week. 1-3 were posted recently on FM, and I apologize to any readers who may have read them there. I didn't want to jam them all together, though, when I posted the conclusion here.

I mean, Holy Lilith! the file size would be way too big.


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Coming out of the fog (hopefully!)

Hello again everybody! I haven't been too vocal lately; as in no comments to speak of at all, even in response to comments on my own stories like I usually do. It's been a pretty busy summer, and I was kind of tense for a while do to both that and anticipation of my sister's wedding.

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More Outrage! Hospital ER Refuses to Treat a Transwoman

That's right! Ball Memorial Hospital in Muncie, Indiana, (the birthplace of Knights of the Dinner Table and HackMaster -- a geek mecca) refused to treat Erin Vaught (who is legally female) who came to the ER with her wife and child to find out why she was coughing up blood!

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I Was Hard On Someone Tonight.

I am so sorry, but it had to be that way. I can't tell it any way but straight. I don't want you to hurt more later than what I hurt you now. There is no sugar coating it. We think what we want to think, hear what we want to hear, and do what we want to do. I can not take the responsibility for your life.

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Update at the Balcony

Just to let you all know I am still alive and well and keeping the Balcony alive, I have finally dug out and dusted off some old files on my hard drive and completed the Seasons Collection at Beverly's Balcony with all the stories thus far. Yes, I know it's long overdue. I blame all these excellent authors who keep distracting me and maybe real life issues too.

More recent updates are also posted as well so come by the Balcony, pull up a chair, grab a drink and enjoy the view!

Beverly Colleen

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Cabin fever

Yep, I've got cabin fever and I'm falling to bits here.
Can't drive, can't cycle, can't do much writing, sore shoulder still a distraction so it's difficult to concentrate, daren't moan or she'll come down on me like a ton of, -.
All I can do is go for a walk and watch bloody telly, oh and eat. God, I'm gonna weigh a tonne by the time I get on my bike.


Any suggestions as to how to stay sane?

No, - on second thoughts don't answer that. I was never much 'sane' in the first place!


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My characters are pod people! Are yours?

I just published Part 20 of my series Catwalk Confidence and I have a few minutes while my characters are distracted to get this information out. This isn't my story! My story took a completely different tract. My characters were different. Alex was really born male!

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Any playwrights out there?

Hi folks.

It's me again and this time I'm after some help.

Today I had a brainwave.

I want to turn one of my stories into a screenplay.

The story concerned is only short, but I figure it might be able to be adapted to a screenplay, since there aren't too many actual scenes, few special effects and well, I'm sure you get the picture.

Even though I'm no Steven Speilberg or John Carpenter, I'd still like to give it a go and since I have absolutely no experience with plays--even those made for TV, I wondered if any of you good people may be able to give me some pointers.

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One of our cycling club was killed on Sunday.

I try to keep the cycling element of Bike as fairly realistic as I can, and although Cathy gets into scrapes, she's so far pulled through. Cycling is not without risk, even for the experienced rider.

One of our club, a very fit 76 yr old, died on Sunday morning doing a time trial when he ran into the back of an abandoned car - always a risk when you're racing, especially time trialling. It's just difficult to believe I was talking to him the day before.

The only consolation is that he died doing something he loved, maybe he's the lucky one.


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A story idea if any author wants to use ...

I have long enjoyed reading the many good stories on BCTS which involve magic, mystery and intrigue.

On occasion I get some good story ideas, yet lack the skill ( my opinion ) to write a good tale. I guess my style is more akin to writing an operating manual for a Bull-dozer.

To this end I have had an idea for a story where I would welcome any authors to run with the concept below:-

1. A young man is seen whilst on vacation in a European city such as Paris, Berlin, Munich etc.

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Bobbie and the Glass Ceiling, The Saga Continues, Chaps. 20, 21, 22 & 23

I have mentioned several times that I would never post a story until the entire story was completed. Well, I was in error. Several readers felt that Jim and Margot Campion's punishment was far too severe. Hey, they did steal more than $50,000,000, and cheated at golf. Some also felt that they shouldn't have lost their personalities. I'm not sure that fact was ever established. Well, I began to wonder what actually happened to them. We had left them under the very loving care of Bob and Hilda Brewer. What could possibly go wrong?

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The Omega Unicorn - Unicorn name contest, I need six more names

Hello fans at BC

I need some help. In chapter 10 I will mention six unicorn names. These six are paired up. When they come to Twainor from Earth, they give birth to a mare and colt each.

I know this is early. I'm getting your imaginations revved up here.

The others are paired up already. Avel and Makaela, Einhorn and Athena, Silverwind and Star Dancer. They have colts and mares. The first six unicorns each have a human soul and spirit, that will be explained in Book 2 for their backgrounds. Also the other six will have human souls and spirits as well.

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Chapters 7 & 8 are posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello friends at BC

I posted the next two chapters. These are short chapters and go together. These two events are happening at the same time before the ceremonies begin. This will help tie up the loose ends from the previous chapters. Then the sequence will be straight forward.

Enjoy the ride and the adventure.

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Slipping The Leash

A cautionary tale about the hidden dangers of trying to trick a mutt into becoming a pet using lies and betrayal. Inspired by The Samantha Project, this is a story about a different family with similar goals ... and a very different protagonist.

Slipping The Leash

by Randalynn

Copyright © 2010 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.

My Wife passed on this morning.

Sadly, I must inform everyone that my wife Nancy, ended her 1 year, 7 mo struggle with lung cancer this morning, 31 Jul 2010 at 0730 hrs. She passed peacefully in her sleep which is all I hoped for. Her goal after being informed of having the cancer was to live long enough to see our youngest grandson, Deacon (age 3 on 1 Aug 10); get on his first school bus, because she had put all our other grandchildren on theirs.

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Great day visiting my doctors

I guess since I've made a point to tell all about how great it is to be out to my doctors, I should post the latest episode.

I recently visited my endocrinologist for a follow-up visit on my thyroid. In going over all the scans and imaging they've done on it he told me there was one small spot that he wasn't really sure of that was of a minor concern and would like to do a biopsy on it.

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