It was The Sun what broke it - the story that is. It happened in Mexico apparently, or so the tranny 'model/prostitute' claims, it's being denied by the footballer of course. Decide for yourself, and picture of the alleged model - very feminine looking.
"Where he submitted to being pleasured"
Such coy reticence from a purveyor of mostly naked teenaged flesh.
Even Better...
The transvestite said: "This must be very hard for his wife. It was never my intention to hurt anyone. I regret it a great deal."
Yeah, right! That's why our dear, sweet innocent 'sister' is on national TV, (television that is), naming names and making claims. I have stepped in cow patties that didn't smell as badly as that statement.
It is incidents like this that lead people to consider the lot of us as nothing but a bunch of nut cases and drama queens who are opportunists that need to be shunned. Even the GLB (little) t community shudders when we're around.
Nancy Cole
a.k.a. the Heretic
P.S. Having worked on behalf of the TG community in various venues, I can make that last claim about the GLB (little) t community without fear of contradiction.
"You may be what you resolve to be."
T.J. Jackson
Typical reporting...
...from our most infamous tabloid. Its Sunday stablemate "The News of the World" is currently running an advertising campaign on bus shelters along the lines of "The Big Stories Start Here" (yeah, 'cause you make them - and don't bother too much about such irritations as the legality of obtaining the stories *cough* phone tapping *cough*).
So they make a big fuss over someone who appears from the photo to be more a pre-op than a TV. It's just really an attempt to put a new twist on an old story - as mentioned in the article: "The Sun revealed a fortnight ago how the Mexican FA was investigating allegations their players hired 14 prostitutes and the transvestite - who also uses the name "Gema" - for the bash at the Camino Real Hotel in Monterrey.
I wonder what the story would have been if the player had bedded one of the genetic girls instead...
There are 10 kinds of people in the world - those who understand binary and those who don't...
As the right side of the brain controls the left side of the body, then only left-handers are in their right mind!
Overseas readers
For the benefit of those who may not be familiar with the Sun and the News of the Screws, they are owned by dear old Rupe Murdoch. They have a rather skewed definition of what constitutes 'news' and a particularly salacious devotion to stories of prostitutes ("I made my excuses and left" is a standard quote), soap operas, 'celebrities' and anything that allows the Righteously Normal to go 'Ugh', usually so disgusting that they have four pages of colour photos. Recently, there was a scandal at the NotW over illegal phone taps.
What really, really angers meis the story priority. The Daily ('Hate') Nail never seems to have a front page without a reference to house prices, the Daily Express without a reference to Princess Diana, but the Sun....
A 12 year old girl gets half buried in Somalia and stoned to death for her 'adultery', while other girls the same age are sold as prostitutes in South Asia. A family are brned alive in England because the 'honour' murderers got the wrong house. Another gay man is publicly hanged in Tehran. Similar things happen all round the world, but what is important is that a footballer is divorcing his singer wife, someone has won a talent contest, or another footballer has had a BJ from a girl who wasn't always shaped that way.
I take Nancy's point, but as a Brt it is hard to express exactly how much I loathe and detest this poisonous, prurient, hypocritical bunch of.....
Sorry. Rant over.
News of the World
Otherwise known as News of the Screws for very good reasons, has been in the business of salacious journalism for a very long time. Certainly long before the world as a whole had heard of Rupe.
When I was in digs in the 1950s as a teenager working away from home, my dear old landlady took the Daily Herald in the week and the NotW on Sunday. I, of course read it and searched for stories involving transgender individuals mostly; there was no other information available at the time and I was only just coming to the realisation that I wasn't unique. The style of journalism became known as the 'I made an excuse and left' school.
The Daily Herald was a Labour paper and very left wing. Mrs Edwards was over 80 and, having been in service in London as a girl, hated the aristocracy with great fervour because of the way she and her fellow servants were treated. Her husband had been a bricklayer who spent some time in San Francisco helping to rebuild it after one of the earthquakes (when would that have been?). Interestingly, the Herald was renamed the Sun after being sold and eventually sunk to become the disgusting rag it is today.
So, as a teenager, I read what are now the two most low grade newspapers in the UK, every day :) I share cyclists view of their worth, or lack of it ... 110%
Shakespeare may have waxed poetic on the nature of language and nouns, but the words we use do have to mean something.
Just curious. When did "transvestite" start meaning hormones, surgery, and body mods? And, to what extent are they permissible before the operative word should be "transsexual"?
Just to be clear, I am not suggesting that transvestites and transsexuals are points on a line, or bands on a spectrum, and I'm usually available to make a strong case that one is an expression of aesthetic presentation and the other of gender identity. So, are the newspapers just being lazy, or does the bulk of the public consider pre-op transsexuals to be transvestites?
Mumble, mumble... We crossdressers just get no respect. No respect at all, I tell ya! Mumble, mumble...
If a picture is worth 1000 words, this is at least part of my story.
It took me awhile to really
It took me awhile to really understand the difference, partly because I didn't want to admit that I might not just be a cross-dresser, that there's something so much deeper than that.
In a way, the two are similar. One could say they're only superficially similar even. The similarity is enough for some to just use the terms interchangably, and for others to use them discriminatorily (is that a word? *giggle*)
All I know is I've seen a few cross-dressers who look so stunningly beautiful that have no desire to "live" as such, where if I looked that good, I'd have probably stopped fighting it a long time ago, but that's neither here nor there :-D
Err, anyway, I think you have it with your definition of aesthetics versus gender issues. That's always been my understanding anyway.
For me, for instance, the clothing isn't as important as being identified with the correct pronoun. I still get a pleasant chill when I walk into a store and get "Ma'am"ed, rare though it is.