General Audience (pg)

A question of vital importance!

No, I am not buying into this silly video, unless one of you own up to making it. Flying Pteradacles, AS IF!

No, my question is: Who is the music in the background played by? This music is like so totally HOT!!! It makes ALL of my danceing genes fire at once!


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Early again

I am hoping you all are not getting the idea that I am going to keep posting these up early. I have yet another busy day planned out for tomorrow and I will not be able to post anything. Once the stress is over in a week from now, the posting schedule should be just fine. So don't think that this is going to continue...

Man, I am a soft touch sometimes...

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Chapter 19 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello dwarf fans of the BC world!!

It's time to do some spelunking in some caves. We finally have the confrontation with Draknor. This is one of the longer chapters that I have written, so are the next two chapters. We get to find out why Ruald's and Draknor's plans didn't work over the next several chapters. This has been hinted at since the beginning in Chapter 1.

Have a great weekend everyone.


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I may have mentioned, I occasionally have odd little visions of the future. Like last sunday, at church, before anybody could say what type of service we were having, I knew it was going to be a healing service. This worries me on occasion, because I often don't know what they mean until the actual event. It's a little difficult, at times. ah, well.

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Site down for about twenty minutes

Something took the site down at about 230 PM PDT. It was slow or down for a few minutes then I reset the server and things see okay now. We had a usage peak right then, we usually do about that time but normally it doesn't cause the server to lag so bad.

Maybe a robot or someone tried to harvest the site. The logs don't show that, though, so I don't know what it was. All seems well, now. :)



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Notorious Anti-Gay Opposed by TG Woman

Out from under my rock long enough to post this, which may be of interest to a few here. Sally Kerns, the state representative for Oklahoma House District 84, is perhaps best known for her statement last year that homosexuality is a bigger threat to the U.S. than terrorism. In her quest for reelection she is being opposed by Democratic candidate Brittany Novotny. Ms Novotny is TG, which has upset Kerns and her supporters no end. The latest attack can be seen on Ms Novotny's website:

Best of luck to Ms Novotny, I wish I could vote for her.

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Strangewise -1- A Dream of Winter

A Dream of Winter

by Erin Halfelven

The aisles of the warehouse store wound around like a worm committing self-abuse. High up on one shelf sat a fifty-five gallon drum. All frosty white and silver on a midnight blue and black background, letters spelled out "Winter" like that was the name of a new energy drink.

"Why would anyone want a can of Winter that big?" asked little Jodie.

Tamara Drewe

Tamara Drewe has just been released as a film but the story originally appeared weekly as a graphic novel in the Guardian. The artist is the wonderful Posy Symmonds. Knowing that there is a following for well-drawn strips (and this is one) I thought people here might appreciate a look at the original before seeing the film. The film got an excellent review in today's Guardian but perhaps they're a bit biassed :)


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Taking the plunge...

The countdown started yesterday and on the 20th of this month, I start running my own company.

It's nothing grand or even interesting, but I will be remodelling my website, using Google and Amazon to help in generating income.

So it's all hands to the pumps right now, trying to get my hubs translated to HTML to be ready to go live sometime next week.

I'm happy to say that if all goes well, I will also have the piece on transsexuals ready and live too and once again, I couldn't have been more pleased with the help you all gave me for that one.

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"Classical" dreaming.

I've always had very eclectic tastes in music, and the first song I can remember is "The Green Door" circa '56. For reasons I don't understand, I really like Handel, Wagner, Bach, and some of those other dead guys too. These days, my favorites are Gaga, Ka$ira, Kati Perry, and the like. The other day, I listened to AC DC do an almost perfect rendition of Fir Elise; Wow!

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W. O. P.

W. O. P.

By Melissa Tawn

Give me your tired, your poor,

Your huddled masses yearning to breathe free,

The wretched refuse of your teeming shore.

Send these, the homeless, tempest-tost to me,

I lift my lamp beside the golden door!

---Emma Lazarus, 1883

Duty and Destiny - Part 5

duty and destiny
Part 5
by armond

Prince Caden has been transformed into a young woman with midnight hair and blue sparkling eyes. King Coel plans to humiliate the new princess before all, and then ship her to Arcum in a prison wagon.

But the spy Jaussen and the Glamorgan princesses form alternate plans…

Aargh!! Frustration!!

This is an effort to express the frustration I feel at so many authors who don't check their spelling or grammar. I can tell that many are using spellcheckers but are relying on them totally. I see such things as 'choirs' for 'chores' -- just the latest example!

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Interesting "Conjunction" of Holidays.

I see that this year, the Holy time of Rosh Hashanah, and EID closely coincide. I find it extremely sad that two belief systems which have so much in common seem to have had so much to fight about in the past. For the past month beginning August 11th, Muslims have been celebrating the month or Ramadan and it will end with a three day celebration.

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Owing to simple logistics, I can't promise to be able to have time to write Bike while helping with the Gabycon, so I'm warning/apologising in advance.

I am half way through a new Gaby short story, for the event which I expect will be posted here eventually. As well as this, scribbling Bike and running about, working full time, having my house knocked about and being a paw-maiden to two cats - I have plenty of time.



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Re used?

Writing is so much harder than I want it to be.

It's in plain desperation I throw in every new part here, and when done, I find myself starting to rewrite it, as it's baad.. Bad bad bad. And it's not at all what I want it to be, it should be so much better.

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So here I am, the whole night off to write, and I'm sitting here staring at the screen. It's not that I don't have ideas, I have a whole bunch of notes right here. I even have two thousands words written so far of my new story. And yet...I can't seem to get myself into the mood to write. Even worse, I look at what I have so far and it doesn't look very good to me.

I guess I'm paying for pushing myself to write so much last week, because now I'm in 'hyper critical' mode. Since a lot of you are also authors, I'm sure you know what I'm talking about!

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Apples and Honey

Apples and Honey
by Maggie the Kitten
This Kitten tale is dedicated to Rosh Hashanah, the celebration of the Jewish New Year.
It is a very important date for the Jewish faith,
and since it’s very important to my mommy then it’s very important to me.

Huggles Momma Shelly I hope you enjoy.

Well I did it.

Well, I did it. I successfully brought one of my stories over from Storysite ("The Girl"), and am planning on more, so I can either finish them, or do spinoffs- I already have a sequel in mind for Murder in Pink. I hope to finish Wildfire, as there is a big superhero theme on here, but I am way to far along to fit it into the retcon universe here. I hope everyone will be understanding about that.

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Laws of the universe.

So....up, and go to fix the tyre on the road bike. t turns out to be the tyre itself, the sidewall has gone. So, back to the tourer, load all five bags on and do the supermarket run while I still have money in the bank for food.
And the landlord has put up the rent.
Dither over whether to buy mushrooms....and don't, for some odd reason. Pay, load up, ride back and put everything away. As put my bike away, I realise my little bed of Agaricus campestris has fruited. I have, instead of supermarket A bisporus mushrooms, eight new, fresh wild ones. Result!

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Chapter 18 is posted for the Omega Unicorn

Hello again BC fans,

I'm not going to say much here. Some questions will get answered in this chapter. But new ones will come to your mind. I will say this, it is a teaching chapter. Some of this is what I learned while growing up, going to school and being involved in Boy Scouts.

Have a great week everyone. It is time for the trumpets to be heard. So, Hag Yom Teruah to all of our TG Jewish friends. It is not only for them, but for the rest of the world as well.


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I am so pleased with the responses you gave me in my last blog that I now know what I'm going to write and that what I have already written fits.

What I would now like to ask is whether I can use what you have given me verbatim as quotes?

I will not use your names, unless you expressly want me to, they will just be used as personal opinions of those who have or are transitioning - or not as the case may be.

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Delays, and Aria Blade Finale

Hey all,

Let me first apologize for the excessive delays. To be completely honest, I've been really depressed for the last couple of weeks now since my birthday, and compounded with being sick it's just slowed my writing to a crawl.

I know what I want to do with Chapter 21 of Robin, it's just finding the motivation to sit down and write or do anything I normally enjoy doing. It's frustrating, to say the least.

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Miss Mars - Out of the Ashes Part 5

Part 5 is up, and part 6 is about half done. Originally I thought they'd be a single post, but I was having trouble with Part 6 and decided to share what I have. It's a good point to break, anyway. With luck, part 6 might go up on the weekend.

I envision at LEAST two more chapters after part 6 (more if I can't keep them concise!), with some special guest cameos.

My muse has worked overtime on a plot, but when it comes time to actually crank out the words, she goes for coffee and leaves the hard stuff to me. So it's coming, but at it's own pace. Bear with me!

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Duty and Destiny - Part 4

duty and destiny - part 4
by armond
Jaussen rides hard to Westfalon to try to thwart Arcum’s plots and avert war. But …is he too late? For the wizard Faolá¡n has begun chanting the invocation of unmaking …upon Caden.

Well, I've done it again

I seem to have lost another story, I was hoping more follow ups would arrive for. I can't recall the name or the author, of course, that would be too easy. I know it was very long, as I sat here and assembled it into a word doc, and the read and edited minor stuff as I went. Seemed to be a couple hundred pages. It atarts with a guy and his sister at college. He has to get a part time job. He is not an early riser, and stumbles from bed, 2/3 asleep, and dons his sisters clothes, since he has just moved in, and digs them from a box, by accident.

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Glad I found this place.

Hi, my name is Tanya. Tanyalynn was my name a long time ago on Storysite, and the 51- well, a girl never reveals her age. I am a m2f ts, who has felt like I am in the wrong body, but with some truly heavy issues. I do write sometimes as an outlet, a chance to fantasize about how my life might have gone, although I did a couple of more action oriented stories, a mystery, and a superhero story on Storysite. I can also be influenced by movies (see "The Girl" on Storysite, inspired by the Bruce Willis movie "The Kid"). I think that was my favorite story.

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