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unintended Consequences

Pardon me if this story resembles a Rube Goldberg contraption but...

Around the 4th of July I went out to the garage to get something and discovered the neighborhood stray cat had decided to have her kittens on top of our camping gear. Not wanting a new batch of strays in the neighborhood I took the kittens inside, firmly intending to give them away or call the ASPCA or something.

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Spacetran 2

<In this chapter, the 'authorities' learn of the rescue of the astronauts by Beverly but are left completely in the dark about the identity of the rescuer nor if the rescuer is alien.>



Chapter 2

The debriefing team sat staring at the astronauts for they simply had to believe what they were being told. The American general pressed again just to be certain as both French and American de-briefers listened incredulously.

Yo friendly story finders I need some assistance

The story I'm trying to find basically goes like this:

undercover detective type about a TG that is living in a railroad shack on a trestle when he finds a bunch of suitcases and personal effects from a murdered woman then takes her place to solve her murder, she was an insurance co. investigator, looking into a bunch of deaths that end up being caused by a funeral home wacko and his crazy Post-op bitch that are running a sex club and killing people to make snuff films of the murders

Any help would be appreciated.

Thank you,
Rachel Anne

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Editors, or Previewer

Hey there,
I've had some real rough things going on in my life. Starting last October.

Same day I was injured at work, wife was informed job of 29 years going away to Minn.

Stage One breast cancer for wife.

She had the surgery.

Wife had car accident.

Radiation treatments.

Mother diagnosed Stage Four cancer in June.

Mother went in to hospital in July. Died july 20 in a crappy hospise. Thankfully she went peacefully.

August 10 I lost my job. By the way, I was born on Friday August 13. Happy Frigging Birthday to me.

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Faeriemage's blog #4

As I began to plan out what I am now calling "Monsters in the Dark" I thought I would be including it as chapter 13 of Through Death:Rebirth

There are two problems with that idea, however. While it does provide some necessary background information to Earth4, it isn't a direct part of the story, or I should say, it isn't part of this story.

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Thinking of Retcon Stories

With all the wonderful Retcon stories on BCTS it seems logical that the ''SUPERMARIONATION'' classics such as, Captain Scarlet, Stingray and Thunderbirds would lend themselves to some genderbending action.

Just thinking about Captain Scarlet in an elegant evening dress might make it easier to find (attract) the mysterons !

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The Reluctant Girl Series


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----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Christopher was seeking a way to make money and found out that Ed needed a date. Soon, events spiral out of control as Christopher becomes Chrissy...
and it doesnt stop there!

The Reluctant Girl Series

by Melanie Brown

Copyright  © 1992 Melanie Brown

Makeup. The Purchase thereof.

I recently purchased some Avon products from: and I find that I am very pleased with them. I met Peggy at The Southern Comfort Conference last year and I found her very understanding about us TG/TS/CD/whatever folks, and she is VERY discrete, respecting our need for secrecy/privacy.

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A nifty little shaver.

Having resorted to shaving my arms and legs, and face, with disposable shavers, and suffering innumerable cuts and so forth, I tried a new little shaver that works VERY well. It's called The Microforce and it's only ten dollars at Wal-Mart. To my pleased amazement, it works VERY well indeed, and not only on my appendages, but my face as well. It's battery operated, no recharging, and works dry or wet. I debated with myself about whether to buy a more expensive shaver, but I thought I'd try this little one first.

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Unexpected Attractions Delayed

I know (hey, I hope!) some of you are waiting for the next chapter in UA, but my editor wants me to wait until I finish the story. It'll be awhile, but chapter 2 is almost complete, 3&4 are just about ready for edit and I'm still working on 5. I'll try to convince Angela that they can be submitted soon, but she's working on making me a better author, something that isn't really easy, but I can see it happening. Ultimately, you get a better story, and that is worth a lot to me. Please accept my apologies, I shouldn't have submitted the first chapter yet, but I did. My mistake.

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Good and evil

Don't know if you have seen Amelie?

It's set in a dream of a Paris that may or may not exist, and it's a story about a girl growing up. What stroke me watching it was the interpretations made in the movie. Made me start to wonder what the world really is like. Maybe good and evil isn't as much the acts in them selves, not that some acts doesn't scream about egotism and inability of empathy, but in a greater perspective the way we choose to revile ourselves in them. Take a porn movie for example, then take those condemning those being in it, who turns the blinder eye?

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Hard choices

Well, I am really up against some hard choices. I let slip my trans status to a couple of co-workers, and I had a amazing response - My blood pressure, which was high, dropped, and my cluster headache went away. Then today, as I had to go back into hiding, the headache came back and my bp went back up. So I finally realize the truth - i either live honestly, and suffer the consequences, or I keep myself in the closet, and risk a serious health problem. Pray I make the wisest choice.

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Sarah Carerra - 2.08 - It's a Date

sc2.jpg The press conference had taken away the one thing that I enjoyed most about being Sarah, and it left me shying away from the idea of performing again. The adrenaline rush that made it all worthwhile seemed to pale in comparison to what I was feeling now.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.08 - It's a Date
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: September 20, 2010

A love story number 2

Since some of you liked the other 500 word story I wrote for a local radio competition I suppose I may as well post the second one (the competition allowed 2 entries per person). This isn't a tear jerker but may raise a wry smile.

Love in the slow lane

John self-consciously fingered the red carnation in the buttonhole of his sports jacket. He wasn’t used to it, not sports jackets nor buttonholes nor the flowers that go in them. He searched the tables in the Motorway café. Then he saw her sitting alone reading The Spectator, and walked nervously over.

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Faeriemage's blog #2

I seriously considered not writing a chapter today. Not because I wasn't interested in what had happened to the Jamies, but more that I was interested what was happening with another teenager.

I was given an interesting late birthday present today. It was a freshman work by a local author entitled I am not a Serial Killer

It is about a sociopathic teen trying his best not to become a Serial Killer.

My point here is not to give a review of said book, since it's subject material is not apropos of this site, although it is an enjoyable read.

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Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 1

The noise was deafening. The Wembley crowd were, I suppose, about 30% us with the same for Teddenham and the rest were tickets given out either by the league or hospitality...
Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 1

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

There might not be a Bikesode tonight.

I have just had a ’phone call from Angharad to say that her Aunt (who had lived with her since 1987) died this afternoon at the age of 83. She had been unwell for a number of days.

Ang says that she might not be able to post an a chapter of EAFOAB tonight, it very much depends how she feels. She hopes everyone will understand if she doesn't get "the muse" this evening. I don't know if she will be on her ’puter this evening, but you could PM her, or PM me and I will pass on any messages when she ’phones me later.


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Car saga

I've had my little Suzuki Alto since new (2002), and apart from a couple of incidents in late 2004 (one of which involved taking a corner too fast in icy weather, the other someone shunting the car's rear end), I'd driven without incident until last November...

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Wait, I'm the messed up one !

For most of my life, I have felt as if I was the messed up one, in spite of the fact that I worked for 40 years, raised 4 children, and all that. (One of the children was my wife :) )

So, after going through SRS, that firmly implants one in the Mental Health, section 8 envirionment, and one must really behave themself or there are dire consequences. Unless, you accidentally escape.

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NFL analyst: Reporter deserved harrassment due to how she was dressed!!

"If you come into the NFL dressed the way that she is dressed you are just asking for it."
-- Fox NFL analyst Brian Baldinger on Ines Sainz sexual harassment charges.

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Good heavens, we've got Midges!

I was in New York state a few days ago visiting a friend, and down by a lake, walked right into a cloud of bugs so dense that I was almost afraid to breathe. That night when I got home from there, we had similar infestations of the same thing. They were just awful, and I could hardly get into the house! Too bad we do not have bats. I'd have found them on the lawn the next morning, stuffed and burping ! :)

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"Honor " murder of post op TS in Iran

This is a sad story. A post op TS murdered by her brothers, in a country that trumpets they have no gays because they are required to have sex changes. Note the length of sentence handed out, and the attitude of the father. However, murder of TG and TS folks in the US and other "western" countries are often due, at their most basic, to some male thinking is reputation has been besmirched by him being attracted or having sex with a TS/TG. Not so different in motive, I think, but increasingly different in the way the crime is seen by law. Doesn't help the victim though....

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Today, I baked bread. ^__^ One loaf of wheaten bran bread, one of a rye-buckwheat country pumpernickel, and two of very, very complicated Russian black bread that's almost as good (but still different from) the bread I remember from Sankt-Peterburg. That's all. Nothing earth-shattering. Just a free day, and a plan to bake, and a few hours of effort, and I have product that I'd have to pay $25-30 US for at market (assuming I could find a market here that would actually >make< these, especially the black bread). ^__^ moderately #happy


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asor esse rosa

asor esse rosa
by armond
The rules of the Challenge were simple: first to grasp the scepter wins the prize, the crown, a queen.
Sir Asor thought it was too simple; it didn't make sense that the King of Sarras was chosen so.
But then the Hags of Anona got into the mix, and everything turned backwards, inside out and upside down.
Pleh! Pleh!



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