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Halloween: brings out the best and worst.


Halloween: brings out the best and the worst.
by Jennifer Sue

August 4, 2001

“Damn it, Heath, try to catch the ball, don’t run away from it,” Dan Waters scolded his three year old son. “You’ve never seen DJ run away from the soccer ball! Now get the ball and kick it back to me.”

Heath hated being compared to his big two year older brother. DJ had two favorite things in life, sports and teasing his sissy little brother DJ was the apple of their father’s eye. He was good at sports and not afraid to try anything.

Heath struggled to hold back the tears as he retrieved the ball.

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This story is 112 words long.

Still Sick.

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I am SLOWLY getting a bit better, but I am still way below normal functional parameters. Again, I apologise to those with whom I usually chat, but my awake times have been so erratic, and I've lost so much time that errands and tasks I'd planned to do, fell by the wayside and got bunched up. I have tons of stuff I have to do, and nowhere near time enough to do them all.

If there is a bright spot in all this, it's that the weather here is supposed to be nice through the weekend with lots of sunshine, so I can get outside and soak up some of it.

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Exodus International to stop Gay bashing

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I am surprised that none of you picked up on this as I see it as quite important.

Yesterday I noticed in the news that Exodus International, James Dobson's once highly publicised effor to cure Gays had decided to pull out of anti Gay conventions. The reason being that someone had figured out that this sort of rhetoric was causing suicides. I don't know if there are any law suits pending but I do know the sort of language that the Dobson bunch used.

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The Center: Smells - Part 5

The Center: Smells
Chapter 5

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright  © 2010 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.


“Children should be seen and not heard,” was the too often used phrase that was physically hammered into his budding consciousness before he even realized he could think. It became the toddler’s mantra.

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This story is 47 words long.

back to the docs tomorrow

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well, I go back to the psychiatrist tomorrow for an update on the meds he gave me. I am up to 2 pills a day, and honestly, I cant feel any difference. Ah, well, at least I get a couple of hours as Dorothy. Which I really, really need badly.

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Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 1


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So, here I am in the hospital again with Mary. This time, though, I am awaiting word on the birth of our child. Boy, I never believed I would say that. It has been a crazy eight months since I received word of Mary’s pregnancy. I thought back to that fateful day.

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This story is 59 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1136.


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1136
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

The Center: Meet The Enhancer-9


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The Center: Meet the Enchancer -9

Thanks To JennaFL For Proofing And Nora Adrienne for editing!
Synopsis: A Center Fan Fiction where a new student's dream comes true and the Center gains a most valuable ally.

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This story is 38 words long.

Spacetran 6

Ruby is returned to earth to 'face the music' while Beverly departs for space again with possible suicidal tendancies.


Part 6.

After stepping onto the aircraft carrier deck, I turned angrily upon the crowd of gaping crewmen and snapped out an order.

“What are you all bloody gawking at? - And leave that container alone.”

The only sound was the stuttering wind stumbling around the flight deck as the ship

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This story is 71 words long.

Shadowcraft: Aria Blade

"Shadowcraft" is a comic books universe within a universe. The actual Shadowcraft comic book is authored by the fictional character Margie Evans, and the series makes its debut as part of Book Two of my ongoing novel series, Becoming Robin

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This story is 40 words long.

Aria Blade Revisions - Quick Follow-up

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Well, just a super-quick update on the Aria Blade front. I won't lie to you guys, there's a LOT that I still feel needs to be done to improve the story not even counting work on the final chapter of the initial saga, but I'm almost done with the first chapter's revisions.

It doesn't hurt that it really didn't need much work. I've touched up dialogue here and there, and unified narrative, adding and editing as I felt necessary. It's shaping up rather nicely.

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After I posted Rescue and read a few of the comments, I began to have second thoughts about it being a stand alone story.

I re-read the story a couple of times and concluded that there might, in the near future, (months not days or weeks cos I'm busy.) I might pick up on a couple of loose ends/threads in the story.

Any body got any preferences or even ideas?


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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1135.


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1135
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

The Rescue 1

This story just came to me. Out of the blue. I suppose I could have expanded it and divided it up into chapters and there's huge scope to take different threads to various ends but for now it's a stand alone. Each of the 'threads' leaves tantalising potentials for further stories. I might come back to different threads if and when I've hit a dry spot or summat'



The Rescue.

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This story is 72 words long.


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I love it when a story takes hold of me and pours itself out through my fingers. I sometimes just sit back in awe at the page and the words. There are phrases that come out that amaze me and make me sure that I am not reading something I had just written. The words seem so elegant, so perfect and so unlike my plodding text that I have no idea what to think. My Muse sometimes makes magic through me I believe...

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Momento Mori


Tomas remembers the blue dress that had enraptured him one Halloween and how magical it had made him feel.

Momento Mori
by poetheather

Copyright © 2010 by poetheather
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 29 words long.

The Omega Unicorn Chronicles Book 1 Spring Break Chapter 24

Spring Break
Chapter 24

By Rachel76m
Edited by Don Kaufman


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This story is 10 words long.

Words of Inspiration Courage and Gratitude


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rose11_2.jpg Words of Inspiration Courage and Gratitude
By BillieBob
A different offering from my norm. A poem to thank you all.

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This story is 20 words long.

struggling with anger at God

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Well, after my encounter with the woman at the wiener roast on Sunday, I found myself really struggling with anger with God. Fortunately, I was working Monday with a woman who I have shared my story with, and I was able to vent, and I feel better for it.

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Story suggestions?


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I'm looking for some new stories to read, so I thought I'd ask you guys here! I like stories that involve male to female transformations - where an unsuspecting guy is transformed into a girl and has to come to terms with his(her) new body, feelings, etc. A great example of the type of story I'm looking for is Kate Draffen - that's my favorite. Something Feels Strange is another one I thoroughly enjoyed, despite the way it ended.

While not essential, I like a gradual, but complete transformation. I wish there was a gradual tag to search for.

Thanks in advance for the reads!

The Center: Smells - Part 4

The Center: Smells
Chapter 4

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright  © 2010 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.


“Children should be seen and not heard,” was the too often used phrase that was physically hammered into his budding consciousness before he even realized he could think. It became the toddler’s mantra.

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This story is 47 words long.

Toil & Trouble - 13 - Diffused?

Toil & Trouble
A Venus Cursed! Story
by Saless
Chapter 13 — Diffused?

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This story is 9 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1134.


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1134
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

Just a short entry. I'm sick

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Have been for the better part of a week. Got a severe cold/flu/plague/something or other. Sorry to those I usually chat with, but this thing is kicking my ass.

Back when I get somewhere near what I laughingly refer to as healthy.


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Gaby Book 7 Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

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This story is 53 words long.


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Dimelza has noted that Mister has been up long enough. She has asked that I take it down, so I will honor that request and delete it.

I will leave it up for one more day to allow everyone that last chance to read it.


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The Suckosaurus Returns

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Well, the good news is that in the past week I have regained my will to write!

The bad news?

All I've managed to turn out is a potential Halloween contest story that isn't good enough to see the light of day (though I might post it anyway, who knows?) and three chapters of Princess For Hire.

The last three of Book One.

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This story is 1 words long.

12-String: 2

In which serenity is gained in the desert, Keith drives Gretchen's car without her permission, and videos are posted on YouTube.

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This story is 21 words long.

I Guess I Will Leave It To The Professionals

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I guess I will leave the writing to the professionals from now on. 847 people read my newest story and only 18 people thought it was good. I guess that pretty much tells me that the majority of you didn't like it. I haven't decided whether I have any muse left anymore. She seems to have abandoned me. Anyway, I guess I will sit back and watch and enjoy the talents of so many others. I am clearly not even close to being in the same league. I might start writing again sometime when I get some inspiration. Right now it seems to be missing.

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Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1133.


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1133
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

A Special Time in a Boy's Life - Chapter 1

A Special Time in a Boy's Life - Chapter 1
by Anastasio Luminos

This is a story about what it might be like if the world was a bit different and if something that's often considered shameful or embarrassing is treated as more of a rite of passage to be celebrated.

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This story is 53 words long.

One more thing to worry about!

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I heard this one on the news while driving to work today.

Can laptops really do this?

Well, I've known for a while that sitting for hours with the laptop in my lap was uncomfortable, now I'm wondering if my increased knee freckles have anything to do with it?

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UnPub request on Aria Blade, if you want to save your comments :-)

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Hi gang,

I've sent an unpublish request to one of our site admins to have Aria Blade taken down. There are a number of reasons, but MAINLY, Aria Blade was an experiment in writing style that, I feel, utterly flopped.

I may at some point in the future go back and do a complete rewrite and re-post it, but for now, I've asked that it be taken down. So if you want to save your comments, please do so, or PM me and I'll copy them over for you. They won't be deleted; they just won't be visible until/unless I decide to republish at a later date.

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Sarah Carerra - 2.10 - The Woman behind the Wig


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sc2.jpg It was the presence of the band that was the real issue. The idea of not wearing the wig in front of them almost felt like I would be standing naked in front of them. It felt like I was being exposed more than I ever had before.

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.10 - The Woman behind the Wig
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: October 4, 2010

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This story is 65 words long.

Dialogue: From Speech To Text


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Sadly, I have nothing excessively profound to add from my own, limited experience in writing. Instead I wanted to pass along the following short list I stumbled across in my search to become a better writer.

I can say with confidence that I will be taking these to heart going forward, and in any revisions of past work that I may or may not be working on ;-)
Personal thoughts on my own failings after the break. :-)

going around in circles

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I sometimes wonder if I am actually making any progress, or if I am just going around in circles. I feel like a mental conjoined twin - one side is female, the other is male, but neither can really live without the other. After having my male side resurface, I am back to having sleepless nights and fevered prayers to finally be at peace. But I have patrolled the limits of my cage, and I simply do not see any exits. I went to a wiener roast at my church's pastor's new place yesterday, and one of the women there insisted that one day soon I would be sharing my story in public.

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Switching Tracks

Switching tracks
by Maeryn Lamonte

Chris Bradley hates his life. Ever since he can remember he’s wanted to dress like a girl, but boys just don’t do that do they? So far, whether it be fear of discovery or concern for the way his friends and family might react, he’s managed to behave in the way a normal guy is supposed to, but it’s getting harder. Right now he’s reacting like any teenager would — with angry rebellion.

Last night he had a dream though. He can’t remember it but it was significant, that much he knows. Now there is something subtly different with the world around him, if only he can figure out what…

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This story is 120 words long.

A Fleurie of Activities

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Today another fine writer paused at the threshold to BC, spun on her high heels, and chucked in the towel.

Even though this ink-stained wretch. . .er. . . carpal-tunnel pained, sometimes kvetch. . .never employed clichés in her writing, her reason for ending her story mid-stream was shop worn — “general indifference”.

For the last eon, or longer, I’ve posted the following message in a variety of forms:

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An odd evening. The weather has been atrocious, and I have been sheltering indoors and writing. I gave uP tonight, and went out for music, catching up to three other club members cycling in. I am afraid that being out on the bike at last meantn that I just surged past them and was waiting with half a beer by the time they arrived.
I didn't play, but the guests were good, if a little too slick, and I had a good conversation on the train back with another member about the joy of making music, and how great it was to see so many young and not so young new chums there.

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Next Chapter

Well, i have had no health excuse this week on not writing chapters for Duelist of Time

It has mainly been delayed to playing DDO - Dungeons and Dragons Online and WoW - World of Warcraft

I know its no excuse, but i am writing the next chapter which should be ready tomorrow to be sent to my proofie

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Spacetran 5

Where Ruby gets to meet beverly's favourite aliens and learns a thing or two about trust and compassion.



Part 5.

We started to dematerialise out of hypertime in front of a spectacular rainbow coloured

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This story is 36 words long.

Easy As Falling Off A Bike pt 1132.


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The Daily Dormouse.
(aka Bike)
Part 1132
by Angharad

Copyright © 2010 Angharad
All Rights Reserved.

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This story is 13 words long.

To Ascend the Peak

To Ascend the Peak

by Faeriemage

Copyright  © 2010 Faeriemage
All Rights Reserved.

"It is within each of us to ascent the peak to that Crystal Throne. Who among you dares?"
His Imperial Majesty, Raoul Steven Andrew Southerland
Fifth Emperor of the Crystaline Empire.

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This story is 42 words long.


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