Reposted by BC staff with Author Permission

Cherry Blossom Journey to Womanhood

Cherry blossom journey to womanhood

the rouge tasted like cherries, a forbidden sweetness on alan's four-
year-old tongue. His mother's vanity table, a glittering land of
forgotten treasures, had captivated him. He'd slipped on her silky robe,
the feel a stark contrast to his usual rough-and-tumble clothes. The
lipstick, a bright, unapologetic red, felt foreign on his lips, yet
oddly comforting. His mother's gasp shattered the moment. Tears streamed
down his face, not from her anger, but from a dawning realization - he
was different.

Happiness and a Warm Gun

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

★ Definitive Gemstone Story ★

Synopsis: As a young boy nineteen years ago, Cindy was the victim of a serial child molester. Now the man who did it is about to be released from prison. What does she intend to do about him; and how is she coping?

This is a stylistic change from my previous writings, a darker, leaner story. You've been warned! Parts of this story are autobiographical.

Story: This story deals with the continuing mental trauma of a victim of child molestation. While there are no depictions of child molestation, there are flashbacks that contain some details. If this sort of thing is upsetting to you, please do not read this story. All the people in this story are fictional, except for the sexual predator that started it all, may his soul rot in hell. KJT

Happiness And A Warm Gun

By Karen J. Taylor
Copyright 2006

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 01/34

----------=BigCloset Retro Classic!=----------

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 01/34

by T. D. Aldoennetti

Apprehension is running rampant, with many of us sweating from the effort of considering the Colonel’s cryptic remarks, rather than from the heat which, so far today, isn’t too bad. The phone rings again and now I am taken from the room. I’m uncertain if I am more anxious or relieved. The sergeant shows me into a room with a large table and six men seated around one end of it. The Colonel is there, of course, as is the Major who left our waiting room with him. There is a one-star seated at the end of the table and three men in civilian clothes. The stakes seem to have been increased. I’m beginning to think I’m the one who has gone through the looking glass, I certainly don’t remember following a white rabbit with a watch.

Bikini Beach: All Tucked Up

Tuck Solo.png
Bikini Beach:
All Tucked Up

by Ellen Hayes

Copyright© 2001, 2017 Ellen Hayes & Copyright© 2001, 2017 Elrod
All Rights Reserved to the Characters and Universes of the respective authors.

"Didn't she say to calm down?" Kim calmly observed as Mike calmly
slowed to forty miles per hour to make a screaming hairpin one-eighty
leading towards the entrance.

"I am calmly getting away from someone who transforms people and
influences thoughts," Mike said back, calmly. "While I still have a brain
and thumbs."

"Go faster," Tucker suggested from the backseat. Calmly, of course.

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip chapter 17

William Church and the Scandinavia Trip
by Sharphawlad

Chapter17. Arrival at the military base.

The arrival of Louis Battenberg personal helicopter caused some consternation and alarm at the camp especially when the troops realised they were getting a visit by top brass. It did not take long for the entire camp to be lined up in the parade ground.

Willie took hold of Lucy's hand, "They expect us to inspect them so we have to see they are perfect."

Alex & Chris Chapter 52

Alex & Chris
By Sharphawlad

Chapter 52 New temple for Alexis.

In China the chairman flanked by his top officials went on the television. “Most of you will already have seen the terrible misfortune that has over taken southern states of America. From the broadcast you all saw it will be obvious to all of you the Golden Queen has returned. She told me where she had once had a home and I sent an expedition to find if it was true. I have now declared it a national shrine and installed a holy man there.”

Drew & the Half Term Break Chapter 50

Drew and the Half Term Break
By Sharphawlad
A Gabyverse fanfiction

Chapter 50 Off to Isle of Man

Drew awoke with a start. He looked round and then realised he was back in his old bedroom back in Warsop and he was Drew again. Still half asleep he tumbled down the stairs and went and sat down in the kitchen. Only after a breakfast of Orange juice and waffles covered in honey did Drew fully awake.

09 - Grendel and Beowulf

Evolution 03 of 24

Evolution - 3 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Evolution 02 of 24

Evolution - 2 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Evolution 01 of 24

Evolution - 1 of 24 Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Evolution 00 of 24 - Information

Evolution - 0 of 24
Imagine a future where women are dominant. Their bodies can "Rebirth" you into the girl you've always wanted to be? What if they can also make women's body a weapon to use against men so are able to protect themselves? All this while jump starting evolution? The only down side, eventually there will be NO MORE MEN

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *19* Aachen All Over

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *19* Aachen All Over
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *18* Cos Choice

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *18* Cos Choice
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *17* Dance Away

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *17* Dance Away
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Gaby Book 7 Chapter *16* Gab's Idea

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *16* Gab's Idea
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Out Of The Frying Pan

I've just posted the latest Julie O story over on Stardust. It's called "Out Of The Frying Pan". This may have been posted over in Fictionmania already Since an illness prevented me from putting it up on Stardust until now.

Bob Arnold


Audience Rating: 

TG Universes & Series: 


Gaby Book 7 Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue

Gaby Book 7 - Dress Up
Chapter *15* Skirting The Issue
by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2009 Madeline Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Book 7 in the Gaby saga sees all sorts of action from our Hero/Heroine.

More action on the Bike and with the gang, getting into all sorts of trouble.

Just where will it all end?

Any Job in a Storm: Chapter 1

Julie discovers a new side to herself as well as experiencing many hidden aspects of society
including fetishism, bondage and then a much darker aspect -
abduction and slavery.


Any Job in a Storm
Chapter 1 - Interview

by Maddy Bell

Copyright © 2003 Maddy Bell
All Rights Reserved.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Epilog

Air Force Sweetheart


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Karen stays behind to explain that the different groups have grown so large that they’re now divided, so consultations are more difficult and the pace is slowed, but the good work continues. There are still lives to save.

Magician has finally found her way home, and she’s pulled another rabbit out of that silk hat of hers, Houdini, who has a few tricks of his own.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 34/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 34/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


It isn’t like a switch where I am either male or female despite my physical changes. Doesn’t it say in the Bible, ‘Male and female He created them?’ Maybe I’m both, male and female, no matter what organs I had on the outside or the inside, a bit of each. But my personality, my soul, is still the same person I always was, as far as I can tell. I’m a human being, someone who can share the anguish of other human beings, someone who can share their joys.

Randolf looks apprehensive.

Luckily, because I am human, I can feel his uncertainty. I smile.

Looking at his face and again at the ring, I make my decision and open my mouth to speak, still smiling.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 33/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 33/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


The four of us wait on the porch until Sis drives away, with Tony asleep in the passenger seat. Back inside, we turn on the news and catch the wrap up. Mom turns to another channel which is just beginning their evening news, so we’re treated to their particular slant on the latest disasters afflicting a weary world. They somehow forget to mention the Fickle Finger of Fate bearing down on Earth from somewhere in outer space, which is about to touch down on me once more.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 32/34

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 32/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 32/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Time creeps along like the weather has frozen it to the consistency of salt water taffy, but finally 6:30 comes along, looks around, and decides to go back to sleep.

I figure I’ll give Mom until seven, then call. I check to see that I have enough change and then go for another cup of vending machine coffee. It looks like instant and tastes like ditch water, but it’s better than nothing.

At 7:08, time speeds up a little and the sun is just making its appearance, throwing a dusky grey light through the cloud cover. A light snow is falling and people are moving around the terminal again. I opt for the phone call and a cab. As I walk out the door into the chill morning air, the sun is just beginning to brush aside the clouds, so it can warm the cold Earth beneath.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 31/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 31/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


I need to find my action group and go back to work there. It seemed so much more simple back then than things are now. Interacting with men simply complicates my life in ways I’m not prepared to accept. Then again, I want a family. That almost requires me to have a man in my life. How do I find a nice one, who isn’t encumbered with ghosts, or poisoned by hatred for women? I need to move to Venus, or Mars, or Jupiter, or somewhere. Somewhere logical.

And what would that accomplish, Lucy? It’s just another way to hide.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 30/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 30/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


I asked in English, knowing that they’d been talking in a different language. In halting English they explain he has indeed been here and they point off in another direction suggesting I might try over with the group of Israelis. I play dumb and ask which group is the Israelis. The one man comes over to me, placing a hand on my bare shoulder as he stands behind me and points out a uniform in the distance.

I give a slight curtsey and thank them. They smile and I’m off again, targeting the Israelis. The men return to their conversation, the momentary assistance to a young woman now dismissed as unimportant.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 29/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 29/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Once back at the conference room, Nora goes to the safe for our typed notes, the pink tablets and my conclusions tablet. When she returns we begin again, still looking through the information for the elusive answer we need to identify the country which could be behind this. I’m beginning to think I won’t have the answer before the General returns. Nora has to leave; she’s scheduled to watch the desk while Jenny has lunch, so I continue the search on my own for the moment.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 28/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 28/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


Nora looks like she’s nervous and continues to look around at the lithographs on the walls and the tables covered with tablecloths with silverware instead of flatware, and china cups, saucers and plates.

I ask, “Just a little ostentatious, isn’t it, General?”

He looks a little apologetic, but explains, “We frequently have congressmen here, or out of country leaders of one kind or another. It wouldn’t do to take them down to the cafeteria. Then too, this room is shielded and swept for bugs and it has jamming equipment built in to prevent electronic eavesdropping, so we can discuss classified material here.”

He gestures to what looks like small air-conditioning ducts or hi-fi speakers above each table. “Each table has it’s own sonic generator above the table throwing a curtain of white noise around the table and its occupants. It isn’t 100% effective, probably closer to 20% or 30% for each table, but by the time the conversation makes its way out through one and in through another it tends to muddy up the conversations enough that nearby diners inside their generator’s influence can’t understand conversations next to them which occur at normal levels. Of course if one were to yell then that would overpower the measures taken. We just learn to talk quietly in here, so the odds are much more in the favor of secrecy.”

“Impressive, Sir.” Now that I’m concentrating, I can hear a slight whooshing sound, like the sound made by the air nozzles above the passenger seats on a commercial airliner, or maybe a radio tuned between stations, pure static. Hmmm.

Air Force Sweetheart -- TacPzlSolGp Chap. 27/34

Air Force Sweetheart
Chapter 27/34


by T. D. Aldoennetti


It’s nearly a week before I see all twenty-five men and hear their cover stories. This is a lot harder than deducing assignments given to Randolf. I’m going to be lucky if I get my roses. They take my deductions and don’t tell me if I’m right or wrong.

They just go off with my answers each time.

I’ve continued to pester Daddy to find out what happened to the TacPzlSolGp but he tells me he’s come up against a stone wall. I still carry that ID and crest in my purse, but I haven’t heard anything about them for some time now.


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