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The Girls Discuss Sex
Evolution / 15
Morning came too quickly for Dara and Susan. Mark, unfortunately, had to return to work, and the two women left with him. Dara drove Susan back to their apartment, where they had breakfast before cleaning up.
“You still need to unpack,” Susan said.
“I know. We both have a lot to do. We should take it easy tonight.”
“I have a question for you,” Susan announced, as if there had been any dearth of such questions.
“You put your nipples in Mark’s mouth last night. How come you’re not worried about accidentally nursing him?”
“I thought we explained that. You can’t start up all at once, Susan.” Dara pressed one of Susan’s breasts. “Before the change, it takes a pregnancy to turn these things on–or a dose of a certain kind of hormone. Even now, you can’t just start lactating on the spur of the moment. It takes days to get started. One night wouldn’t be enough even if all he did was suck on me.”
“But, if it started, wouldn’t it be kinda...”
“You can feel it. Karen said she could feel it when she was about to start nursing Daniel. You’d know to stop in time. Plus, it takes more than just one sip, you know.”
The phone rang. Susan answered it. It was Marcy!
Dara grabbed the phone in the kitchen, so she could share in the exciting news that everyone seemed to have at the tips of their tongues. Dara couldn’t wait to mention that they had just spent the night with a man. “But how are things?”
“Lots going on here,” Marcy reported. “Helping out with this seminar has really been fun, but there’s been so many interesting stories that I’ve been involved in... but first–Susan–you have to tell me! Your first time!”
“Yeah...” Susan purred.
“So, how was it? Who were you with?”
“Mark,” Dara answered.
“Mark, huh? You could do a lot worse.”
“But tonight she’s mine,” Dara added, with a smile at Susan.
Susan smiled back. “It was...”
Marcy interrupted, in her excitement. “How different is it? The world has to know! How did it feel?”
Susan pondered a moment. “It’s funny... Kind of hard to relate it... from what I remember...”
“You have to remember!” Marcy protested. “You’re the only one who can tell us how different it is to have sex as a man! Which is better?”
“Now you know what it feels like to us,” Dara added. “Can you put your old experiences with Karen in those terms?”
Susan was uncomfortable at the thought of discussing “George’s” sexual exploits with Karen–after all, those were private moments, it seemed. But their curiosity was justified, of course.
“The biggest difference–had to be temperature.”
“Temperature?” Marcy asked, incredulous.
“Yes. As a man, when you’re outside your partner’s body, you’re just–cold. There’s a definite sense of warmth when you reach... penetration.”
Both Marcy and Dara seemed fascinated.
“I didn’t feel anything like that last night. I felt empty, not cold. And certain feelings–sensations not directly involved–are very different. Mechanically different, you might say, to have someone else–inside you. It was much more natural than I expected it to feel, and my instincts seem a bit different too. The erotic sensations–the touch of your own parts on someone else’s–the drive for that stimulation...”
Marcy and Dara remained fascinated...
“...was very much the same. The same approach towards orgasm, the same muscle contractions, though they seem to last much longer somehow...”
Marcy interrupted again. “But how does it feel to be able to have multiple orgasms? Isn’t that better than it was when you were male?”
“I can’t say,” Susan answered. “I only had one. I was exhausted. Besides, you know, men can have more than one orgasm. I’ve done that with Karen.”
“But how, Susan?” Dara asked.
“That felt very much the same as last night. You just need to be a little persistent. Even as a girl I felt my... arousal disappear right after I reached orgasm. That’s what the release is all about, isn’t it? But I suppose there are a few advantages–as a man, if I lost that excitement long enough, I’d lose my erection, and that would make it more difficult to get aroused again. Now I don’t have to worry about that. And I haven’t felt that funny feeling that really makes you want to stop and hold still... I suppose women don’t ever get that...”
“Sure we do,” said Dara. “Sometimes after one really big orgasm, or several smaller ones. It’s like I get too sensitive, suddenly.”
“Really?” came Marcy’s voice over the phone.
“Sure, Marcy. Haven’t you ever just wanted your lover to stop? Some sensation that’s not... pain, but somehow uncomfortable?”
“I guess I have,” Marcy answered.
“That’s it, then,” said Susan. “I’ve felt that too. Just not last night. So I guess it really isn’t different. Women can just take advantage of the fact they they can have sex when they’re not aroused...”
“That’s not always an advantage, Susan. That’s why men hardly ever get raped, you know,” Marcy answered.
Dara changed the subject. “So, Marcy, how are things going along those lines? Lots of customers?”
“We’re still having trouble matching everyone up, and a lot of people are interested, but want to wait to see how the first few ‘cases’ turn out, but I’ve met now with a number of couples who are already reversing, and many more that are closing in on their ‘due date’. That’s got to be the best part of what I’m doing–talking to people and hearing their stories. I’ve even been for several of the big events. We even have our RC forms in now.”
“Really?” Dara asked. “So you’ve been there in person? How’d you manage that?”
“It’s funny... After the seminars, people come up to me. Many end up as good friends, especially after they really calm down and begin to understand what’s going on. But I could have never imagined some of the situations...”
Marcy continued on to explain one such series of events. A woman, perhaps 19 years old, had been friends and lovers with man her age even before they started to go to the same college. She lived in a room on campus; he was a commuter, but sometimes stayed with her. Marcy had found the situation unusual, because most of the time people who came to this particular seminar brought their prospective targets with them, so she took the woman aside after the meeting, and talked with her. This teenager was very excited about what was happening, and really wanted to be a part of it by helping to convert her boyfriend. Marcy recommended bringing him along, and when she finally did, found that this 19-year-old man, Derek, was very willing to be reversed–excited about it, even. But he lived at home, and his mother, who had always pegged her son’s girlfriend as even more of a feminist than she really was, started to get concerned about this “reversing” business as it might affect her son. It didn’t take her long to determine that his girlfriend Donna was becoming “dangerous”–“coercing”, as the boyfriend’s mother saw it, “with her disgusting, radical mind”, her son into getting reversed.
“Your father was so proud to have a boy,” she’d tell him. “And so was I. Nine months I slaved to bring you into this world–nineteen years raising you to be the fine young MAN you are–and you’re letting yourself be so bewildered–seduced–by this young tramp you call a girlfriend–that you’d... you’d... Never mind, just because you don’t care about me... But think of your poor father! All those hours out in the front lawn teaching you how to play ball...”
He protested. “But mom! I’ll still be able to play ball! You don’t understand!”
His father was no help. He was brief, though, and to the point. “I didn’t raise you to be a pussy.” (His wife bristled only slightly at the comment.) “There’s plenty of normal girls out there. You find one and leave this nutcake of yours to someone else. Or you don’t come back.”
Marcy saw at her first private consult with this couple that he really was torn; he wanted what his girlfriend offered, and loved her very much; but his parents’ words had hurt him tremendously.
“They just don’t see me for who I am,” he told Marcy.
“It’s true,” Marcy answered. “They need to see you for what’s on the inside. That won’t change.”
“I wouldn’t let it,” the girl offered. “I love you too much.”
Marcy continued. “Some people just cling to these traditional values for no reason. They see what’s happening as a threat, and can’t believe that you’d want to be a part of it. But it seems to me that you do want to be a part of it.”
“Very much,” he said. “If everyone’s going to be a girl... like you, I want to come along. What you said to us, Marcy, about not being left behind, really hit me very hard. I want to join you all.”
“You’ll still be my friend and lover,” Donna said. “We can have sex and everything. Even children, someday.”
“That’s always one of the things I’ve wanted, even before you gave this to us, Marcy. To know what it’s like to bear children.”
“Don’t give me all that credit,” Marcy answered. “But I agree. I’ve never had children, but I really look forward to it someday and hope that you can share that experience yourself. Or, perhaps you can reverse someone yourself.” (Marcy always tried to get that “plug” in somehow).
“See?” the girl said. “Your own children. And we’ll still be able to be lovers.”
“Possibly,” said Marcy. “Though there will be a little catching-up to do, age-wise, though. Years before he reaches puberty, at least. And, of course, once you do this, you’re related to each other–genetically.”
“I’m just as convinced as ever,” he said.
“Oh, my love, I’m so glad...”
Marcy sat back. “It seems like you’ve already made up your mind.”
“She’s right. I don’t care what my parents think.”
“I don’t believe that, Derek,” Marcy said. “You do care. But you can’t please everybody, and sometimes you need to do things for yourself. Or for both of you.”
They kissed. “Thanks, Marcy,” he said. “I know my parents will understand eventually.”
“Eventually” was to be a long time away, however, as Derek’s parents saw him slipping under the “influence” of his “evil”, feminist girlfriend. Although he had decided not to confront them with his decision, he found it hard to contain his excitement of ultimately becoming a woman, and to be surrounded by his own girlfriend, and as his parents questioned him about it, he also refused to lie and, thus, gave his own position away. This time, when they threatened to have him “not come back”, he took them up on it, moving in with Donna.
Only his father, who was so stubborn that he wished merely to “forget” having had a son, prevented, in his argumentative way, the initial attempts by his wife to intercede in what she knew would happen. They had driven their own son away, into his girlfriend’s arms.
Donna had prepared for the moment, and had been periodically massaging her own breasts, as recommended by the seminar which Marcy had taught, for the previous couple of days. When Derek called, upset after his last battle with his parents, Donna told him he could stay with her.
“I want to get started right away,” Derek said.
“Whatever you want. I’ll always be here for you; I’ll see you when you get here. Drive safe.”
When Derek arrived, he apologized for failing to bring his supply of clothes.
“It doesn’t really matter, Derek. If we go through with this, you won’t be needing them for long.” Donna jumped onto her bed, playfully, and put her legs up in the air. She took one hand to her crotch. “Just think, Derek... You’ll be in here... with me. I’ll take such good care of you.”
Just as Derek started to get aroused, Donna got serious. They talked for two hours, discussing what it would mean for Derek, and whether or not he was making the right choice. With the talk concluded, Donna bared her chest. “This is it, then.”
Derek showed only a moment of hesitation before gingerly placing his lips upon Donna’s left nipple. She leaned back, taking him with her, and held him tightly. Several anxious minutes passed before she felt her milk began to flow; she nursed him slowly and continuously into the night.
The next day, Donna changed her phone number, the only means by which Derek’s parents might be likely to track or harass her. She called Marcy to tell her that she and Derek had finally gotten “started”, and gave her the new phone number in strict confidence. Marcy offered to help them with whatever she could. Derek’s “due date” was estimated at about 11 weeks; it varied with the frequency of these “feedings”, and the initial weight of the “target”.
Derek remained in Donna’s room. Donna’s bosom expanded quickly, and with his first trip to the bathroom, Derek’s weight loss began. Donna was frustrated that she had to buy a new bra, having outgrown her regular ones, but amused him when she showed it to him–it was a nursing bra. Since she fed him between classes–every few hours–it actually turned out to be convenient to not have to remove it. Long hours alone in Donna’s room sometimes left Derek bored, even though she left him things to read. Some of them were textbooks for classes that she would be taking next semester; both were amused at the thought that she could simply “absorb” this knowledge from Derek when the time came.
Donna had elicited the confidence and help of several of her girlfriends. Besides keeping what was happening quiet, they would let Donna know if anyone–particularly Derek’s parents–came looking either of them. Some early rumors had surfaced of research into re-weaning people who were ‘nursing’ in this way; a “treatment” which promised to “deprogram afflicted individuals”, much as a drug rehab program would. Initial results appeared somewhat successful in alleviating this “dependency” in people who had gotten only slight exposure, though long-term results were unknown. It also seemed to be physically painful and emotionally devastating to the patient.
Ten weeks passed without a ‘peep’ from Derek’s parents, however. The excitement was increasing as the ‘due date’ approached, and with him so far ‘gone’, it was fairly evident that nothing could stop Donna now. She could feel her own body changing, preparing itself for him. Her enthusiasm for what was happening was matched only by Derek’s; at night, she’d sometimes hold him between her legs. He’d touch her, as sensually as ever; and was amazed at how big she seemed to him. He could easily slide his whole arm into her now; her scent was all around him; the experience was purely sexual. He imagined himself climbing between those legs, one day soon–and with what they already knew about the connection that would form between them, what they would be able to explore of each other once he was inside of her.
Donna made an observation that she later relayed to Marcy; sexual arousal seemed to make her “hungry” now.
Dara interrupted the story. “It wasn’t that way with Karen, Marcy. I wonder why?”
Marcy thought for a moment. “Karen was angry with Daniel back then. I bet she never really had occasion to become... aroused near him, right up to the very end. But wait until you hear...”
Susan had a strange feeling between her legs; strange in that it had happened only once–last night. The story was exciting her; again, the reaction of her female body surprised her.
“Well, what happened? Sorry to interrupt,” Dara said.
Marcy continued her story.
Two days before Donna’s “due date”, she got a worrisome visit from one of her friends. Her friend had been at the main office when a woman called the switchboard to get a room number for Donna. The woman knew Donna’s last name. The switchboard refused that request, stating standard security policies, but verified that Donna was a student and offered to deliver a message; the caller declined and hung up.
“My God, she knows I live here,” Donna said, slumping down on her bed.
“You think it was Derek’s mother?”
“Of course. I have no idea how she found my last name; but now she knows I’m here. She’s probably on her way over.”
“But what can she do now? With Derek... like he is, it’s not like there’s anything she can do.”
Marcy stopped storytelling again, to explain some details. “All those laws that women managed to get past the legislature in recent years gave us control over our own reproductive systems. The courts already determined that this gives us ‘possession’, if you will, of our own babies.”
“I know,” said Dara. “So?”
“The letter of the law, as well as current interpretation, gives you full ‘custody’, in the legal sense, of anyone who inhabits your womb.”
Dara made a comment to Susan. “That was a long, hard, battle, Susan.
But now it’s paid off.”
Susan answered: “I know. I wasn’t female, but I was there when that was going on. I actually felt good when it finally passed. I did think the specific wording strange, though–‘inhabitant’, not ‘child’ or ‘offspring’.”
Marcy answered. “And now you know why. Well, actually, it was more fortuitous than intentional; the wording of that amendment was designed to protect a woman’s rights in the case of surrogate motherhood, in-vitro fertilization, and so on. It just happened to cover this new event as well.”
“So what’s the catch?” Susan asked.
“The ‘baby’ must be inside your womb, or have come from that womb, in order for the protection to apply. No matter how close the due date is, the parents can petition to have the ‘target’ declared incompetent, despite the fact that he or she might have reached the age of consent, and taken away...”
“For deprogramming?”
“Yes. It’s so cruel.”
Susan seemed puzzled. “I thought that’s what the RC-1 was for? Consent to enter someone else’s custody?”
“Yes. We want to generalize it for everyone–homosexual couples, for example, who want to be in each other’s care despite archaic laws about it. The problem is that not all the states or local jurisdictions honor it yet–despite the federal legislation.”
“Sounds like that should be taken to court, doesn’t it?” Susan asked.
“Yes, we’re planning on it,” Marcy answered. “But that’s no good to the poor man who has to go through a treacherous re-weaning process. I’ve only know of two cases where it’s ever been done, but the results seem disastrous–even for people that were nursing only a week or two. Your body’s just not designed to go halfway through the reversing process. Even the host is affected–her hormones take quite a while to restabilize. We’re trying to put a stop to it, but as long as the hospitals keep agreeing to do it...”
“If only the hospitals were run by women...” Susan sighed.
“They will be, Susan.” Marcy answered.
“So go on... What happened to Derek?” Dara asked.
“She called me, and told me what was happening,” Marcy continued. “I figured that I’d be safe from kidnapping charges. Once he was inside, he’d be safe from anything that Derek’s parents might do. But I didn’t want her to wait for me–I needed her to get out of there right now. One of her friends drove them here. That was a mistake.”
When Donna and Derek arrived at the facility that Marcy was staying at, they explained how they had narrowly gotten away–Derek’s parents were approaching the dormitory on foot as they left it by car. When Donna’s friend returned to school, however, the police were there, and under a court order and threat of “obstruction of justice” charges, the friend was interrogated and revealed where she had taken Donna and Derek.
Marcy had one of the group’s gynecologists examine Donna almost right away, and got encouraging news; Donna was already starting to dilate. She hadn’t nursed Derek for nearly a day, and he made no claims of hunger or thirst, as was the pattern.
“Did you hear that? Just hours to go now!” Donna told Derek. They hugged in excitement. Donna started to describe what she was feeling inside, and stopped herself. When Derek complained that he wanted to hear it, she told him: “Just wait. In a few hours I’ll share those feelings with you, my love. That’s all better than words can do, no?”
The next examination indicated she had about an hour left before the labor mechanism kicked into high gear, and the faint contractions Donna had been feeling became the powerful ones needed to pull Derek’s tiny body into her. She and Derek lay on one of the beds, waiting for that moment to arrive.
Someone came to the door. “They’re here!” the woman shouted in panic.
“Downstairs with a court warrant!”
Marcy tried to keep everyone calm. “They can’t do this now. These two are two far along for a ‘warrant’ to stop! What’s going on?”
“Janice is trying to stall them,” the woman said. “How much longer?”
“Nearly an hour. Are you stalling them by verifying the warrant?” Marcy answered.
“Already doing that. But I don’t think we can hold them that long,” the woman at the door said.
The doctor examined Donna again. “If only you were a little further along... more relaxed...”
Derek sat up. “I know what to do,” he said.
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Thanks to Frank
Thanks to Frank for posting this series here. I've not run across this story before.
Evolution 15 of 24
Wondering about the outcome of Derek's parents ploy.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine