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Susan has her first period
Evolution / 17
“Wow... That was a close call,” Dara said, ear still glued to the elephone. “So has everything been okay since then?”
“As far as I know. It only happened this morning; I called you right away.”
“Oh... I didn’t realize,” Dara answered. “Thanks.”
Susan was staring down at her own body again, doing her best to imagine having someone... inside herself like that.
“It’s kind of poetic, I think,” Susan finally said. “We control our own lives at both ends. If it’s true that people will keep some of their memory and abilities between... lives... that the knowledge one gains in life isn’t just thrown away at the end of it... we’ll end up with a race of super-geniuses someday. It’s immortality. I saw this episode on ‘Star Trek’ once...”
“I did too,” Marcy said. “But, of course, we don’t quite know exactly how much will get preserved across the boundary yet. But, if you’re right, I think it will be wonderful. We, as women, can preserve and refine the best elements of our human culture across many generations, if you want to call it that. Reminds me... How’s Karen doing?”
“Fine, last we heard,” Dara answered. “We’ll probably visit her today or tomorrow. Susan and I have a lot to do. She got kind of immersed quickly yesterday... but I still have quite a bit to teach her.”
Susan seemed a bit puzzled. “Like what?” she asked. What else was there to learn?
“We’ll work on makeup today; then maybe another shopping trip. I saw this great outfit–“
“More clothes?” Susan asked.
“Of course! We only bought you a few outfits yesterday. Wouldn’t last you a week. But, perhaps, we’ll do it later. I even have to start teaching you how to walk...”
“How to walk? You mean I don’t even know how–“
“In high heels?” Dara interrupted.
Susan had no delusions about having this ability. “Well, I guess not... but–“
“I should probably get going,” came Marcy’s voice over the phone,
Susan continued. “I heard both of you complain that heels were a ‘torture device’ invented by men. Given what we’re trying to do here, does it make sense for me to be wearing high heels? Isn’t that kind of like the founder of the ‘Buy USA’ project driving a Hyundai?”
“She’s got you there, Dara,” Marcy interjected.
“Oh, okay, I suppose. But she does have to learn to walk–like a woman. It might come in handy. Otherwise I still see a little... masculinity in her.”
When nobody said anything, Dara figured she needed to explain herself. “She’s entitled to learn all the skills that any other woman knows, even if she doesn’t have to use them. Right?”
“Okay, I see your point,” Susan conceded. “Since I really want to be... a woman, it’s only fair for me to learn the details.”
After concluding the phone call, Dara began the next stage of Susan’s indoctrination in earnest, teaching her everything her mother had taught her, everything she know about makeup, clothing, etiquette, and culture. Susan simply swallowed hard and did her best to absorb it all, though many components of this new life took quite a bit of practice–or getting used to.
Much was frustrating. Dara had to keep reminding both Susan and herself that she was doing her best to teach, all at once, what a young woman normally had the luxury of several years to absorb. Susan felt herself under great pressure to do everything right the first time. Makeup was by far the most frustrating, and, to Susan, the least useful of the skills that Dara insisted upon sharing. When Susan finally did get even this little task right, and Dara told her to clean up to do it again, Susan was furious.
“What was wrong with that? I did just what you said to do.”
“You did very well. But now I’ll have to teach you about different lighting conditions.”
“At least you don’t have to shave anymore, Susan...”
They exhausted themselves that day; and despite Dara’s promises on the previous day, neither felt in the mood for anything but sleep that night.
The next day seemed entirely different. Both women were rested well, and had a brighter outlook. Dara taught Susan about etiquette, especially when around men, and again Susan did her best to be a good student. The feeling that Dara got was changing–at least, she could feel a real femininity blossoming within her student. Once she had a taste of it, there’d be no turning back. The little things–like going to the bathroom sitting down, having no external parts between her legs–were entirely natural to her now; she didn’t even think about it.
By the end of the third day of this education, having dressed herself in one of the sexiest outfits that the women had bought, Susan positively radiated an unmistakable feminine appeal that even Dara could feel in her bones. Her outfit, hair style, and even her improved posture quietly added up to make her nearly irresistible. She stood there posed, one leg gently bent such that only her toe was on the floor, head cocked slightly, and one hand delicately on her hip.
“Wow...” Dara said, standing back. Inside, she felt a powerful, sexual attraction that she had only occasionally felt for another woman.
Susan, anxious for Dara’s approval, failed to sense the effect she was having on her friend and teacher. “This bra’s too tight, I think”, she added.
“Amazing...” was still all that Dara could say. It was very hard to knock Dara off her feet this way; normally, even with the sexiest men, she managed to remain cool–sexy, but in control. Now she felt like that control was slipping away, and she wondered if the men she had been with had experienced this...
“I must still be growing up here...”
“Uh huh...” Dara nodded.
Susan finally determined what Dara’s distraction was. It was one of the strangest sensations that Susan had felt so far; she knew that Dara’s hormones were in overdrive, but couldn’t fully accept that it was her own self that was making Dara act this way. During her first (and only) experience with a man, she hadn’t gotten this sensation, perhaps because she was the “trainee” at that point, and Dara was running the show. Now, things were different.
“Take it off,” Dara said.
“Your bra. We’ll get you the next size tomorrow.”
Susan turned around to undress, and shortly after removing her top, felt Dara reach around her to unclasp the front-unhooking bra. Then she felt warm hands on her breasts. Dara sighed at the touch; and Susan felt the increasingly familiar warmth between her legs. The wetness would follow soon after. She felt her own control begin to disappear; she bid it good riddance.
In moments, they were tumbling into the unmade bed. Dara undressed Susan before undressing herself.
“Let’s see what lovemaking is really like,” Dara suggested. Susan merely nodded.
Dara, on her knees between Susan’s legs, stretched up to touch Susan’s hands. She ran her own hands down Susan’s arms, across her breasts, and down her abdomen. Next she lay right on top of Susan, mingling her hair with her partners, and explored Susan’s mouth with her tongue. Susan simply relaxed and let it happen. She became aware of Dara’s breasts touching her own; Dara seemed to share that feeling, because she then propped herself up on her elbows, her breasts now gently suspended from her body, and her nipples simultaneously brushed across Susan’s. Karen had done this to George once; but now Susan looked between them to see all four breasts, and her own nipples as gloriously erect as the woman on top of her. Having her own breasts seemed to add immensely to the sensation; Susan moaned at it.
Dara lay down again, pressing her breasts against Susan’s, and the intensity of the experience increased. After only a few seconds, Dara lifted up again and ran her tongue straight down the center of Susan’s body, ignoring her breasts, but heading instead straight for her pussy.
The experience was intense for both women. Again, it was an experience that Susan never felt before; and Susan was quickly on her way to orgasm. She spread her legs wide, and pulled her legs up to let Dara’s tongue reach into her.
Dara suddenly pulled herself away. “Pull your legs up,” she suggested, helping Susan to fold her legs around, pulling her knees to her chest. “Just like that.”
Next, Dara stood on the bed, straddling Susan for a moment, then gingerly squatted down, over Susan’s pelvis, and, as she sat, her own pussy pressed tightly against Susan’s.
Both women felt their labia open, moisture very abundant, as their private parts engaged in what amounted to a long, wet kiss. In a fraction of a second, Dara’s engorged clitoris found Susan’s. Dara grabbed Susan’s legs as if to never let go, and the two women began copulating in earnest.
Given the similarity in their bodies, it was no surprise that one massive orgasm consumed them both simultaneously; an explosion of epic proportions that burned them both out rapidly. There was a flood of moisture, but little escaped the seal between the women’s bodies until after they separated. Thanks to the effects of gravity, Susan was drenched, Dara less so.
They lay upon each other, exhausted, for several minutes.
“I guess that’s how you do it,” Dara said, just now in control of her breath.
“Make love?”
“I felt myself just squirt into you.”
“I felt it come into me.”
Dara peered between Susan’s legs. “Yup, that’s what happens. Our cervixes open, and vaginas contract, so whatever I put into you goes... in. If we were both fertile right now, you’d probably be pregnant soon. The fluid would have carried my egg into you.”
“Pregnant?” Susan asked, suddenly worried.
“Don’t worry. Only if both of us are synchronized with each other, and both of us ovulated. Otherwise we get all the fun with no worries. Clever design–no birth control needed.”
“How come it would have been me who gets pregnant? If we’re the same, why not you?”
“I was on top. Like this fluid, eggs have no motility. Since you were on the bottom, your ovum would stay put, while mine would come down to join it. That’s how a couple can decide who bears a particular child.”
“Gravity... how simple. But that means no babies in space.”
“I don’t see that as a major problem. Besides, it’d probably be a big mistake to have a baby using any method in microgravity.
Susan moved down and tasted the fluid in Dara’s vagina. It was clear, sweet, feminine, and soon had her excited enough to start all over with Dara. Again, Susan found herself underneath when the time came. This time, they fell asleep immediately afterwards.
The next day, the two women went shopping, and stopped back home before heading out to visit Karen and the rest of the bunch. Susan sat down to use the toilet, leaving the door open as usual. She urinated for a minute or so...
Dara peeked in after about a half a minute had gone by with no flushing sound. She went to correct Susan again–“Remember, always wipe front to back–“
“You’ve burned that into me ever since I’ve been... female. I think you can stop now.”
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry...”
Susan seemed distracted again. “I think something’s wrong with me, Dara.”
Dara whirled back around. “Wrong? What? What’s wrong?”
Susan pulled another piece of toilet paper from the roll and patted herself. “I’m bleeding. We must have injured something last night. At least...”
“I can’t imagine... Wait a minute. Spread your legs. Let me look.”
Susan complied with Dara’s request. Dara squatted down in front of
Susan, and gently poked around her private parts.
Dara smiled up at her. “Well, well... looks like you’re having your first period! Congratulations!”
“We’ll have you checked out just to make sure–since you’re ‘special’ and all, but I’m really quite sure that this is it! I just wonder...”
“Wonder what?”
“Neither of us is supposed to have periods unless we voluntarily ovulate. There’s no way the simulations could have been wrong. You’d remember it if you ovulated.. and it would have been about two weeks ago.”
Susan thought back that far. “I wonder,.. I was sitting next to Karen when she ovulated, and explored for how I’d do the same thing. I didn’t think I could do it already, though.”
“Did you feel it happen?”
“I felt something happen. But, of course, all the feelings were very unfamiliar. Thank goodness you haven’t ovulated, or I would be pregnant right now.”
“Impossible, if your period is starting now... your fertile window is only a few days long, and it was almost a week ago. It takes that long for the lining of your uterus to start breaking down.”
“Think about it, Susan. A year ago you’d never have imagined it... and now it’s happening to you. You’re a real woman now.”
Susan thought about it for the first time. Karen had complained about her period several times, but, when George had tried to sympathize with her frustration, she always added that it was a small price to pay for being female. In many ways, she seemed proud of it; after all, it was just one of those things that only women did; and was a sign of her childbearing capabilities, an experience that no man would “understand”, since no man could ever do it. This had frustrated George to no end, since even Karen’s position was that this little detail of female biology was hopelessly beyond the understanding of any man, no matter how much he had tried; somehow, Karen, like any woman he ever heard mention the topic, somehow used this to make him feel different, isolated, inferior–as if every man’s perceived lack of understanding came from ignorance or thoughtlessness.
Less than a year later, this person now sat on the toilet, having her first menstrual period ever. She thought back to her transformation–the frustration and anxiety as she lay in that tiny room watching her masculine parts slowly disappear; and the curiously taboo sense of elation, curiosity, or wonder as she found herself with those sorely underdeveloped, yet clearly female parts. Now those parts were, as this event served to demonstrate, mature and functional, as they would remain for many years.
Susan wiped herself again and came up with a bit more blood. “So what do I do now? How long does this last?”
“About a week. Tomorrow will be the worst.”
“A week?” Of course Susan knew this would be the case, having lived through several of Karen’s periods in great detail. Of course, back then, he had no idea why she shared those things with him, other than for his own curiosity.
“More or less. Didn’t Karen teach you about this?”
“Yes. Now what do I do?”
Marcy retrieved a box from one of the cabinets and produced a small white object wrapped in plastic. “You should know how to use this by now. Show me.”
Susan couldn’t believe she was doing it, and felt much the same as she did when Karen instructed George to put her tampon in for her. Now, Susan was doing it to herself. She unwrapped the tampon, spread her legs, and pushed it into herself. The feeling, again, was strange; now she was on both sides of the transaction. Once inside, she really couldn’t feel it at all.
“That-a-girl,” Dara said.
“That’s it?” Susan asked.
“For now. You’ll have to bring some of these with you wherever you go until your period ends. You should be able to feel when it’s almost time to change it; I can. We should get back down to Industrial Street–I’m sure Dr. Carlson will want to run some tests on you. Go ahead and get dressed.
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Evolution 17 of 24
Was wondering how an all female world would reproduce.
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine