General Audience (pg)

To Catch a Thief~2

I heard a bell ringing and the stampeding of feet, and realised straight away that the girls were going to breakfast. I was hungry myself but that would have to wait because I had other matters to attend to first, so I would just have to ignore my grumbling tum.


By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

Doubting Myself

I wonder how many other t-girls go through this much self-doubt, or if it ever truly stops?

Okay, bear with me here because I have a lot going through my mind right now, and I need to try and make sense of it the best way I know how - by writing. I don't know how much of this I'll be able to get into text, or how little, and if you get lost along the way, just raise your hand and an usher will be along shortly.

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blood on my sheets, again

Had a horrible night last night. woke up a couple of times banging my head on the wall. Then, in the morning, when my little dog jumped up on the bed to great me, or so I thought, when I noticed that she had started licking my sheets, and I realized that the reason why was that I had apparently bleed during the night (not the first time that's happened.) Ah, well, can't do much about it.

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The Center: Weight Problem

The final two posts of this story might be a little different than the others. They may or may not be more than one chapter long. It all depends on how much I want to fit into one chapter. Right now I'm writing Ch. 14, which will switch POVs back and forth between siblings. Then in my last post I'll have the last chapter and an epilogue, at least that's the plan at the moment.

I'll be taking a little Center break after that and moving on to two Retcons, the first one being Blue Beetle and the second Booster Gold.

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Sarah Carerra - 2.11 - It's Just a Job

sc2.jpg Dad looked back down at the folder before turning back to me. "Do you want to go over the endorsements?"

Sarah Carerra
Chapter 2.11 - It's Just a Job
by Megan Campbell
Copyright  ©2010 Megan Campbell
Released: October 11, 2010

Okay...I think I've seen Horror isn't my thing.

From the responses and such from Vampyre and On a Hot Summers Night. I'm going to go with my instincts and honestly say horror and stuff isn't my strong suit. I'm going to go back to writing my usual stuff.
For those who liked the side stories and such I'm really glad you did but i'm going to try to get back to my regularly scheduled programming.

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My Life is a TV Drama Blues

Ok, so I am getting behind in my school work because my teacher didn't respond on time to give me my assignment, and assuming she would be on top of things, I let it slide most of the week. I find out my assignment on Friday, only to get a call from animal control that my dog was put down.

This is the dog that the electrician my landlord hired to finally finish my kitchen let out on Thursday, neglecting to tell us that he was gone. We found out after 3 PM. . .but the dog was hit just before noon. So we would have had time to save our dog.

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A Real Beaver Shot

I have a hobby that some others here also seem to like. I'm a shutterbug. I love to take pictures. I'll go miles out of my way to find something to take a picture of, and I'll stand around doing nothing while waiting for the light to be 'just right'. And sometimes, I just stumble across something worth shooting.

Yesterday, I stumbled across something worth recording. I have to admit I didn't ask permission to take these pictures of her swimming, but I figured she wouldn't mind because after all, she was swimming in a pond right beside the road... and she wasn't wearing any clothes!

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Nature or Nurture

Like all inhabitants in the Land of Dalembrine, the Maker created Foulkes to serve a single purpose, to play his role in bringing harmony for all. But in crafting Foulkes, the Maker proved to own a sense of humour. How could a discordant note fit into the symphony of life?

A twist upon a familiar nursery rhyme.

Strawberries, Cherries, and an Angels kiss in Spring

Hi all,

It's been some time since I let you know what is happening with the doctors.

The had amputated the left leg. Your prayers are MOST Gratefully accepted. Appart from a urinary tract infection every thing went great! The has been some phantom pain which is anything but phantom. I am grateful.

On another front, Miss Cabot let me know some may not know the following: I have to preach the funeral of my brother who died at 44. If you think of it and are inclined that way please remember his two sons. The service is October 17.

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Rainy Days and Sundays...

Well... anther chapter of 300 Rains is up and the plot thickens. Poor Geoff. I am so mean to him. But anyway, This was another fun chapter to work on as this is an interesting change of pace with a shrink, not helping you with you transition but helping you cope with your transformation. I bet any shrink would be a bit overwhelmed by that task. :)

There was not a lot of Anthropology in this chapter, but never fear there is still more Anthropological information that has yet to be discussed. There are some interesting challenges ahead fr our good Professor.

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crash and burn, and payback house

I don't know if you have ever bought an item, taken it out of its box, and then try to put it back in, only to find it just doesn't fit and in fact you can't see how they ever got it in there in the first place? Well, I kinda feel like that. I had a good day as Dorothy Friday, but I found I really crashed after I had to go back to male mode. Meanwhile, at least I am back to writing again, as my last parody piece showed, which is good news. I have an idea for a different kind of haunted house story, but I doubt very much I can get it done in time for the Halloween contest, but ah, well.

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I finally made the last payment on my credit card today! Shortly after going full time I had something like $16,000 of credit card debt, but as of today it is $0! ^_^ I've been working hard towards this for a long time, so I'm very happy! Especially since it means all the money I was putting on my credit card can now go towards paying off my car loan. And once that's paid off (which won't take too long, now), I can finally start saving up for surgery!

That's still a while off yet, probably a couple years or so, but it's a step in the right direction.

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The Center: Smells - Part 6

The Center: Smells
Chapter 6

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright  © 2010 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.


“Children should be seen and not heard,” was the too often used phrase that was physically hammered into his budding consciousness before he even realized he could think. It became the toddler’s mantra.


I have had unexpected time off, and therefore I have been able to write more than I expected to do.I am sat here now, a glass of wine to hand, mandolin in hand, playing a CD and joining in when the music snatches me. Apart from the prospect of a nice chap smiling at me,I cannot think of a better situation: music, wine, instrument, prose....

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Its not just fiction

1 Ohio school, 4 bullied teens dead by own hand

Gee this sounds all too familliar:
"Some students say the problem is the culture of conformity in this city of about 50,000 people: If you're not an athlete or cheerleader, you're not cool. And if you're not cool, you're a prime target for the bullies."

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Body and Soul

Are readers afraid of my story because I label it as horror? It really is mild horror, and it's only really at the beginning of the story. I should add the "Sweet/Sentimental" story tag because it's made a few readers cry.

There is no violence or gore in my story. It's just a little scary with a ghost visit at the beginning. I wish more people would give it a chance.

- Terry

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The Center: Smells


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The Center: Smells

by Jennifer Sue

Copyright  © 2010 Jennifer Sue
All Rights Reserved.


“Children should be seen and not heard,” was the too often used phrase that was physically hammered into his budding consciousness before he even realized he could think. It became the toddler’s mantra.

One Heart to Another: John's Story

One Heart To Another
John's Story
 ©2010 Zoe Taylor

They say that when you receive an organ donation, the person lives on as part of you, but what if the donation was from your best friend? Would their impulses and compulsions become yours?

Would you be able to cope with the grief of their death, knowing they gave you life?

One of a pair alongside Christina's Story.

Football Girl~Season 2~Chapter 2

I sat in the court’s waiting room with Mummy. It was so boring as we had been there for hours. There were things going on between the defence and prosecution. No one told us anything. ..
Football Girl
Season 2 ~ Chapter 2

By Susan Brown

Copyright © 2010 Susan Brown

So I went for a walk - or Awkward Conversations With Neighbors

I decided to go for a short nature walk to clear my head, and I took my faithful companion, my Canon Rebel XSi with me for kicks. Sadly most of the photos were drastically overexposed because I completely forgot to change exposure compensation before I left.

Most of them were completely unsalvagable. No amount of Photoshop will fix them, but I have a couple that turned out really well, that I'll post at the end of the blog (scaled down to fit :-))

While I was out though, one of our neighbors passed by, and rolled to a stop as I was kneeling to get a picture of a washed out gully.

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Gabycon Book!

Hi Peeps

i'm pleased to announce that for those who missed the recent 4th Gabycon inDorset can get a flavour of the weekend by purchasing the Gabycon 2010 book!

Go to to pick up your copy now!

Of course it includes pictures and besides a preview of Book 8 from me, a whole new Gaby fanfic from Angharad! well worth the money!

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Recommend any good games?

It's been ages since I played any game on my PC apart from the standard Solitaire and Minesweeper, as I find the violence that seems to accompany most as pretty mindless.

I recently came across Iron Roses, an adventure story which I really enjoyed, played in the 3rd person, featuring guitar playing Alex trying to reform her group. Set in a US city in the middle of a garbage strike, there was lots of realism far removed from the fantasy worlds of many games. She even had a gay friend! To experienced gamers, the tasks were probably pretty trivial, but they were just right for me.

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Halloween: brings out the best and worst.


Halloween: brings out the best and the worst.
by Jennifer Sue

August 4, 2001

“Damn it, Heath, try to catch the ball, don’t run away from it,” Dan Waters scolded his three year old son. “You’ve never seen DJ run away from the soccer ball! Now get the ball and kick it back to me.”

Heath hated being compared to his big two year older brother. DJ had two favorite things in life, sports and teasing his sissy little brother DJ was the apple of their father’s eye. He was good at sports and not afraid to try anything.

Heath struggled to hold back the tears as he retrieved the ball.

Still Sick.

I am SLOWLY getting a bit better, but I am still way below normal functional parameters. Again, I apologise to those with whom I usually chat, but my awake times have been so erratic, and I've lost so much time that errands and tasks I'd planned to do, fell by the wayside and got bunched up. I have tons of stuff I have to do, and nowhere near time enough to do them all.

If there is a bright spot in all this, it's that the weather here is supposed to be nice through the weekend with lots of sunshine, so I can get outside and soak up some of it.

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Exodus International to stop Gay bashing

I am surprised that none of you picked up on this as I see it as quite important.

Yesterday I noticed in the news that Exodus International, James Dobson's once highly publicised effor to cure Gays had decided to pull out of anti Gay conventions. The reason being that someone had figured out that this sort of rhetoric was causing suicides. I don't know if there are any law suits pending but I do know the sort of language that the Dobson bunch used.

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