Blogs, Topics, Weblinks, Forms, Polls etc.

Looking for Advice

I've finally finished and turned over the Wildcats Book One to Erin for publishing on Amazon. It's ten chapters and 60,000 words. Hopefully, this will generate some funds for Big Closet.

I'm working on Book Two right now and hope to have it done very soon. It's about the same length. Book Three will follow.

I want to turn the story into a graphic novel to publish online.

Since this is just an idea, I was wondering if anyone out there has any experience with doing something like this and could share their thoughts.

Thanks for reading.



This chapter is actually the combination of three. Normally there is congruency between the chapters but the last one began so differently that I chose to capitalize the beginning of it. Although this chapter is quite drama heavy, and tissues were provided, the true drama has yet to begin!!! I hope you all enjoy is one. ;-)


Gaby rides again

Midweek already.

Its a busy week for me, lots of bike riding (180km so far), a visit to the doctor (apparently I'm in robust health but my heart rate is quite low), some writing and - well its exhausting being me! I've still got a night out, more riding, more writing and shopping to fit in before the weekend.

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Mainly massive multiparts

Just an observation which might end up seeming like a complaint;

I sometimes feel lost here, in the sense of "dying of thirst when water is all around".

I visit daily looking for an interesting story (I admit, I like the fluffier stuff), but I wonder sometimes how any new person visiting this site can get started when virtually everything on the front page is just a chapter in some huge novel.


Mein Manifesto

It has taken me eight decades to find the truth.

I’ve long suspected and only recently realized, that anyone who does things that are different than the way I live my life . . . is wrong.

It would be great if I could cut you a break and allow for variances depending on your individual circumstances, but that would prove foolhardy and dangerous for both of us.

Simply put – everything you do that is not something I would do, so should be terminated immediately before it’s too late.

In the future, you should add one simply step to your decision-making process.


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Goodbye! (Don't Worry)

My wife has been away for three weeks. This has allowed Liz to come out to play. Crossdressing seems to have lost it's zest. And of course, passing was never going to be possible for a girl who was a linebacker in high school, and still looks the part, if somewhat heavier.

Crossdressing and haunting BCTS has been taking too much of my time. I did little else for the last three weeks! I guess I need to spend more time paying attention to my wife and farm, and to just get on with life!


Bad codes for Kindle/etc posts.

I think I've figured out why I've been so bothered about the constant posts for things 'for sale'.

It's not actually that they're being posted for sale. It's that they aren't actually using the codes that are _supposed_ to be there on the front page. I've found myself, more than once, thinking that it's an update, and finding out it's another "HEY, DOPPLER" or "KINDLE BOOK". - but it says 'SOLO' or 'Day Of The Week' instead.

At the top of the page -

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Do you like drugs in your fiction?

So 11th Sun is about 90% of the way through its second draft. At that point posting here will go on hiatus for a couple of months. During that time I will be taking a break from thinking about it (month one) then working on the second draft (many more months) and sometime around there I'll start posting again.

During month one, with nothing to do, I'll be writing somethings else. I've been on a high school kick lately and I haven't found quite what I'm looking for, so I'm going to write it.

"Be the change you want to see in the world." -quoting Ghandi to my brother

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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Laser Hair Removal

I’ve found a package of 6 treatments for the full face for $660 with 6 free underarms treatments as well is that a pretty good deal or should I keep looking because the last estimate was a lot more. I in the Columbus, Ohio area if that is relevant.

I’m going to add it’s at a dermatology office.

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Sunday Post

Is it really another week gone?

I've had a busy week on the bike despite the hidden 'help' from various weather systems!

The writing on the other hand is going in fits and starts, actually writing the new Nena is much harder than deciding on the plot so I'm somewhat behind where I wanted to be - hopefully I can get into the grove this coming week.

In the meantime you can read the next Special Request chapter here.

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Categories and Sub-Categories

I am attempting to find out for want of a better term a "Pigeon Hole" for a type of magic!

As an analogy, and a very bad one at that because In the novel by Stephen King "Christine" it was possession.

The Protagonist 'Arnie', described as a nerd having poor complexion who buys a wreck of a Plymouth Fury he calls 'Christine', and proceeds to rebuild and refurbish.

In return he begins to develop a "Jock" type physique and his complexion clears up.

Taxonomy upgrade extras: 

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I need proofreaders for Charisma Chapter 1


What do I need your help for? I need you to proofread: Charisma chapter 1. I'm in the revision stage and I have a bunch of things I need to change about it, but I also need to see if there is anything I'm missing. For example, if I messed up a sentence to where it sounds like a five-year-old writing. Or, I'm missing information that would allow you to understand what I mean what I wrote. Or, there is just a shitty part of the story that you just don't like.


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I Voted for W

In 2000 I voted for W. My tendencies are quite liberal, but he seemed much better than more Clinton years via gore. This week I was reminded why I thought so highly of W. when he said the following.

"Bullying and prejudice in our public life sets a national tone. It provides permission for cruelty and bigotry and compromises the moral education of children. The only way to pass along civic values is to first live up to them."

We need to demand civil behavior.


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Stories in progress

I've been writing ...... but I've done 50 stories so far and I want the next one to be (in my opinion) better than average. So there's some 5 or 8 works-in-progress but none seem to be good enough to be number 51. And I keep reading stories by others which I wish I had written myself. oh well.
Best wishes


Decline in insect numbers is worrying.

I know most readers here see me as a nature nut and always harping on about some crisis or other in the weather or the environment, but this latest report, upon which this very readable article is based is frightening. I suspect the worldwide picture is that insects are declining at an increasing rate due to the over use and abuse of pesticides primarily, and then loss of habitat. One cause human activity, especially industrial farming.

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Top Shelf needs YOUR help! PLEASE READ!

The site and Erin really need your help. I just sent in 25 bucks and will probably send a few more after my own bills are paid for this month.

While Erin and the site really appreciate all the help many of you have given in the past, but things are not getting better financially. Erin has driven herself into debt so far that there seems to be no way out. The site needs a LOT of money to give us this wonderful resource and repository for our stories and blogs.

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My new story

Hi everyone!

I just posted a new stand alone story. Relative Possessions.

I feel oblidged to say that it has nothing to do with my Goddess Stories. It is an old story I wrote a couple of years ago while my muse was taking a break. The story, in my mind, at the time was kind of "bleh" But after finding my inspiration and encouraged by some gentle nudging from Sammi, I revisited it and was able to rewrite it so that it is something I feel proud enough to share.

I hope you enjoy it.


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We're sitting in Coll's and I'm into my second pint of Murphy's. Being partial to Murphy's and having internet made this a fair to middling chose. So this new chapter of And nd Allie is being posted between trips to the WC and trips to BC. I could only manage one rather weak pic but things being where they are...that is in the midst of nowhere...County's the best I can manage. This offering is actually a combination of three chapters. I would like to finish posting this tale before the next decade!!! Please excuse any weirdness in the editing.



Hello and welcome to my blog.

Only this isn't my blog. I'm not very good at blogging so I only have one and that's this one - My Blog.

If you don't want to visit my website (why?) my blog is duplicated on my Goodreads page.

I will post important pieces of news on this blog but if you want the full experience the website is the place to be.

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Just have to rant a bit

There is a reason why I post to BC first after finding out how much easier it is

Then add the comments on here are more encouraging Thanks!

But then this
posted to FM to be nice and this is my reward?

Reviewed by Pam on 10/19/2017

a dark elf??? I like real people stories. This one takes change a little to far. I'm sorry but I can't go there.

So you have the time to back up out of the story, go to new page to post and leave a post like that--but not be nice about it??
and I write this stuff for free!

had to go there


OK - time to reconnect, albeit slightly.

Yes, the next Julina is 'ready' - but not polished. It is currently sitting at 25,679 words and will probably end up being close to 30k by the time I polish...

Penny will help me decide how to break it all up. As the author, I find the 'parts' of it too short to be posted alone, but too integrated to just split at natural narrative gaps. The big crescendo to which it is building might be diluted if it takes a few chapters to get there.

These - and many other thoughts - have been racing through what passes for a brain sitting atop my spine.

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I'm still here.

I'm still here though it's been a while. I'm going to shoot out a few one off's before I get back to "The Seven Deadlies", at least two short stories though I hope you like them...rather I hope they are substantive enough as appetizers.
One will be a body suit story, albeit the scientific approach I present will not be the instant pop and go type of bodysuit, think "Skin Deep" except with the blank suits.
The other will be a cute wink and nod with Fan Service towards a K-Pop singer whose gotten VERY popular as a host/co-host in Korean variety shows.

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The latest offering is now up on Kindle. Search for Sisters, with the author name S.A.A. Calvert. It should also come up under 'Sussex Border Stories' in a couple of days.

The book reference number is ASIN: B076KB1C8H.

Please remember, if you can, to use the Amazon link on the BC home page/below, as Erin and her elves get commission..

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New Halloween Story

So, while I'm editing and re-writing Hold the Salt, it struck me back when I wrote that one of my goals was to put out one Halloween-themed story or horror story a year. I never made this goal. This led me to pause my editing for three days to write a Halloween story for this year, I mentioned it in my last blog post.

This year, it happened.

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Well, I might as well explain my life a little

I would like to start by saying thank you to everyone who has ever read anything of mine. I appreciate it. I'm sitting here at 3:58 am bored and hungry out of my mind. Well, because I ramble on about the present. Let's talk about my past a little.

I was born October 11, 1999, to the name Jonathan. Yes, I know my birthday just past, yes, I know my birthday is on national coming out day, and for the final yes, I am 18 and still in high school. Life for me growing up was normal, good, and loving. Funny, because all my stories end up the complete opposite.



End of an era

This morning, a part of myself, died. As I awoken to the news that Gord Downie had passed away from glioblastoma (brain cancer), at the age of 53. Just 6 years older than I am. Upon hearing this, I broke down and cried for several minutes, holding Venus, my oldest Queen, to my chest. One way or another, the Tragically Hip have been part of my life, since 1991, when my then roommate introduce me to them, as we were both students at Carleton University, in Ottawa, Ontario, Canada. Just before they released Fully Completely. Hard to believe 26 years have passed since then.

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Burned my face today

I had a "I cant believe I was that stupid" moment today.

I had been fighting depression and being sick for the last week, so I hadnt shaved.

So I thought I would use nair to get the hair down to the point where I could get a blade through it.

unfortunately, I messed up, got some on my cheek, and burned myself.

sighs ...

my life is hard enough, I really should stop trying to make it harder ...

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Endless distractions

I finally managed to put up What Milsy Did #26 and that means it is time for yet another apology.

It's all Real Life, of course. I won't bore you with everything that has hit me but let me just say that some of it is coming from the generation before and some from the generation after.

In addition the meds I have been on since 2013 are tapering off and it is exposing underlying problems. These are making me real tired and there are lots of things that could occupy what available time I have. Writing, regrettably, is only one of those things.

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I've managed to get off the next chapter of porn before my trip to the hinter lands. Hopefully I corrected enough spellings and kept the continuity straight. I normally only do one picture with my tales but I've gotten these apps for the iPad and I've been having loads of fun playing with the photos.


The Family Girl #085: Napa Valley Forest Fires


The Family Girl Blogs
(aka "The New Working Girl Blogs")

Blog #85: 2017 Napa Valley Forest Fires

To see all of Bobbie's Family Girl
click on this link:

Hello, everyone. I’m sure you’ve been hearing about all the forest fires happening in the States.

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Hollywood Studios Grew a Brain!

It looks like the studios finally grew a brain about the fact that the fractured digital landscape with buying movies electronically was actually hurting them.

Walt Disney Studios
Sony Picture Entertainment
20th Century Fox
Universal Studios
Warner Bros. Entertainment

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No Twin Tails This Week

Yeah, after one of my fellow players was a no-show last night and the GM was blasted from work, we took a break from the game last night. Unfortunately, this means no new Twin Tails for another two weeks. Not ideal but these things happen.

On the bright side, I'll be able to concentrate on Hold the Salt editing this week, which means I'm getting closer to finishing Fate and the Iron Tiger. I also got a start on a prequel to Twin Tails and I'm poking at a vampire story for Halloween that, knowing my luck with Halloween stories, won't come out for Halloween.

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A Second Chance

Just a note to let fans know that I will post the awaited Sleepover chapter tomorrow morning, so that it does not interfere with those of you who will be awaiting Snowfall's theme park story Venture Realm. (I know I will be hitting the refresh button every two minutes around 9 p.m. est until it appears).

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I wish to thank all those who have commented on my ongoing romcomdram 'Andi and Allie'. Unfortunately I've not the time to respond to any of the very kind words written by the commenters. But I do thank all of you none-the-less. I am gratified by the reception this tale has received. Unfortunately, in a rush to post at least one or two more chapters before next Monday, the art work will be scant. I am going on a 'vacation' with my brood and won't be back until the following Sunday.


having an unlikable protagonist

okay, just for fun, I want to talk about making an unlikable protagonist.

Now, most stories dont do this. After all, the protagonist is usually supposed to be someone the audience cheers for.

But some stories do have an unlikable protagonist, so lets see if we can find out how that can work.

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Why I write

Someone else posted about why they write and it got me thinking. I wrote the following as a reply to their post but it seemed somehow wrong (maybe egotistical?) to put this as a reply when they did not really ask others why they wrote. That being said, I would love nothing more than to hear others reasons for writing what the wonderful people here enjoy reading so much.

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Why we write

When I write I write for one simple reason recognition .It is how good work is acknowledged, both by comments and kudos. My last story felt kinda flat,IMO.I got a few comments and kudos,Frankly I am wondering why I bothered. I find myself competing with advertised stories on the front page.that are pushing everyone elses stories down into oblivion. I am frankly wondering if my stuff is good enough to beposted here. I will only write Solos because that is the only way my stories will ever be offer fresh in the random solos box.I will never get money for my stuff.


A Free Lawyer

Well I'm pretty certain I need a lawyer now. Preferably one who is free because I have $60.

My cousin is refusing to get involved with the house at all now. He's officially having it declared insolvent. On advisement from his "solicitor". I'm also being told to vacate the property ASAP.

I told the bastard I have no money and no place to go but I don't think he cares. I want to sue him though because for the last three years, he promised to pay me for taking care of HIS MOTHER.

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Not Good

So I know I told everyone about my life, what's been happening and how I've been coping with it all. Well I'm writing this to say that I'm not coping with it any longer. I can't do this anymore. Everyone around me are liars, cheats and fucking cocksuckers. I'm not apologizing for the language, the tags are appropriate.

Everything was simple once.


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Recent novel final chapter

I posted the final chapter of “Rosemary” and as much as I want to like it I feel like it’s incomplete.
Maybe I could have shown more, but there are things that the narrator just doesn’t know so she can’t connect or comment to us about it at the time

The dad doesn’t express a lot of lovey-Dovey feelings; a thing actually shared with the male side of my family-so it’s included here as well.

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In the latest chapter of the 'And and Allie' tale, a picture of a purse is displayed. More than a few years ago a coworker came to me. He was very upset. He stated that he spent a considerable amount on a purse for his wife. He mentioned that he saw it at the mall and felt compelled to purchase it because it reminded him of his beloved.

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Word Processors as part of BCTS

I was wondering how hard it wouldit be to create a word processor section where we could write stories using a similar interface to what I am using now, I understand google already has something similar, though I am not sur how to access it. We could see hoe the text would look on BCTS before we release it This is more of a question for @Erwin I suspect I really do not like what I am currently using (Libra Office writer)what do yo think ? Does the idea have any merit?


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The other shoe has dropped

Justice Dept. Says Law Doesn’t Bar Transgender Discrimination

WASHINGTON — Attorney General Jeff Sessions on Thursday ordered the Justice Department to take the position in court cases that transgender people are not protected by a civil rights law that bans workplace discrimination based on sex. The move was the Trump administration’s latest contraction of the Obama-era approach to civil rights enforcement.

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A new non TG story and a TG teaser

Another non TG story is or will soon be on my Amazon home page. This one is Children of Albion, (Elaeth's Dream). This is another reminder that the book is not TG but an historical novel set in 40BC.
But later today, (Friday) I will be posting another teaser from the short stories I am publishing as an anthology later in the year which is TG. The pace to this is a little different to that of Latex Lady but the TG element comes out early in the tale. Another teaser from this series will follow next week and soon Vol Four of Footprints in the Sea.

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Progress and story ideas.

Hello everyone,

I hoped I would be more active the last two weeks. As always life gets in the way. Or to be more specific books and stories of authors.
My progress is already slow as I usually only write on my daily commute (by train mind you). That time is contested by books to read and the last two weeks they have won. Which I don't mind as they are a great way to inspire yourself.

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Finally, New Twin Tails

Sorry for the delay but Twin Tails C7-8 is finally out. I had to update it twice with minor tweaks after I posted it, but they're quite minor additions.

I had a depressive episode last week which delayed my projects as well as the release of Path of Fire for Guild Wars 2, which has gotten me back into the MMO for a bit. Hold the Salt is still being edited and will be re-released, I don't have a due date but it's progressing. After that, I'll be finishing Fate and the Iron Tiger. From there, I'm not sure what will be next but I'll be getting on with something.


did my human book thing

okay so I did my human book thing, and I think it went well. I got thanked by several of the students as well as the organizers for my participation.

Only bad thing was after it was over, it was only noon, but I basically had just enough spoons to get home, take my dog for a walk, and then I was done ...

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Interesting couple of weeks

Well, the last weekend of September we had our house painted. We moved in last March and have been waiting on weather to paint. First it was too wet, then too hot. Finally we got a spell of weather that was dry and moderate temperature. My pastor and his son have had a painting business in the past and had all the equipment to spray it. I was an amazing day. I've only painted with roller and brush. If I had done it that way, it would have been two weeks worth of work. As it was they showed up at ten minutes after eight in the morning.

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Life and Health update

This post has been a long time coming.

My life has been very very busy the last month or so. Preparing for Vacation at the beginning of next month. New job as a Teachers Aide at a Preschool taking up a lot of my time. My cancer is in Remission(didnt post about it on here cause I forgot) after 7 months of battling. Im babysitting a girl in the Preschool class that I teach this weekend and we're going to see the My little Pony movie.

As for my writing, I'm taking a break from it because I have no motivation to write and I just have no time to right now unfortunately.

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Serious Side effects of Medication

My doctor recently upped my trintellix to 30 mg and now instead of just the occasional nasea it’s all the time with a lot to vomiting usually after I eat at least 25% of the time and the rest is just random times throughout the day. It does help some with the depression and may even help with weight loss with all the vomiting I’ve been doing. I’m not sure what to do, is this medication worth it?

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The 'Tax' on being different

This video blog on the BBC is quite illuminating.

Firstly, the narrator is Transgendered and a PHD.
She talks about the monetary cost of being a woman in business today.
She puts it at $250K over a lifetime. (how much worse will it be for M2F transpeople?)

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Halloween coming up

Started a Halloween last year for 2016. Yep, it fizzled out and sits there on the computer staring at me daring me to touch it. I've hit it a couple times this past six months and added a couple pages. A couple pages! This is something new to me this past couple years. I never had to think about a story as they flowed from the keyboard to the screen and then memory.

BUT..., this isn't about me and my poor pathetic depleted mind. It is a reminder to all you writers Halloween is just around the corner. You still have time unless, you're burnt out like me, to put together a story.


I am going to be a human book.

I have volunteered with The University of Alberta department of Medicine as a "human book" - basically a way for medical students a chance to meet some real people who might be their patients in a few years, and in this case help them understand the needs of the LGBT community.

I went to the orientation today, and tomorrow morning I will be available for the students to speak

Wish me luck ...

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Bian - Return to a World of Difference

I reposted the book page of Bian today with a new title Bian - Book 1 - The Bright Road. This is in advance of new chapters of Book 2 - Three Walls that will soon start posting. Current plan is one or two chapters a week.

While I haven't been writing just story chapters since book one finished posting, I have been working on world design and I now know more about such distant places as Yezbuul and Altarema, Preuz and Fars-Hind. And more about characters like Lilakatye, Ur-Alenna, Rotgar and Henrik Blodde.

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Quiet, but Alive

All -

I've had a couple of folk inquiring about stories, and one kind soul asking if I'm okay.

Yes, I'm okay. Not as well as I'd like, but safely functioning.

Since the summer of 2012, I've been able to find work in the immediate vicinity of my house. I consider myself blessed for that, but the weeks have been well over the normal (for most full-time workers) 40 hours. It's challenging to cope with months of this heavy workload, though, even at my age, I'm enjoying learning more about my profession. (Electronic hardware, software, and systems engineering.)

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My favorite recent serials

Like many of us here I check frequently to see what's been posted recently. There are so many stories that I absolutely adore, but some of them I love so much and I remember so clearly that I am hoping to see a new chapter being published as I wait for the BCTS home page to appear.

Here are some of the series that I have eagerly looked forward to in recent months. Please let me know in the comments which recent series are your favorites.

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apparent terror attack here

Well, imagine my surprise to wake up this morning and find out Edmonton suffered an (alleged) terror attack.

Details are still coming in, but so far it seems that no one was killed, but several people were injured including at least one police officer, and a suspect is in custody.

There will be those who use this as justification for bigoted attacks on immigrants or Muslims in general, but I believe most Canadians are smart enough to see through such things.

Still, positive vibes and prayers are appreciated, so keep em coming.

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Saving your stories

I've been working on some very large stories but am quite frustrated with Windows 10 file management protocol. It feels like they do sinister, and sneaky things with file preferences; seeming to try to put things on their "sky drive", which to me means out in the public. I do not trust them. I "think" that I now understand enough about what to look for each time I save a file, but there is always the feeling that some sneaky geek will change things and I will miss that.

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I am most gratified by the reception of my latest tale. It would seem readers are having as much fun reading the tale as I had writing it. I wish I could respond to the very kind and generous comments I've received but time seems to be my biggest enemy. I would like to think these characters are the most complex I've attempted. Every one of them has a bit of a back story that could be a novel by itself. I can say, without being the spoiler, that there are a few additional characters to fill out the 'palette' including the revival of several older ones from previous endeavors.

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Uhg, it's been too long

It has been so long since I've written anything in my Goddess series that now that I feel like writing again I can't remember my continuity. The laptop I used to write my first 4 stories crashed some time ago so my character outlines are gone.

Has anyone else had this problem?

I guess it's time to reread everything and start taking notes. :)

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the day started

out to be a bad day for with my health the way it is. being a disable vet I was up at the hospital visited my wife when I came out there was a young lady with her young son both come up to me the young boy said to thank you so much for your service. that made my day. the young must of been 4 or 5 years old.


major accomplishment today

I had a major accomplishment today.

I was able to go to my bank and get a direct deposit form filled out and a printout of my account history for the last three months, - both of which I need for my application for emergency assistance.

Why is that a major accomplishment?

Because for the three days prior to today, I have been planning to do this, only to be foiled by massive levels of anxiety.

So despite still having that anxiety today, the fact I was able to get this done is a major thing.

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Apt title

I realized that the title I chose for my most recent series is especially apt. The working title was the horrible Alison Hangs. I changed the main character's name to Rachael from Alison, since I had used the latter name in River, and didn't want people thinking it was the same person. And as a working title it had no chance of becoming the actual title, since the suicide is only the trigger for the rest of the story.

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