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The one I'm looking for has 2 Harry Potter stories & an Avatar story, one of the harry potter stories has Snape as the female Harry's father along with Narcissa as her blood aunt.


I've not read the

Sammi's picture

Story Matt suggested.

But the one that springs to mind is Elsbeth's "Season of Change"

And not only are Narcissa and Beatrice blood relatives Harry is instated as Head of House Black

Alternatively there are Fayanora's two stories "The Many Faces of Adira Potter" and "Harry Potter and the Trouble With Neurotypicals"

After some research (clicking Matt's link), Elizabeth Jean's stories include all infomation given, along with another story titled "Seasons of Change" not to be confused with Elsbeth's story

"REMEMBER, No matter where you go, There you are."

Sammi xxx