Frost in Florida ?

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It's just plain wrong to come out to car in Florida and have your windshield frosted over, who even owns an ice scraper anymore. The sun is out and still struggling to get over 50. The weather people promise even colder by end of the week.
I know their are some of you who would love to have a 50 day but hey this is Florida. :-)
Stay warm and safe



This is just a foretaste of things to come with the planet warming up and established weather systems changing.
We here in Western Europe hope that the Gulf Stream carries on flowing. If it didn't then we'd be up the creek (frozen) without an ice pick. I'm at the same latitude as 100miles north of Sudbury Ontario (approx)

long term

Maddy Bell's picture

weather observation was predicting our entry into a mini ice age (a la Middle Ages) at least 40 years ago before 'Global Warming' was a thing. The warming business is actually a symptom of cooling and has been traced through both geological (ice cores) and Floral (tree ring) records which have been correlated by contemporaneous written records. Real weather scientists have therefore been predicting - with some accuracy, this climate degradation - problem is of course that no one was listening 40 years ago and no one believes them now. Long term weather trends are however very predictable and if you look at the historical records, you can almost set your watch (well sun dial) by them!


Madeline Anafrid Bell

Hey Maddie

I've also heard that most of the factors influencing climate like solar activity and changes in Earth's orbit were indicating future cooling, but that was all overcome by the greenhouse effect. CO2 and other greenhouse gases are transparent to visible light (the most energetic output of the sun) but absorb IR radiation. The Earth warms during the day, but at night we can't radiate as much energy (in IR) as we used to. On average this heat builds up and raises global temperatures. I'm sure you've heard that the hottest years ever recorded have been in the last 2 decades.

The fossil fuel industry has spent mega$ trying to deny global warming. Literally the only climate scientists that disagree with global warming/climate change get their funding from fossil fuel interests. Exon for one had its scientists predicting our global warming in the '70s, but covered it up.

The climate scientists' life work is figuring out what influences climate and what could change it. I happen to believe in peer reviewed science and believe the 97% of climate scientists.

Hugs and Bright Blessings,

Tree huggers

I can use this term and be politically correct as I was once considered one and still think of myself as a 'naturalist'. I'm all for saving the planet from mass deforestation and the plethora of other concerns too numerous to list. I've personally been responsible for businesses suffering heavy fines and even shutting a few down due to the pollution they have caused.

But with that said, we do not have enough data for a long enough period of time to determine if the changes we are seeing in the climate are from man-made sources or simply the normal heating and cooling cycle of the planet. Any scientist that states otherwise is either padding data or correlating the data in such a way to make those that pay for his or her research happy.

The true questions that should be asked and the facts about those are;

Is the climate changing?
Of course, it is if it never changed there would have been no ice ages in the past. The Sahara desert would still be a forest and palm tree would still be growing in Antartica.

Is man causing global warming?
Not enough data to ascertain if this is true or not.

That being said, is man is causing the whole problem? No. Is man causing part of the problem? Possibly but without several thousand years of more data, we can't say for certain.

As far as frost in Florida? What part of Florida are we talking about? I lived in that state for many years and can remember orange groves decimated by frost and freezing temperatures in the past. I've even seen snow on the ground in the northern part of the state.once.

We the willing, led by the unsure. Have been doing so much with so little for so long,
We are now qualified to do anything with nothing.