Mature / Thirty+

At the Transgender Fiction Writers Convention

At the Transgender Writers Convention: The Price of War

by shalimar

This was posted at Fictionmania as "At the Fictionmania Convention II: The Price of War"

This story is dedicated to all veterans who ever saw action.

It is posted in honor of the meeting of transgender fiction writers occuring on 2 April 2011.

Note: use of the Professor's Ovid "gods" with premission.

Down to Earth - Part 20

Down to Earth

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Consider the flowers of the field in their beauty
More lovely than even the clothes of a king
Consider the birds of the air
Flying high, flying free
You are precious to me

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

Snakes and Ladders-10

Snakes and Ladders 10

Chapter 10

I wake up to my heart singing. See I just sort of became dimly aware of myself and walking up feeling everything, the sheer elfin cloth of the sheets the soft yet firm of the bed, the slinky sexy amazing feel of my body. I wriggle a little bit and rub my legs together reveling in the fact that is actually gone.

I start to rub my hands over myself, just enjoying and at the same time I have to almost make sure that it’s real. Shaya is smiling and looking at me. “I used to do the same thing.”

“You did?”

Justice Denied

Justice Denied
By TG Bear

The aircar was unusual. Not that it was larger than most, it was, but that it was in the air at all. In the Year Of Our Lord 2078 there were almost no private aircars because there was finally an almost perfect public transportation system.


The march of the sequels continue ...
by Randalynn

A sequel to Won on Appeal by Randalynn,
which was in turn a sequel to Case Closed by Randalynn,
which was in turn a sequel to A Legal Requirement by Angharad

Copyright © 2011 Randalynn. All Rights Reserved.


Because sometimes things need to be said ... and heard.

Ride On 48

The SS were as good as their word, and half an hour after I had rung a young woman was being escorted into my sanctum. Khan was already there, Darren in his cell devouring the two mars bars I had bought for him. The social worker, Miss Armitage (‘call me Polly’) was straight to the point.

“Sergeant, what exactly brings you to believe that Darren is at risk?”

Down to Earth - Part 19

Down to Earth
In a Lifetime

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
And as the rain it falls
Begin again
Heavy in my heart
As the storm breaks through
Believe the light in you
So the light shines in you
Without color, faded and worn
Torn asunder in the storm

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

Three Days in Heaven

Three days in heaven

For three days,

I was myself

A woman


“Just one of the girls”

I was called by my real name

I held down a job

I was whole,

At last

Then the door closed

And now

I am back to where I was

having to hide

and pretend I am a man.

With no choice

but to stagger along

With only the memory

Of three days in Heaven

To sustain me.

Ride On 44

Dinner was a lighter meal than Jan usually did, as we would be dancing, and we fully intended to snack later. I was settling into my new role, and when the ‘something nice’ from Eric turned up, it was a pair of leather sandals. Kelly smiled in a truly predatory way. If Sandra had been a hawk, she was a leopard waiting to drop. The smile widened, and all she said was “toenails”

Bridges 17

Bridges 17

Chapter 17

Cass’s Bit…

I fell asleep after everything that had been going on and the pizza party and having everyone over at Sam’s. Brandon was in the middle of us sort of but it was kind of nice. Not really sexually nice but close, good friend nice. Plus he didn’t mind me snuggling into Samantha.

Ride On 39

Steph did indeed go along to the competition, and Kelly and I went along to watch her and a few of the other virtuosi do their party pieces. Lots of fiddlers, lots of guitarist/singers, and a single piper. I gave Kell a prod.


“Yeah, like he’s not bad, could tighten up his tempo a bit”

The Virus

The Virus
©2011 — Foxxe Wilder

(Inspired from the short story by mittfh)

A computer virus can often carry many life jolting results, some more harsh than others. Not all antivirus software can effectively deal with this coding and it is impossible to remove once activated.


Hiking Lessons


WARNING! This is a very explicit story. It contains non-consensual sex (rape) and subjects/language that may be offensive to some. The real acts prtrayed here are in no way condoned or encouraged as the reality of the events are too grusome and criminal to be tolerated. However responsible CONSENTING adults do have wants and needs that can in no way be considered improper. This story is NOT intended for immature audiences. FOR THOSE THAT CONTINUE: I hope you find it erotic and please let me know what you think, good or bad.

Man in a Dress

Sometimes one has to pay attention to the fine details...

Man in a Dress

by Penny Lane

Disclaimer: The original characters and plot of this story are the property of the author. No infringement of pre-existing copyright is intended. This story is copyright (c) 2011 Penny Lane. All rights reserved.

"I look like a man in a dress!" he said.

"You sound like a man in a dress," she responded, adding, "Just keep still a moment while I straighten out the hem."

Down to Earth - Part 17

Down to Earth
Hope Has A Place

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
One look at love, and you may see
It weaves a web over mystery
All raveled threads can rend apart
For hope has a place in the lover's heart
Hope has a place in a lover's heart

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts


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