Mature / Thirty+

The Hand You're Dealt

The Hand You're Dealt

This is a piece of fan fiction. “Wild Cards” created by George R.R. Martin.

In 1945, an alien virus was released over the skies of New York City. Eventually, that virus would be known as the Wild Card. Of those who contracted the virus, nine of ten died, most horribly. Of the survivors, nine of ten mutated into monsters and freaks, known as Jokers. But one out of every one hundred people who contracted the virus developed super-human abilities, and these fortunate few became known as Aces. The virus traveled on the winds, reaching most of the world, leaving behind a trail of destruction and pain wherever it went. This is the story of one community, how it became affected by the Wild Card, and how the survivors tried to pick up the pieces afterward.

The Rescue 5

This chapter deals maily with Jalina's ascent from the grinding despair of transgenderism in the Kolkata hijra community and her restoration to her former position.

The rescue 5

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.


Ummmm,... Do You Love Me?

I'm fairly sure of your answer.
Just the prospect of it completely freaks me out!

I've been dreading the answer to that question since I was born.
Even though I didn't realize the question had to be asked.

I do Love You.
I Always Will!!!

Forever and Always,
Your Jonelle

Data Transfer

Data Transfer
Rachelle Walker

Forward: I have re-written this story to correct errors and to silent the vocal critics who insisted this story was folly. "Duh!" It's fiction! Special thanks to Bill Hart for inspiring writers like myself. The characters included ARE NOT the original characters from the "S.R.U." series and are never intended to thought of as such.

The Rescue 4

This chapter simply carries the story along as the friends work out their lives back in the UK before returning to India to forward Pauls ambitions to help Hijras in India.

The Rescue 4.

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

Dear Mom,

Dear Mom,By Jonelle-Elise copyright 2011

I wrote to Dad, I know he's been gone for years.

It just seemed easier that way. It's not quite that easy with you. You're still here; actually you're right here under my roof!

That doesn't seem to matter.
You're my Mom.
That seems to carry more weight than it should.

I'm your caretaker now.
I know you don't like that;
Neither do I.

I'm not sure I can handle it.

Bridges 16

Bridges 16

Chapter 16

I don’t really remember much of the trip out of Alberta and back through the mountains and home to Bridgeview. Brandon drove while I slept snuggled up against him. We got into it over Steve’s bigoted girlfriend, or well now ex-girlfriend, it was one of those turf kinda brawls like you might see in the movies. I knew that Bobby and Steve were living in a nice town, and were religious but this was that you walk with god, our god or we’ll break your legs kinda town.

The Rescue 3

Copyright by Beverly Taff. 2011.

This chapter explores the issues surrounding hijras in India. (Kolkata) and the steps Paul and Beverly take to help a few of them.

The Rescue 3

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

The Rescue 2

This is a follow on from The rescue. It explores what happens to Beverly in the following year of her life.

The rescue 2

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 13

Galactic Marshal II


“Wow, that’s great! What did the aliens say?”

“They have agreed to meet with myself and my mate; no one else.”

“OK, but I didn’t know you had hooked up with anyone.”

“Jonnie, they are talking about Gina.”

“Oh, Shit!”

Bridges 15

Bridges 15

Chapter 15

I lose myself in the moment, Cass seems good with all of this. I just kind of sway dance there in Brandon’s arms. We kiss for a little bit and he smells so good. Man scent blended with soap that’s like this English leather kind of scent, clean clothes, and a bit of this scent of soil, and greenery. I have always loved the way that he smells.

The Lucky One (Part 3)

Authors note: because it has been a while since I posted the last episode, and before I hand things over to Our Lady of Perpetual Ego, I feel I should point out something about this adventure. This is NOT an objective account. It is seen through our heroine's eyes, and she has a certain.... bias, that must be taken into account when reading, and it is wise to take what she says with a large truck full of salt. If you have read the first two episodes, you are probably saying something like “Duh!” but I thought I should pass on the warning Enjoy!

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 31

“This attempt to make the Watanabes legitimate would likely end in Agent Ripley’s death?” Prime Minister Yasuo Fukuda asked his Justice Minister, Kunio Hatoyama.

“I think you are right, Prime Minister-san.”

“You do remember what Fukushiro Nukaga is asking of me?”

“Yes, Prime Minister-san, I do.”

“If Agent Ripley died doing the Swan Song work, do you think that would satisfy him?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Thirty One

Synopsis- Chuck gets to meet Hiromi’s parents for the first time and preparations continue to be made for a renewed Operation Swan Song

Santa Monica

crude composite picture of images taken from costume site
Santa Monica
by Jennifer Brock

A single mother about to spend her first Christmas alone receives the gift she needed most from an unusual Kris Kringle, who opens her heart and her mind to new possibilities.

The Rest of the Story

Turning Tim into Tammi

A while back I had separated from my husband and moved in with my friend Debbie. I wasn't sure how long I would be there, but had an open invitation to stay as long as I needed.

Debbie had an older house in the Village that she was renovating into several apartments. It was perfect.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 12

Galactic Marshal II


When I arrived at the moon base, I went directly to Coop’s office. He was alone and looked concerned.

“What’s up, Coop?”

“I just had an interesting conversation with the council. They told me you are now in charge. I’m fine with that. My problem is that they seem to think that we have a military.”

In the Psychiatrists Chair

In the Psychiatrists Chair


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

“Ms Simpson would you please come in?”
The tall slim woman who was leafing through a woman’s periodical put it down, stood up and after picking up her handbag she went through the door into the doctors consulting room.

The doctor, who was also a woman, closed the door behind them.
“Please take a seat” said the doctor.

Switching Teams

Seinfeld, an American television sitcom, ran from 1989 to 1998. The show was about nothing.

In this Seinfeld episode, Kramer becomes a talent agent. He introduces Jerry, George and Elaine to Jilian, a beautiful, amazing illusionist.


Jerry, George, and Elaine were sitting at a table in a coffee shop in Manhattan.

Heart Like a Lion-2

Heart like a Lion-2

by Lynceus

My name is Thomas Blake. I used to believe in good and evil. But as time went on, I could no longer tell the difference between light and shadow: everything had become shades of grey. It wasn't until I had lost everything that I learned how to live again.

Bridges 14

Bridges 14

Chapter 14


What the hell should I do? I…I break the kiss with Brandon.

“Brandon, Brandon….I…I…can’t, I can’t get as involved as we were getting okay? It’s not good for me right now. And…and I’ve kind of…no...That’s not fair; I’ve gotten involved with Cass.”

I can’t help but to step back a little and hang my head, he’s been so great. He doesn’t deserve my bullshit.
“I know.”

WTF? “Huh?”

“He knows.” Cass says that as she walks up to me and slips a hand around my waist.

Becoming Kim Kardashian... Sort Of (3)

Chapter Three

A month has passed since Jessica Johnston completed training and she is out patrolling on her own route. The old man is pleased with her performance and that reflects back on me in really good ways. I am almost to my five-year mark as an officer for Finesse City Security and I am up for my annual performance review. Anything good will definitely earn me another pip and change in rank from lieutenant to sergeant.

Dear Dad,

Dear Dad,
by Jonelle

I'm really not sure what to say here, I just know I've got to say it. You've been gone since I was ten. You've been physically gone since I was three.

Why should it even matter?

Somehow, it does.

It doesn't matter that you're gone.
It doesn't matter that you were never really here.
The only thing that matters is that you know me.
Not the 'me' that everyone thought they knew, but the 'Real' me.

I'm your other daughter. The one nobody knew about.
It's not like I'm a 'bastard' child.
I'm just the one that nobody knew.

You and Mom were legally united.



May the gods and goddesses of our people bless the readers, especially those I love.

My name was Abraxes, and I was a slave. Despite this, the gods blessed me beyond all measure, and I will die as a member of the nobility. For my children, and their children, I wish to record what happened, so they may know how that happened, and thank the gods and goddesses who brought such joy into my life. The account I must relate is strange, stranger than any other I have heard of, but I swear by all our gods and goddesses that it is the truth.


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