Mature / Thirty+

Blackmail (how not to...)

(How not to!)

by mittfh
Copyright © 2010 Ben Norwood.

Creative Commons License  This work is licensed under a Creative Commons Licence.

A silly idea came to me (and turned into this nonsense within an hour) - what if a blackmailer hadn't done his research and what he assumes is the target's devastating secret isn't (exactly)(much of) a secret...

Things that go bump in the night

Things That Go Bump in the Night
by SamanthaMD

“George” said the woman lying next to her husband in bed.

He continued snoring gently.

“George!” she said more urgently.

Then she gave him a kick. The snoring stopped.

“Wassup?” he said sleepily

“They’re at it again”

“At what again?” he said totally disinterested manner.


An almost been actor, a fly-by-night production company, an experimental make-up, an electical storm, and the metagene. Stir thoroughly and what do you get?

Clayface, and other characters belong to DC, the Comic Retcon was Lilith's idea. Thanks for letting us play. The image is from Wikipedia. All mistakes are mine, all mine.

Alternate text

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 7

Galactic Marshal II


“Oh, I talk to Karen now and again. She has a room here and stays quite often. As a matter of fact, she is coming tomorrow. I’m sure she would love to see you.”

I was shocked beyond belief. She looked at me funny and then something clicked.

“That’s right, she has been away a long time. I bet you thought she had forgotten about you.”

I shook my head.

“Actually, I thought she was dead.”

It is never too late!

[An old story penned around 2004 but if you read my comment at the end, it is strangely relevant: Samantha]

The day I had been fearing for some time finally came. Rumours were flying everywhere and finally, just before knocking off time we got word to assemble in the works canteen for an important announcement.

There was an expectant hubbub of noise even though we all know what was going to happen.

The works director came in and turned to face us.

“Ladies and Gentlemen. It gives me no pleasure to have to tell you this but effective today, this factory will close its gates forever”

There was a stunned silence. We knew it was going to be bad but not that bad.

Bridges 12

Bridges 12

Chapter 12

All of a sudden my world came crashing down back into reality. I was on top of Brandon.
Brandon who was lying there.
Bleeding…there was a slow pool of blood forming under him and the gun…there’s a gun in my hand. Mom’s service revolver.
I can remember the dream.
That memory.
The violation.
I was just a little kid, my family knew then.
I knew then.
That I’m transgendered.
The rape, the molestation.
I was remembering all of it when Brandon touched me and I slid from one PTSD moment into another.

Avatar Me!

Nathan, a journalist, stumbles upon a web site for incredibly realistic female body suits while researching fetish wear. Convinced that they are fake, he goes along to a product launch to find out.

This story is intended to be the pilot to a series. It was mostly written before the movie Avatar came out, and has no connection to the movie.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 28

FBI Director Robert Mueller began the call to Attorney General Michael Mukasey by summarizing the current status of Swan Song and where it may still be heading. “Swan Song has been bungled in almost every imaginable way.”

“Then you should relieve Grant Williamson from his duties at once.”

“I am going to relieve him but not till I have his replacement ready to step in.”

“Do you already have someone in mind?”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Eight

Synopsis- Hiromi tries to remain strong after being rejected by Chuck’s mother.

Cold Feet Interlude

This is a very short 'what if' taken from a suggestion from one of my Dear Readers, who can claim credit if they feel they wish to. It is unpleasant and nasty, and written to take the taste of a bad day from my mouth. There is nothing redeeming about either of the characters in this piece. Read with caution.


Snakes and Ladders-6

Snakes and Ladders 6

Chapter 6

I stare at the three of them my head going from one to the other to the other.
“Sword fighting?! I don’t know how to sword fight!”
Brennan just nodded as he made what looked like a tea. “Yes, this is exactly why they have asked for this.”

Shaya frowned as she was sliding into this dark blue silky dressing gown. “It is dishonest is what it is, they want to hurt her and embarrass us. Wren cannot be expected to perform well in a duel when does not have the training nor the years of experience that Kyte has.”

Dreams and Truth

Falling girl

Dreams and Truth

It should be raining, Robert thought. It seemed like whenever there was a funeral in the movies or on TV, it was raining. But for a early November afternoon, it was sunny and warm. He found it hard to grieve for his mother. In one way, she had been gone for a while, lost in Alzheimer’s.

He found it also ironic that she would be buried today, on November 11, Remembrance Day. She had been, after all, the daughter of a soldier, and a soldier’s wife. For some reason the old poem came into his mind.

Freshly Driven

Freshly Driven
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: This was a request by a semi-friend of mine that I think went rather well. Upshot: A wandering mercenary/knight takes a job to slay a dragon who has been eating the local maidens. The problem is that the dragon refuses to fight honorably and will not appear unless the maiden is completely alone.

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 27

Maurice Gao spoke up. “Do the Watanabes know Ripley is in Australia now?”

Gabrielle Tanaka answered the question. “Yes, they do.”

“Is it possible the Watanabes could check on her activities here?”

FBI Director Robert Mueller answered Maurice’s question. “We are taking precautions, Inspector. The McBride home in Alice is being watched. Charges are being made to Hiromi Sato’s credit cards to make it look like she is leading a normal routine here.”

Maurice nodded his head gently. “Thank you for answering my question, Director.”

Gabrielle looked over at Maurice. ‘Be patient, your turn will be coming soon."

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Seven

Synopsis- While a JAG attorney works on Hiromi’s legal defense, Gabrielle Tanaka advises the Swan Song committee on how they could get Ripley assistance once she returns to Japan.

Another Point of View 17

All too soon we were back in the UK, and once again I had no problems with entry. My passport went under a little scanner, I was asked to pull my hair back a bit, and that was it. Once my details were sorted, those little dangly details, I would still get a new passport as soon as possible. Mum and Dad collected us at the airport.

Down to Earth - Part 10

Down to Earth

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Someday, when we are wiser
When the world's older
When we have learned
I pray someday we may yet
Live to live and let live

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 5

Galactic Marshal


When the ship arrived in orbit around Broadskye, we met in the galley to ponder our next move.

“I have a contact with the police on Broadskye named Josh Randall. What say I contact him to see if he can help us?”

George was still a little shaky about my appearance.

“Uh, when you were with him last, weren’t you male?”

The Unplanned Adventures Part N/A - Unwise Conjugation

Unwise Conjugation
A vignette in the UG series which may or may not have ever happened.

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: The events of the next story will show that this short (which was de-canoned even as I thought of it) could not occur before at least two years from the one previous to it. Much like Unexpected Good's epilogue, this is more of a vague possibility than anything else. For reference, the two following images which don't belong to me were the catalyst if not inspiration for this story:

The Unplanned Adventures Part 4 - Uncertain Collaboration

Uncertain Collaboration

By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: Things go in the predictable manner and we have our heroes making good on their previous decision. Not much else to say except that I've recently been told I ought to use paragraphs, and I can reveal that in two more sections, I'll post the PDF, which has all these problems that my poor understanding of HTML (would you believe I moonlight as a pro web designer?) cannot fix, like indentation and the abysmal leading you get on these things.

Two Letters

Two Letters


Dear Jack,

I know you've always been there for me, to protect me and keep me safe from harm. I do appreciate it, I really do. It's just that I've had enough. I can't take it any more. It's way beyond time for me to have my own life. To seek the kind of happiness you've had so many years to find for yourself.

You've failed miserably, repeatedly.

It's long passed time for me to have a shot.

Cold Feet 21

The departure from Perth was quite emotional, Terry and Kylie fussing over Jim as we waited in the security queue. Finally, we had to let them go, and a short while later were in the air in a DC9 heading for Cairns via Uluru. Jim was asleep in his window seat shortly after take-off; the excitement of being in the air fading quickly as we droned over a continuous waste of red dirt and bush.

Spacetran 14

This chapter describes how Bennie, (Beverly's Transgendered son,) Meets Khatia the runaway Muslim girl who become's Bennie's bride.


Spacetran 14.

Bennie’s Story.

List of our children and their friends.


Wendy, William’s twin.

Jessica and Charlotte, Ben’s (AKA Bennie’s,) twin sisters.

Dave and Eddie , Sherriff Jack Johnson’s boys.

Linda and Sandra, Sherriff Jack Johnson’s daughters.

Ray, Wendy’s husband, (Our son in Law.).

Khatia. Bennie’s secret Muslim wife.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 3 - Unlikely Convergence

Unlikely Convergence
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader: To describe much of anything about the story's content would be removing what little suspense I can manage to create. Instead, I'll admit to being somewhat influenced by Daria in the previous story and influenced a good bit more for this one and the ones that come after. The only reason why most of my own high school experience was not drawn from is because I'm afraid you'd never believe me unless you've actually seen the inside of the school I went to.

The Unplanned Adventures Part 2 - Unintended Grace

Unintended Grace
By Paul Calhoun

Dear reader:
This is where the main series really began. The TG elements get stronger as everything continues, as does the cumulative strangeness of the entire situation. Here we see Mike at age 15 and well into the 2030s going to his first con and meeting one of the main characters for the rest of the series.
Chapter 1:
Getting Out the Door

Duty, Honor, Country, Family - Part 26

“I agree with you, Audrey-san. Ripley should not be prosecuted, but it is not my decision.”

“Minister Hatoyama is calling the shots?”

Kazu Ippitsusai remained silent. He had said too much already.

“Are you telling me Japan’s Prime Minister is behind it?”

“I cannot say, Audrey-san.”

Hokusai View of Fuji off Kanagawa Province and Yokohama
Chapter Twenty Six

Synopsis- Chuck and Hiromi have arrived safely in Australia, so Hiromi made her promised confession to him. It didn't go well, and Chuck became angry about being fooled by Swan Song and by his wife. He's run off home to try and help the original Hiromi, to whom he still feels loyalty, because he's never been sure that the old and the new weren't one and the same person. In order to help Hiromi’s legal defense, Gabrielle has given a affidavit that's almost sure to get her in hot water with almost everyone else at Pine Gap.


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