What did you get up to this Weekend?
Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)
The scene:-
A Monday morning in an office somewhere not all that far away....
There are three women in the office.
“Well, Tracy, how was the weekend?”
“Josey, it was a total wash out. Mike spent most of it sprawled in front of the TV. First there was the United Game. Then it was Arsenal and Chelsea. That put paid to Saturday. Then on Sunday, it was more of the same. The Grand Prix followed by Liverpool against Everton. All we have is to show for it, is a pile of empty lager cans and crisp packets all over the floor in the sitting room.”
The other two women laughed.
Tracy looked at the third person.
“Sarah, please don’t tell me Bob was any different?”
Sarah smiled.
“Only slightly. Bob spent the whole of Saturday Afternoon in the bookies. There we were, having the usual Liver and Bacon for Saturday Lunch when he says, ‘fancy a trip into town?”
The other two giggled. They knew what was coming.
“So we went into town. No sooner had we started walking through the shopping centre and he was gone. Straight to the bookies like an arrow from a bow. I should have realised that it was the Grand National,” she said in a resigned voice.
They all laughed. This was a fairly an common occurrence.
Josey and Sarah looked at Tracy.
“What about yours?”
Tracy giggled.
“Pete was as good as gold all weekend.”
“Pull the other one Trace. All men are useless slobs at the weekend. All that want to do is sit in front of the telly, drink beer until they are senseless and then climb on top of us in Bed and bonk us until they think we have orgasmed.”
Tracy didn’t laugh.
“Pete is not like that. He went shopping with me and help me choose an outfit for Vanessa’s wedding next month.”
Cue two shaking heads.
“I suppose it is black “ cue more giggles as Vanessa was regarded as a fallen woman,
“With a very short skirt and he wants you to wear those 6in heels that you wore last Halloween”
“Not quite. Well actually nothing like it really. It is a pale blue knee length dress with a matching jacket. We went to FHW and he helped me choose a nice pair of shoes to go with it. For your information, they only have 2 in heels.”
“Eh? He didn’t go down the Pub then?”
Tracy smiled.
“Yes we did. After we’d bought my outfit, we went to the ‘Hope and; Anchor’ for Lunch. We both had the Steak and Kidney Pie”
“What happened then?” asked Josie.
Tracy grinned.
“We went to get his outfit for the Wedding”
“Outfit?” exclaimed Sarah.
“How can you call a boring old suit an outfit?” She added.
“I know”, said Josey.
“Trace here wanted to make sure he didn’t wear brown shoes with a black suit”
The two women laughed at the weak attempt at a joke.
Tracy gave them her best smile.
“Oh I don’t know. I think it can be called an outfit when it consists of a tight black mini skirt, a white blouse and black patent shoes with 4in heels.”
There was silence in the office for a very long time.
[the end]
I wrote this at lunchtime today. On the train journey into work this morning there were three nurses discussing their weekend. They didn’t hold back. That gave me an idea. The sports events didn’t take place this weeked but I wanted to use them for effect.
So, many thanks to the three women on the 06:56 FGW train To Reading. If you read this then all I can say is, ‘more please’. You had half the carriage enthralled with your tales.
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Nothing more sporting...
...than fighting other women for the last cashmere sweater on the sale rack, aye?
Dio vi benedica tutti
Con grande amore e di affetto
Andrea Lena
Love, Andrea Lena
It just shows...
...that inspiration or ideas can come your way when you least expect them. I guess that as writers we have to be open to such sources: carpe diem (or better still, seize the moment.)
Peculiar Situations
Bike Resources
Bike Resources
What did you get up to this weekend?
Ask silly question, get a gobsmacking answer! LOL :)
May Your Light Forever Shine
May Your Light Forever Shine
A rather funny moment. Where can I find a wife like that? Giggle.
"Let me succeed. If I cannot succeed let me be brave in the attempt." Pledge of the Special Olympics.
Good one Samantha -
I would have liked to have seen their faces?
Age is an issue of mind over matter.
If you don't mind, it doesn't matter!
(Mark Twain)
Love it.
My favourite ploy is to phone my best friend Mandy Mae on the afternoon before we are going to Wild desires or Ty Rosa or something. She knows the drill because I'm usually phoning on the friday 1215 train from London to Cardiff FGW.
The moment she gets my call we exchange a few polite words then like any normal man we close the conversation pretty quickly.
,Then a few minutes later Mandy phone's me; (aren't I the seemingly busy boy,) anyway she asks me what I'm doing when I get to Cardiff (as if she doesn't know!)and I explain to her quite openly though softly so as to not impinge upon other people's privacy.
Yes I'll meet her later that afternoon after I've changed and we'll go shopping in Cardiff. At first nobody notices until we start discussing outfits and I explain what I'm looking for in the shops. Finally I can tell the whole bloody carriage is straining to listen in even though I speaking quite softly and only people sitting opposite me or those accross the aisle can really hear me speaking.
Talk about a hoot and you wouldn't believe the number of people who somehow drift behind me as we gather to disembark at cardiff.
The final piece-de-la-resistance is when Many picks me up in her car fully dressed and we drive to our private little flat where we can prepare for the shopping expedition followed by the meal and the clubbing afterwards.
It's my favourite pastime winding people up on the train and the pregnanat silences are simply a hoot!
Mandy and me after getting off the train.
Growing old disgracefully.
Thanks for the reply. Yes it
Thanks for the reply. Yes it is amazing what you can hear on a train.
12:15 to Cardiff eh? Well, I'll watch out for it from my office window and wonder if you are on board....
I can see the trains come and go from the station.
This reminds me of the times
This reminds me of the times back in the 80s when someone in the break room at work would ask me what I'd done over the weekend.
"I went to a party" was *not* a good reply I learned rather quickly. Because they'd want details. And telling them it was actually the weekly BDSM get together at the local dungeon was not going to go over well.
But I did wish I could have been honest, just to see the looks on their faces.
10 years later I was working for a friend. And he made the mistake of asking what I wanted some time off for. I told him my boyfriend was flying up from California. Note that at the time I was only just starting to explore my femme side and was *very* male looking.
As he spluttered the other two folks who worked with him gave him this *duh*! Look. One was a gay man, and the other was someone I'd seen at some of those parties. :-)
Poor Doug, another time his wife (who I'd known for years as well) asked about the nail polish I had left over from an outing. And I made some comment about it going with the dress I'd been wearing. Doug was sitting there choking as she just nodded.
He *really* should have known better.
Brooke brooke at shadowgard dot com
Girls will be boys, and boys will be girls
It's a mixed up, muddled up, shook up world
"Lola", the Kinks
Actually, Pete is acting like a guy.
I would think Tracey in her lovely pastel 2" heeled outfit would take one look at "Petra" coming downstairs wearing, "... a tight black mini skirt, a white blouse and black patent shoes with 4in heels.†for a wedding where she considers the dress code to be ladylike and say in either a frosty or reproacful voice, "You're not going to wear that are you?" :-)
BE a lady!
Jezzi, Your statement might
Your statement might very well be true. However... what if he had been playing away so to speak?
The reasons for him wearing that outfit are IMHO best left up to the reader.
If someone wanted to take it further then I would have no objections whatsoever.
A different take cleverly
A different take cleverly done.
Those ladies sure weren't expecting Tracy's answer. Seeing their faces would have been priceless.
Others have feelings too.