Domme to the rescue - Part 1 of 2

While this tale has a BSDM theme at the start, it is not about putting anyone into Bondage. Quite the reverse. It is more of a tale of redemption and a change of direction.

I was always choosy when it came to who I allowed into my realm. Not every candidate was suitable, most were far too hard-core for my liking.

Some Masters and Mistresses were not as choosy or as careful as me. Several trainees who failed because of bad experiences with their teachers before coming to me were evidence of that. I was getting a little tired of spending weeks if not months fixing a submissive’s mind and body, before I could begin proper training.

My last trainee had left me almost six months before, so I was on the lookout for a new pupil but it had to be the right person. I preferred someone who had not been taken into a dark hole by the sadistic few who gave my chosen profession a bad name.

As it was the last Saturday of the month, I decided to attend the 'Gathering at Doms’. Dom’s referred to Dominique rather than a Dominatrix. Dom was a former erotic dancer who became involved with the BSDM scene through a former lover. She retired from dancing and set up a school for erotic dancers. Once a month she opened the place to BSDM fans. I went along mostly for the lack of something better to do.

It was also November, and as the last event before Christmas, lots of people were going to attend to see and be seen. As for me, and to be brutally honest, I was bored. Not having a ‘sub’ around the house was, well, lonely.

I arrived just before 10 pm and the place was bouncing. The Music seemed louder than ever. I never understood the need for such loud music at these events. As a result, all the real ‘business’ that was being conducted took place on the roof come rain or shine. I don’t mean drugs or such, but trading ‘subs’.

I made my way through the throng of heaving bodies towards the bar. Samuel, the barman knew me and as soon as he saw me he smiled and began to pour me a drink. Scotch, not ice just water. He reached for a bottle of Talisker and poured a generous slug. After passing the glass to me he placed a jug of water on the bar.

I picked up the amber nectar and was about to savour the peaty aroma when my arm was jogged and the glass went crashing onto the bar spilling the contents.

Angrily, I turned around to see who had had the temerity to cause me to spill my drink. My anger grew when I saw it was another Dom who went by the nickname ‘Devil Dom’. His real name was Sean Woods but he hated people reminding him of that. Well, I did that this time.

“Hey Sean, look what you did. That’s twelve-year old scotch you made me spill.”

He glared at me.

“So? What ya gonna do about it?”

I made a move towards him and he flicked back his long black cloak to reveal not one but two long knives in sheaths attached to his belt. The threat was clear.

I stepped back so that Samuel could see them. The club had a strict policy of no weapons of any kind. He was in clear breach of them.

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Samuel press the alarm button to call security.

‘Devil Dom’ saw him do this. He closed his cloak and disappeared into the melee.

As much as they tried, the Security people could not find him so the matter was forgotten for the time being. I spotted some old friends so I went over to them and pushed the incident to the back of my mind.

Before I knew it, it was the end of the evening and the crowd was thinning out. As it did so, I noticed a number of the security guys collecting around a figure.

Just out of interest, I wandered over to literally ‘poke my nose in’ just to see what was going on.

Chained to a chair was a woman. Well, I assumed it was a woman. It was hard to tell at first because the figure was totally encased in a 'Baby Doll' latex outfit. It was flesh-coloured with red borders, a red topknot and a condom mouth with a gag forced into it. Her arms were locked behind her with handcuffs which were also securing her to the chair. The eyes were zipped closed and padlocked. Someone had wanted her safe and secure for the evening.

During a pause in the music, I overheard one of the security men say,
“She came in on a leash with Devil Dom.”

Naturally, Devil Dom had left her behind after the incident with me.

“What are you going to do with her?” I asked.

“Are you the master of this?” asked one of the men.

“No. Devil Dom left in a hurry a few hours ago.”

Another of the security men confirmed my story.

“Well, she can’t stay here, now can she?”

“I’ll take her and keep her safe,” I said volunteering.

Two of the men were well known to me. They nodded.

“He will do that. He’s a good Dom.”

There was no disagreement so I stepped forward and produced a key for her handcuffs. One key fits most cuffs around so I was confident that mine would unlock them. Sure enough, it did and soon, the woman was being escorted gently out of the club while I went to get my car.

With her safely belted in the back of my car, I headed home a bit unsure about what to do next.

It was obvious that I needed to get whoever it was out of at least the top part of the suit so that they could eat and drink. That was my prime objective. Contacting her ‘owner’ was very much a secondary operation if I did it at all. I really didn't like what he'd done with this poor woman.

When we got back to my home, I drove straight into the garage and closed the doors behind us. I wanted her arrival to be as inconspicuous as possible.

Thankfully, she didn’t resist when I took her up the stairs and into my domain. Some of us call it their dungeon but mine was far more than that. It was where my trainees lived. Sure, there were some elements of a dungeon but in the main, it was a safe place for someone like her to be.

I sat her down and examined the suit she was enclosed in. It was obvious that it was not a cheap one. To me, it looked to originate from either Germany or Austria. Around her neck was a posture collar. It was made of matching Red PVC/Latex. Underneath the chin, there was an adjustable screw. This was used to force the head up. Hers was forced well up. She'd been like that for hours so she must be in some considerable pain. Getting her out of that was my first task. If it was a 'her'.

I undid the screw on the collar so that the neck was not in such a pronounced upward slant. I received a few grunts from the person inside. I took them to say ‘thanks’ so I carried on with my work.

The collar was not only laced up at the back but there was a 1.5in metal collar locked around it just to be doubly sure. As I examined it, I smiled. I had one just like it.

I left her alone while I went in search of the keys to my collar. With any luck, they’d fit.

An almost inaudible click told me that it did. I swiftly removed the metal collar and then unlaced the posture collar. Then I saw what was underneath.

The suit was in two parts and the hood and the body were joined by a zip. This was locked in place with a padlock.

Upon examination, I saw that it was a familiar brand. That was the good news. The bad news was that it was difficult to pick. There was nothing for it but to cut it off.

My bolt cutters, an essential tool for anyone who partakes in this 'hobby' soon cut through the lock and it too was consigned to the waste bin.

After unzipping and separating the two halves, I slowly removed the hood. I knew from experience that you could get bits of your slightly stuck to the latex where you sweated and then it dried.

Thankfully, this was not the case so I soon had her hood off.

I had to admire the person who put all this on her. I could see that it was a her now. They’d gone to an awful lot of trouble.

There were black pads taped over her eyes. Sort of like you wear after eye surgery. In her mouth was an elaborate gag that I’d have to investigate further. First, the eyes.

“I’m going to remove these pads on your eyes,” I said softly.
“Do you understand?”

She nodded her head.
“Keep your eyes closed. They will need time to adjust to the light.”

I gently eased off the pads and groaned.

Her eyes were glued together.

“What maniac did this?” I muttered to myself.

In my world, glueing the eyes and other parts of the body together was a big 'No-No'. Far too dangerous.

“I can see that your eyes are glued together. Can you force them open?” I asked.

I could see her try but nothing happened.

“Ok. Stop. I will have to get some remover.”

I stepped back and looked at her from a few feet away. It was then that I recognised her. My heart almost stopped dead.

The woman sitting before me had been reported missing almost a year before. Her picture appeared on posters that seemed to be everywhere. She looked different now but even without any hair, it was her.

I racked my brains to remember her full name. Then it came to me Johanna Milsom.

I knelt so that my head was close to hers.

“Are you Johanna Milsom?” I whispered.

Her body stiffened for a second before she gave a nod of her head.
“Do you want me to call the Police?”

There was an emphatic shaking of her head and her body stiffened again.

“Ok. Let me get this thing out of your mouth and you can tell me why. I promise not to do anything until you say so. Do you understand?”

She relaxed again and nodded her head.

“Ok. I’m going to look at that thing in your mouth.”

She responded with a small nod.

Her gag was very sophisticated. None of the ones I used came anywhere near this one.

Her septum had been pierced and a tube inserted. A ring of about 2 inches in diameter was through the tube. This was an integral part of the gag device.

As I examined her, I could see that it extended over her teeth at least between the teeth and her cheek. The key to it all was a thread almost 2 inches in diameter and the nut that seemed to lock everything in place.

“I need to get some more tools. I won’t be long,” I whispered to her.

I was soon back with an adjustable spanner. The nut came off and the whole gag came apart in seconds. The Ring that was in her nose was left dangling.

I eased the bits inside her mouth out and as I did so, I said,
“Don’t speak yet. Let me get you some water to drink. While I am getting it, exercise your jaw a bit.”

I left her getting some of the stiffness out of her jaw muscles.

As I ran the tap I wondered why ‘Devil Dom’ had been keeping her for the past months. There was a big story here, but I wasn’t sure how to proceed. I shrugged my shoulders and filled the glass.

If Dom had been working on behalf of someone else, then he’d have some explaining to do. There was an unwritten law that most Dom’s and Dominatrix’s adhered to and that was that nothing was done to a sub that was going to endanger them in any way. The way she'd been handled was clearly not in accordance with the guidelines.

“Here you go. Sip it gently to begin with,” I said as I returned with the water.

She did as she was told and sipped a little water. As she swilled it around her mouth I realised she'd done this before. I asked myself if being gagged like this for long periods was not that uncommon for her.

“Good. Now I’m going to release your hands. Please don’t speak yet. We are in no rush
to go anywhere.”

Like the rest of her getup the cuffs securing the plastic casts that went over her hand were very non-standard. These were more like 19th-century devices but updated for the 21st. The locks looked formidable. It wasn’t long before I realised that I’d have to cut them off.

I got my bolt cutters and quickly broke the short length of chain that held them together.

“I’ll need to cut them off but get the circulation working again in your arms.”

She uttered two words,

“Thank you.”

I chuckled

“Don’t thank me yet. There is a lot of work to do yet to get you free of everything.”

Then I added,
“I’m going to remove those boots. Then I’ll cut you out of that suit.”

To my surprise, she shook her head and uttered,

“Please no.”

I was stunned for a moment.

“Very well. Later. Let me get those boots off and you can walk around a bit. Then I’ll get you something to eat before I look at your eyes. Is that ok?”

She nodded.

Her boots were custom-made and works of art. Someone had spent an awful lot of money on her. It was sad that she was a missing person. This could have all been done with a consenting slave. I found myself shaking my head again as I gently removed the boots.

“Please don’t speak. I want to get you free of everything before you speak. It is just a thing I have. Do you understand that?”

She nodded her head.

“Good. Now I’ll get you something to eat. I have some soup in the fridge. Stilton and Brocolli. Will that be alright?”

She let a small smile form on her face as she nodded her head.

“Great. Just sit there and I’ll be back in a few minutes.”

I left her alone and headed for the kitchen. As the soup warmed, I switched on the CCTV that monitored my den. She was sitting where I’d left her. I felt rather sad for her. Had she been abducted all those months ago or had she gone willingly? Had she been held captive or was she a willing participant? All those questions needed answers but not today.

I returned to her with a bowl of soup.

“Here you are. Please let me feed you. As I do so, I’ll tell you bit about myself.”

She responded with a tiny smile.

As I fed her small spoonfuls of the soup I began to tell her about me.

“My name is Henry Young. People call me ‘Harry’. I’m a businessman who trains submissive’s on the side. You are in my training room. We are the only people here.”

“I do not hurt the people I train. In my opinion, those who do that are wrong. I don’t do forced training nor do I run a 24/7 lifestyle. This lifestyle has a time limit. You need to be able to do things after this.”

As I finished feeding her, I wiped her mouth.

“Here is a cup of water,” I said as I put it in her hand.

She drank some more and gave me the cup back.

As I took it, she said,

“Why? Why are you doing this?”

“You were left behind at the club last night. Your Master left you chained up and alone. The club was closing so I volunteered to take you home with me. Here you are.”

She nodded.

“Do you need to go to the toilet yet?”

She shook her head.

“Good. Now I need to go and get something to unglue your eyes. I am going to lock the door to this room while I am gone. Please don’t stager around because you might injure yourself. Do you understand this?”

“Please stand up. I will lead you to somewhere a little more comfortable.”

She stood and offered me her hand.

I led her over to where I had a bed for my trainees.

“There is a bed right behind you. Let me sit you down on it.”

I sat her down and let go of her hand.

“Please try to get some rest. It is the middle of the night.”

She nodded her head.

“Good. I will be gone for two to three hours, but I will be here. I will not try to release your eyes until the morning.”

I left her alone but didn't go out. I watched her on the CCTV. She sat motionless for some time before she swivelled around and lay down on the bed. She found the blankets and wrapped them around her and curled up into a ball. I shook my head. Dom had a lot to answer for.

I switched off the CCTV monitor but made sure that it was still recording. I had a feeling that I’d need it before this, whatever it was, was over. I set the alarm on the house and went to bed. I still had a lot of work to do on her in the morning.

It was quite late by the time I was ready to face her again. I’d spent a lot of time agonising about what I should do next before I eventually fell asleep. The issue was still unresolved the following morning so I carried on as usual.

More than once I’d debated picking up the phone and calling the Police. The disappearance of Johanna Milsom had been all over the news at the back end of the previous spring. The last thing I wanted was to get involved with the Police and by implication, the media given my somewhat unconventional lifestyle. In the end, I was more or less resigned to having my life in the media.

The event had one positive side and that was that I was going to have to change my lifestyle. I’d been increasingly disillusioned with the BSDM scene. I’d only gotten into it by accident, but it had been my life for more than ten years. It was time for a change and this whole event looked more and more like it was the catalyst that I’d been looking for.

But… I needed to get her free and back home before I even thought about moving on with my life.

I checked on the CCTV and saw that she was sitting on the side of her bed. She was waiting for me.

I went into the room where she’d spent the night.

“Good morning Johanna. How are you today?”

“I’d like something to eat if it isn’t too much trouble?”

“No trouble at all. I expect that you’d like to use the facilities?”

She nodded.

“Let me lead you to the Toilet.”

I led her to the toilet and let her touch all the relevant bits. When I was happy that she could manage I said,
“I’ll let you have some privacy but I’ll be outside the door so just shout when you are done.”


I fed her some breakfast a little later. As I did so, I said,
“Are you sure I can’t contact your parents or the police?”

“Not while I’m like this.”

“Ok. You are the boss.”

I sat her down in the chair that we’d used the previous night.

“I’ll start on your feet. They must be hurting in those boots.”

“Not really. He made me wear high heels all the time right from the start. I was not into them before… before he took me.”

Then I had a sudden thought.

“How do you know that I’m not him?”

She chuckled.
This was a far more relaxed person than the one I'd rescued the previous night.

“You smell different. You speak different. And… give me your left hand.”

Slightly puzzled, I gave her my left hand. She felt it all over.

“You don’t wear any rings. ‘He’ had something like a Skulls Head ring on his middle finger and most of all, you don’t have the top joint of your little finger missing.”

She smiled for the first time.

“You aren’t him.”

I knew exactly who she’d described. The BSDM Community is not that big in our area. All the Dommes and Dominatrix’s knew each other. He was not liked by any of the others due to the violence he metered out to his submissives. She had described Devil Dom perfectly.

I turned my attention to her boots. They were padlocked in place. They didn’t last long when I used my bolt cutters on them.

Slowly, I removed both boots. I could feel the relief she felt as she exercised her feet.

“I need to look at your eyes again,” I said as I sat next to her.

“Go ahead.”

I examined them again. This second examination led me to believe that she needed proper medical attention to get them open again without damaging them.

“Johanna, I don’t think that I can get your eyes open without risking them. I’m sorry.”

She stiffened for a second and then relaxed.

“As you wish. You are the Master.”

“No Johanna, I’m not your Master. I’m just someone who took pity on you at the club last night.”

Her only response was a brief nod.

“I will get you some clothes then I’ll call the Police.”

“No!” she replied quite firmly.

“What? You don’t want any clothes?” I replied trying to bring a bit of brevity into the situation.

She briefly laughed but then became serious for a moment.
“Clothes yes, Police No. I don’t want to get you into trouble.”

“I’ll be in trouble but only briefly. Everything I have said and done in here since I brought you back is recorded by my CCTV System. I’ll hand it over to the Police when they come for you.”

“Please… Not the Police.”

“They will have to be involved sooner or later.”

Johanna’s shoulders sagged.
“I guess they will.”

“Let me get you some clothes and you can brush your hair and then I’ll make the call. Ok?”

“Yes,” she replied almost without emotion.

Two hours later, a single car drew up outside my home. Two Detectives got out and came up the path. I was waiting at the door for them.

“Gentlemen, please come in. We have been expecting you.”

"We?" asked the more senior of the two.

“Officers, I have information relating to a kidnapping. It is hard for me to explain so why don’t I show you. Pictures and a thousand words and all that?”

Grudgingly they agreed and the three of us sat down in my office.

“I want to show you a video. It is the highlights but you can have a copy of the whole recording.”

I started to play the video. Where there was no sound from either myself or Johanna, I added some commentary.

It ended when I removed the mask covering her head.

“You have Johanna here?”

“I do. She really does not want a lot of fuss. Her eyes are still glued shut. Her release will be all over the media in a flash.”

“Where is she?”

“One moment please. There is a short scene you need to see first.”

I played the bit from earlier where I asked her if I was the man who took her.

“There you are gentlemen, from her own mouth, I’m not the villain here. The person she described is known to me. His name is Henrik Starmer aka Sean Wilson. He is also known as ‘Devil Dom’. Dom as in ‘Domme’. He treats people really badly especially those who fall into his hands.”

Then I gave them each a copy of the entire CCTV footage.
“I have sent copies of the full video and the two short bits to my lawyer so don’t think of making them disappear and trying to pin the kidnap on me.”

They looked at each other but did nothing.

“Right gentlemen. Let me take you to Johanna.”

I stood up.
“If you will follow me…”

Despite my hopes, events escalated rapidly. I was arrested on suspicions of kidnap, false imprisonment and grievous bodily harm. Johanna’s release was hot news and when eventually, I was released I was made to do what the Americans call ‘The Perp Walk’ but in reverse and without the safety of the Police Station ahead of me. It was all thanks to Johanna and the people from the club who confirmed what I had said about the evening.

Thankfully, their interest in me was short-lived. The arrest of Henrik Starmer as he tried to flee the country in a stolen speedboat became front-page news.

I wasn't as they say, 'home free' as I had to give evidence at the trial. Once that was over and he was found guilty, I started to make plans for a new direction in my life. It had lain pretty well dormant for a long time. Thanks to Johanna, they were alive once again.

[end of part 1]

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