The Summer Ball - A night to forget

This is an oldie from 2010/2011. The original ending was very abrupt so I’ve updated it quite a bit.

Company Dinner/Dances are events to hate for the vast majority of single, unattached men. When these things come around, they are faced with three questions which may or may not become problems later in their career.

Firstly, do they get a date for the evening and risk becoming the office gossip for weeks and/or making a real fool of themselves on the dance floor with their multitude of big left feet?

Or secondly, do they say, ‘To hell with this’ and adjourn to the bar with the other poor male sods once the formal part of the evening is done and dusted and get totally ‘rat arsed’.

Finally, they could just not go and suffer the consequences later. One of the most common of these in the City of London is being passed over for promotion because you were clearly not a team player or words to that effect.

The least risky from a career point of view is the first option however…

Sean Williams had faced this quandary ever since he started working at the offices of James Edwards & Co in the city of London.

His problem was the mid-summer ball. This particular year, it was being held on a Riverboat and the word from on high was that attendance was mandatory and that ALL men should have partners to accompany them to the event. Several on the unattached men were debating about becoming ‘gay’ for the evening and going together. Others were seriously evaluating the splashing out on a female escort for the evening and taking the reputation hit on the chin.

Sean, on the other-hand was positively dreading the whole thing. He had no girlfriend and to be blunt was very much a loner but as a newly promoted ‘Head of Section’, he was really unable to get out of attending the event.

Fortunately, one of the people who now worked for Sean took pity on his plight. Wendy Freeman, who was more than old enough to be his Mother, decided to help him out. Wendy had been with the company since she’d left school and knew just about everyone in the place. She was also the chief gossip broker of the department.

“Don’t worry Sean. I’ll have a date for you. It’s all fixed up,” were her endless words of assurance.

“But who is it?”

“Don’t worry she’s a nice girl and won’t bite,” replied Wendy as she tapped her nose.

This didn’t help settle his nerves, but it was obvious that Wendy was not going to divulge the name of his date for the evening.
“Just go off to Moss Bros and rent yourself a proper DJ,” she said as they left for the weekend. “Next Saturday will be ‘a night to remember.’”

Sean felt a severe chill go down his spine as he remembered the name of the old film about the sinking of the Titanic. Was his career about to sink without trace beneath the waves of the river Thames in a little over a week’s time?

The following week, everyone was talking about the event. Who was going with Who, what were they going to wear. Who was going to get ‘Lucky’?

Whenever anyone asked Sean who he was going with, he had to say ‘I don’t know’.

Not everyone believed him so he used the only ‘cop-out’ that he was able to play.

“Wendy has arranged a date for me and she’s not saying who it is” said Sean as his excuse.

This stopped most of the doubters in their tracks. Wendy Freeman was a person not to be belittled or even argued with. If she has said that she’d arranged a date for Sean then that was what was going to happen.

Even so, there was still a lot of chatter about which unattached woman would be as silly as to be his date. Sean was not regarded as a big catch amongst the single women who gossiped around the coffee machines.

The day of the event came around and Sean was still totally in the dark about who his date was going to be.

Several of the ‘wise guys’ in the office had started a sweepstake about how ugly Sean’s date was going to be. By the time Sean left work on the Friday, he was thoroughly depressed.

The phone call he received from Wendy early on the Saturday Morning didn’t help either.

“Sean, there has been a slight change of plan. You’ll meet your date on board the boat.”

“Wendy, who is my date?”

“Don’t worry Sean. She’s a very nice person and really beautiful. Those idiots who are running that silly sweepstake are in for a real shock.

They are so wide of the mark that it is laughable.”

If that was meant to cheer him up, it did just the opposite.

Sean really was a loner. He had not really dated anyone since before he went to University almost 10 years previously. His ‘experience’ with members of the opposite sex was limited to a few unsuccessful bits of ‘teenage groping’ at the local cinema or in the back of his Cousins Transit van.

Only Sean knew the real reason for his reluctance to get romantically involved yet, he was always able to talk to women as friends and they would not treat him as if he was ‘coming on to them’. In fact, his only real friends were women but not in a sexual way. This was clearly something he didn’t broadcast widely for obvious reasons especially when their partners were around.

Sean arrived for the evening event very early. This was normal for him. Being late for anything was just not in his psyche. The Boat was not ready to accept guests so he joined some of the other early birds at a pub not far from the ‘Mermaid Theatre’.

“Getting some ‘Dutch’ courage then Sean?” said Jim Simpson when he walked into the Pub. Jim was in his mid 50’s and on his third marriage. His heavily pregnant young wife was there as well.

“Hi Jim. Hello Jenny. How’s the Baby coming along?”

“It is kicking a bit harder now. Jim thinks he’s going to play for the Orient when he grows up.”

They all laughed. Jim was a diehard Leyton Orient supporter. Jenny was as well. In fact, they had met on a supporter’s club trip to a match with York City a few years earlier. They’d clicked and a few months later they were married. The ceremony was held at the football ground naturally.

“Do you know the sex then?” asked Sean.

“No. We decided to wait until it pops out,” said Jenny.

“It’s a boy. I just know it...”

“Jim is hoping that it is. He’s got four daughters already. A fifth would just about kill him.” added Jenny.

Jenny did seem to be ‘third time lucky’ for Jim even though he was old enough for her to be his daughter.

“Get yourself a drink lad. I’ve a tab open at the bar.”

“Thanks Jim.”

Sean went up to the bar and ordered himself a Tonic Water with a slice of Lemon. With his drink, he went and sat with Jim and Jenny.

“Do you know who your date is yet?” asked Jenny quietly.

Sean shook his head.
“Not a clue. Wendy called me this morning and said that we would meet on the boat and that she was good looking. Beyond that, I know absolutely nothing.”

“Well Sean, if I wasn’t married to this lovely man, I’d go with you in a flash provided you supported the right footie team that is,” said Jenny trying to make Sean feel a bit more relaxed.

“Thanks for the compliment, but I’m more of a Rugby person,” replied Sean somewhat nervously.

People soon began to make their way to the Pier and board the boat for the trip down to Woolwich. Sean was just about the last of the people to leave the pub. At that moment, he’d rather be anywhere on the planet other than this bit of London but the message from his boss was clear so reluctantly, he left the pub and joined the others heading for the boat.

Sean walked slowly towards the pier as if he was attending his own execution. Lots of people were milling around. Sean kept looking for someone he didn’t know or who was on their own. His search was unsuccessful.

He did spot Wendy and her husband. He made his excuses to Jim and Jenny and joined them.

“Evening Wendy”

“Well Sean. Don’t you look a treat? That White DJ really suits you. You know Sam, don’t you?”

Sean shook Sam’s hand.

"I think we met at the Christmas do last year,” said Sean.

“The one before last, I’m afraid. I was out of the country last Christmas,” replied Sam.

“Sam’s in the TA. He’s a Captain in the Medical Corps,” said Wendy proudly.

Sam blushed.
“He was in Afghanistan for 6 months,” added Wendy with some pride.

“I’m back at the day job now,” said Sam looking relieved.

“What do you do?”

“I’m a Gynaecologist at St Thomas’s Hospital.”

“Oh well. Jenny will be in good hands if she gets in Labour tonight,” joked Sean.

“She’d better not. This is a brand-new DJ,” replied Sam with a smile on his face.

After a brief pause, Sean looked at Wendy.

“Are you going to tell me who is going to be my date tonight?”

She smiled back at him,
“No. You’ll find out soon enough. Don’t fret so much. She is a really nice person once you get to know her.”

Sean’s heart almost stopped.

The words ‘once you get to know her’ were the words he always dreaded to hear.

His face gave away his concerns.

Wendy gently took his hand and said,
“Promise me Sean. You will enjoy the evening. You will be the envy of most of the people here. Just go with the flow and you will be fine.”

He looked at her and managed a small smile.

“It is time to get on board otherwise they will cast off without us” said Sam.

Sean followed Wendy and Sam on board.
As they got into the reception area of the boat, there were a couple of easels with seating plans for the dinner. Sean took one look at the throng of people around them and decided to give it a miss for a while.

Instead, he wandered into the dining room and found that each place had the name of the person who was supposed to be sitting there. He thought that it would give him something to do before the inevitable embarrassment that he’d suffer when his date showed up.

He wandered amongst the circular tables searching for his name.

He found his name on the fifth table. He looked at the name of the person who would be sitting on his left. The place card said ‘Margaret Smith’. She was certainly not his date for the evening. Margaret was secretary to the MD and married to the Company Secretary. With more than a little nervousness, he looked at the name of the card on the place to the right of his.

His heart almost stopped dead there and then as he read the name. ‘Ingrid Svenson’. She was the office beauty. Almost all the single men and several of the married ones had tried and by all accounts failed miserably to get her into bed. Ingrid was 6ft 2in tall with legs that seemed to go on forever, long blonde hair and the most delightful blue eyes.

The words ‘Untouchable’ had been used many times when referring to her. Those in the office who had dated her only ever went on one date.

No one had ever got beyond that. The feeling of dread, doom and impending disaster filled Sean’s mind. His mood of depression remained until he was brought back into the real world by a light tap on his shoulder.

He turned around to see Ingrid.

“He… Hello Ingrid” he said stutteringly.

“My goodness Sean. Don’t you scrub up well,” she said with her nice smile.

He looked at her.

She was wearing an off the shoulder LBD that was clinging to the curves of her body. It was long for her in that it came to just above her knees and the shirt was fairly full. Her height was enhanced by the at least 5-inch heels that adorned her feet. The result was that she was at least three inches taller than him. His embarrassment was total. At that moment, he wished that there was a hold he could dive into and escape but the boat was moving. He was trapped for at least the next hour and a half.

“You look beautiful,” he stuttered.

“I’m glad you like it. I bought this dress especially for tonight.”

She took his hand and led him out onto the deck.

“There is plenty of time before dinner is served. Why don’t we go outside and watch the scenery? The Tate Modern has an interesting light display on its Chimneys at the moment.”

Sean was far too startled to say anything.

The Sun was just dipping below the Docklands skyline when the boat’s speakers announced that Dinner was about to be served.
“Come on, I’m famished,” said Ingrid as she took Sean’s hand and led him into dinner.

She seemed oblivious of the stares the couple received from many in the dining room. Sean on the other-hand just wanted to curl up and die. Ingrid was so far out of his league it was embarrassing.

Several men had various parts of their anatomy hit by their partners or wives for the open-mouthed astonishment that was their reaction when they saw Sean walking into dinner hand in hand with Ingrid.

One thing was certain to be a result of the evening was that Sean’s anonymity within the company was at an end.

They sat down to silence from the rest of the diners at their table. Ingrid didn’t let this dissuade her for long. She went around the table obtaining the names of the other diners, who they were, who they were with and what role they played in the company.

This not only served to break the ice but filled that gap between the time they sat down and the time when their starters were served. She was the perfect hostess.

By the time that the waitresses collected the plates from the starters, it was obvious that George Watson who was sitting on the other side of Ingrid could not control his wandering hands.

With a deft motion, Ingrid stabbed the back of his hand that was slowly moving up her leg with her fork. Blood was drawn. Then she made a great show by putting Sean’s hand in a similar position on her other leg. She was sending the message that ‘Sean’s my date for the night and I’m not interested in anyone else”.

Two of the women on the table reacted with obvious pleasure at the plain signals Ingrid was sending out to everyone around the table.

However, it was soon clear that all the other men on the table were totally oblivious to the message that was being sent loud and clear.

Sean was embarrassed as well as pleased that his ‘date’ was claiming him as hers for the night but he was already thinking about what was going to happen at the office the following Monday. It was not something he was looking forward to.

Being with someone like Ingrid was a completely new experience for him. Never before in his extremely limited experience of dating the opposite sex, had any of his dates reacted anything like this. In his limited experience with other women it was down to the man to be assertive, to make all the running. Here was Ingrid feeling totally at home with him and comfortable in his company.

When dinner was over, almost everyone adjourned to the outside decks while the tables were cleared away and the room prepared for the dancing. Ingrid and Sean were not alone in watching the historic buildings of Greenwich Naval College looking magnificent in their floodlit majesty against the now almost totally dark summer sky.

Their trip took them past the historic Greenwich Naval College and the Observatory up on the hill behind it as far as Woolwich where the boat turned around and began its journey upriver.

The sound of the four-piece band emanating from the now clear dining room signalled that the entertainment had begun. People began drifting away from the decks and into the dining room for some dancing.

Sean made a movement in that direction but Ingrid took hold of his arm and said
“Wait a while.”

Soon they were almost alone on the deck.

“Are you ok?” asked Ingrid.

“Yes, I’m fine,” replied Sean but his body language told her otherwise.

“You are a bit quiet.”

He didn’t get any more words out before Ingrid leaned over and kissed him gently on the lips.

“I’ve wanted to do that for a really long time,” she whispered.


“Shh. Just enjoy the evening.”

Ingrid was turning out to be a real tease. One moment she was coming on to him. The next, she was hinting that this was a one-night stand.

Sean’s mind was all in a tizzy.
“Come on, we should go and dance,” said Ingrid pulling him towards the dance floor.

“I can’t dance. I have two left feet,” complained Sean.

“Nonsense. Everyone can dance.”

“I’ll tread on your toes.”

“Promises, promises,” she replied gleefully at the same time tightening her grip on his arm.

“Don’t worry my dear. We’ll just show our presence and then we can leave the dance floor to the others.”

Sean was getting worried at how familiar Ingrid was getting. This was totally unlike any ‘first date’ he had ever experienced before.

When they reached the edge of the dance floor they found that a few couples were already dancing. Ingrid let Sean lead her onto the floor and into the gaze of all their fellow workers.

The DJ was playing a fairly slow number so she made sure he held her tight. Her head nestled on his shoulder and for the remainder of the song; he made every effort not to tread on her toes.

The next number was more upbeat and more couples made their way onto the dance floor and attempt to move in time with the music. Ingrid was a natural and Sean soon found that he could follow her lead and by the end of the fourth song, he was actually starting to enjoy himself.
Ingrid took his arm and they left the arena the pair of them totally oblivious to the many stares that they were getting from the many men who were so envious of Sean.

“Let’s get a drink” whispered Ingrid in his ear. “I’ll have a G & T. I’ll wait for you on the rear deck.”

She squeezed his hand as they went their separate ways.

Alone for the first time since proceeding began, Sean made his way to the crowded bar area.

Several of the men gave him admiring looks.

After a few minutes, he managed to fight his way to the bar and put in his order.

While the barman was busy fixing the drinks, the person next to him at the bar said.
“Who’s a lucky bugger then?”

Sean looked around and saw that the voice belonged to Jimmy Chan. He worked in the same department as Ingrid.

“What do you mean?” asked Sean.

Jimmy smiled.

“Can’t you guess? She’s got you hook, line and sinker. She’s sure to get you into her bed tonight.”


“So? Is that all you have to say. I’ll wager that there are thirty… if not more blokes here tonight who would gladly trade places with you.
Everyone knows that she is a real goer when it comes to the sex bit.”

“Everyone? Just how do you know that then?”

Jimmy just shrugged his shoulders.

“We all know.”

Sean paid for the drinks and fought his way out of the bar and onto the rear deck.

Ingrid was there watching the Riverside Landscape go by.

“Here you are,” said Sean holding up her drink.

She took it from him.
“Thanks. And thanks for not stepping on my feet too many times.”

Sean didn’t say anything.
“The bar is packed,” said Sean lacking anything else to say.

“Yes. I saw Jimmy Chan talking to you.”

“Yes. He remarked on how well you dance.”

Ingrid laughed.
“Fibber. I’ll bet he was saying how lucky you are and that I’m a real goer when it comes to sex.”

Sean didn’t know what else to say but…
“Yes he did.”

“Look, I know the rumours going around about me. Rest assured Sean, they are all untrue.”

“I’m sorry Ingrid but that was the first I had heard about the rumours.”

“Surely you know that I’ve dated most of the single men in the company?”

“Yes… well sort of. I really don’t go in for that sort of gossip unless I can’t avoid it. You never know who else is listening in and how it could come back and bite you later.”

“And that they only lasted one date?” said Ingrid totally ignoring what Sean had just said.

“And that too,” replied Sean with a definite sigh in his voice.

“And you are wondering if this is your one date?”

Sean was a bit more with it by now.

He smiled.
“That thought had crossed my mind at least a hundred times tonight.”

“Sean, you are such a sweetie. I think you’d die if that were the case.”


“Sean Williams, will you be my boyfriend?”


“Oh, for heaven’s sake Sean, stop saying Eh? I want to go out with you again. So, what is it to be? Yes or No?”

Sean was still reeling from her directness but managed to mumble.

She smiled from ear to ear.

“But it’s not as simple as that,” he added.

“Pah. Don’t worry. Lets’ get to know each other and then we can see how difficult it is.”

A dreadful sense of foreboding fell over Sean. For someone who liked to be in control of his life, he was now in a situation that he realised was totally out of control, at least from his point of view.

He realised then that he had taken hold of her hand and was holding it quite tight.

He let it go and said

“Sorry. I got a bit carried away.”

“Sean,” said Ingrid in a way that sent shivers through his body.
“If that is what you call ‘getting carried away’ then your education as far as women are concerned is sadly lacking. That is something that Miss Ingrid, teacher extraordinaire will have to rectify.”

Sean smiled through almost gritted teeth.

Suddenly, Sean realised that goose bumps were appearing all over Ingrid’s arms.

“You are getting cold. Here, please take my jacket.”

“Keep your jacket on Sean. Let’s go inside. We shall be docking shortly. Then we can go somewhere warm.

She took his arm and together they left the deck and went inside the boat.

Around 20 minutes later, the Boat docked. This was to let off people who had some distance to travel home. The more die-hard party goers would stay on board dancing for a couple more hours.

Sean led Ingrid down the gangway and onto dry land once more.

Ingrid hailed a cab and gripping his hand climbed inside.
“Camden Lock please driver.”

Sean realised that they were going back to her place. He lived south of the river in Battersea.

Sean paid the driver when they arrived outside no 12. Ingrid was already unlocking the front door.

Sean hesitated. He was unsure if he should go in or do what a good part of his mind wanted, shout goodnight and leg it. But this was part of London he didn’t know and what direction the nearest tube station was in, was a complete mystery.

Ingrid had opened the door and was waiting patiently for him in the doorway.

Sean stepped into the door and suddenly, she was gone into the dark interior. He heard the sound of more locks being opened and then a light came on. Ingrid was silhouetted in the doorway of what was obviously her flat.

He closed the front door and followed her into her home.

The place was decorated in a modern way but there were many obvious feminine touches all around. From the selection of cuddly toys on the living room settee to the selection of framed Chagall prints of Parisienne Women on the walls, it was obvious that a woman lived here.

“Make yourself at home,” said Ingrid as she shook off her shoes

“Ah, that’s better. I can wear 4-inch heels all day but 5-inch ones are only suitable for short periods.”

Sean started to feel a bit more relaxed until Ingrid came to him and wrapped her arm around him and kissed him gently at first but with an ever-increasing amount of passion.

Sean responded and began to enjoy the taste of her lips and the scent of her body.

When they came up for air Ingrid said.

“You taste nice.”

“You do as well…”

She looked at him

“But why me?”

“I fancy you and have done for a long time. In the end, I gave up waiting for you to ask me out, so I asked Wendy to get us together this evening.”

Sean smiled,
“I’ve fancied you for a long time as well but I sort of got the impression that you were… well, untouchable.”

Ingrid laughed.
“Yes I know. Most people in the office have that impression of me. It is just not true.”

“But I still feel like I’ve been setup. I know I shouldn’t have but I do.”

“That is natural my dear but ever since I found out about you, I knew you were the one for me.”

“You found out about me?” asked Sean suddenly fearful of what that meant.

Ingrid giggled.
“I’m sorry, I guess I said that all wrong…”

“What did you mean to say?”

“One day I was talking with some of the women in the office about men in general and your name came up. Everyone agreed that you were not like the other men. You didn’t talk at women, you talk to them. This intrigued me so I did a little more investigation and it was sometime later that it all fell into place. Do you remember when Dorothy Smart had that accident with the Printer toner? Right away, you volunteered to nip down to the supermarket and buy her some tights. You were going anyway so no one thought anything of it. But sure enough, you came back with the exact same shade and size as she was wearing. Most men don’t have a clue about women’s clothing sizes. This got my interest up even more. Then three weeks ago, I realised that you wear stockings to the office most days”

Sean felt the blood drain out of his body. His secret had been revealed.

Ingrid saw his dismay.
“Don’t worry, I haven’t told anyone and I don’t plan of telling anyone either.”

“How… how did you find out?”

“I saw the outline of the elastic top of the hold-ups you were wearing through your thin trousers one day at lunch a few weeks back.”

Sean was still reeling at the thought that his secret desires were out in the open.

“Are you wearing any tonight?”

“No, I’m not,” said Sean quite firmly.

“That’s a shame. Never mind, I have some stockings you can wear. I prefer them myself but I seem to wear such short skirts these days that tights are normally required. I wore these especially for you tonight,” said Ingrid in that enticing if not alluring voice of hers.

She reached down and pulled up the hem of her dress to reveal the lacy tops to her stockings and the suspender belt that was holding them up.

“I like the way they move with your body. It is a constant reminder that you are wearing them.”

She led a very bewildered Sean towards her bedroom.

There lying on the bed was an identical dress to the one that Ingrid was wearing. Lying alongside it was a pair of brand spanking new black stockings still in their wrapper and a suspender belt.

“Will you wear them for me now?”

Suddenly Sean panicked.

He turned tail and literally ran out of the bedroom, down the short corridor and flung open the door to the flat. Three steps later, he was wrestling with the front door. This came open and he was out and running down the street as fast as he could move.

At the bottom of the road, he saw a Taxi, he hailed it and climbed in somewhat breathless.

“Brynmaer Rd Battersea please,” he gasped at the driver.

“What’s up son, found the girlfriend in bed with another man?”

Sean didn’t answer but sank back into the seat and tried his best to stop the tears that were welling up in his eyes.

The evening had finished up a total disaster. He was dreading going into work the following Monday.

Sean arrived home and somehow, he managed to hang up the white DJ jacket and black trousers. He was contemplating calling in sick on Monday but the hire shop was only a few doors from his place of work. It seemed like a good idea at the time to rent it from a place very close to work. But now it appeared that this was a very bad idea indeed.

“His place of work?”

Probably not for much longer he thought. He expected that virtually everyone would be laughing at him when the news of his panic spread through the office.

After a few hours pitiful sleep, Sean could lay in bed no longer. His mind was racing. He got up and put on his track suit and went for a run around the nearby Battersea Park. Normally, he would do one circuit of the park and go home for breakfast. On this bright Sunday morning, he did three. Even then, it didn’t lift the impenetrable gloom that seems to be descending over his life.

After returning home, he showered and sat at the small table in his kitchen eating a ‘Bacon Butty’. Comfort food he called it. The Sunday papers were full of depression and gloom apart from the news that yet another male celebrity had been caught with his pants down and having it off with someone who was not his wife.

Still in a deeply gloomy mood, Sean walked into the second bedroom on his rented flat. Here was where he kept his alter ego Alexandria. Briefly, he debated collecting up all her clothes, makeup and other paraphernalia and after putting it into a few bin bags, taking it to the local council ‘tip’ and getting rid of her forever.

Deep down, Sean knew that this would never work in the long term. There really was far too much of Alexandria in Sean. He had fancied Ingrid but not as she imagined. He didn’t want to ‘fuck her’ or anything as crude as that; he wanted to ‘BE HER’. At the moment he made the decision to ‘leg it’ the previous night, he realised that Ingrid just didn’t understand much at all about how much of a mental torture it is to be transgendered and in the presence of someone as beautiful as Ingrid.

With a shudder and a shake of his head, Sean left Alexandria alone and went back into the small kitchen. He was about to pick up the phone and call his mother to say he was coming down for the day when the phone rang.

This was ominous. His mother normally called around 4pm on a Sunday. Very few people knew the number of the phone at the flat. Most people called his Mobile.

The phone was still ringing when he picked it up.


“Sean. Oh, I’m so glad you are all right.”
It was Ingrid.

He put the phone down without saying another word.

It rang again. This time, he decided to let it ring.

After six rings, the answering machine switched in.

He listened to Ingrid’s plea to him.

“Sean, please pick up the phone. Don’t do anything silly. I want to talk to you. It was not a trap last night. Sean please pick up.”

Although Ingrid sounded quite desperate, he didn’t pick up the phone.

She rang off and then it rang again.

Sean thought that Ingrid was persistent if nothing else.

He picked up his coat and wallet and walked out of the flat and headed for a local pub. If nothing else, he could get some overcooked roast beef for Sunday Lunch and sink a pint or three of London Pride away from any chance of the phone interrupting his depression drinking.
Sean downed just the one pint. It just tasted funny to him that day. The beer was lovely and clear and didn’t smell yeasty at all.

When he returned home well after 3pm, there were 6 messages on the answering machine. Five were from Ingrid who was seemingly getting more and more frantic. The last was from his mother.

He picked up the phone and called her. Their weekly chats were pretty brief and non-committal but at least it was something positive for him to do.

He had almost finished dialling the number when Sean stopped what he was doing and put the phone down.

At the moment, he just couldn’t face talking to anyone.

He messed around his flat for a good hour pretending to do some dusting and tidying. The place didn’t need it by any means but he had to feel that he was ‘doing something useful’.

Eventually, he put the duster down and walked into the sitting room.

He sat down at the small table, opened up his laptop and connected to the internet. He opened up his email client and downloaded the messages waiting at his provider. Of the twenty or so messages, nearly all of them were junk.

He opened up a new mail and addressed it to his boss. Then he sat with his head in his hands for a good 10 minutes. Then he wrote.

“Dear Bill,
It is with deep regret that I have to tender my resignation, from the company with immediate effect. Please understand that this is a personal decision and I have not been approached let alone offered a position at any of the competitors to the company. I will honour the terms of my contract in every respect apart from the period of notice.
Sally Field will be an excellent choice to take over my position. She deserves it and to be honest, she should have been offered the position instead of me.
I’m sorry for dropping this onto you like this but although I really like working for you and the company, some events have happened in recent days, that have made me come to the inevitable conclusion, that I can’t continue working for the company any longer. I will be leaving London immediately.
Please send any correspondence to my mother. Her address is in my personnel file. This email address will not be used after today.
Once again, I’m sorry to have to do this and thank you for your support and encouragement in my time at the company
Best Wishes to you and everyone,
Sean Williams”

Sean sat and read the words several times. Then he hit ‘Send’. It was gone. The deed was done.

He closed the laptop, unplugged its cables and packed it into the rucksack that he used to carry it around.

Then he went into his bedroom and collected a few ‘essentials and packed them into a black holdall. He added a couple of changes of clothing and with some finality, zipped it up.

With an air of resignation, he took changed into his Motorcycle Leathers & boots.

Ten minutes later, he was in the garage at the back of the house where his flat was located and was wheeling his Ducati Motorcycle out onto the back alley. He fixed the holdall and rucksack onto the back of the bike. After closing the garage doors, he sat on the bike.

He sat for several seconds before putting on the leather gloves that matched the colours of his one-piece suit and boots. He leaned forward and gripped the handlebars. With the thumb of his right hand, he pressed the Red button. The starter motor burst into life and after a few seconds the engine fired up.

The burble of the twin cylinder V-Twin engine echoed around the garages on this late Sunday afternoon.

He pulled the clutch in with his left hand, clicked the bike into gear with his left foot. He opened the throttle and headed away from Battersea, London and into a new life.

Twenty Minutes later, he was back at his home. There were far too many loose ends to clear up. His ever practical, mind got the better of him once more.

He spent the rest of the day clearing out his flat and throwing virtually everything he owned away. That included everything that made him ‘Alexandria’. Not that much of it stayed in the communal refuse bin for long. The local kids soon ‘liberated’ anything of value. His final acts were to write a letter to his landlord giving notice and bribing his next-door neighbour to return his DJ the next day.

He spent a final night in the now almost stripped bare flat before disappearing off the radar and into a new life away from London. He’d decided to go somewhere far away and start again in the hope that no one like Ingrid would ever come into his life again.

[The End]
[Authors Note]
This was the end but in 2018, I realised that there was plenty of room for a second episode. This has been written and will appear here next week.

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