The Six 'B's'

Bryony Vincent was in the thick of it as usual. She was a true ‘BBBBBB’ which meant that there was never any shortage of men wanting to be with her. By ‘BBBBBB’ I mean, Beautiful, Buxom, Brainy, Bonkers, Blonde (a natural) and at times Brainless. As any truly genuine 6B person can testify, they could be all 6 at the same time.

The worst trait was the last, ‘Brainless’. Despite an I.Q. of 175 and several degrees including a PhD after her name, she would always fall for the oldest, most stupid chat-up lines in the business. All a man needed to do was flutter his eyelashes (why to the most drop dead gorgeous men always have lashes to die for?) in her direction and she was hooked.

In most of these encounters, she managed to extricate herself by engaging the ‘Brainy’ trait at the just right time extricate herself from potentially a nasty situation. Tonight, was different. Her good bits had been totally overwhelmed by Mario Capriati. An Italian Stud if ever there was one and one with close on a hundred broken hearts behind him. He didn’t care. All he was interested in was his next conquest and his next conquest was Bryony.

You might be asking, who am I and why do I care about her?

It is a long story but the short version was that once upon a time, I was in the same situation as her. I nearly always had a desirable man on my arm until Luigi and his friend Mario came into my life. A pair of really ‘hot’ Italian Studs or so I thought at the time.

Somehow, I got lucky and escaped their clutches by the skin of my teeth.

Once I had realised what their game was, I had to take steps to extricate myself from their vice like grip. As I said, I got lucky but not everyone they targeted was as fortunate as me.

They had their claws into a new victim, Bryony. She needed my help. Well, she didn’t know it yet but she did or she’d end up with a fate worse than death.

Bryony was being ‘entertained’ by Luigi at “Club Sixty-Nine”. From previous episodes like this, I knew that was to be the night that was to change her life. Luigi was offering her the world. I’d seen it happen once before in the six months, that I’d been on their tail. Make no mistake, even if Luigi said that he was a rival to Mario and vice-versa, they were a team. The rivalry was a pure scam. They came from the same part of Naples and… well their criminal history went back to their childhood but I didn’t know that for a long time after I’d gotten myself free of them.

At one point fairly early in the evening, Bryony excused herself from their charms and went to the toilet. I was waiting for her in the corridor outside the toilet.

“Just a moment Bryony,” I said calmly.

“Who are you and what do you want?” she retorted.

“I’m not here to harm you. Besides, we are on CCTV,” I replied pointing at the red light on the camera above my head.

“Luigi is not all he makes out he is. He will offer you the earth to go with him tonight. It is all a lie. He is only in it for the money. For the money that he and his pal Mario will make from selling you to a Chinese Billionaire and from confiscating all your assets.”

Bryony’s ‘B’ for Brain kicked in for a bit.

“Why are you telling me this?”

“I’m offering you a way out. If you want to take it, I’ll be outside the front of the club in two hours driving an old Land Rover with the top down.”

She began to process what I’d just said.

“If I wanted to abduct you or harm you then surely I’d choose a better vehicle than that eh? With the top down, it is easy for you to leap out and get away from me. It is my way of saying that I am not here to harm you but to save you from a life in slavery producing child after child for the black market. Your life is worth nothing but your blonde-haired babies are worth up to two hundred grand each and believe me, there are literally hundreds of willing buyers.”

I didn’t wait for a reply but left her to think things over.

Two hours later, I was outside the club as I’d promised. My old 1950’s vintage ex-army Landy was hard to miss.

Fifteen minutes went by and there was no sign of Bryony. I began to feel that she wasn’t coming when the door to the club opened and Bryony came out obviously in a hurry. She saw the car and hurried over towards it.

A few seconds later Mario and Luigi came out of the club behind her.

“Quick, jump in,” I called.

Bryony was sadly wearing a dress that was tight fitted like a glove. It, while showing of her wonderful body, prevented her from moving very quickly.

Mario shouted at Luigi and they both started to run across the road to grab Bryony.

Bryony turned and saw them coming for her. An expression of pure panic came onto her face.

She literally threw herself into the back of the Landy as I started to move.

Mario was just out of reach as I took off down the street and ran a red traffic light in order to get away from them. As I did so, I prayed that there wasn’t a traffic light camera connected to the signal.

I could see Bryony cowering in the back. Her head was buried in her hands.

Once we were well away from the Club, I stopped the Landy and turned to her.

“They won’t get you now Bryony.”

Slowly, she sat up and looked around. I could see the visible signs of relief spread through the whole of her body.
“Thank you,” she said quietly.

“Just stay there. I know an all-night Café where no one will ask questions. But there are limits so it might be prudent to put on that coat that you are sitting on. That dress of yours leaves very little to the imagination.”

“But… Yes, you are right about the dress.”

“Good. The café is on the other side of the river. It will take about fifteen minutes to get there.”

Without waiting for a reply, I put the Landy into gear and set off.

Thanks to the addiction to traffic lights that seems to inflict every city on the planet it took us closer to twenty minutes rather than the fifteen that I’d promised to reach the café.

I stopped the Landy after backing it into a blind alley and turned to look at her.

“Bryony, let me say again, I am not here to hurt you. My job is to keep you out of trouble so that you can live your life without those predators threatening you.”

She didn’t say anything.

“My name is Naomi Hargreaves. I was once in exactly the same situation to you.”

I got out of the Landy and offered my hand to her. Slightly reluctantly, she took it as I helped her get out the rear of the ancient but serviceable Land Rover.

A few minutes later, I carried two large mugs of tea over to the table where she was sitting.

“Here you are. It is very hot so drink it slowly,” I said as I sat down opposite to her.


I smiled back.

“I don’t like to see anyone man or woman being suckered into something that is going to end up being a truly horrible life from then on...”

I opened my bomber jacket and pulled out a sheaf of documents.

“That will confirm what I said to you earlier,” I said as I pushed them over the table towards her.

“The important thing is to get you somewhere safe for what remains of the night.”

“What… What about my flat?”

I took a deep breath. This was the hard part.

“As you were having that delightful meal in that Japanese Restaurant earlier, this was happening.”

I showed her two short video clips on my phone. They were of the street outside her flat. They showed people removing the contents and putting them into two unmarked black Transit vans.

“I received these a little while ago,” I said showing her some more photos that were on my phone.

“That’s…. That is the inside of my flat?”

“Yes, it is or rather, it was. The sale of it was completed earlier today using forged signatures. Apparently, Marco used fake a ‘Power of Attorney’ document to do the deal. The Money from the sale was used to pay Marco and Luigi. Oh, and they didn’t pay off the Mortgage Company but that is detailed in that folder.”


I smiled.

“The why is the easy part. There is a thriving business in what amounts to baby trafficking. Someone who is a natural Blonde, Blue Eyed, Brainy and Beautiful as you clearly are, is worth millions. Each of your offspring would be worth at least two hundred thousand dollars. The Gang that runs this particular part of the trade are based in North East China, not far from the border with North Korea and as far as I know, it has strong ties to the North Korean Dictatorship. They traffic women like you into their camps and then inseminate you with sperm from selected donors. Once you have given birth, they rinse and repeat until… well until you are no longer any use to them and then they get rid of you. You were a prime target. In their eyes, you are a Six ‘B’ person.”

“Six ‘B’?”

I sighed.
“Please don’t take it the wrong way but you are Beautiful, Buxom, Brainy, Bonkers, a natural Blonde and at times somewhat Brainless. Believe me, you are not the first to fall for the charms of that pair. Letting him have a key to your flat was brainless. I know that he didn’t take anything. That wasn’t the point. He used the key so that prospective buyers could view the place while you were at work. Then, didn’t you ever realise that all your post was just that bit delayed? They diverted it all to their address and then hand delivered the bits they didn’t want.”

“It is taking the concept of identity theft to another level entirely. Besides the money they would get for delivering you to their bosses, they get to keep whatever they make on selling your home and contents. Normally, they don’t touch your bank account as emptying it is a real give-away. Well, they don’t until their victim is locked up in a container and on a ship bound for China…”

She looked stunned but didn’t object. She had a lot of information to process.

“The babies are sold to the highest bidder or even to order. To some people a blue eyed, blonde boy is a perfect Aryan foot soldier. To others they are the baby of their dreams.”

“But why you?”

“Because I have made it my job to protect people like you so that you can fulfil your destiny in Life. As I said, I escaped their clutches and I don’t want others to suffer the same fate as we were destined for.”

Bryony managed a smile.

“Suddenly, I really don’t know what that is. Perhaps that is why I was attracted to them?”

“I can’t answer that but we do need to get you safe. The people who ordered you will not be happy that you have escaped at the last moment.”

Bryony sat peering at her now empty mug of tea.

“It certainly looks like now I’m homeless. I would guess that my bank account has been emptied as well?”

“As I said, I don’t think so but we can check it tomorrow.”

“What about my job?”

“I have no doubt that a letter of resignation will be delivered with the mail on Monday unless… Did you have a laptop or a PC at home?”

Bryony managed a small laugh.

“My laptop died last week. It is at the repairers. I was going to collect it on Monday.”

I smiled.

“That’s great news. I expect that there is a lot of personal data on it?”

Bryony shook her head.

“No, it is all backed up in the cloud. When the PC started to go funny, I copied everything and made sure that it was properly deleted before the PC died.”

My estimation of her went up a good few notches. She really did know how to use that brain of hers at times.

“That’s great but what about your phone? Everyone has their whole life on their phones these days.”

“I never saw the point of Facebook or Twitter. All those sad sacks slagging each other off in the hope of getting their fifteen nano seconds of fame. I kept using the phone I was given when I got ten A* CGSE’s. It is rather ancient I’m afraid. It does not even have a camera.”

“Where is it?”

Bryony grinned and tapped her nose. She’d relaxed a good deal from earlier.

“A lady never reveals things like that,” she replied smiling.

I felt her relax.

“If it is that old, then please switch it off, take the battery out and remove the SIM Card.”

I reached into my backpack and pulled out a bag.

“Put all the bits into this bag. It will stop any possibility of your phone being used to track you. These people do have access to Military grade communications equipment courtesy of their Chinese Masters.”

I smiled at her. She nodded her understanding of what I’ve just said.

“I also have booked a Hotel room for you. It is all paid for and there are clothes in the room for you to change into. I’ve also put some toiletries and makeup in the bathroom for you.”

She looked at me slightly suspiciously.

“You were sure that I’d come, weren’t you?”

I smiled.

“I left you with enough information to let you ask yourself a few questions. I take it that you did and that was why you left the club in such a hurry?”

“I thought about it but later realised that while I was in the Toilet, my drink had been moved. I guessed that it had been spiked. So, I distracted them long enough to swap my drink with another woman on the next table. Not long afterwards, she passed out so I took the hint and went to the toilet again. This time Luigi followed me despite me claiming that it was my time of the month. Once I’d emerged from the toilet, he tried to get me to follow him out the front entrance but the security people got in their way just long enough for me to leg it. I was hoping that you were there and sure enough you were.”

“You put rather a lot of faith in me.”

She managed a small smile.

“It seemed that I was caught between a rock and a hard place. Go with them and … or hope that you weren’t in league with them or another rapist or murderer. So far you are ok.”

I smiled back at her.

“Good. Don’t let your guard down at least for the time being.”

I pulled out a hotel card key.

“Here is the key to your room. I’ll drop you off outside and make sure that you get inside safely. There is a chair in your room that you can use to make it more difficult to open the door.”

She nodded as she took the key.

“It looks like I’m going to have to trust you then?”

“I’m not the danger here but you are right to keep on being suspicious of everyone.”

She didn’t answer right away but played with the key.

“The room is paid for and there is also a small amount of money for you, so if you want to take off and try to get buy on your own then you can but if not then I’ll see you in the restaurant at nine for breakfast.”

Then she looked at me square in the eyes.

“Did everything get removed from my flat?”

“I think so but I would imagine that they left the fitted carpets.”

She breathed a visible sigh of relief.

“I need to go there tonight if possible. There is something that they may have missed that I think I’m going to need in the long run.”

I didn’t ask what it was but I could hazard at a guess that it was her Birth Certificate and other stuff.

“Then we should go now and hope that those two are not waiting for us.”

Without waiting for me, she stood up and walked towards the front door of the Café. This was one determined woman when she engaged that part of her brain. I smiled to myself as I thought, ‘perfect 6B material’.

Half an hour later, I pulled the Landy into a parking spot just around the corner from her flat in Walthamstow. It was close to one in the morning and the traffic was thinning out.

“Wait here. I’ll walk by the house and check it out,” I said.

“No, we need to do this now,” she said decisively.

I chuckled to myself. Her brain was working well again.

As we walked slowly up the street, I put my arm around her. She immediately stiffened up.
“Just to make people believe that we are a lesbian couple going home after an evening out.”

I felt her relax a bit.

We reached the gate to her former home and hadn’t seen anyone.

“How will you get in?”

“There is a hidden key so unless they have already changed the locks then I’ll be ok.”

“What if…,” I began.
“Never mind.”

A few seconds later the door to her flat was open.

“Stay there. I’ll only be a minute,” she said firmly and disappeared inside.

I moved into the shadows to get out of the very bright moonlight. The moon was very full. It cast an eerie light on the street. I looked back at the flat. I breathed a sigh of relief as I saw that it was still in darkness.

The only thing moving was a dog fox that trotted down the middle of the road as if he owned it. It was very peaceful, too peaceful.

Bryony appeared after what seemed an eternity. She was stuffing some papers into the pockets of the coat that I’d given her earlier.

“We can go now,” she said in a matter of fact way.

She closed and locked the door behind her and we set off back towards my car.

We’d only gone about 50 yds when a Black BMW SUV turned into the road. I stiffened.

“Quick, kiss me,” I said as I took hold of her.

Thankfully, she didn’t argue and kissed me full on the lips. I responded and made it seem as if we were a couple.

I couldn’t see who was in the BMW but I knew that it was Luigi’s. Well the personalised number plate, “LUG 1 S” told me who it was likely to be.

It stopped outside Bryony’s old home.

“Come on, let’s go. Hold my hand and don’t look back. Act like we are a couple of lovers,” I whispered.

Thankfully, the car didn’t follow us and we made it back to my car in one piece. I didn’t hang around and headed back towards the River and her Hotel in Docklands.

“Is this the place?” exclaimed Bryony when she saw the Hotel.

“Yes. They have very good security here. A lot of Bankers and visiting Politicians stay here when visiting London.”

I pulled up outside.

“Don’t forget, nine in the morning for breakfast.”

She started to say something but thought the better of it at the last moment.

I walked into the Restaurant a little after nine the next morning feeling slightly nervous. I wondered if she would be there or not.

I felt really relieved to see Bryony sitting right in the far corner with her back to the wall.

I smiled and made my way to her table.

“Good morning Bryony,” I said as I sat down opposite her.

“Good morning Naomi,” she replied.
“This is good porridge. You should have some.”

I smiled. It seemed that the events of the previous night had not affected her appetite.

I sensed a waiter hovering.

“Coffee and Toast Please,” I said quickly.

“That won’t last you the day. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day,” commented Bryony.

It seemed that her brain was functioning normally for the time being.

“I know and I had something to eat earlier.”

“Earlier? Didn’t you get to bed then?”

“Not really. I had a cat-nap in the office.”

“Ah yes. You really neglected to tell me who you worked for. Well? Who is he?”

I smiled again. The ‘Brainy’ part of her only was partially working.

“Why don’t we finish breakfast and then we can talk somewhere a little more private?”

“Good idea,” replied Bryony as a plate containing a ‘Full English’ arrived.

I sighed and drank my Coffee and ate some dry toast. How I hated people who could eat without worrying about putting on weight.

The ‘somewhere more private’ was my Office. This is in one of the less fashionable parts of London namely, ‘The Old Kent Road’ or rather just off it. It was both affordable, spacious and not that far from the City and was discrete. It was located in a former Chapel. There was an old hall that I used a garage where I could park my car and a small flat which was my home but don’t tell the local Council that. I didn’t have planning permission to live on the premises but it would do for now.

“That stained glass is impressive,” said Bryony as we walked through the front door of the Chapel.

“Yeah. It was removed at the start of World War Two and taken to Wales for safe keeping. A bomb took out all the glass and most of the roof one night in October 1941. The place was left abandoned until my Grandfather bought it in the late 1950’s. He found a piece of paper that told him where all the glass was. Sadly, he died before the restoration was finished. The glass window dates from 1854.”

“It makes the place seem alive. The light pattern is constantly changing.”

“It does that all right.”

Then as we walked into the area that was my office, I said,
“I have all sorts?”

She sighed.

“Ok. Just as it comes. No Milk, no Sugar.”

“Coming up. Please, make yourself at home.”

A few minutes later, I put down a large mug of tea in front of her. I sat opposite and cradled my mug in my hands.

“Why don’t I start at the beginning,” I said after a brief pause.

“I was just like you six months ago. A typical 6-B person.”

“You said something about that last night.”

“Yeah, Blonde, Buxom, Beautiful, Brainy, often Bonkers and sometimes Brainless.”


“Yeah, I don’t look like one at the moment, but black is not my natural hair colour nor are my eyes brown. I wear coloured contracts every day. All part of hiding in plain sight.”

I continued.
“As I said, I was like you, a 6-B. I was working as a researcher for a futures dealer in the city when Luigi came into my life. He wined and dined me and we fell in love. Well, that is how it seemed. Luigi had told me that he was a wine dealer and his family had a vineyard in Tuscany. He showed me a photo of a beautiful place that he said was his family home near Sienna.”

“That’s the same as what he told me!”

“It seems to be his standard chat up line,” I replied.

“Anyway, I was dreaming one day about marrying him and meeting his family. I went into a Travel Agency a few doors from where I worked one lunchtime to look at trips to Tuscany. During that I was shown the exact same picture as Luigi had shown me. Only, it wasn’t his family home. It was a place that you could rent for holidays. He was either being economical with the truth or outright lying to me.”

“What did you do then?”

“Out of the disappointment and then the realisation that he was not being honest with me, I engaged the Brainy part of my 6-B and went digging. The company I worked for had people all over the world helping with our research. A few emails to Italy and after a couple of days and I knew that Luigi and his sidekick Mario where known con-men. But… there remained the questions of what did he want from me and what did he want to do with me?”

“I carried on dating Luigi but always being careful not to let him get an advantage over me. One evening he came to where I lived in Islington for Dinner. I had put a few hidden cameras in my flat just in case. Anyway, while I was in the kitchen making the sauce for the pasta he went digging in my files. All this, I saw later naturally. I saw him take a load of photos of my bank account details and other financial records. At first, I thought that he just wanted to rob me so I changed banks and credit cards the next day. When I never received the new cards, it started to smell really fishy. After a bit more digging, I found out that the Post Office had received a ‘redirect’ notice supposedly signed by me. All my mail was being redirected to an address in Shoreditch. He and his mates are very clever. Non-important mail was hand delivered a day or so later. The Post Office normally puts a sticker with the new address over the address but all the post I received seemed to be in original envelopes. As I said, really clever but not impossible with a PC and a modern colour laser printer.”

“Why didn’t you go to the Police?”

“With what? All I had at that time was just a few suspicions or some minor offences at best? No, the Brainy part of me would not let it go. I did give all my evidence to my lawyer just in case. Then… about a week later, I saw Luigi leaving a restaurant in South Kensington. It was purely by chance but it was enough. I had been to Frankfurt at a conference. When I got to the airport, I found that my flight to London City had been cancelled. I was rebooked on a flight to Heathrow and I was in the back of a cab going home when I saw his Beemer parked not far from the V&A. Thankfully the traffic lights went red and we stopped just as he emerged from this Restaurant with another beautiful blonde. As I said pure luck but it told me that something was really wrong.”

I took a drink of my now lukewarm tea before continuing.

“As I said, that really aroused my suspicions. In my bones, I felt that he was up to no good. I visited a different P.I. and ‘borrowed’ a tracking device. It was easy to plant it on his car. With the help of the P.I. we tracked his movements. The P.I. and I, soon had a large dossier on Luigi and his compatriots. Then we caught Luigi doing what he did to you last night. His target was the Blonde I’d seen him with in South Ken. She was drugged and taken from the bar in his car. Luigi was silly. He ran a red light and was stopped by the Police. While the Police were dealing with him, the blonde recovered composure to realise what had happened and managed to get out of his car and disappear. We later found that Luigi had failed a breath test and was taken to the Police Station. Thanks to that bit of luck, she got away from their clutches. She’ll be here later by the way. She was a Lawyer and managed to stop the sale of her flat but lost a lot of money and assets. Until she met me she knew nothing of what Luigi was doing.”

“But… How did you get away? How did you follow him? Us?”

“I got away by preparing to drop out of sight and come here. I resigned from my job and moved out of my old place all while dating him so he suspected nothing. All my other stuff is in storage. When the time for him to strike came around, I just didn’t turn up. Well, I did wearing a wig and coloured contacts. He and Mario went ballistic trying to find me. I’d just dropped off the face of the planet and out of their clutches.”

Then I smiled.

“As to following him, I have a partner who rides an electric Motorcycle. Silent and invisible. She will be here later.”

I smiled before carrying on.

“The next day, I died my hair black and after calling him, we met up with him as arranged. He took one look at me and shouted a large number of very bad Italian swear words at me and fled. We haven’t spoken since.”

Right on cue, there was a knock at my back door.

“That will be Miranda, my partner and the woman I rescued a couple of months ago,” I said as I got up from my desk.

I let Miranda in and locked the door behind us.

“Bryony meet Miranda. Miranda, meet Bryony.”

The two hugged each other.

Miranda had a big smile on her face as she sat down.

“I think we have him at last,” said Miranda slightly gleefully.

Both of us looked at her.

“I followed Luigi to your old home last night. I must say that kiss you had was very effective. He just drove right by and didn’t give you two a second glance.”

Bryony went a bit red in the face.

“After he’d checked that you were not there, he went to the address in Leytonstone that he’s used before. He had a lot of explaining to do to his masters in China. They were expecting you to be delivered to them last night. One of them was present at the address and was not a happy bunny. Mario was already there. Anyway, I listened in with the bug that I planted last week. It seems that Luigi and Mario have to get three more blondes before the end of next month or else. We know what the else is.”

“So, we go to the Police with everything we have?” asked Bryony.

I shook my head.

“No. Well not at least yet. We make the ‘or else’ happen. Then we move in on his money. Miranda has had a few… shall we say dodgy clients in the past who owe her a favour or two. One of them broke into Luigi’s home and office last week. He took nothing but photos. As a result, we have all his financial details. As we speak, a fake power of attorney giving Miranda control over Luigi’s assets is being finalised. He did it to us so we do it to him. Using that we get back everything he took from his victims. Luigi and Mario are going to get a dose of Luke 31, ‘Do unto others as you would have them do to you’. Quite appropriate given our current location don’t you think?”

No one raised any objections.

Miranda opened the bag that she’d brought with her and put a black hair dye package on the table. She also produced some kitchen gloves and a pair of contact lenses.

“These are for you. No more being a blonde for the foreseeable future I’m afraid. Being Blond and Brainy and Beautiful is just a man target,” I said in a matter of fact way.
Miranda burst out laughing.

Bryony looked at her somewhat puzzled.

“Aren’t we all 6-B’s?”

I looked at Miranda and nodded.

“We are but Naomi here was born a man.”

Bryony looked at me for a second and then at Naomi and suddenly burst out laughing.
“Those Chinese would have had a bit of a shock if they had got their hands on you then?”

“Yeah but I’d be 6ft under as soon as they found out that I could not get pregnant and another 6-B woman would be in real danger. I don’t intend to give up on my life just yet. When we have all the money back we give the case to the Police. We have enough on his friends to get them convicted of People Trafficking.”

“But what about the future? From what you said, it seems that I won’t have a job anymore?”

It was Miranda that answered.

“Come and work with us? We are setting up as Business Consultants.”

I added,
“We all have good brains so why not use them for us rather than for others?”

“But… where would I live? My old place has been sold out from under me…”

“How about here? Well until we get some of that money back from Luigi? My bed is more than big enough for three of us.”

Miranda took hold of Bryony’s hands.
“We’d love to have you on board. The 6B’s Consultancy needs you.”

Bryony started to cry. It was as if a huge weight had been lifted from her shoulders. Then through the tears, she said,
“Yes, as barmy as it seems, Yes.”

That was the signal for a group hug.

At the end of it, Bryony said,
“We have to change the name though. 6B’s is far too much of a giveaway.”

That was the cue for much hilarity. Her brain was working again.

That night, Bryony said to me,
“I can’t get it through my head that you were once a boy? You don’t look like any T-Girl I’ve ever met.”

I smiled back at her. I was prepared for her question.

“I knew from an early age that I should have been a girl. I tried to top myself when I was ten. In the end, I told my parents. To my surprise, they weren’t, surprised that is. With their support, I transitioned on my eleventh birthday.”

“But how did you get to look like that? You are so perfect?”

I smiled.
“It really helps if you have a Mother who is a really good plastic surgeon.”

Bryony smiled.
“If you want any work done I can get a ‘mates’ discount.”

They both laughed.

Within a week, we’d cleaned out Luigi and Mario’s accounts and Luigi had his BMW repossessed by the leasing company. They were acting on a ‘tip’ that he was going to sell the car. Those two sad sacks were no match for three determined 6-B’s.

With our personal retribution complete, we turned all of our records and the money that wasn’t ours over to the Police.

Sadly, the Police acted like a snail on sleeping tablets and by the time they acted, Luigi and Mario were nowhere to be found. They did manage to arrest some minor players and intercept a container holding two victims before it was loaded onto a ship bound for Shanghai at Felixstowe. No arrests were made in China which wasn’t unexpected.

Three months later, two badly mutilated bodies that were later identified as Luigi and Mario were found floating in the sea off of Hong Kong. It seemed that they had received the ‘or else’ treatment from their Chinese masters.

As for us, we are… Well, I won’t tell you exactly we are doing but our skills are very complimentary and are well on the way towards making ourselves a shed load of money all totally legally. What is even better is that we are having lots of fun exploiting our 6B assets.

[the end]

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