Mature / Thirty+

Honesty or a lie? which would you choose

This could be a story of morals, is it ever wise to lie, should we always be truthful and honest, even if it will cost us.
Or maybe it is just more drivel with bad grammar and spelling mistakes from Lauran.
I just hope you enjoy it, and if you don't, at least I enjoyed writing it. :)

Ride On 6

I had no real choice, of course, but to agree with her. I was just starting to wobble a bit from the wine, but I was still sort of sober. Kate and Ginny sat with me for a while, silent in the flickering light and the odd sting of the smoke, until a small piece of paper was pressed into my hands and the shorter woman led the taller away by her hand.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 19

Galactic Marshal II


I thought that I had better inform Sam about what had happened. I contacted him and filled him in.

“OK, Jonnie, you did well. I need you and George to come here in a few days to file an official report. Oh, by the way, please come as your male self. I’m still getting comments about the two Amazons that were on the station.”

Funny Business - Chapter 8, Setting the Trap

Funny Business - Chapret 8, Setting the Trap


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

As promised, a few days later, the Dean called Charlie to let him know the decision.

“Great news”, said Charlie when he closed his phone.

“They agreed then?” replied Liz slightly disinterested.

“Just as we predicted”

“Great. Now all we need is a student to go along with this”

“The Dean says he has someone in mind”

“Did he say why they were dropping out?”

Funny Business - Chapter 7, A Plan is Born

Funny Business - Chapter 7, A Plan is Born


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamamthaMD)

The couple arrived back in New York in good spirits. They met up with Jake at the house in Southampton and briefed him on the work done so far. He gave them the thumbs up and asked them to put the whole thing into some sort of order. This seemingly simple job took them two whole weeks. They were both surprised on the amount of evidence they had collected all over Europe.

Then before either of them had realised, it was Christmas.

Miracle of Science

Miracle of Science
by Maeryn Lamonte

Guys just don’t go for secretarial jobs. I mean however much we strive for equality, in the real world the best qualifications for such work are the ones nature gave you — assuming of course you’re young, female and stacked like an overloaded forklift.

James Sandford was none of these. Going on fifty, recently out of work and running out of cash, he was desperate. Desperate enough that when he saw the advert — no discrimination, no prior experience needed — he figured it was worth a shot, even though he was the only guy there.

The thing is when you work in a leading high tech solutions company even a secretarial job isn’t necessarily what you’d expect…

Funny Business - Chapter 6, Meeting the Family

Funny Business - Chapter 6, Meeting the Family


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

For the next two days, Liz showed Charlie around the place where she & Bill grew up. He began to understand what made her ‘tick’.



(Based on "Damaged" by Danity Kane)

Do you want to talk about it honey

Please how do I repair your trust in me

I need your patient understanding

But you might need some time

to figure out your heart and mind

Please don't you leave me

can't live without you, see

Baby, But this need is driving me crazy

and you caught me dressed as a lady

And I know it caused you some

Damage, damage, damage

I know I should have let you know

now your trust in me is damaged

damaged, damaged

And its all my fault, I know

Down to Earth - Part 12

Down to Earth
Red is the Rose

by Andrea Lena DiMaggio
Red is the rose that in yonder garden grows
Fair is the lily of the valley
Clear is the water that flows from the Boyne
But my love is fairer than any.

Draihoidel - The Practice of the Old Arts

The Ward

Another old story of mine. Was meant to be the first part of a longer story but most people seemed to like it as a stand alone horror piece so I left it that way.

The Ward
By Bruce

I had known Anne since I was 4 years old. We lived a few houses apart in one of those neighborhoods in the suburbs that had once been filled with young families but had aged into older couples through the years. It was only natural we became friends, there was no other kids within blocks of us.

Funny Business - Chapter 5, A Welcome Interlude

Funny Business Chapter 5, A Welcome Interlude


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

[Three Weeks Later on a Train from Paris to London]

“I forgot to ask if you had booked a hotel for us in London”, said Charlie as the Eurostar train sped through the Department de la Somme, the scene of some of the bloodiest battles in WW1.

Liz grinned at him.

“I didn’t even try”

“Why?” asked Charlie almost absentmindedly.

Butterflies are the Gentlest

Butterflies are the Gentlest

by Trismegistus Shandy

The wedding was almost over when it happened. Whatever 'it' is; we're starting to figure out what but we still don't know how or why.

(Fixed a formatting problem, 2011/2/1 8:15 EST.)

Funny Business - Chapter 4, The first steps are always the hardest.

Funny Business - Part 4, The First Steps are always the Hardest


Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

Liz sat on her bed in a foreign city wondering how things could get any worse. Her deepening gloom was eventually interrupted by a quiet knock at the door.

“Go Away Charles”

“Scusilo Signora” came a female voice.

“What do you want?”

“Mr Charles asked me to speak to you about my designs”

With a mood of resignation Liz got up from the bed and went open the door.

Funny Business - Chapter 3, Charles puts his foot into it.

Funny Business - Chapter 3, Charles puts his foot into it


Samantha Michelle Davies(SamanthaMD)

Charles arrived for work the next day carrying a peace offering. He was carrying a huge bunch of flowers and a vase to put them in.

“Why Charles, I didn’t know you cared”, said Liz in a faux southern accent.

She acted the part as well.

Charlie smiled.

“And the Oscar for best actress goes to Liz”

They both fell around laughing.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 17

Galactic Marshal II


Karen and I went back to my apartment to get our things. I looked over at her and she had that smirk I hated.

“Gina darling, why don’t you give those ignorant marshals a thrill and wear that pink sundress and white sandals?”

God's Design

God's Design (sung to the tune "Flawed Design, by Sabilo)

When I was a young boy, knew I was different,

had feelings in me that I tried to control,

I was tempted no matter how I'd run

Then as I got older things got worse

'cause this need it beat me,

could not stop myself from wanting it

I tried to resist them cause I felt the difference

between what I needed and the world's view

Though I could not be happy, and hated my failing,

tried to act as a male, felt I could not give in

So I had to turn off

Had to shut down

Funny Business - Chapter 2, Team Building

Funny Business — Chapter 2 Team Building
Samantha Michelle Davies

It took Liz two days to recover from her European trip and start reading the file that Jake had given her. Once she started, she couldn’t put it down. By the end of the day she’d read it at least twice from end to end.

Funny Business - Chapter 1, A New Assignment

Funny Business — Chapter 1, A New Assignment
Samantha Michelle Davies

[Authors Note]
This is the first part of a multi-part story. The TG part won't become clear until much later so please bear with me on this. It does become a key part to the story.
This was also the first large piece I've ever written where the ending was totally clear in my mind before I started writing a word. I have to say that it was a little unnerving at times. Twisting the plot lines through many loops was not easy.

The rescue 10

This chapter deals with the ongoing issues surrounding Jalina's reconciliation and eventual acceptance back into her family's bosom. Beverly also manages to sound out Abhay's views about hijras and finally surmounts the problem surrounding Jalina's return to the family.

The Rescue 10


Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)

Wife Made Me Do It

She handed me panties and a bra. I looked at her saying, "I can't wear these." She smiled and said, "Yes, you will and I want them on you now! You will be wearing pretty bras and matching panties the rest of your life, do you understand?"

I laughed and said "No way." Then she said "You are so beautiful" and I was now putting on the panties and bra. What was happening? I lost all my control and was doing exactly what she wanted.

My Wife Made Me Do It
My New Life
By Terry Hansay

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 16

Galactic Marshall II


Karen and I met the marshals as they entered our ship. I did not know either of them. One of them glanced at me and then addressed Karen.

“Are you Karen Singleton?”


“We have been ordered to take you and Marshal John Harper to headquarters. We can not take your lesbian lover with us, however.”

Karen looked at me and smirked.

“My dear marshal, this beautiful woman is Marshal Harper.”

Angels in Providence

Angels in Providence

by Laurie S.

Have you ever gone for a professional makeover? After makeup artist Jamie Austin performs his magic, Laurie goes to a dance club with beautiful T-girls Tiffany and Kiana. This is a true story. Or mostly true. Some names have been changed to protect the not so innocent. This tale is dedicated to Kiana, Tiffany and Jamie for their participation in the real life adventure and also for the use of their photos.

The Rescue 8

This chapter deals with Jalina's rescue. Bullets fly.

The Rescue 8

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.
Jennifer Todd Elizabeth Todd’s daughter. A barrister. (QC.) Beverly’s best female friend & ‘girl next door’ through childhood.

Snakes and Ladders-9

Snakes and Ladders-9

Chapter 9

We weren’t all that far away from our rooms to the practice courts but by the time that I walked back with Shaya helping me, I was limping and my arms burned, my wrists were killing me and my shoulders were screaming at me.

I hate to say it but even here in this place I was just too tired to enjoy all the new stuff. I was hurting, achingly tired and getting really yucky and sweaty. This wasn’t y’know girly perspiration this was me sweating really badly.

Galactic Marshal II - Chapter 15

Galactic Marshal II


Standing before me were two aliens. They were about 3 feet tall and had a slight greenish tinge to their skin. They were humanoid and both looked female. To top it off, they had beautiful translucent wings. The word that came to my mind was ‘faeries’.

The Rescue 7

Two of Jalina's friends are murdered while she and Greeta, (her third hijra friend,) are kidnapped to be sold into prostitution.

The Rescue 7

Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.

The Mother-in-Law

The Mother-in-Law

By Samantha Michelle Davies (SamanthaMD)

“Dave. Have you been doing the housework in heels again?”
“Yes darling why?”
“You’ve left a whole load of heel marks on the carpet”
“So? At least you know that I’ve done it…”
The woman sighed and looked at her husband.
“Sometimes my darling, you can be really dense. You know my Mother is coming for a visit tonight. You know how she snoops over the house looking for her ‘signs that you are having an affair’ as well as dust and everything else”

The Rescue 6

This chapter simply describes the developing plan and Jalina's new life. Things get a bit hairy at the end.

The Rescue 6.


Beverly Taff. Transvestite
James or Jamie Transgendered kid.
Candice Jamie’s Younger Sister.
Sergeant Williams Hate crime police officer
David Evans Knife-boy. (Son of Dewi Evans.)
Margaret Beckinsale. Jamie and Candice’s mum. (AKA Madge.)
Sandie Beverly’s best Transvestite friend.
Elizabeth Todd Beverly’s next door neighbour.


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